Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 22, 1577 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 22, 1977 Exiled resisters, deserters call ICarter.p'ardon 'farce' (Continued from Page 1) draft," deserter Tom Nagel of Former Swedish Premier Olof HOWEVER, Jody Powell, the ZERO, a group that claims to Palme took an uncompromising White House press secretary speak for 1,800 American exiles position over Indochina. Sweden said Carter would soon start a in France, said in a telephone gave asylum over several years study 'involving the miiltary interview. to American deserters and draft looking toward the possible up- "As far as I'm concerned, if dodgers. grading of the category of the they're going to study deserter SWEDEN DID not grant them discharges on an expanded and cases it could take a long time," political asylum but allowed accelerated review process." Nagel said. dodgers and deserters to remain Some draft resisters were "It would have been a lot easi- in the country and work here on pleased with the Carter move. er with a single type discharge," humanitarian grounds. A spokesman for a group of said Nagel, 28, of Stockton, Ill., More than 1,000 Americans Americans who fled to France who fled to France from a U.S. who did not want to fight in rather than fight in Vietnam Army unit in West Germany. Vietnam came to Sweden from said the pardon was limited but "OH, I THINK it's good as 1967 on. Some later went to Can- still represented "a positive step far as it goes. I'm waiting to see ada and France and others re- forward." how deserters and people with turned to the United States. "WELL, it's like he promised. less than honorable discharges A considerable minority got It's limited. It just applies to are dealt with," said David Har- into trouble with Swedish law. university kids who dodged the ris, a draft resister and anti- About 15 per cent were prosecut- Vietnam war leader. "I think ed in connection with the smok- those may be the most signifi- ing of marijuana and other of- cant' group of people. But I fenses. think the action he took was a "Carter obviously refuses to good one. I'm glad to see it hap- admit that the U.S. had no busi- pen." ness being in Vietnam," Powers r Carter said thousands who had said. fled to other countries, includ- "His decision will further wid- -ing Canada and Sweden could en the gap between America's return home either as citizens leaders and its people,, who are or aliens if they had taken for- tired of war, lies and unemploy- eign nationalities. ment," he said. C/t,- k ~~ ~ 10 ---A ~-- Carter pardons draft resisters (Continued from Page 1) arming our military in case of another confrontation with a foreign power." Sen. Barry Goldwater (R- Ariz.), a retired Air Force Re- serve major general, called Car- ter's action "the most disgrace- ful thing that a president has ever done." Applauding Carter's action, Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) said the president had taken a "major, impressive and com- passionate step towards healing the wounds of Vietnam." Louise Ranson, spokeswoman for the National Council for Uni- versal and Unconditional Am- nesty - the pro-amnesty um- brella organization-called Car- ter's action "a marvelous step forward." BUT BOTH SHE and Duane Shank of the National Interre- ligious Service Board for Con- scientious Objectors expressed regret that the pardon did not apply to those who resisted the war after they were in the mili- tary, saying this discriminates against blacks afid low income persons. Dan Siegel of San Francisco, an attorney who represents eva- ders and deserters, explained the discrimination charges: "People who went into the mili- tary were by and large work- ing class and minorities who because they didn't have access 'to ... lawyers and counseling services didn't get a chance to make up their minds'about the war until they were actually drafted." Powell said that in regard to military deserters and those with less-than-honorable dis- charges "President Carter will act immediately to initiate a study involving the military, looking toward a possible up- grading by category . of dis- charges on an expanded and accelerated review process." HE SAID, "There will be no changes contemplated for those with bad conduct or dishonor- able discharges." Powell said that Carter and some of his top aides had to the best of their knowledge met with every individual or group that requested such a meeting during the campaign to discuss Vietnam amnesty and had heard views that ranged from doing "absolutely nothing" to pardon- ing all of the draft evaders and deserters and accompanying that with a $4-billion payment to North Vietnam. President Carter considers his move a "responsible and a mod- erate course to follow," Powell said. "He does not expect that everyone in the country will agree with him," Powell added, stressing the fact that Carter had often stated his pro-pardon position throughout the cam- paign. CARTER'S PARDON included an order that the government "forever give up its right to prosecute" any of the draft eva- ders covered, Powell said. He explained that the Carter ad- ministration was taking "an abundance of caution" in doing this, so that no future admin- itration or any future attorney general could reinstate prosecu- tion and so that the draft eva-' ders need have no fear of fu- ture jeopardy. Draft evaders who joined a re-entry clemency program set up by President Ford's admin- istration are automatically par- doned, too, under the terms of this proclamation and they would no longer be required to continue service jobs, Powell said. Ford, on a golfing vacation in Pebble Beach, Calif., exercised a private citizen's prerogative not to talk with reporters about the pardon .he had rejected as president. Carter made his pledge to pardon the draft evaders in 1975 while campaigning to win the Democratic presidential nomination. He said that in his first week in office he would issue a full pardons for those who evaded the draft in the Vietnam war. He did it on his first full day there. According to the executive or- der, the pardons covered the period between Aug. 4, 1964, and March 28, 1973, which has been accepted a$ the Vietnam era. Local reaction to pardon favorable SENATE TO CAST FINAL VOTE Italy nears abortion OK UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH 1001 E. Huron Calvin Malefyt, Alan Rice, Ministers 9:30 a.m. - Classes for all ages. 10:30 a.m.-Morning Worship. 5:00 p.m.-Co-op Supper. 6:00 p.m.-Informal Evening Service. '* * FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. Terry N. Smith, Senior Minister ,608 E. William, corner of State Worship Service--10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship-10 a.m. First Baptist Church. Bible Study-11 a.m. Fellowship Meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. ANN ABOR CHURCH OF CHRIST 530 W. Stadium Blvd. (one block west of U of M Stadium) Bible Study - Sunday 9:30 a.m.; Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Worship - Sunday, 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Need transportation? Call 662- 9928. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 662-4466 Sunday. Worship at 9:30 and 11:00. Student coffee hour-12:00. 4:00-Sex Roles and Identity, Marlo Thomas film, "Free to Be You and Me." 6: 00-Dinner-$1.25. Monday noon "Faith Seeking Understand- ing" God and the People of Israel. ST. MARY STUDENT CHAPEL (Catholic) 331 Thompson-663-0557 Weekend Masses: Saturday, 5 p.m., 11:30 p.m. Sunday - 7:45 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., noon,. and 5 p.m. (plus 9:30 a.m. North Campus). ** * * LORD OF LIGHT LUTHERAN CHURCH (ALC-LCA) Gordon Ward, Pastor 801 S. Forest at Hill St. Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m. ' * * * UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 409 H. Division M. Robert Fraser, Pastor Church School-9:45 a.m. Morning Worship-11:00 a.m. Evening Worship-7:00 p.m. * * * , AMERICAN BAPTIST CAMPUS CENTER 502 E. Huron-663-9376 Ronald E. Carey, Campus Minister FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenaw Sunday Services and Sunday School-10:30 a.m. Wednesday Testimony Meet- ing-8:00 p.m. Child Care Sunday-under 2 years. Midweek Informal Worship. Reading Room-306 E. Liber- ty, 10 - 5 Monday - Saturday; closed Sundays. * * * UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Presently Meeting at the Ann Arbor Y, 530 S. Fifth David Graf, Minister Students Welcome. For information or transpor- tation: 663-3233, or 426-3808. 10:00 a.m.-Sunday Worship. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH State at Huron and Washington Dr. Donald B. Strobe The Rev. Fred B. Maitland The Rev. E. Jack Lemon Worship Services at 9:00 an 11:00. Church School at 9:00 an 11:00. Adult Enrichment at 10:00. (Continued from Page 1) cause of their resistance to the war. "But I'm grateful for what he did," she added. Most students questioned; ap- plauded the pardon. "Something like Vietnam was like playing games," said dental student Craig Stone. "If I had been in that situation, I don't think I would have gone either, so I can appreciate the feelings of people who didn't." "A COUPLE of years ago I wouldn't have thought it was tie right thing to do," freshwoman Elaine Jacobs said, "but now, knowing the truth about the Muim th. (Continued from Page 1) conceived, or in anticipation of Vietnam war, I m glad he did abnormalities or malformationsl it." in the baby to be born." What little student opposition The bill stipulates that a there was seemed to be over pregnant woman who desires what kinds of restrictions should an abortion must consult a have been placed on the draft doctor, but that after a requir- evaders. "They should have ed seven days of reflection, the some kind of punishment," said final decision is her own. freshwoman Lynne Graves, 'If It says that after the first 90 you're called to go to war you days of pregnancy, a doctor' should go. That's our whole sys- must certify a serious danger tem of defense. They (the evad- to the life of the mother or thef ers) shouldn't get off scot-free." likelihood of malformations in Sophomore Tim Graves, teo, the fetus before an abortion thought the pardon went too far. can be performed. "I would have agreed with Car- THE MEASURE was support- ter if he had thrown in some ed by parties from the Com- stipulations," he said, "but not munists to the conservative an across-the-board pardon." Liberal party. Those opposed Phi u1dApfhII l'lI lR included the Christian Demo- measures. crats, the neo-fascists, one Re- THE HEAD OF the Chris- publican deputy who broke tian Democrat delegation i the ranks with his party and four chamber, Flarninio Piccoli, radicals who said the reform called the law, ',"a profound was not liberal enough. wound to the spirit of our u de people," and Christian Demo- " Some judge this law too per. crat deputy Oscar Luigi Seal- missive, others too restrictive," craet Oa ea- said Communist party leader faro called the vote "a nega- Enrico Berlinguer. "The ma- tive page, gravely inhuman, jority of parliament is inclined certainly one of the worst in 30 to consider it right and bal- years." anced.The Vatican newspaper L' ranced. Osservatore Romano repeated Berlinguer, whose party has the' Roman Catholic church's been among the most moder- support of the "inviolability of ate on the pro-abortion side of human life from its conception" parliament, noted the law and called on Catholics to use urges that very effort be made their consciences to rise above to avoid abortion through birth "this permissive, agnostic, in- control and other preventive dividualistic, alienated age." 1"Q plM S 1dArtor dI d WESLEY FOUNDATION UNITED METHODIST CAMPUS MINISTRY W. Thomas Schomaker, Chaplain /Director 10 a.m.-Morning Worship. 5:30 p.m. - Celebration/Fel- lowship. 6:15 p.m.-Shared Meal, 75c. Extensive programming for undergrads and grad students. Stop in or call 668-6881 for in- formation. CAMPUS CHAPEL-A Campus Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church 1236Washtenaw Ct. Rev. Don Postema, Pastor Welcome to all students! 10:00 a.m.-Morning Service. 6:00 p.m.-Evening Service- "The Mystery of the Church." Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.-Seminar "For Men and Women." "God's people in God's world for God's purpose." * * * UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (LCMS) 1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560 Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Sunday Morning Worship at 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Bible Study .LVE.LL.a. L aI. , .1k"I L ILL campus hideout for' presidential papersj i-luJ aJ -l O.U111E,l Park with $4,5 million lien (Continued from Page 1) versity relations and develop- ment, and others. They dis- cussed plans to raise money for construction of the library. THE MANUSCRIPTS and documents may remain in temporary storage for as long as three years until the library is built. The materials present- ly occupy 8,500 cubic feet of space leased from the Univer- sity by the General Service Ad- ministration (GSA) in Washing- ton. Berger said a nationwide, pro- fessional fund-raising campaign is planned. He did not know if University funds-would be used for the project. Once built, the library will be maintained by the National Archives. Papers and documents will not be available for research until the Library is built, said GSA officials. A museum will, be constructed in Grand Rap- ids, Ford's hometown, to house presidential artifacts and mem- orabilia. UNLIKE OTHER presidential libraries, Ford's manuscripts and artifacts will be displayed in two separate buildings. This is the first time two locations have been planned to house presidential material, said Thomas Powers, an associate archivist for the Michigan His- torical Collection. Ford's Congressional papers have been deposited at the Michigan Historical Collection in the Bentley Historical Libra- ry here since 1964. Over 800 boxes of his papers arrived be- fore today's large shipment. Powers said representatives of the Michigan Historical Col- lection and Fleming worked with the National Archives to acquire the papers. WASHINGTON OP) - The In- ternal Revenue Service has filed liens against South Korean businessman Tongsun Park, fo- cus of an influence-buying in- vestigation, charging - he owes the U.S. government $4.5 mil- lion. The liens were for income tax for the years 1972 through 1975, a spokesperson for the IRS Baltimore district said last night. THEY WERE filed with the recorder's offices in Los An- geles and Washington, D.C., and circuit courts in Arlington and Fairfax counties, Va., Alexan- dria, Va. ; and,- Montgomery, Prince George's and Worcester counties, Md. The liens total $4,500,619.20, the spokesperson said. He said this amount could include taxes, penalties and interest but add- ed that he could not give spe- cific details on the liens. A lien is a notice served by the government that it is claim- ing an-interest in any property the subject of the lien may own. "ALL YOU can assume is that the IRS claims he owes this amount in money to the govern- ment . . . It is filing the liens to protect the government's inter- est in any property he may have in these areas," the spokesman said. He said two liens were filel in each location, one in the name of Park and one in the name of his firm, Pacific Development,. Inc. The Justice Department has been conducting an investigation of alleged Korean influence-buy- ing among members .f Con- gress. Several congressmen have acknowledged receiving gifts and contributions from Park. PARK IS A wealthy rice brok- er known for his lavish party- giving, full social life and lux- urious homes during his years in Washington following his graduation from Georgetowa University. He has denied he was involved in a covert South Korean gov- i ernment scheme to buy influ- ence in Congress. Park, who left the United States about the time the alle- gations about him surfaced last October, was last reported in the Caribbean. While visiting London last No- vember, he said he planned to cooperate with -_the federal probe. at 9:15 p.m. Midweek Worship Wednesda 10 p.m. Frost clobbers Florida fruit crop; price rise expected fay, I MIAMI - With Florida crop losses from icy weather already estimated in the millions, farm- ers say the freeze will force higher prices to consumers lucky enough to find produce in their markets. Price increases already have been listed for citrus products, and industry officials predict even higher prices. FLORIDA provides most of the nation's tomatoes and vir- tually all of its limes. The lime crop was destroyed, farmers said, and tomato losses were so bad that prices for what sur- vived may nearly triple. In addition, much of the east- ern half of the nation's fresh vegetables come from Florida during the winter months. "I just checked the price of fresh green beans," said a Mi- ami produce broker. "A few days ago, they were $8 a bushel, but today they were $15. The price began jumping right at the farm." Seald-Sweet, a cooperative of 4,500 citrus growers, has raised its prices in two days by 50 cents a carton. "IT'S BASICALLY a half-cent per piece of fruit, or six cents a dozen, and citrus recently has been the cheapest it's been in five years," said a spokesman. "Quality of vegetables will be. poor and the prices will be high," the broker explained. "When it freezes like this, you don't have quality and you don't have quantity, and the prices go up." Tomato losses in south Florida alone were estimated as high as $43 million, with additional dam- age reported in central and southwest Florida fields. The re- tail price of surviving tomatoes was expected to increase from 60 cents to $1.70 a pound. "I guess we're totally wiped out," said the manager of a Fort Lauderdale-area farm. "There's nothing we can do but plow everything up and start over." DAILY OFFICIAL BUILETIN vi's a'? 4':?t::'"ii+y; S:?d+v: ":? ri:ii: ::' :f? :s::{};,; "S~ i.?+sv:"::iv : :i% ".?'r:;Ey '"j?%y} s'"r CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT 3200 SAB -- 764-7456 RECRUITING ON-CAMPUS Feb. 1 - Metropolitan Life Insur- ance Company,,Roosevelt Uni- versity/Lawyers Assistant Pro- grain, and Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc. Feb. 2 - Ford Motor Company, Lord & Taylor, Abraham & Strauss. Feb. 3 - Burroughs Corporation, and Chase 'Manhattan Bank. Feb..4 - K-Mart Apparel, and Allstate Insurance Company. Phone 764-7460 for information on the following: Community Career Opportunity Conferences planned to help coi- 1,ge students, especially seniors, graduate students, explore the vari- ety of careers available to them in their home towns. They will be held in these states: Indiana, New Jer- sey, North Carolina, Ohio Pennsyl- vania, and Virginia. SUMMER PLACEMENT 3200 SAB -763-4117 Camp Tamarack, Mich. Coed: Will interview' Thurs., Jan. 27 from 9 to 5. Large variety of staff positions open. Register in person or by phone. Camp Sea Gull, Mich. Coed: Will interview Thurs., Jan. 27 from 1 to 5. Positions open in the following fields: tennis, gymnastics, drama, nurse, waterfront (WSI), guitar. Register by phone or in person. Cedar Point; Sandusky, Ohio: Live Show Auditions, Ann Arbor Area, Fri., Feb. 11, Briarwood Hilton. De- troit A ea, Sat., Feb; 12, Troy Hil- ton Inn. Attention: Summer Jobs for Jun- iors-Yale Univ. Openings in chem- istry, physics and engineering. Ap- plication deadline Feb. 14. Further details available. THINK SPRING! 20% OFF ALL TENNIS RACQUETS La zW' I 11 I I I [ -"