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December 07, 1977 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-12-07

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1977-The Michigan Daily

develop their interests may do so in a
of 11-17 number of self-fitness programs such
11, and a as "Run for your life, Swim and stay
in the fit, and the Presidential Sports
eligible The Women's sport club for women
ton and faculty and staff and wives of faculty
ure or in and staff may participate in another
he Inter- program that includes badminton,
on pro- paddleball, racquetball, swimming,
and tennis.

The unique events program is for
out of the ordinary recreational
experiences for people in the Ann
Arbor and surrounding community.
One or two events is scheduled a
term, and one may be bike-riding.
If anyone is interested in the
unique events, PAIFS, self-interest,
or international student recreation
program, they may contact Rochelle
Bast at 764-7415; for the disabled
user-partner, childrens sport - o -
rama, adolescent, family ,and camp
adventure programs, Ellen Gold at
763-4560; and for the faculty women
sports club, Mrs. Rudi Ong at

faculty men can learn a new skill or
get help to recreational facilities
under the disabled user-partner pro-

Hawks trip Wings, 2-1

Women cagers open
a ainst stacked deck
Johnny Orr isn't the only basketball coach in town with Louisville on
his mind. Women's basketball coach Gloria Soluk is also looking forward
to meeting the Cardinals tonight in the first game of a women's-men's
double-header which starts at 5.:15.
This is the season opener for the women and they hope to make a
good showing. "I'm excited because it will be my first time coaching
against antout-of-state team," exclaimed Soluk, former head coach at
Wayne State.
Louisville has won its last two games, something which gives them an
obvious advantage over Michigan. Even the enthusiastic Soluk can't
ignore Louisville's strengths.
"They've got a tough team," she declared. "They've got a lot of re-
turners and they're big. On paper we don't match up.
"We'll have to rely on speed and quickness and hope for a victory."
Stasrting for the Wolverines will be Terry Conlin and Brenda Vanhuizen
at forward, Abbey Currier at center and guards Denise Camerson and
Sheila Butler. Height may be a disadvantage as Louisville's stasrting front
line all range over six feet tall.
A win, as unlikely as it may seem, would be a real morale booster for the
women who had an 8-15 season last year. "A victory would be nice,"
commented Soluk wistfully. She is determined to have a winning team,
but admitted, "If we did beat them (Louisville) it would be an upset."
The team is relatively young and inexperienced, with ten of the 17
girls on the team being underclasspersons. Soluk attributes her "excellent
freshmen" to better coaching on the high school level. She admit4 that
her late arrival on the scene didn't help the ailing team. "Practicing the
basic fundamentals is necessary in the off-season," she said.
While Soluk would really like to walk off the court tonight with a
victory under her belt, she realizes how difficult that may be. However,
even if she starts out with a loss, the unsinkable Soluk won't let it deter her.
"I'd rather go slow in the beginning," she said, "and build to something
by the end of the season."

Specail to The Daily
DETROIT - The slumping Detroit
Red Wings lost their seventh straight
game last night, dropping a penalty

.. -
r s,

filled decision to the Chicago Black
Hawks, 2-1.
In what seems to be fast becoming
tradition, the Wings started off strong
and then faltered. They dominated the
first period that saw Dennis Hull get his
first goal as a Red Wing. He beat for-
mer teammate Tony Esposito, banging
in a rebound from in front of the net.
Detroit didn't back down from any of
the rough stuff either. Greg Joly took on
Dave Logan and fireball rookie Paul
Woods took on Chicago captain Keith
Magnuson during the period.
Chicago tied things up at the start of
the second period. Logan scored on the
shorthanded Wings with a shot over the
sprawled Ron Low. More boisterous \
play landed Wings Perry Miller and
Dennis Hextall in the sin bin at the
same time.
That was all the Hawks needed as
right wing Grant Mulvey burst in.alone
and slammed home what proved to be
the winning goal with13:56 gone in the
second period. The loss leaves the
Wings with a 9-12-3 mark.

All-campus wrestling meet, 7 p.m.,
at the IM building, Dec. 7.
There will be an ACRICS [Advis-
ory Committee on Recreational,
Intramural and Club Sports] meet-
ing, Fri., Dec. 9, 3:30 to 5 p.m., in the
CCRB conference room.
The Department of Recreational
Sports is sponsoring a Festive Finals

Fling on Dec. 15. There will be
gift-making, holiday games, and
open recreation for all. It will be held
at the CCRB (401 Washtenaw), from
8 p.m. to 4 a.m. An ID or users pass is
required for entry.
Two fitness films will be shown at
the CCRB, 7 p.m., Room 2230,
"You're too fat," and "Contouring
your figure."

Just for the
health of it.
Get moving, America?
March 1-7. 1977 is
National Physical Education and Sport Week
Physical Education Public Information
American Aliance for Health.
PhysicalEducation and Recreation
1201 16th St N W Washington D C 20036


arriors trap (
By The Associated Press his quick passes and hit eight of eight
MINNEAPOLIS - Jerome White- free throws, as the Warriors sank 21 of
head, a 6-foot-10 center, scored 18 points 26 from the free throw ine.
and Butch Lee added 14 as No. 4-ranked The Gophers lacked just one field
Marquette roared past Minnesota 61-44 goal of matching Marquette's perfor-
in a nonconference basketball game mance from the floor, but scored on
last night. only six of 18 free throw attempts.
Marquette led 27-20 at halftime and
Whitehead, who scored 11 of. Minnesota closed to 31-29 behind the
Marquette's first 17 points, also held outside shooting of Osborne Lockhart
Minnesota's 6-11 Kevin McHale to three about six minutes into the second half.
points in the battle of the big men. The winners then ran off 11 straight
points to go ahead 42-29 and settle the
LEE SET up numerous baskets with issue with 9:48 to play.
Jan Hammer Group

If yowUhave Used Books
St Sell- Read This.
As the Semester end approaches-bringing with it a period of heavy book selling by students-
ULRICH'S would like to review with you their BUY-BACK POLICY.
Used books fall into several categories, each of which-because of the law of supply and
demand-has its own price tag. Let's explore these various categories for your guidance.
A textbook of current copyright-used on our campus-and which the Teaching Department
involved has approved for re-use in upcoming semesters-has the highest market value. If
ULRICH'S needs copies of this book we will offer a minimum of 50% off the list price for copies
in good physical condition. When we have sufficient stock of a title for the coming semester,
ULRICH'S will offer a "WHOLESALE PRICE" which will be explained later in this article. (THIS
Paperbacks are classified in two groups: A. Text Paperbacks; B. Trade Paperbacks
A. Text Paperbacks will be purchased from you as Class l books above.
B. Trade Paperbacks would draw an approximate offer of 25% of the list price when in excel-
lent condition.
Some of the above Class I or Class I books will be offered which have torn bindings, loose
pages, large amounts of highlighting and underlining, or other physical defects. These will be
priced down according to the estimated cost of repair or saleability.
Each semester various professors decide to change text for a given course. These decisions on
change of textbooks are made in echelons of THINKING AND AUTHORITY far above the level
of your local book retailers, AND ULRICH'S HAS NO PART IN THE DECISION. (Quite often we
have MANY copies of the old title of which you have only ONE.)
However, ULRICH's does enter the picture by having connections with over 600 other book-
stores throughout the country. We advertise these discontinued books and sell many of them
at schools where they are still being used. ULRICH'S does this as a service to you and pays you
the BEST POSSIBLE price when you sell them to us with your currently used books.
Authors and publishers frequently bring out new editions. When we "get caught" with an old
edition, let's accept the fact that it has no value on the wholesale market, and put it on the
shelf as a reference book or sell it cheap for a bargain reference book.
You will find that you come out best in the long run when you sell ALL your books
am urns mrnmau'e

Cinci squeaks
CINCINNATI-Center Bob Miller hit
a free tfirow with one second
remaining, then blocked a desparation
lob to give seventh-ranked Cincinnati a
61-60 basketball victory over Miami of
Ohio last night.
Miller's heroics helped Cincinnati ex-
tend its home-court victory streak to 64
games-longest in the nation.
THE GAME ended with Miami
protesting that the 7-foot Miller had
committed goaltending. It came after
officials had to call both teams back to
the floor after the game apparently had
ended when a full-court Miami pass
sailed out of bounds.
But an official ruled Miami should
have had possession at half court with
one second left since Miller's second
free throw missed the rim.
College Basketball
Cincinnati 61, Miami (Ohio) 60
Western Michigan 71, Ferris state 59
Marquette 61, Minnesota 44
Portland 116, Cleveland 94
New York 122, Boston 119
Buffalo 113,New Orleans 90
Vancouver 5, Washington 2
Chicago 2, Detroit 1

with Shadowfax
Friday, Dec. 9, 1977
8:00 p.m.
Pease Auditorium
$4.50 and $5.50
reserved tickets
tickets on sale at:
in Ypsilanti:
McKenny Union box office,
Where House Records

presented by: Jade Productions,
Office of Campus Life
Division of Student
Affairs, Eastern
Michigan University
in Ann Arbor:.
Michigan Union ticket booth,
Bonzo Dog Records,
Schoolkids Records
Dearborn Music
in Toledo:
Boogie Records
For further information,
call (313) 487-3045

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