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0ol. LXXXVIII, No. 3 The Michigan Daily-Saturday, September 10, 1977 Free Issue Twelve Pages
The day's consensus:'It's good to be back'
For whom did the bell toll?
Well, the Burton Tower carillon
heralded the fateful hours yesterday,
and students from all corners of cam-
pus, guided body - though not
necessarily soul - through the ritual
first day of classes.
FRESHPEOPLE - bright-eyed and
bushy-tailed - diligently tramped to in-,
troductory chemistry, calculus and art
history lectures, rife with anticipation.
Some of them, like one blue-jeaned,
back-packed freshperson, even looked
a bit cocky. Why not?
"I know where I'm going," the in-
dustrious soul boasted. The day before,
he had traced the steps that will take
him for the rest of the term fron his
Frieze Building English class to ast
Engineering for trigonometry.
The seasoned veterans - sopho-
mores, juniors and seniors bushy-eyed
from partying the night before -
traipsed to their destinations, stopping
to chat with faces last seen in the
spring. These students knew that many
classes would only last for ten minutes
because many professors seldom get
far past roll-call on the first day.
IN A MASON Hall classroom, a por-
tly professor expounded on exponents
and told his none-too-enraptured stu-
dents what mathematics text to buy
and the date of the midterm.
Some upperclass students seemed
excited about the first day of class.
Dave Burrows, an LSA senior, bubbled
about "trying to get courses I enjoy,
even if they're not marketable in ten
Tom Malone, an LSA junior, said he
thoroughly enjoyed the term's start.
"It's kinda nice not having any classes
on Friday," deadpanned the speech
LEAVING HER first Art History lec-
ture, Kathe Tellingator "was kind of
overwhelmed to have so much
homework on the first day." Faced with
a full weekend of reading, the LSA
freshwoman said her first day at
college was "a change from high school
where you had a week to prepare and
acquaint yourself with what's going
Tellingator wasn't the only freshper-
son feeling a bit overwhelmed. Fresh-
woman Carolyn Chavis, one of ten
people on the UGLI's first floor yester-
day afternoon, sat with her pen poised
over the first page of her newly-
acquired notebook, taking notes 'from
page one of her chemistry book.
"I usually don't study at all, but I
thought I'd get a head start," she ex-
plained. "I was very scared going into
class," she admitted. The feeling
Chavis said, didn't diminish after the
professor assigned the weekend's
But no one summarized the day's ex-
pectations better than Maureen Repuc-
ci. "It's okay," said the LSA sopho-
more. "It's good to be back."
Glen Gormezano, a junior, has all the quiet he needs yesterday while studying
in a deserted UGLI. But don't get too used to it,'Glen, midterms are just
around the corner.
Percy to probe
whether Lance
backdated checks
Charles Percy said yesterday
he will question Budget Direc-
tor Bert Lance about why he
wrote checks totaling $193,000,
when his checking account held
only $27,000 at the end of 1976.
Percy suggested that Lance
may have backdated the
checks to allow him to take in-
come tax deductions for 1976.1
A SPOKESMAN for Lance denied
that the checks had been deliberately
Percy, in his remarks at a hearing of
the Senate 'Governmental Affairs
Committee, did not say he had evidence
of any income tax violation. A
spokesman for the Illinois Republican
said later the senator did not know Lan-
ce's motive but said that Lax ce must
have either backdated the checks or
written them without knowing where
the money would come from to cover
Thechecks for $152,667 and $40,275
were drawn on one of Lance's Georgia
banks and were made out to two New
York City banks to repay principal and
interest on two loans. The checks
passed through the New York banks on
Jan. 14 and 15.
INTEREST is deductible for income
tax purposes.
Percy said Lance's $3.4 million loan
from the First National Bank of Chica-
gawas not approved until Jan. 6.
If the dates on the checks were accur-
ate, Percy said, Lance would have had
no way of knowing for sure where he
could get the money.
PERCY ASKED Comptroller of the
Currency John Heimann whether this
indicated that Lance might have delib-
erately written the wrong date on the
"Is it a reasonable question that there
is a possibility the checks might have
been backdated, and income tax deduc-
tions might have been improperly
taken?" Percy said. "Is that a possibili-
ty and a question that Lance should an-
Heimann, who has been reluctant to
elaborate on his Aug. 18 report on Lan-
ce, said he would ask a different
"I WOULD ASK for proper cash flow
to explain this happening," he said.
"What does it mean?' Where did the
funds come from?"
Percy said he will ask Lance about
the checks when Lance appears before
the committee next week.
A spokesman for Lance said, "There
is nothing in the comptroller of the cur-
rency's report which shows anything
irregular about this period. There was
certainly no deliberate backdating of
any checks."
' checks and Lance's bank balances
See PERCY, Page 5
Bouncing Czechs
A quartet of Czechs bedecked in the garb of their native Czechosivakia down a few native beers at last night's open-
ing session of the Ethnic Festival, Main Street between Liberty and William. Festivities continue today.
Govs' bash boosts Detroit
Special to the Daily
DETROIT--Two years ago, when the
renaissance Center was little more
than a large hole in the ground, Gover-
nor William Milliken convinced the
National Governors' Conference-now
the National Governors' Association
(NGA)-to hold its annual conference
here. Instead of spending the three days
of meetings at a resort, the Governor
wanted his colleagues to see a real city,
"warts and all."
That's exactly what they did.
ALTHOUGH THE meeting officially
ended yesterday,, with Milliken taking
over the chairmanship of the
organization for the coming year, it will
have long-lasting effects on Detroit-a
city already in the midst of a surprising
"The conference put a spolight on
both Michigan and the city of Detroit,
which I think resulted in a lot of
changed impressions for the better,"
Milliken told the Daily.
"The urban orientation of the con-
ference allowed the governors to get out
into the city and see exactly what was
going on, and it allowed the national
media to see it also," he said.
Mayor Coleman Young expressed
similar views: "This kind of thing lets
influentials see the city as it really is,
and not just how it's reported to be.
Perception and image are everything,
and I think a lot more positive things
are going to come gut of this."
During their stay, the governors took
part in activities designed to show
Detroit's better side, inciuaxig trips to
Belle Isle and Greenfield Village.
NGA's six standing committees ven-
tured yesterday into the heart 'of the
city to see various programs at work.
They visited the Medical Center com-
plex, the Fifth Precinct Police Station,
General Motors headquarters and a
Chrysler assembly plant. During the
trips, they discussed everything from
crime control to retaining businesses in
American cities.
For the first time, the Governors used
their host city as a laboratory. They
viewed, first-hand, the topics discussed
in the lavish confines of the Plaza Hotel.
See DETROIT, Page 5
T-shirts come c
Sex-layer Collins may
move to tighter prison
Before becoming too suspicious of an
obviously pregnant woman wearing a
T-shirt which proclaims "I'm a virgin,"
be sure to catch a glimpse of the back of
the shirt - it will probably say "But
this is an old T-shirt."
The suggestive double entendre is
about as old as the rubber crutch, but
young, chic women have been plucking
T-shirts with slogans like "I'll try any-
.. - - - - & --1,-' 11r lr
shirt with bright gold glitter proclaim-
ing "Detroit," but added that some slo-
gans were difficult to unload.
" 'I'm a virgin' was hard to sell," she
recalled. "A lot of pregnant women and
adolescents bought them."
Weg found the stores biggest sellers
were shirts reading "Perfect" and
"We told people 'avant-garde' meant
A saleswoman at State Street's Saks
Fifth Avenue recalled seeing a co-work-
er's boyfriend wearing a shirt advertis-
ing ski binding which said "Deliver us
from premature release."
Not everyone however, has found the
slogans amusing.
"I THINK they're crude," said fresh-
woman Susan Finger. "I knew a guy
who had one that said 'Cunning Stunts'
on it, a little spoonerism."
John Norman Collins, the man con-
victed in the last of a series of local sex
murders in the late 1960's, will probably
be moved to a more secure prison be-
volved," said Brown. "He made it (his
confession) to the (prison) deputy and
later to the state police."
Brown said an investigation into the
matter will continue before Collins is
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