Page 4-Friday, December 9, 1977-The Michigan Daily By GERtY WOLKE A peculiar thing happened the other day. A confrontation between a radical activist, Jane Fonda, and a large cor- poration, Dow Chemical, produced, aside from some lapses in logic and a little hypocrisy, what may be a significant trend for public relations in corporations and, for the middle-man, Central Michigan University, a rekin- dling of an old debate about the respon- sibilities of the University. Yet, for the most part the press did not seem to think the situation was that important. I think it was. Ayn Rand has a concept she calls the "sanction of the victim." Rand believes that the triumph of evil is made possible, not by good men doing nothing, but rather by evil's actual aiding of its victims. The best example of this in modern America is the cor- poration, which, through foundations, TV programs, and colleges cortinually supports those, like Ms. Fonda, who are antibusiness. Whatever the reasons for this self-defeating behavior (which Rand explores thoroughly) it is rare in- deed to see a business even offer a defense for its behavior. Yet, Dow has suddenly invaded the sacred temple of academia and demanded equal time! One victim has threatened to withdraw its sanction. But what if other com- panies followed suit? The first thing to happen isn't hard to guess: colleges would scream bloody murder and claim that their academic freedom was being Consumer-controlled colleges threatened. Then they would attempt to wean themselves off corporate finan- cing by convincing the state that they need more tax money to maintain their independence. But this is a sham. In reality, not even the university can be obligated to anyone. OBLIGATION VARIES directly with support, and the more support, the more obligation. The myth of academic freedom was shattered some time ago by the New Left when it exposed cor- porate involvement in shaping the curricula. Business benefits from research and personnel training at tax- payer expense. That and its own donations obligate the university heavily. The left's alternative, the state, is even worse. The reason for all the hostility toward business on campus is that the university is not a market in- stitution, but a creature of the state. With the state's aid the university can command resources, keep the polite method of asking for donations to a minimum, and maintain the myth of serving no one but "society" in general. Is it any wonder that students hear only statist viewpoints? The student, mean- while, having the least to offer, incurs the least obligation. Even Adam Smith, 200 years ago, wrote a scathing attack on the university as a tenured san- ctuary for professors who run things to suit themselves, and certainly not the students. Things haven't changed much. Student power is a dead issue but students still wait in lines, find that the courses they want are closed because the supply never meets the demand, can't find a place to stay, and endure any number of other indignities without conmplaint. Apologists for the state university and the corporate university collided in CMU and just may have heralded the beginning of a new power struggle at the expense of the student. Unfor- tunately, the participants in the ex- change only confused the real issue. Ms. Fonda, after denouncing Dow in her speech then accused the company of "corporate blackmail" for threatening to stop funding the univer- sity. Now isn't this peculiar! Her position is that of the battered wife who won't let the husband she detests go because she depends upon him for sup- port. A further lack of logic involves the charge of blackmail. Actually, what Dow did was exactly the opposite of blackmail. Blackmail involves the demand of money in exchange for preventing information about someone being made public. Dow, on the other hand, threatened not to give money in exchange for information about itself being made public, and that is legally and morally defensible. One is not obligated to pay for one's destruction. DOW CHEMICAL'S claim to support "free enterprise" needs some substan- tiation, too. Defense contracts paid for by taxpayers money do not constitute FREE enterprise. Dow, you may remember, was a purveyor of fine napalm bombs, positively guaranteed to incinerate alive any enemy of the American state, and a lot of people who weren't, besides. Dow produces many useful products and napalm was but a fraction of their business. Still, it in- vites a justifiable charge of hypocrisy. The real issue, "to whom is the university responsible?" cannot be an- swered in favor of the student-the logical answer-while it remains a tool of the corporate state. The New Left knew this, but when it demanded its early libertarian tendencies for various collectivist dogmas it was unable to provide a fresh answer. A libertarian answer is to place the university in the marketplace. In the marketplace a university would have to cater to its customers, the students, or go out of business. In the marketplace a corporation would be 'forced to pay for its own engineers, scientists and managers by training them on the job or through their own schools like General Motors Institute. Alternatively, they would subsidize the students education on a contract basis in exchange for a guaranteed period of employment (as some do now) or merely provide loans payable upon graduation for some period of time. This would have the effect of ending the degree race, since overeducated people would not glut the market and would balance the supply of those graduates with their demand by business. NONVOCATIONAL disciplines in the social sciences and humanities do not need a megauniversity either. Languages would go back to Berlitz, which teaches them much faster. Music would go back to conservatories. Athletics would stop pretending it wasn't a business. In all probability communities of scholars would pervade society in small groups, enriching neighborhoods and not dominating small towns like Ann Arbor with huge concentrations of young people. Studen- ts would in all probability work and go to school from a comparatively early age both for support and to establish a habit that will be required for a lifetime. Students would contract with known scholars in their field of interest for instruction and those scholars would find their payment commensurate not only with their reputation for knowledge but also with their ability to teach, an improvement over our present system. As the students knowledge grew he or she would also begin to teach on a more elementary level at less pay. Auxiliary industries would grow up around these communities. Rental libraries, testing services, auditoriums, classrooms and so forth all coordinated by the relative demands of students and teachers, and not by bureaucrats and businesses. Research foundations and businesses would likely move in, too, ;to take advantage of scholars who would in turn find employment or the oppor- tunity to rent lab space. The major benefit for the student is that the student, in addition to learning a discipline, will also learn self. reliance, and will not come to expect the state to support him after their parents have stopped doing so. Their parents will no longer have to pay taxes to support universities they were not smart enough or rich enough to go to, Professors will get paid what they are worth, for better or for worse, and not be guaranteed a free ride for life. With all that, Jane Fonda and Dow Chemical won't have much to fight about. Gerry Wolke is one of Ann Arbor leading promoters of libertarian thought. EighY-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXX VIII, No. 76 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Abort ion billuseless to those who need it most Letters to The Daily ONSIDERING THE five-month fuss over federal funding for abortions, Wednesday's House-Senate com- promise fell disappointingly short of any worthwhile advances for the coun- try's poor.. Congress passed a joint resolution allowing Medicaid funds for abortions when a woman would suffer "severe and long-lasting physical health damage" if she experienced a full-time pregnancy. Also included in the package are provisions for funding abortions in some cases of rape and in- cest. The legislation, which is expected to get President Carter's signature, is no doubt better than what the House originally proposed, that is, funding for abortions only when a woman's life is threatened by a pregnancy. Still, the nation's lawmakers displayed short- sightedness in passing what some have had the nerve to call a "liberalized" funding law. What is '"liberalized" about a bill which condemns thousands of women to a traumatic pregnancy and miserable motherhood, and thousands of unborn children to an equally miserable start in life, all because the person could not afford to pay for an abortion? Senators and representatives fought each other on this issue for almost half a year, holding up funds for several government agencies in the process. After such an unusually long, intense period of bickering, it would be expec- ted that the problem's resolve would be remarkable, original--even brave. Such is not the case with these legislators, who appeared more con- cerned with getting out of Washington for the year-end recess, than with the lives of their most abused constituents. A LL WOMEN should have the right to choose abortion. And if a woman cannot pay for an abortion, the federal government should be direc- ted to pay for it. The consequences of not doing so have already been exper- tly documented. Unwanted children are doomed to be more costly to the government after they are born than before they are born. Such children of- ten must be institutionalized by the state for various reasons, according to statistics. The Congress has con- veniently ignored the interests of these children in the compromise. More importantly, though, legislators have ignored the poor. The fact is that Congress is denying help for those people who, statistically, need abortions most. It was back in June that the Supreme Court ruled the government need not finance abortions. In doing so, the Court gave Congress the responsibility of arriving at a fair decision on how the government should continue funding abortions, if at all. That fair decision-even after five months of grueling debate-is nowhere in sight. economics lesson To The Daily: Usually the articles in your Sunday Magazine are written in polished style. An article in the most recent issue, however, threatened your professional image. Specifically, ,Mike Norton's "Calling the punches in Ann Ar- bor: Ten who do it well" con- tained a section which considered the power of a Mr. Roy Weber, president of Ann Arbor Federal Savings, a local financial in- stitution. According to Mr. Nor- ton, "to a great extent,. . . it's their (the city's lending in- stitutions) responsibility that a home here can cost as much as three times its value elsewhere or that a permanent shortage of ren- tal housing has developed in the city." Unfortunately, this scenario drastically oversim- plifies and denies the veracity of the real facts; but alas, Mr. Nor- ton is a journalist, not an economist. A clarification of the situation is needed. First of all, let us con- sider the nature of the housing market here in a'. Price-demand sensitivity is relatively inelastic; in other words, because many of the' people demanding housing here are more affluent than average-income earners, and because many of those people (demanding housing) are studen- ts who have very specific geographical preferences, changes in price do not leadto a giant shoft in quantity of housing demanded. Second, although Mr. Weber is no grovelling plebian in Ann Ar- bor's power structure, he by no means has the power to "insure a good return on their (investors in housing) investments," as the ar- ticle insisted he does. At any given point in time, the market ate of interest dictates the amount of interest which will be charged for mortgages; in ad- dition, any additional risk im- plicit in the investment will be reflected as an increment to the risk-free market rate. Why? Because investors, you and I in- cluded, are risk averters: they will not lend their money to others unless they are compen- sated for the risk of loss which that particular investment provides. Of course, the market interest rate is an indicator of the value placed on having money now instead of later. It would seem that Mr. Norton is the typical "enlightened," furious anti-capitalist who can be found roving about the campus every spring with the latest ex- pose of the capitalist conspiracy. Is housing in Ann Arbor "expen- sive?" Yes; but let's not avoid considering the fact that people who demand housing here have contributed to the market con- ditions which have brought about the equilibrium price. -Michael Herrinton protest action To The Daily: On November 15 and 16, the Shah of Iran paid a visit to the U.S. monopolies and gover- nment. The so-called "human rights" of Carter Administration has proved to be nothing but a new disguise for imperialism to deceive the people. This become evident by Carter's support of the Shah and was successfully con- cluded with a press conference. But as the students were retur- ning, Ann Arbor police, without any previous warning, brutally arrested one of them, supposedly for "wearing a mask". The truth is that this arrest was not an isolated case and was meant to put pressure on Iranian students in order to hinder their action in exposing the Shah's regime; this arrest should be regarded as a part of a plot carried out by police against the Iranian students and harassment of Iranian students in East Lansing, Chicago, and in the recent mass demonstration of Iranian students in Washington D.C. But this is only a minor example of the U.S. government support to the Shah's regime in suppressing the Iranian people's just struggle. According to the international news there have been several mass demonstrations during and after the Shah's visit to the U.S., in Tehran, Tabriz, and Meshed on Nov. 15, 16, 20, 21. These demon- strations have been in opposition to the repressive regime of the Shah and the severe economical conditions of the country. The demonstrators, which nupbered to more than 10,000 people in some places, marched the streets where they were repeatedly at- tacked by SAVAK (Iranian Secret Police) agents dressed in plain clothes. The notorious SAVAK agents used automatic weapons and iron chains in their attacks against the people. Bet- ween 30 to 60 people have been reported killed. In oorder to expose the recent brutal supression a hunger strike has been going on by 15 ISA members in East Lansing since Dec. 6. The Iranian Students Assoc. in Ann Arbor and Ypsilan- tu, in order to expose the recent brutal suppression of the mass demonstration in Iran, and to ex- pose the collaboration of Ann Ar- bor police and the Shah's regime is sponsoring a demon- stration on Friday, Dec. 9, at 11 a m. in the Diag of the U. of M. the U, of M. We ash all of the progressive and freedom-loving people to support us in our just struggle against the regime of the Shah by attending the demonstration and also by attending the trial on Tues., Dec. 13, 1977 at 9 a.m. at 15 district Court at 100 N. 5th Avenue. and Huron (City Hall Bldg.) -The Iranian Students Association energy and comfort To The Daily: After attending a recent national energy conference at the University of Michigan's Residential College, I realized how relevant energy conser- vation i to our enntrv' ned various improvements that are economically feasible in energy efficiency. These included home improvements on insulation, more efficient machinery, etc. These are not creature comforts I am speaking of giving up, but rather improvements that provide both the consumer and roducer economic benefits. Traditionally electronic and gasoline energy have been cheap. These days with increasing costs, it pays to conserve energy usage. In my opinion the word, con- servation, should be conceived as the economic benefits of reducing energy use without giving up per- sonal comforts and needs. -Karrie Chronicle the rose bowl switch To The Daily: Alas! But has our country truly lost all respect for tradition? I have finally accepted that George Washington was born on a Monday, and that the date of his birthday varies each year (How confusing for friends and fanily-not to mention his mother) but I, for one, am now faced with the last straw. I find it most difficult to accept that sacred New Year's Day tradition, the Rose Bowl will be played on-january 2! Not only do I find this change in dates sacreligious, I also see it as creating problems never before dealt with in America. The fact that New Year's Day will not be filled with college football means that all of those hung-over people who normally ease their pain in front of the tube will be deprived of this ceremony. Why, families and friends may actually feel obligated to converse on a level beyond, "That ref is blind!" The most detrimental effects of the sudden change of dates, though, will probably be felt on Monday, January 2. Many people are expected to report back to work on that day. The number of people calling in sick so that they will be able to stay home and watch the Rose Bowl (as they always have) could be great enough to cause a January second national work slow down. It is, therefore, in the interests of the sacredness of the few remaining national traditions, the many ardent Rose Bowl ad- dicts, and the wholesomeness of the economy that I am enraged at the sudden switch in Rose Bowl dates. -H. Lynda Kugel PIR GIM To The Daily: The recent Daily article on P.I.R.G.I.M. (Public Interest Research Group in Michigan) may have left a false impression with some which I would like to correct. PIRGIM does not favor the negative checkoff system which required students to make a special effort to get their money back if they did not wish to sup- port PIRGIM. This process was thought to be unfair by many people, including myself. We are not using a hard sell at r'TeP lines- Inta. PamG Mi consumer and environmental protection PIRGIM needs the support of one-third of the studen- ts. This would not be such a dif- ficult task if the regents hadn't stacked the deck against us. Those very same Regents who would like to see PIRGIM removed from campus have designed the PIRGIM con- tribution card with the goal of cutting support below one-third. They did not even allow a description of what PIRGIM. stands for. Neither does it explain that we are a state-wide, student- controlled and funded organization committed to fighting for the public interest. Students working with the PIRGIM staff which in- cludes researchers, an attorney and other specialists are lob- byists for the public in contrast to special interest lobbyists working for corporations who seek legislation benefitting only themselves. Some of the tJings that PIRGIM has accomplished in the recent past include writing and successful lobbying for the freedom of information act, passage of tenant protection legislation, utility rate reform and playing a major role in the condition that supported Proposal A. Since the bottle bill's passage, PIRGIM has been helping to implement the voters will by securing the co- sponsorship of 11 of Michigan's congressmen behind the national bottle bill. The freedom of information law was based on PIRGIM's research entitled "State Secrets" which documented the need for more open government. The tenants rights legislation which PIRGIM lobbied for deters lan- dlords from using lock-outs and utility cutoffs. Our attorney has successfully intervened before the Public Service Commission to bring "Lifeline" utility rates into being. These graduated utility rates promote energy conser&. vation and save the average residential consumer $10 a year. PIRGIM also examines utility rate hike requests closely and fights those that are unjustified. As a result of this the utilities have been pressuring the Regen- ts in order to cut our support. If you would like to keep us around to fight for legislation benefitting you as a consumer, please support PIRGIM by signing the card attached to your student verification form. Anyone who would like to help us with their tenant and environ- mental ballot issues we are currently working on should con- tact PIRGIM. If you do not wish to support PIRGIM there is no need to worry about being pressured in the CRISP lines. We are there to let you know what PIRGIM is and what we are doing with your $2 contribution. , Then the decision is yours. -Tom Moran Campus Projects Coordinator PIRGIM i THE AIR co FER~ cEP EA C E !I a u 1 ,. u ~ o F .R M G M " P E A C E f ov~ ATEMl~TS oFio PACE! PEAE Vi~ I