Page 2-Sunday, December 11, 1977-The Michigan Daily RAMRLINGS/ lois josimovich IO70D/sandi cooper I T MAY HAVE been inherited from my mother - she was voted "most peppery" member of her high school class. Or it may have been that my older sister always beat me at Chinese -checkers as a child. Whatever the reason, my personal- ity has always been - let's face it - bitchy. I was never a sweet little girl. I pushed the Wheatena down the sink when my mother wasn't looking. I hid the bread crusts behind the radia- tor and blamed it on my brother (he was too young to talk, and an admirable scapegoat). I liked to be alone in the wind. An introvert at heart, I was dis- rupted at the outset by my elemen- tary school principal in Braintree. Mass., who insisted that, while I was' already young for my class, I was smart enough in the first grade to be promoted. And I think it was the supercilious looks of my new second grade classmates that first brought on what I suppose was a bad infer- iority complex. I was always a minority. Moving to Pittsburgh in the fourth grade, I at- tended heavily Jewish schools for four years. On Jewish holidays, I joined a handful of students in school, resenting cavalcades of Bingo games - math bingo in math class, science bingo in science class, and even social studies bingo - while knowing that most of my Jewish friends were not in temple at all but watching TV at home. You had to toughen up in my high school. The "slicks" were big, bad .slum kids with missing teeth, white socks and greasy hair who snickered over porno pictures in study hall. On the Jewish holidays, they were the terror of the school, picking fights with the few black students, or anyone else in sight. They never played math bingo. Instead they smoked and, no doubt, shot up in the johns. BEGAN TO invent snappy come- I backs to crude remarks. Unfor- tunately, my mother was still mak- ing me wear knee-length home-made dresses while other girls had mini- skirts, fishnet stockings and those horrible plastic boots. Since I also earned good grades, I was not very popular. I waxed sarcastic. Then my parents made the move to a township near the lily-white, ultra- rightwing suburb of Fox Chapel. The area school was dominated by the "chaps", who had white teeth, wore Saks Fifth Avenue clothes and be- longed to dozens of social clubs. The girls wore gloppy blue make-up and the boys were on the football team. The teachers directed the football team. The principals were ex-foot- ball coaches. Pep rallies were man- datory (I hid in the library). I was the only one with a McGovern bumper sticker on my bicycle, and the only one who wouldn't say the Pledge of Allegiance on principle (I think it's fascist and besides, I'm an atheist). Instead of cheerleading, I worked on the newspaper and poetry magazine, helped organize a recycling station, and watched birds. I learned how to defend my odd ways verbally. I became, you might say, a cultured snob. I learned the power of a literate tongue, reducing my enemies to dust beneath my acrid wit. I read Mad magazine, Woody Allen, and Art Buchwald. I invented a comic strip. For the first time since first grade, I felt equal to my peers. Entering the University, I lost my footing at first in the strange multi- tudes. But after a year or so I could trade rapid repartee with the best of them. My tongue came untied again. A vapid classmate, an inept profes- sor, an incompetent underling on the Daily staff - all became objects of clever rhetorical barbs. I enjoyed myself immensely. I was easily bored. When a temporary boyfriend asked me if I would have any free time "before you lay your little head on the pillow," I told him honestly that it was one of the worst cliches with which I had ever been addressed. We never spoke again. I was free once more, and so was my tongue. A ND NOW, with graduation a week off, it is all to end. There is no place for the scintillating pun and the well-delivered jibe in the job mar- ket. I am trying to reform. I spurn Dear Abby for Erma Bombeck, M.A.S.H. for Happy Days, in the hopes that I will learn to deal in popularly comfortable humor. But I don't think it will ever slake my thirst for tangy remarks. It must be the pepper in my blood. E C RUNCH, CRUNCH, crunch, clank! Startled, the tired baker looked up from his task. No one else seemed to have noticed, so he returned to his work.. CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CLANK! This time the sound was more audible and a hush fell over the kitchen. The eerie September dawn filtered through the windows highlighting the surprised faces of the weary bakers. The year was 1683, the place Vienna, and the event was the final attack of Vienna lowers for what might well look like defeat. At the same time, on the other side of the Danube, a spy within the ranks of the Turks alerted Poland's King John - who had been waiting in readiness with his small Christian army - to protect Europe. The bloody battle lasted all day, and by nightfall the Christians had routed an army three times their number. But what of our spy and the gastronomic history we promised? On the heels of The Michigan Daily-Sunday, Decem - -Tr- h/ i- -0 ..azy r -^ - C-. INWMIM by the Turks. And gastronomic history was about to be made. The Ottoman Empire had long hungered for a piece of Western Europe - the panache of which was glorious Vienna, bulwark of Christian Europe and a great lady of music and culture. The much-loved city had bravely fended off the enormous invading army for two months. Thanks to their powerful allies in Poland and their protective wall, the Viennese, now on the verge of starva- tion, valiantly held out. Now, the muffled noises below the floor suggested that the Turks had burrowed under the 600-year-old wall and were about to infiltrate the city. Frightened, the bakers fled. Their alarm soon reached Emperor Leo- pold III, who prepared his hungry fol- the retreating Turks, our spy-hero stole several bags of bitter black coffee and disappeared into Vienna. The Turks, who were known to drink more coffee than the French drank wine, were at last subdued and Vienna celebrated. The grateful city set aside a tax-free building to honor the hero and his coffee, and thus began Central Europe's first coffee- house ... a Viennese tradition which was to become synonymous with music, romance and art. The bakers were remembered, too. The Haps- burg Emperor allowed the Guild to sanction two recipes to commemor- ate the fine occasion. One recipe, Kuglehopf, a rich fruited yeast loaf to be eaten on the anniversary of the defeat. was shaped like a Turk's headdress and was to be baked ever after in a fluted Turk's Head Mold or Bundt pan. (Note - the word "Bundt" means wrapped as were the turbans of the Ottomans) The second recipe was for a rich buttery crescent roll - called the Croissant - shaped like the emblem on a Turkish flag, and dedicated to the belief that not a single Viennese wouldn't have liked to eat a Turk each morning for break- fast. The popular croissant, so indigen- ous to France, was in fact brought to France by Marie Antoinette and her retinue of chefs when the Austrian princess moved there to become the wife of Louis XVI. She was most fond of sweets and yeasty baked goods and is responsible for bringing much sophisticated cuisine to France. But her favorite was the croissant. In fact, it is told famous remark lution was ind croissants." The most c croissants are and flour and r puff pastry. Ji "the minimum making croissa Therefore, if yo croissants for have to stay up do." Here are tw like to try. One other for Vienne Brew strong ' and mix up to I milk. Top wit] whipped cream See FC sundaY mmagazine iELET IC PUZZLE A. Director of White House Tele.- communications Policy-origina member of transition team preparing for Ford presidency B. Favorable juncture of circum- stances; timeliness C. Mexican lawyer-Dahlberg's check was laundered through his bank account D. Relying on another for support E. Nixon's secretary who admitted erasing 4'/ of fhe famous 18 minute gap F. Nixon's millionaire friend who invented aerosol valve G. Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee H. Suffering extreme want; penniless I. Revealer of Nixon's taping system J. One of "two of the finest public servants it has been my privi- leg. to know" according to Nixon K. One of the victims of the Saturday Night Massacre L Producing by way of profit; yielding M. Nixon's orders of March 22,1973 in regards to Senate Water. gate Committee (2 words) d t 118 f 21 27 47 59 75 83 102 1 18 48 78 121 130 180 189 196 216 137 26 22 105 125 185 214 163 32 43 61 97106155167208 16 135 159 179 66 112 10 35 153 116 132 158 187 170 198 8 124 157 176 2 218 37 60 96 106 111 134 39 148 154 38 30 44 57 63 128 147 156 165 181 209 5 42 140 94 101 210 131 203 169 195 49 74 183 90 100 162 107 122 127 219 25 81 88206 217 115 171 6 13 29 62 129114 117 166174 177 202 144 192 N. Creator of the plan to conduct break-ins, illegal wiretaps, mail surveillance and a massive program of spying aimed at the anti- Vietnam war movement (Full name) 0. Watergate burglar who tried to blackmail White House (Full name) P. Fate Nixon's resignation saved him from Q.Petroleum; liquid hydrocarbon mixtures used chiefly as solvents and diluents R. March or tramp through mud S. Charge with some offense; T. Quality or state of being artless or ingenuous U. Counsel; caution; recommend V. Be humiliated; have one's good nameor reputation suffer (2 words) W. An ardent follower.supporter or enthusiast X. Heedful: observant; courteous Y. Immature; unsettled; exuberant Z. Senate Mnority leader who thought edited transcripts reflected "a deplorable. disgusting shabby immoral performance" 3 14 34 126 45 64 70 172 92 99 109 133 12 23 50 178 56 62 72 80 7 205 186 85 20 46 52 71 93 110 197 120 145 160 31 152 161 55 69 149 206 9 86 95 175 104 190 211 168 BY STEPHEN J. POZSGA I Copyright 1977 INSTRUCTIONS Guess the words defined at the left and write them in over their numbered dashes. Then, transfer each letter to the cor- responding numbered square in the grid above. The letters printed in the upper-right-hand corners of the squares indi- cate from what clue-word a particular square's letter comes from. The grid, when filled in, should read as a quotation from a published work. The darkened squares are the spaces between words. Some words may carry over to the next line. Meanwhile, the first letter of each guessed word at the left, reading down, forms an acrostic, giving the author's name and'the title of the work from which the quote is extracted. As words and phrases begin to form in the grid, you can work back and forth from clues to grid until the puzzle is complete. Answer to Last Week's Puzzle "Theoretical discoveries that have radical conse- quences can usually be seen- at. once to be striking and. original. But practical dis- coveries even when they turn out to be far-reaching often have a look that is more modest and less memorable." (J.) Bronowski The Ascent of Man A LL RIGHT, movie fanatics: What do Aaron Slick from Pun- kin Crick and Zulu have in common? The question is esoteric and a pushover for any genuine cinema trivia buff, who will instantly reply that these two redoubtable flicks comprise the first and last entries in Steven H. Scheuer's ever-increasing mammoth film encyclopedia, Movies on TV (1978-79 Ed., Bantam Books, $2.95), For the less than single-minded filmgoer, let me explain that the book and contents changing as radically as has the face of movies on television. When the author's first installment appeared in 1958, the two media were deadly enemies battling tooth and nail for viewer loyalties. Given such a state of war, the few reluctant matings between kineto- scope and boob tube came only by way of local late shows. Network pre- sentations of feature films were inconceivable; made-for-TV movies were still more than a decade away. In fact, it was virtually impossible. 65 212 76 146 11 40 . FILM/christopher potter A bible for T V movie mani 68 207 91 143 150 24 199 17 182 51 188 33 138 73 89 986103 123 139 201 193 53 15 164 113 79 142 204 36 41 54 67 87 151 173213184 119 19 194 141 77 191 'Scheur sometimes displays a tendency to equate newness with excellence (four stars for Pumping Iron and The Pink Panther Strikes Again, for heaven's sake?!) but his perception is largely reasoned and rarely offensive." the TV of the time a sort of nostalgist's paradise, with the most obscure flicks of the '40s, '30s and even the '20s putting in occasional appearances on local channels around the country. These works encompassed the bulk of Scheuer's first couple of editions, and com- prised a brief but memorable sympo- sium on film in its formative years. B Y 1961, economic necessity final- ly breached the television-cine- ma impasse. With profits continuing to shrink, and amidst dire predic- tions of the coming death of Holly- wood, the major film studios finally capitulated to the lure of the big TV dollar. In May of that year, Warner Bros. syndicated a group of '50s films to individual stations around the country, who soon began treating viewers to showings of The High and the Mighty, A Star is Born (Garland version) and other biggies of the era. September brought NBC's Saturday Night at the Movies, and tv cinema finally went national. Although it was an historic mo- ment, I don't think anyone foresaw the unstemmed flood which eventually evolved out of it. As the uncertain '60s progressed into the inflation-plagued '70s, film- 32 Ic makers begant not merely a l but as their pr cial dividend. trickle of film: veritable starr prematurely y bookings and t screen, with th See F is a paperback anthology consisting of capsule summaries, reviews and ratings of some 10,000 films, penned by Scheuer and a dedicated staff of assistants who evidently spend most of their lives watching movies. Scheuer has been publishing a new edition every few years for nearly two decades now, with his book's size during the '50s to catch even a glimpse of a relatively new film on television. By mutual agreement, the major studios simply refused to release any movie made after 1948 for fear such a freebie influx would finish off their already dwindling theater clientele. The resulting dearth of up-to-date pictures made 29 2815136 56 84 U