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December 07, 1977 - Image 1

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5k i uu

143 i1g

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVlli, No. 74 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 7, 1977 Ten Cents 10 Pages

I *

Carter proposes aid to

domestic steel

May create 18,000-35,000 jobs,

could push consumer

dent Carter disclosed yesterday
a program to increase produc-
tion and employment in the
hard-pressed American steel
industry by protecting it from
unfair competition from foreign
It was estimated the program
could increase current steel
employment in the United States
by between 18,000 and 35,000.
THE PROGRAM would establish
prices below which most imports would
not be allowed to sell at unless a special
tariff is imposed. It also would provide
loan guarantees and other financial
help to assist steel producers in moder-
nizing and keeping their plants open.
It is designed to prevent foreign
producers from flooding the U.S.
market with steel priced below the cost
of production.
The administration did not rule out
the possibility that the program could
result in higher domestic prices, but
said domestic steel producers could
hurt their own cause if they substan-
tially hike prices.
"THE PRECISE level of import
reduction will . ., depend upon the price
behavior of the domestic steel com-
panies. The more sharply the domestic
firms raise prices, the smaller will be
their recapture of the market," said a
report to the president by an inter-
agency task force.

The 35-page task force report was
prepared by Treasury Undersecretary
Anthony Solomon.
A White House statement said Carter
approved of the report's recommen-
dations and felt they would "help
revitalize the health of the domestic
steel industry."
SOLOMON TOLD reporters the
program, if successful, could treturn
between 18,000 and 35,000 laid-off
steelworkers to their jobs. About 130,000
jobs have been lost in the industry in
recent years, including 20,000 in the last
few months.
Steel imports have accounted for
about 20 percent of domestic consum-
ption so far this year, compared to an
average of 13 percent between 1973 and
1976. The rising tide of imports has

prices up
resulted in widespread production cut-
backs and job layoffs in this country.
Solomon agreed /that dumping
(selling at below local production~costs)
has been a serious problem. He said the
new plan is aimed at stopping dumping,
which is illegal, by speeding up legal
procedures for dealing with it.
FIRST, THE government will
establish trigger prices for each major
import product, at least 50 in all. This
will be based on the cost of producing
steel in Japan, the most efficient steel-
producing country.
Once this is done, the price of impor-
ted steel will be checked against the
trigger prices, and special duties will
be assessed against lower-priced steel
to bring it up to the trigger price level.
See CARTER, Page 2

Detroit News,
Post to. swap

Feline freeze DoiIy Photo by
Reed, a local alley cat, glares through a frozen curtain, preparing to pounce upon the first icicle to fall.

'U' -student panel offers answer
o scant activity space problem
By BRIAN BLA}NCHARD president for finance. "The biggest
A group of student leaders and issue now is going to be transporta-
University administrators has pro- tion," Kellman added.
n duced a compromise on the problem The Plant Building proposal in-
of scarce student activities space. cludes a $40,000 annual price tag to
After four meetings in the last extend commuter bus service.

month, the Student Space Committee
has proposed that student groups be
allowed to use classrooms at night;
that the Plant Building near Crisler
Arena be renovated to accommodate
student activities; and that projects
in the Student Activities Building
(SAB) be expanded.,
IF THE REGENTS approve the
recommendations of the Student
Space Committee early next year,
theatrical and arts groups will be
able to begin rehearsals and projects
in the Plant Building.
"I couldn't see fighting for a new
building," said Scott Kellman, one of
three student members of the 10-
member committee appointed by
James Brinkerhoff, University vice

THE COMMITTEE did not address
the issue of lounge or office space.
On Nov. 1, MSA granted office
space to all but seven organizations
which applied for office space in the
Union. Student groups have com-
plained that office space is cramped
on the building's third floor.
"If you solve the space problems
immediately but don't solve the
long-range (union) governance prob-
lems, you don't improve things in the
long run," said Steve Carnevale,
another student committee member.
"It was at (Kellman's) and my insist-
ence that the question of office space
was not addressed. It's a personal .
problem. A
See PANEL, Page 2

"WWJ, The Detroit News," a f
phrase to most Detroite'rs as
Ann Arborites, may soon b
"WWJ, The Washington Post
The Evening News Assoc
owner of both The Detroit Nei
WWJ-TV (channel 4), ann(
yesterday it had signed, along w
Washington Post Company, a h
intent to trade T.V. stations.
Commission (FCC) approve
Washington Post would become t
owner of WWJ, the NBC affil
Detroit. In exchange, The E
News Association would get
TV, Washington's CBS affiliate,
as two million dollars.
The cash would make up for1
ference in the size of the mark(
ween the two cities. Detroit, w
million homes with television
seventh in the country,
Washington, with 1.37 million v
is eighth.
Market size is not the only fa(
viewers, however. WTOP, al
located in a smaller market, is t
rated station in Washington,
WWJ runs behind the ABC own(
operated outlet, WXYZ.
speculation that the FCC will so
bid cross-ownership of print and
cast media in the same city. I
they ruled that no future apj
would be granted for the purc
radio of television stations by an
pany owning a newspaper in th(
city, and vice versa.
Last March, The Washington
Court of Appeals ruled that th
should move to force divestiti
companies with cross-ownershil
as The Washington Post an

Detroit News.
amiliar That ruling is being appealed to the
well as Supreme Court by the FCC, The
ecome Washington Post, and other media cor-
t Com- porations, but the Post-News move is
not expected to affect that case.
. . IN A JOINT statement issued yester-
ciation' day, Peter Clark, publisher of the
msunend News, and Post publisher Katharine
with The Graham said, "Although we believe
etter of strongly that the Supreme Court should
e osustain the FCC'4 rule permitting the
continuation of cross-ownerships, this
cations transaction presents both companies
is Thewith an opportunity to make a volun-
s, The tary exchange that is mutually advan-
the new tageous.
liate in "We knew at some point down the
zvening road that something was going to hap-
WTOP- apen because of all this divestiture stuff,
as well but we didn't expect it this soon," said
the dif- Stephen Miller, assistant news director
ets bet- at WTOP.
ith 1.55 A WWJ staffer in Detroit said, "We
ranks just found out at 4 o'clock this afternoon
while (yesterday). It was so sudden, I haven't
iewerseven had a chance to think about it
ctor for No personnel changes were announ-
Ithorgh rced at WWJ, but WTOP said that their
though station and news vice presidents would
while be coming to Detroit in the near future
ied-and- to begin the process of transition.
Radio stations owned by the com-
panies are unaffected by the trade.
oon for- U LLETIN
n 1975,
provals A U.S.-South Korea agree-
hase of ment has been reached, allow-
y com- ing Tongsun Park to testify on
ke same his alleged influence-buying ac-
n, D.C. tivities in Washington, D.C., in
e FCC return for an offer of immunity,
ure by a South Korean source said late
p, such last night. See story, page 7.
d The



Celebrating Edison in

aquadraphonic era
One hundred years ago yesterday, tique phonograph. And then I did
Thomas Edison discovered the secret to much of anything until after theN
reproducing sound. And in the era of He paused and gazed around at hi
quadraphonic sound rooms and Sensur- lection gracing the room.
round, some Ann Arborites took time "Then I became a man w
out last night to remember Edison and mission," he went on. "A missi
his revolutionary invention. collect phonographs and old re
The phonograph was the star of the I'm a collector of mechanisms de
evening at the Union Gallery. Using an from Edisons inventions."
old recording device and near-antique Gramophones, which are the
sound cylinders, a performer belted out record players many people hav(
the strains of "I Dream of Jeanie Witb in movies or photographs, will lii
the Light Brown Hair" into the old walls of the gallery until Decemb
machine, which looked like giant lilies Varying in size, color and work
sTE RECORDINGS were on a 75 ship, the antique machines d
yEa R waCyDINdS ereAson awed-strate various advances in the fi
year-old wax cylinder. As an awed recording.
audience of about 40 applauded, Arthur A dominant feature of the exh
Aseltine, the owner and renovator of an enormous image of the RCA
the machines, replayed the perform- dog, a white mongriel ... with
ance .- the sounds came out a little cocked black ears. Aseltine's wift
high-pitched and softer than the tured at the big image. "We foun
original; but not at all bad for coming on our honeymoon trip in a barn
from an antique.dnshe said.
The demonstration was one of several d"Iael in o e with the thin.W

n't do
is col-
ith a
ion to
e old
e seen
ie the
er 18.
eld of
ibit is
e ges-
d that
in In-
V had

MSA seat decision
put off, until Jan. 9

After two nights of deliberation, the
Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) voted
last night to postpone until Jan. 9th a
ruling on whether 17 appointed school
and college .representatives can hold
seats on the Michigan Student Assem-
bly (MSA) for the coming winter se-
Chief Justice Tom Potter said CSJ
voted for the postponement because
"there are too many issues involved"
and because CSJ "needs to hear as
many sides as exist or which people
wish to present."
SINCE JANUARY, 1976, all 17
sehonls and eolleges in th eUniversitv

THE RULING also states that the
seats must be done away with by next
term "unless amendments to the con-
stitution are adopted" before then "to
correct the unconstitutionality" of the
An amendment which passed with 68
per cent of the ballots cast in the gen-
eral election this fall was designed to
comply with the March ruling. 'The
amendment states that, starting with
the next election, the composition of
MSA will be drastically altered.
Under the amendment, the 17 school
and college seats as well as the 18 at-
large seats will be replaced by seats
elected for every 1;250 students per
school and college.

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