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December 07, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-12-07

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, December 7, 1977-Page 3

Have your say
Well, it's that time of the year again. No, silly, not the Christmas
season, it's time to get out there and vote in LSA student government
elections for winter term offices. Today and tomorrow, polling
stations will be open around campus as 25 candidates vie for 12 at-
large executive council seats. You'll also have to say "Yea" or "Nay"
to three ballot questions concerning constitutional amendments to the
student government charter. Anybody registered in LSA this term is
eligible to vote. Polling stations will be open today at: the Fishbowl,
8:30-3:45; the MLB, 1:30-4; Mosher-Jordan, 1:15-6:15; Alice Lloyd,
10:30-1:30 and 4:30-6:30; Markley, 4:45-7:15; and Bursley, 4:15-7.
Califano cometh
Although they won't be able
to boast, like last year's
bunch, that a president
(even though a lame duck)
ushered them into the "real
world" with a few pearly
words of wisdom, students
graduating this winter
would appear to have little%
to gripe about concerning
their commencement
speaker. An estimated
1,800 students will lend
their ears to no less an
exalted personage than,
Joseph Califano, present
Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare.
And while the subject of
Salifano's address is not yet
known, we thought we
might offer a suggestion.
Considering the job market
of late for us liberal arts
types, perhaps a message
with some practical value Califano
would be in order like, say,
"Welfare and the Recent
College Graduate.".
Happenings.. .
Start off at noon with a lecture by University profs. Lorraine
Perry and Madison Foster at the Center for Afro-American and
African Studies, 1100 S. University, on "Black Self-
Satisfaction".. . that's it for the daytime as things don't pick up
again until 7:30 when ... State Rep. Lynn Johndahl and Washtenaw
County Juvenile Court Judge Francis O'Brien discuss "Juvenile
Justice in Michigan" at the Friends Meetinghouse, 1420 Hill ... and
the Undergraduate Political Science Association meets in room 2003
Angell to elect winter term officers ... and the Baha'i Student
Association meets at the International Center.. . then at 8, Sam Keen,
a consuting editor at Psychology Today, will talk about an intriguing
subject, "The Erotic and the Holy," at the Wesley Foundation, corner
of State and Huron Sts.. .. also at 8, the Back Alley Players and The
Actors Ensemble will present three one-act plays in Schorling Aud. in
the School of Education ... and finally at 8:30, there willbe an open
meeting of the Union of Students for Israel at Hillel, 1429
Hill . . . that's all folks..
Winston Salad
For those hard-core tobacco fiends who would like to kick the habit
but just can't forego their daily dosage, two Los Angeles research
scientists have a suggestion. Stop puffing the stuff and start munching it.
According to Drs. Samual Wildman and Benjamin Ershoff, tobacco may
become the health food of the '80's or '90's. The pair say they have
isolated a vital protein-called "fraction-1"-from tobacco leaves.
And, they add, it's the most abundant veggie protein on earth, with
four times the yield of soybeans. Though it still has to be tested for
safety in the human diet, they believe it can some day feed the world's
malnourished populatiuon. Anyone for a little tobacco slaw?
The passion of Joyce
"Many words cannot quench love nor can floods drown it." So
spake the defense attorney, quoting an ancient proverb, in a case that
revoles around a, uh, different kind of love story. The attorney's client
is a former contestant for Miss Wyoming, one Joyce McKinney, who is
charged with abducting a chaste young Mormon missionary, Kirk An-
derson, for whom she had an "all-consuming passion." The defense is
contending the case should be dismissed on the grounds that McKin-
ney's motive was "neither hate nor anger but a deep-seated and sin-

cere love", stirred by an earlier, white-hot romantic interlude. Accor-
ding to McKinney, the romance began in July 1975 when she met An-
derson because she had a sports car and he wanted to drive it. They
ended up spending the night together with the ardent Anderson
prdposing marriage. McKinney said they even chose names for their
future children. "To a woman this means something," testified
McKinney, "these are pretty heavy promises." Later, McKinney
traced Anderson to England. Anderson had previously testified that he
was then forcibly abducted by McKinney and an accomplice and taken
to a lonely cottage in Devon, a county in southeast England. There,
says Anderson, he was shackled to a double bed with a chain and "for-
ced" to have intercourse three times with McKinney before he even-
tually bargained for his release by promising to marry her. Not exac-
tly Romeo and Juliet, we guess.
On the outside...
Well, gang, it looks like we're headed for the deep freeze. It'll be
variably cloudy today with a teeth-chattering high of 180 (gasp, gasp,
eh?). Tonight, the clouds will begin massing for another assault and
the mercury will plummit to 80. Then, sure enough, on Thursday, it
ought to start snowing in the morning and continue on throughout the
day with accumulations of two to four inches. Might as well drag out
the old sled and have some fun.
....................... i
Daily Off ic ial Bulletin


Castro scans U.S. negotiations

HAVANA (AP) - President Car-
ter's national security adviser is
creating artificial barriers between
the United States and Cuba by
focusing attention on Cuban troops in
Africa, a clearly upset Cuban Presi-
dent Fidel Castro said yesterday.
"Why did Zbigniew Brzzinski
magnify the problem?" Castro ex-
claimed to five U.S. reporters in an
informal post-midnight session in his
He was referring to the Carter
aide's release to reporters three
weeks ago of new intelligence studies
of Cuban forces in Africa that
estimated that Castro had 27,000.
troops, there, mostly in Angola,
compared to only 15,000 in April.
THE STATE Department later
said that the build-up could "slow the
pace and even the possibility" of im-
proved U.S.-Cuban relations.
Carter has repeatedly cited the
Cuban presence in Africa as a
stumbling block to restoring normal
diplomatic relations with Cuba'after
an almost 17-year break. He told two
congressmen last week before they
left for a Cuban tour to tell Castro to
"get out of Africa.''
But Carter also said that he would
consider it a step forward if Castro
would agree to just discuss a
AFTER A 31/2-hour session in
which Reps. Frederick Richmond,
(D-N.Y.), and Richard Nolan, (D-.
Minn.), delivered the message, Cas-
tro told reporters, "Our relations
with Africa, that we cannot discuss,
that we cannot negotiate.
"I don't think today that import-
ant difficulties exist for better rela-
tions. Steps have been taken," he
continued. But then, cigar in hand
and rubbing his forehead as he
paced, he asked, "Who gave that

Fidel Castro AP Photo

story to the reporters?"
Told it was Brzezinski, he shook his
head and continued: "Why did he do
that? That cannot become an issue."
ALMOST AN hour later, he came
back to it: "I cannot understand
these people who want to create a
problem artificially. It has nothing to
do with Carter, it has nothing to do
with the United States."
He repeated that the Cuban-African
ties stem from the economic help
that the communist and socialist
nations gave the Cubans after a full
U.S. trade embargo was imposed in
"They are our friends. They asked
for our help, and we came . . . Our
mission is to defend them against any
foreign aggression," he said.

"IF IT BECOMES an issue, it's
going to become an impediment . .,,
Castro said.
The congressmen said Castro
would not tell them exactly how
many troops he had in Africa. Nolan
said Castro reported he had reduced
the level in April to 60 per cent below
the peak, but had to send many back
this spring when attacks stepped up
along the South African border.
Speaking of his meetings with
Americans this year and of indirect
contacts with Carter, Castro said, "I
think we've worked for peace . .
The climate is different, the atmos-
phere is different. But these .have
been complicated problems for -18
years and cannot be jumped into."
ASKED IF HE would meet person-

ally with Carter, Castro said, "From
my standpoint, I would have . no
objection, but I would not want it to
seem I was seeking an interview.
"I think Carter should be free to set
a date that would be satisfactory. I
don't want to put pressure on him by
speculation,"' he said.
Castro said he did not expect such a
meeting during Carter's first term.
CARTER ALSO had asked Rich-
mond and Nolan to express his
concern about the five remaining
U.S. political prisoners here, all
serving terms for espionage.
The congressmen asked for their
release by Christmas as a gesture
toward improved relations. Castro
told the reporters, "It's not easy for
me. . . We promised to analyze that
problem. We didn't make a commit-
ment to solve it."
Carter also had raised the issue of
families bearing dual U.S.-Cuban
citizenship who want to leave the
island and Castro said, "I'm favorab-
ly disposed to finding a solution to
Castro said he wants the Guantan-
amo Naval Base property returned to
Cuban hands but added, "That's a
delicate problem. That's why we
have been patient . . . We hope that
through absolutely peaceful means
that our territory will be returned to
He also said that he was grateful
for recently initiated "contacts" 'by
U.S. authorities that alert him to
possible attacks by Miami-based
exile terrorist groups and said he has
relayed information on the terrorists
to American officials.
Just for the
health of it.
Get moving, America!
March 1-7 1977 is
National Physical Education and Sport Week
Physical Education Public Information
American Alliance for Health
Physical Education and Recreation
1201 16th St N W Washington D C 20036
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 74
wednesday; DecemberT7,1977
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

Cleveland Cosa Nostra chiefs
indicted after FBI inquiry

outlining its case against nine alleged
Cosa Nostra members charged in two
car-bomb murders, unfolds a tapestry
of crime whose threads of extortion,
murder, loan-sharking and gambling
reach across the nation.
FBI agent Joseph Griffin describes,
the case as "the most significant action
that has beep made to date against any
singleorganized crime family in the
United States."
Among the nine indicted Monday by
the Cuyahoga County grand jury was
73-year-old James Licavoli, described
by the FBI affidavit as the Cosa Nostra
capo or boss in Cleveland. Specifically,
the affidavit filed in federal court ac-
cused Licavoli of ordering the
assassination of John Nardi, identified
as a former Cose Nostra member, and of
his associate, Daniel "Danny" Greene,
during a power struggle.
The nine were indicted on charges of
conspiracy to commit murder,
aggravated murder for hire,
aggravated arson and engaging in
organized crime.
Angelo Lonardo, 66, and 'Thomas
Sinito, 39-entered innocent pleas
yesterday in Common Pleas Court.
A fourth man, John Calandra, 66, suf-
fered a heart attack after his arrest and
was in intensive care at St. Vincent
Charity Hospital.
The affidavit signed by FBI agent
Michael Kahoe details an "organized
crime conspiracy which is controlled
nationally by a membership which is
exclusively Italian." The organization
is variously referred to as "The Outfit,"
"La Cosa Nostra" or "our thing", the
statement said.
KAHOE SAID the affidavit was based
on information from confidential sour-
ces, including one Cosa Nostra mem-
ber. It gives details of the struggle for
control of the rackets in northeastern
Ohio, where police have said the
organization rakes in millions of
The affidavit says that in 1973, two
years before the death of former Cosa
Nostra boss John Scalish, Nardi "ap-
peared to be making a play for leader-
ship in the Cleveland. . . family."
A Cosa Nostra leader was quoted in
the affidavit as saying that Nardi, a
nephew of Cosa Nostra underboss An-
thony Milano, "had five criminal
associates who were killing people by
putting bombs in their cars."

In 1976, after he had taken over as
capo in Cleveland, "Licavoli "learned
that four Cleveland family members,
who were not further identified, had
aligned themselves with the "Irish
mob" headed by Danny Green," the af-
fidavit said.
KAHOE QUOTED one of his sources
as saying Licavoli called the Irish mob
"a tightly knit group who were utilizing
exlosives and other sophisticated
weapons to attempt to gain control of
criminal activities in Cleveland."
Licavoli decided that Nardi and.
Greene had to be killed, the affidavit
said, but the statement identified a
West Coast Cosa Nostra member,
James "The Weasel" Fratiano, as the
man who made the first contact with--
accused bomber Raymond Ferritto, 48,
of Erie, Pa.
Ferritto, charged last month in the
Greene killing, was quoted in the af-
fidavit as giving details of the
organization's efforts to kill the two
men but said he was not involved in the
Nardi bombing.
NARDI WAS killed May 17 and
Greene Oct. 6, both by bombs that had
been placed in cars parked next to the
cars they were using and which were
detonated by remote control.
Licavoli, a cousin of one-time Detroit
racket figures Peter and Thomas
"Yonnie" Licavoli, came to Cleveland
in 1940 after being paroled on a black-
mail conviction in Toledo in the late
Kahoe's affidavit says the Cosa
Nostra is made of a group of families,
each with its own geographical area,
* I
/ Starring OLIVIER in the title role and I
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and gives the organizational structure
of the families-from the capo down to
the caporegima, or captain, who is said
to control "various members of the
family," reporting directly to the capo.
HE SAYS THAT the national
organization is controlled by "a policy
group known as the 'commission'''
made up of "the various bosses of the
Some investigators said they thought,
the federal -roundup, based on infor-
mation from someone within the
organization, had adevastating effect
'on the local operation.

at 8 p.m. in the PENDLETON ROOM
on the second floor of the Michigan Union
All tickets $2 at the Michigan Union lobby
ticket office or at the door


Wednesday, December 7, 1977
Psychiatry: H. H. Strupp, Vanderbilt, "The Mean-
ing and Assessment of Change in Psychotherapy:
Why Does Controversy Persist?" S6450 Hosp., 9:30
WUOM: Congress for Creative America - "The
Artist in an Age of Transition," repeat broadcast wI
Judith Raskin, soprano; Geo. Segal, sculptor; Dr.

Ability in Cerebral-Impaired Rats," 1057 MHRI, 3:45
Cellular & Molecular Biology: Wesley Wicks, U. of
Colorado, "Regulation of Specific Protein Syntheis
at the Translational Level by Cyclic AMP," 2747
Furstenberg, 4 p.m.
Physics Colloq: A. J. Heeger, U. Penn., "One-Di-
mensional Phenomena in Real Physical Systems:
From Charge Density Waves to Metallic Polymers,"
296 Dennison, 4 p.m.
Statistics: Marcello Pagano, SUNY, Buffalo,

the stl arbor'ftM cooperative
TONIGHTI Wednesday, December 7
(Dusan Makaveiev, 1975) 7. 8:40, 10:20 -AUD A

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