i te mision aan O Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Saturday, January 22, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Support special ed millage ON MONDAY, January 24, a spe- cial millage vote will be held to decide whether to add 1.5 mills to the Washtenaw County millage for support of special education services and programs for ten county school districts. The vote is an extremely crucial one, and The Daily strongly urges the Michigan student body to turn out in large numbers and help pass the millage. Due to the reluctance of the state legislature to allocate sufficient funds to support special education pro- grams, local school systems are faced with the difficult task of raising from 30 to 40 per cent of the necessary monies through general education millages. This puts a severe strain on the school systems ability to main- tain present programs, let alone vital minimal expansion. Special education serves a two-fold purpose. Students who are unable to meet the normal graduation require- ments of a standard school program are placed in specially designed pro- grams. And, students who are in the regular program, but due to impair- ments are not able to progress at a normal rate towards graduation, are aided by special education services. BOTH OF THESE important educa- tional aides are in jeopardy of being swept aside or curtailed if the millage doesn't pass. If the millage passes, all of the added costs of maintaining these pro- grams and services could be covered. The school systems wouldn't have to dip into their general funds to make up the present deficit. Students with special handicaps deserve the same chance to receive a quality education as anyone else. This chance is now in danger, and the strong support of the University community, in the form of an af- firmative vote for the millage could be the deciding factor in determin- ing whether or not it. passes. So please, help give these handi- capped students a shot at a decent education and a decent future. Vote in favor of the special education mil- lage on Monday. Ballots can be cast at the regular polling places. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Phil Bokovoy, Greg Krupa, Ann Marie Lipinski, Stu McConnell, Martha Retallick, Tim Schick, Mar- garet Yao Editorial Page: Michael Beckman Arts Page: Lois Josimovich Photo Technician: Alan Bilinsky Death4 By STEPHEN KURSMAN THE GORY DETAILS of the Gilmore execution has been communi- cated to millions of Americans who have reacted with disgust, excitement, shame and satisfaction. But one question re- mains - are we as a nation better off now that Gilmore is dead or have we lost something? Years into the future, historians will lay this question to rest. Statistics on the deterrent effect of capital punish- ment will play a key part in shaping this answer. If murder rates drop sig- nificantly, they will hail the courage of those that invoked a stiff penalty despite the controversy it aroused. If murder rates show no appreciable change or if they increase, then these very same peo- ple will be condemned as ruthless bar- barians. WE ARE NOT years into the future, yet we must answer this question as decisively as if we were. The capital punishment question begs attention by the controversy it arouses, yet no one seems able to put forth an indisputable argument for either side. Not even the judiciary seems to be united on theis- sue - witness the legal seesawing that went on before G.ilmore was finally exe- cuted. There is no indisputable, logical ar- gument for or against capital punish- ment. And there never will be. Both arguments are strictly inductive and all that will happen in future years is that their probability will be increased or weakened. But this change in probability is ev- ery bit as powerful as an indisputable argument. It is precisely this change that brings about crucial, national decisions: The decision to re-arm in the 1930's, the decision to end Prohibition, the decision to pull out of Vietnam. The weight of the evidence is the crucial factor. ADVOCATES OF CAPITAL punish- ment cite the fear of death as a deter- rent to criminal conduct. They say those who have killed deserve no mercy and that society comes out ahead if these criminals are executed. While this attitude may be appealing, the hard evidence for it is scant. Unless and until strong statistics lend support to this hypothesis, it should be construed as nothing more. The only solid evidence we have to date is that the rate of crime increase showed no appreciable change in the late 60's when capital punishment was penal ty: A bad hunch If and when it can be shown that cap- ital punishment for murder will lower the murder rate, then, and only then, will it be time to enact the death pen- alty. To invoke such a penalty absent of supporting evidence is to waste hu- man life on a hunch. IT SEEMS THAT the argument for capital punishment is based on the theory that criminals who murder act ration- ally. But if murder is motivated by means other than rationality then the picture becomes entirely different. If a person who murders is not in- fluenced by capital punishment threats but rather by a miserable upbringing then capital punishment will not de- crease the crime rate:What it will do is kill a substantial number of people who are disturbed enough to murder. These people tend to come from the lower economic classes and they tend to be non-white. And so the ugly spec- tre emerges of a disproportionate num- ber of black males on death row in a predominantly white. society while the murder rate does not go down.. If this motivation theory is correct then it becomes very difficult to deny that there are racist overtones to our system of capital punishment. The evi- dence, while no means conclusive, does lend some support to the hypothesis: a disproportionate amount of the prisoners on death row across the nation are black. And nothing about the American murder rate appeared different after the execu- tions stopped in the late 60's. TO BE SURE, the murderers in our prisons and jails deserve no sympathy., They have killed in cold blood. They have left children parentless and they have left parents childless. The argument against execution is that we will lose more than we will gain by operating legalized, government- run death- houses. Are we trying to decrease violence or are we trying to increase violence? The boob tube is filled with bloodspilling and shoot-outs. Arid now the front pages de- pict death rituals that cannot be de- scribed as anything but medieval. Black hoods for the victims, enclosed cubicles for the executioners, legal de- crees for the audience - the 'only thing modern about the ceremony is the use of twentieth century rifles. PEOPLE SUCH AS Gary Gilmore have- no place in society. They murder wan- tonly - they are a threat to life. They belong behind bars. A system that pa- roles such individuals surely seems mis- guided. A system that executes these people without knowing that it will help seems even worse off. In monetary terms it is much cheap- er to murder a murderer than it is to feed and clothe him for forty or fifty years. But it may well be that the moral loss is much greater than the monetary saving. WE'RE~ S A iV-1~ You A( "N lm-..ti.. Nr '.2- Duncan:Conflict of interest? THE U.S. ARMED Services Commit- tee's unanimous confirmation of Charles Duncan as deputy defense secretary brings up some questions about a possible conflict of inter- est. Duncan has $13 million worth of Coca-Cola company holdings, he has held several high executive posi- tions with the company and the Coca- Cola company is one of -the Army's chief soft drink suppliers. This is a rather quiet case of con- flict of interest, if indeed such con- flict already automatically exists or will develop. But the facts speak for themselves. Can Duncan objectively allocate future soft drink contracts? Will Coca-Cola somehow always wind up being the lowest bidder for such contracts? Will Duncan's subordin- ates be predisposed to Duncan's in- clinations about Coca-Cola and the military? jN THE WORLD of business and gov- ernment, distinctions surrounding these types of conflict of interest tend to become obscured by explanations or assurances that those chosen for the questionable posts are perfectly capable of carefully administering their skills. Those chosen are sup- posed to be clear-headed, uncompro- mised and deeply aware of the need for absolute honesty and common sense in their service to a nation. But the rapid, unanimous confir- mation of Duncan is a little suspici- ous. Questions of conflict of interest are not resolved just like that. unofficially banned. Steve Kursman is a member Daily Editorial Page staff. of the Letters to the Up with the downbeat! THE BIG SPORT here at the Uni- versity has always been football. For years the football team has en- joyed crowds 100,000 strong, while the basketball team has resigned itself to playing in a half empty Crisler Ar- Editorial positions represent a consensus of The Daily Editorial staff. Photograph) Staff Pauline Lubens...... Alrad Benjamin............ Alan Bilinsky.. Scott Eeckier ....... Andy Freeberg............. Christina bchneider........ Chief Photographer Staff Photographer Staff Photographer Staff Photographer Staff Photographer Staff Photographer ena. Well, last year's second place finish in the NCAA basketball tourn- ment changed all that -- every home basketball game this year is a sell- out - but the basketball team is still getting short-changed. The foot- ball fans are better cheerers. A few years ago, a member of the Michigan Band dreamt up. a new cheer. It had a catchy, bouncy rhy- tym, and ended with a loud "Let's go Blue!" That cheer caught on, and many a Rob Lytle romp or Greg Morton sack has been inspired by this battle cry. But, since "Let's go Blue" are the only words to the chant, we all clap while the band does its part. And the clap has always come on the OFFBEAT. Yes basketball fans, the offbeat (or upbeat or afterbeat, or whatever you want to call it). Foot- ball fans have known this all along, but not the basketball rooters. Clap- ping at the basketball games is al- ways on the downbeat. NOW WE AT the Daily don't con- sider ourselves cheering experts. Nor do we wish to sound pompous by telling you when to clap. But we have based our position on the opin- ions and actions of some "cheering experts" - the Michigan Band and the cheerleaders. Band director George Cavender, band members themselves, and even the cheerleaders all clap on the of f- beat, and we figure they should know. The basketball team nas long played second fiddle to the gridders, twrl v . I- t - 1,I- -- .. - %,n hn- I rape suit To The Daily: THE ACTUALITIES OF con- temporary life are still a mys- tery to many adults. Prince Ranier's "rape" suit is a ridi- culousrprank, as disgusting as it is remarkable. Can an adult exercise privileges over her body? Where do the rights of Iparents end? The respect of the man must also be taken to account. How could he expect such treatment? Can consent- ing adults act of their own vo- lition? The repressive rape laws of the male - dominated society were long strict and ineffic- ient. The society is built on the premise that parents (fathers) still sell their daughters for political or monetary gain.' Sexual objects in a literal sense. Prince Rainer's daugh- ter, Princess Caroline has been an international celebrity. But her exceptional intelligence and stunning poise would lead one to believe her capable of con- ducting her own life. The suit is a degradation to her self-re- spect and "honour". THE PUBLIC DOESN'T1 really know all the facts of case. The infantile mind would soar at the possibilities for two international jet-setters having a whirl. Parties do get out- rageous. Princess Caroline should be the one to pursue her private affairs in her manner by herself. Inequities in the pig legal system are no excuse. The Friends of Princess Caroline Ann Arbor, Michigan gun control To The Daily: YOUR ARTICLE ON Janu- ary 19 entitled, "Gun control needed, now" prompted me to present some facts on the is- sue of gun control. It seems that no research was put into that editorial. Our society is obviously plagued with an outrageous crime rate. But is the banning of handguns the simple solu- tion? I doubt it. No gun law could be stronger than the one that exists in New York. In 1971, only 564 handguns were licensed to persons not involved in law enforcement. However, despite these restrictions, in 1973 there were almost twice as many murders with hand- guns and more than four times as many robberies with hand- gun as 'in the remainder of the nation on a per capita basis. Unfortunately, registering all handguns goes not seem to de- ter crime. Here are some facts: The head of the Michigan State Police, Col. J. R. Plants has said that less than one one hundredth of oneper cent of the guns used in Michigan crime had been registered as required by Michigan law. Ap- parently, registration is not the answer. SO, where from here? The citizens of Orlando, Fla. had an idea. Police trained some 6.000 women in self defense with fire- arms. The result - the rape rate was cut by 50 percent, furthermore both robberies and burglaries declined. That year Orlando was the only city to show an overall crime de- crease. Use of this idea was found closer to home in Highland Park. After police began a well publicized firearms training course for merchants, store holdups dropped from 1.5 per day to no robberies at all for four months. In neither city did those trained citizens kill an attacker or even display their gun in warding off an at- tacker. Can we ban handguns so eas- ily as you suggest in your edi- torial? More facts are brought to bear. There are an estimated 40 million handguns in our country. Even if the govern- ment were to purchase each of On, the Level f these guns for a conservative 50 dollars, the cost would be 2 billion dollars. ! In addition, many Americans would not so easily give up their right to own a handgun. The resulting tragedy could be far worse Dail than the prohibition of alcohol. Killing swill not stop by ban- ning handguns. A simple ans- wer to crime control doesn't ex- ist. From the facts we can see that taking guns from the citi- zens is not the easy solution to By MICHAEL BECKMAN AS AMERICA MOVES into the third century of its existence and the newly seated government prepares to make its 'imprint upon the course of history, the question of how well American has sustained the ideals and institutions hammered out over two hundred years ago surfaces again and again. It is a question of fundamental importance in these times of cynicism and disappointment with our government, given a temporary injection of hope with the ascendancy of the Carter ad- ministration. And it is an exceedingly difficult question to answer. This point was driven home to me in a con- versation I had with a friend about Alexis de Tocqieville, the great French observer of American life in the 1830's. My friend was talking about a paper that he had written on whether or not American society could be im- proved, and if so, how could it be.effected. His thesis was that America "is drifting away from what Tocqueville described as an 'equality of condition' existing among the people of America that was at the roots of American democracy. If this equilibrium was restored, America's greatness as a democratic nation would be restored." MY RESPONSE was that since the Constitu- tion was ratified in 1789, America has not been a democracy, that it is in reality a republic, and that a democracy is as impossible as it is undesirable. I based this argument of impos- sibility and undesirability on the premise that with roughly 200 million people voicing an opinion and helping to decide laws and policy, nothing would ever get done. We bantered further about these nebulous concepts of democracy and republics. And then the full shock of what I had said hit me. A democracy isn't desirable. We don't live in a democracy? These statements have fright- ening implications. After all, weren't we all wAnpd nn te nninn+ thaAm~in meaq nerstone is found to be faulty, the structure totters. Anyway, we continued to wrangle with the terminology as we walked, and my friend, who tacitly agreed with my disheartening assessment of American government, then.in- fused a bit of hope by saying, "Let's. just call America a democratic republic." We both laughed and went our ways. But the idea of the inconsistencies in terminology continued to upset me. And that is how the ques ion of whether America is living up to its origins came to mind. IS THE TERMINOLOGY really that im- portant? If the institutions continue to func- tion, does the ideology behind them matter? The American revolution was a revolt of th6 people against oppressive tyranny. The Declar- ation of Independence espoused the lofty prin- ciples of democracy, where everyone has a direct say in the workings of the government. But the Constitution framed the government as a republic, a form of government. where the people elect representatives to serve as their -leaders, leaders who make. and execute the laws of the land. But are the differences between the two forms that great as to cause a loss of faith in the state? Upon reflection, I think that they aren't that important, in themselves. Our edu- cation may have misled us in terms of terms, but as long as they haven't snowed us about the institutions, then the damage isn't irre- parable. DO OUR GOVERNMENT institutions still work after two hundred year? I think so. They have stood the test of over two centuries of history, a history filled with major crises, schisms and scandals, and yet, basically, they still stand in their intendjed form. There are times when one branch of government ap- pears to dominate the others, when the peo- ple seem alienated from the government, and when designing men have attempted to further. crime. If guns were outlawed, the protection of many citi- zens would be lost and only the criminals would possess the guns and therefore power over these citizens. Chris Stanard Editorial Staff Rob Meachum.....................Bill Turque Co-Editors-in-Chief Jeff Risine.... . ...Managing Editor Tim Schickr..........Executive Editor Stephen Hersh................. Magazine Editor Rob Meachum................Editorial Director Lois Josirmuvich ..................... Arts Editor Business Staff Deborah Dreyfuss .............Business Manager Kathleen Mulhern ... Assistant Adv. Coordinator David Harlan................. Finance Manager Don Simpson.................... Sales Manager Pete Peterson...........Advertising Coordinator Cassle St. Clair .... . ........Circulation Manager Beth Stratiord ............. Circulation Director Weather Forecasters Mark Andrews ...................Mike Gilford ..:... ... A..: ' .'5:: { ?{?i";:...... ...':i,:vw:' "a .:v:":. r. ..":+ ..:. ......S Crnntrirt vrniir rt= n a