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January 21, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-21

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See Editorial Page


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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 91 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 21, 1977 Ten Cents E
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ght Pages

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Oksenberg, Part 2
University Political Science professor and China
watcher Michael Oksenberg yesterday confirmed
he has joined the staff of the National Security
Council. Oksenberg, who was an advisor on China
for Jimmy Carter during the presidential cam-
paign, will serve as the chief person handling
China affairs on the Council. The 38-year-old pro-
fessor is asking for a leave of absence from the
University in order to work in Washington. Ok-
senberg termed his position on the Council "a
great challenge." He says he looks forward to
working on an issue of personal concern-namely
U.S.-China relations." Oksenberg added, "It's a
great opportunity to learn, in a personal way,
about politics. And whenaI return to Michigan, it
will help in my teaching."
Take the plunge
Ever get the feeling that the old pastimes just
don't do it for you anymore? Is the trip to your
favorite watering-hole a wash-out? Is your pinball-
foosball addiction losing its hold on you? Did the
TV set bust? No, this isn't a Geritol co-nmecial,.
just a simple suggestion that you get up out of
your rut and mosey on over to The Michigan
Daily mass meeting, next Tuesday, Jan. 25 at 9:00
p.m. Here at 420 Maynard St., we have several
antidotes to boredom. Try out your Clark Kent
imitataions on news staff and get the scoops on
University and city events. Should you be sports-
minded, you can team up with those cuddly folks
on Sports staff. And if you lean toward the busi-
ness end of things, sign on with our -Business staff
and get valuable experience. If by some unfore-
seeable circumstance you can't make it to the mass
meeting, keep on the look out for dorm meetings.
Finally, if you miss all the meetings, just drop
in any old time and check us out. We love visitors.
. ..are hard to find today. At 3 p.m., A. Hae-
worth Robertson of the Social Security Adminis-
tration will speak on "Current Issues in Social Se-
curity" at the Business Administration Auditor-
ium . . . then at 4 p.m., "Assertion" will be the
topic of a lecture given at Auditorium D, Angell,
by Robert Stalnaker of Cornell University . .
finally, Bob Jacobs will lead a workshop on "Po-
larity Self-Help Manipulations" at 8 p.m. at Can-
terbury House, at the corner of Catherine and
Hi Ho, Hare Krishna
Neither rain, nor wind, nor sleet nor a quick
change of costume can stay the dedicated Hare
Krishna solicitor from his appointed rounds. Well
known for their uncanny ability to corral hapless
passers-by on street corners and in train stations,
members of the religious sect are trying a new
tack at the National Western Stock Show in Den-
ver, an annual mid-winter event for ranchers and
their families. Abandoning their traditional yellow
robes, the Hare Krishna gang has taken to donning
cowboy-style garb in an effort to mix more freely
with potential contributors. However, Denver dep-
uty city attorney Bill Van Duzer suggested that
the Hare Krishnas may have had other motives in
mind as well, like self-preservation. "If they came
in their yellow robes they might not get too friendly
a reception from some of the cowboys," under-
stated Van Duzer. A spokesman for the sect said
the stock show's own security personnel have been
"very, very friendly" but that the city policemen
hired as extra security have been "very blasphem-
ous." Nevertheless, in the future, should you see
a character standing on the street with a ten-
gallon on his head and spurs on his boots, beware.
He went that-a way
A little bit of the Old West was resurrected in
Baltimore , Wednesday night that would have
warmed the hear'ts of Marshal Matt Dillon and Fes-
tus. It all started at 3 a.m. when novice, robber

Melvin Cummings flagged down Jerome Lesane's
taxi and took him for a long ride out to a wooded
area in the northwest section of the city. There
Cummings relieved Lesane of his night's earnings,
dumped him, and took off in the cab. Lesane quick-
ly called his dispatcher who called the police and
then broadcast a description of Melvin to the 70
cabbies working in the area. Sure enough, an
alerted cabbie spotted Melvin climbing into a sta-
tion wagon and the chase was on. Again, the dis-
patcher relayed the news and within minutes, a
posse of some 70 angry Baltimore hacks had con-,
verged on a thoroughly frightened Cummings, who
elected to stay in his car until the police arrived.
Said one cop, "If we hadn't gotten there when we
did, they might have done justice right there in
the street." Ride 'em, taxi cab drivers.
On the inside ...
There is the full text of President Jimmy Carter's
Inaugural address on the Editorial Page for those
of you who were too busy to catch it . . . Sports
Page has the full story on the showdown with Pur-
due . . . and Arts Page offers the omnipresent





new faith inl

'American Dream'

President leaves car
to walkparade route
special to The Daily
WASHINGTON - Jimmy Carter, calling upon the
American people to "compensate for my weakness" and
"help to minimize my mistakes," was sworn into of-
fice yesterday as the 39th President of the United States.
Carter took the oath of office on the steps of the
Capitol at four minutes after noon, delivered a short
speech whieh emphasized spirit rather than program,
then surprised his Secret Service by getting out of his
limousine and walking more than a mile down Penn-
sylvania Avenue to the White House.
THE PRESIDENT URGED the nation to continue pursuit of
an idealistic "American Dream" and stressed that the credit for
any accomplishnient during his self-styled "people's" presidency
will be shared with his fellow citizens.
"This inauguration ceremony marks a new beginning, a new
dedication within our government, and a new spirit within us all,"
Carter said. "A President may sense and proclaim that new
spirit, but only a people can provide it,"
Carter spoke from a special platform beneath the presidential
seal, wearing no hat or coat and showing no sign of discomfort
from the chilling 20-degree weather. He delivered his inaugural
address in short phrases with few big applause lines, relatively
flat and deliberate.
HE DREW A GASP and then cheers from his audience, how-
ever, when he acknowledged the international armaments -race
and said: "We will move this year a step toward our ultimate goal
- the elimination of all nuclear weapons from this earth."
It was a goal he had never before promised, apparently carry-
ing anticipated successful results from the upcoming SALT II
talks to their most idealistic extreme.
The Georgia Democrat requested that Supreme Court Chief
See CARTER, Page 2

PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER and his wife Rosalynn march down Pennsylvania Ave. in the inaugural parade shortly after
Carter was sworn in as the 39th President of the United States.

Gerald Ford, moments after
his presidency became a
memory, yesterday made a
brief air tour of Washington and
then flew to California to begin
life as a private citizen for the
first time in 28 years.
President Carter, in his first
words after being sworn in,
thanked Ford for his efforts "to
heal our land"-a remark that
brought warm approval from
the crowd. -
It was 2% years ago that the
Watergate scandals drove Rich-

ard Nixon from power and
thrust the Grand Rapids, Mich.,
native, the nation's first ap-
pointed vice president, into the
Oval Office.
IN HIS LAST morning at the
White House, Ford, along with
his wife, Betty, shared coffee
with the new tenants of 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue. He also
approved some, congressional
action, including one granting
temporary Secret Service pro-
tection to Nelson Rockefeller,
his vice president, and Henry

Kissinger, his secretary of
But for the most part, it was
a sentimental occasion for the
long time Michigan congress-
man. He reserved his final
hours in office for those closest
to him.
"I've enjoyed the White
House mainly because of the
fine people," he told about 75
officials assembled for a final
breakfast in the State Dining
Room. "The days were long,
but they were lightened by the

Sjouth African student charges
police faked 19 76 'Zulu riot'

to an administration I think
was good and which history
will treat kindly. I hope to see
you all again. I believe the
friendships we made here will
go well beyond Jan. 20."
Secretary Ron Nessen said
Ford "obviously was moved"
during the gathering, but that
he "didn't see any tears."
Ford then spent some time in
the Oval Office. Once he left it
for the last time, crews then
packed away the mementos of
his stay.
He made the traditional ride
no Pennsylvania Avenue with
his successor and stood mo-
tionless as Carter took the
oath - a chore Ford coveted
but one that eluded him in the
narrow election defeat.
Ford left the Capitol building
by the "West Front," the back
door. Once outside, he walked
down several long flights of
steps to a waiting helicopter.
THE FORDS, along with the
Rockefellers, flew over the
nation's capital with its gleam-
ing white marble buildings and
on to Andrews AFB in suburban
At Andrews, 300 well wishers
saw Ford depart for the last
time on a blue and white jet in
the presidential fleet. Some in
the crowd carried signs reading
"Thank You. Jerry" and "Good
Llick." A military honor guard'
of about 150 troops lined the
path to the plane.
The former president begins
brivate life in the limelight. He
joins golfer Arnold Palmer
today in the Bing Crosby Pro-
Am Golf Tournament in Pebble
Beach, Calif. -

Special To The Daily
DETROIT - South African
police "staged" the so-called
Zulu riots in the black Soweto
Township near Johannesburg
last summer, an eye witness
told an audience here 'Wednes-
Sikose Mji, a former 'Soweto
high school student on a speak-
ing tour of the U.S., told ixty
people at a private home in De-
troit that police engineered the
riot to paint a false picture of
black disunity in the township.
THE RIOTS left dozens dead
and hundreds injured. Accounts
from South Africa at the time
claimed that Zulu laborers had
gone on a rampage to protest a
work shut-down that was part
of the struggle against use of
the ]anglage Afrikaans in black
The twen'y one-year-old wo-
man, who fled her homeland in
Sentember to avoid arrest, pre-
sented suroorting evidence that
African (black)-reserve police,
rogher than Zulu laborers, car-
ried ot the attack on Soweto
'lii ex-lai"'e- 1he backgrouind
(f "he anti-Afrikaa-s movement
t ,a enveloned Sowth Africa last
tar and led to thousands of
0-5i nntinv-wide.
The conflict began when the

ACCORDING to Mji, blacks
feared Afrikaans instruction
would lead to "the isolation of
the African people international-
ly" by allowing the government
to control all reading matter
available to them.
"When Afrikaans was intro-
duced, parents complained, but
they were ignored," she said.
On June 16, over 20,000 Sowe-
to elementary and high school
students staged an illegal street
march to protest the new lan-
glage requirement. Mji was
among them.
"When the demonstration
started, we anticipated police
action, but we didn't think they
woud murder in cold blod,"
she related.
Police first fired tear gas into
the crowd. Mji said. When it
didn't disperse, they began
shooting directly into the crowd,
killing an eight-year-old boy.
THE DEATH touched off a
one-sided battle between heav-
ily-armed police and rock-throw-
mie young neople.
In succeeding days and weeks,
disorders spread throughout
Soth Africa. Before summer
ended, over a thousand oeople
hnd died accordinz to Mji, and
almost all casualties were the
resol' of police shootings.
Tn Sowe'o itself. protesters be-
qrnn a highly successful stav-

responsible for enforcing laws
against petty crime, are known
derisively as "black jacks," Mji
She said that a newspaper re-
porter whose account was
banned by the government over-
heard a white police officer tell
one of the so-called Zulu rioters,
"We didn't say you could de-
stroy government p r o p e r t y
(state-owned apartments occu-
pied by blacks) we said 'you
could kill the inhabitants."
Mji said she learned from
friends that the African police
were plied with large quantities
of "Bantu Beer", trucked into
the township and instructed to
kill and rape wi'h impunity.
Mji said according to her own
observation, the rioters all
seemed to be wearing the same
See SOUTH, Page 8

THE MULTITUDES crane their necks in the cold inaug-
ural air, hoping to catch a glimpse of the swearing-in cere-
monies at the Capitol yesterday.

Gandhi ends censorship,

NEW DELHI, India (AP) - Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi's government
restored key democratic rights yester-
day after 19 months of stern emergen-
cy rule - ordering the release of po-
litical prisoners, lifting press censor-
ship and revoking a ban on public

form a united front against Gandhi's
Congress party in the coming elections.
The government announcements, just
two days, after Gandhi's pledge to per-
mit the revival of legitimate political
activity, amount to a major dismant-
ling of the emergency apparatus set
up in June 1975. The government sus-
Dended civil liberties at that time to

< <s=> The anvernmp.nt Haiti tha rl iinnc


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