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September 08, 1977 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1977-09-08

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Page Seven

. . ,.

Meet the

'U's new


'U' drops the ball on

Shapiro takes the reins

Professor Harold Shapiro has lived his 14 years at the
University in relative obscurity in the eyes of most students.
Unless you were fortunate enough to have taken one of his
economics courses, you've probably never heard of him. But
the soft-spoken Economics Department chairman's accom-
plishments haven't gone unnoticed by the University adminis-
tration, nor the Regents, and the time has come for Shapiro to
cash in on his reputation-he was chosen this summer as the
new Vice-president for Academic Affair:, replacing Frank
Rhodes who left to accept the presidency of Cornell University.
"I WAS SURPRISED to learn that I was' under considera-
tion for the post," he said. "But I tried to take it as lightly as
possible. Deciding to take on a job like this, which is such a
big change from what I was doing, involved so many decisions
that I decided not to confront them until I really knew that
there was a reason to. It's very difficult for me to make such
decisions, such changes, so I just waited."
The same caution with which he viewed the selection pro-
cess pervades his general manner. He is non-committal in his
predictions for the future, and carefully avoids comment on
issues he hasn't had time to make a thorough study of. Often
he disclaims statements even before making them.
"At this stage I don't know that I can say anything very
specific about my short and long-range goals, and what general
things I'd be glad to say may not be very interesting because
they are the kinds of things that everyone would share. I mean,
in the broadest and most general sense, I'm going to try to play
some role in strengthening traditions in teaching and scholar-
ship at the University," he said. "I'm going to try to make it a

better place than it is. It's a fine place as it is, and I'd like to
play some role in improving it."
NARROWING HIS TOPIC down a bit, he sees- continuing
to attract quality students as his biggest challenge.
"There is a problem with the changing demographic nature
of American society so that the pool from which we tradition-
ally draw students is getting smaller," he said sitting back
in his chair appearing more comfortable discussing a topic he
is familiar with. "What arises from that is that the key chal-
lenge is going to be to continue attracting an adequate number
of highly-qualified students.
"ANOTHER KEY CHALLENGE will be for me to use what
skills I have to increase the amount of resources coming from
private sources, or through research grants and contracts of
various kinds," he said. "I don't think that tuition and state
appropriations are going to be quite sufficient to maintain the
University of the kind of quality we would like to aspire to,
and therefore we're going to have to be able to secure re-
sources to nourish these programs from outside those two
But though he seems already settled in his new job, Shapiro
-who is no stranger to administrative positions, having chair-
ed the Economics Department since 1974-knows he will miss
his teaching and research positions.
"There's absolutely no question that I will miss very much
my work in teaching, scholarship and research I have been
doing, and that made it very difficult to decide to accept this
,job," he said. "But it's a question of how I assess the trade-off
between giving that up, which I have found very 'stimulating,
and the excitement of a new challenge, a new way to try to use
whatever creativity I might have."

(Continued from Page 3)
BUT DESPITE efforts to save
the aged campus landmarks, the
Regents stood by their original
decision to demolish the build-
In April, Barbour/Waterman!
artifacts such as light switches,
mirrors and basketball hoops
went up for sale. According to
Lynn Dancer, coordinator of the
clearance, the sale "was meant
to be the type of thing to let peo-
ple buy a piece of the building."
The final word on Barbour/
Waterman came in May when
wreckers arrived on campus and
demolished the structures, leav-
ing only a large hole filled with
sand on the site where the gyms
ponce stood.
gyms were admired for their
architectural design and con-
struction. "They just don't build
spaces like this anymore," said
architectkRichard Neumann.s"It
would be financially impossible,

to construct a building like Bar-
bour Waterman gym today."
Art Dore, whose crew was
contracted for the demolition
job, was also impressed with the
gyms' construction. "This is the
best brick I've ever seen, and
I've been out here doing this for
20 years," Dore said.
While the barbour/Waterman
controversy appears to be set-
tIed, opinions on the issue are
still heard. "The whole action by
the University is a gross error
~based on a shallow and insensi-
tive study," says Shepherd.
Joseph Weidenbach, Univer-
sity Director of Physical Pro-
perties, maintains, "The cost of
renovation and operating (the
buildings) were such that econo-
mically it made sense to demo-
lish them."
Regardless, similar controver-
sies are bound to develop again
and again as . the University
continues to grow. Perhaps the
stately neo-Gothic walls of the
Law Quad will be the next to go.

The never-ending battle:
GEO v. the University

Harold Shapiro

(Continued froin Page 4) "Landlords try to keep you,
"warning" to tenants on each from knowing your rights," he;
lease. said. "They put things in thel
"The University, by being lease which are blatantly illegal;
here, attracts so many peo- or unenforceable. Their mainf
ple . . . the demand without motive is to make you think you I
the supply," said Rose. "It is don't "have a right to withhold'
en unintentional subsidy to the rent."
landlords." According to Rose, landlordsC
Rose said the purpose of .the use three forms of oppressionf
proposed "warning" on the on tenants. "We call them the*
leases, which reads, "Other three C's - cash, cockroachest
clauses in your lease may be il- and coercion."
legal or unenforceable . . ." is "Cash" means the incredibly c
to make tenants aware of the high rent you will probably havet
"deceptiveness" of the lease. to pay; "cockroaches," the need,
Ann Arbor City Council recent- for quality maintenance; and!c
ly passed a compromise on this "coercion," the various rules c
proosal which said the warn- 'ou must abide by or face evic- 1
ing must go into the tenant's on
rights book all city landlords are:
required to give to their tenants. "In 1970, the Ann Arbor me- 1
Trying to get this warning in dian gross rent was 72 per
the tenant's rights book was a cent higher than the rest of j
'piece of the battle," Rose said, the country," Rose said. He I
in the "master plan of informing contends Ann Arbor residents 1
people o their rights. | spend 50 per cent more of their l

it husing lw
income on rent than residents "The MSA program tried in
of other cities. the past to do a lot of little-
Rose claims withholding rent things . . . it decided it could,
is a "major weapon" tenants use the money better if it decid-
have. Other rights which he said! ed to focus on one thing--hous-
belong to tenants are getting re- ing," Rose said.
pairs, suing landlords, right to The MSA Housing Law Project
privacy, and receiving your se- will continue, funds permitting.I
curity deposit back, usually in "We don't know if we have a
full. ? problem," Rose added. "The
"A landlord is supposed to re- students passed a referendum
turn your complete security de- and the Regents have to approve
posit, except for damages oc- it. I think the Regents recognize
crred by conduct not expected their responsibility to work to
to reasonably arise," he said. improve housing in the city and
"This doesn't include cleaning support the stated goals of the
or not cleaning the oven or re- students.",
frigerator. If you smash a chair
over somebody's head and it
breaks you have to pay. If you In the 1976-77 season, the
sit in it and it breaks you don't Minnesota North Stars of the
have to pay." National Hockey League be-
The MSA Housing Law Pro- cave the first team to have
ject evolved from two sources: three rookies who scored at
the Legal Aid housing law re- least 20 goals in a season. They
form book and the MSA student were Glen Sharpley, Roland
legal advocate program. Eriksson and Steve Jensen.

Pursell emerges'
victor in House race
(Continued from Page 4) ly bitter as both candidates at-
sheriff, now a law enforcement tempted to p o i n t out each
instructor at Michigan State other's personal shortcomings.


University, stood trial on the
felonious assault charges in,
June and was acquitted.
FOLLOWING the verdict, Pos-
till told reporters, "I had no
doubt about the outcome."
His attorney, Neal Bush, add-,
ed, "I'm only sorry it didn't
happen last July when Fred was
still sheriff."
The state-wide campaign for
the late Philip Hart's U.S. Sen-
ate seat' also drew a great dead
of local attention as Marvin
Esch, Ann Arbor's representa-
tive in Congress, vied with Flint
Congressman Donald Riegle in
one of the most controversial
campaigns in the nation. The
Senate race became increasing-

Esch charged Riegle with inac-
tivity during the Flint represen-
tative's years in the U.S. House,
saying Riegle had never spon-
sored a passing bill. Esch em-
phasized his conservative poli-,
tics, as vgell as his proposed
"Esch Amendment" to make the
busing of school children illegal.
Late in the campaign,' a re-
port of Riegle's extramarital
affair with an ex-staffer several
years earlier hit the Detroit
papers. There were speculations
that Esch staffers had helped to
uncover this scandal, but Esch
denied any involvement.
R a t h e r than hurt Riegle's
chances for election, however,
the publicity appeared to gain
him support state-wide.

(Continued from Page 3)
minute proposal. Although the
proposal was kept, secret for
over a week, it was later learn-
ed that GEO's offer was essen-
tially the same as the Univer.
sitv's final offer on Nov. 18-
GEO would agree to withdraw
the two grievances and the con-
tract would be signed. But the
administration refused the offer,
saying it had already spent so
much tirihe and money that it in-
tended to proceed with the hear-
ing, and test the TAs' status as
The hearing reconvened one
Feb. 22, and the administration
did, as promised, challenge the
employe status of TAs. ow-
ever, in order to force MERC to
consider the major question of
employe status rather than the
minor matter of the ULP, the
University had to present no de-
fense to the ULP charge. That
way, MERC would have to coti-
sider the University guilty of the
ULP. But then MERC would
Ihave to consider the administra-
tion's claim that TAs aren't
employes, because if MERC did
rule that they aren't employes,
it would mean that GEO isn't a

union, which would mean the
ULP would be aJ moot point
since no unfair labor practice
could be committed if there was
no labor union 'to commit it
ALTHOUGH A preliminary
MERC decision is expected this
fall, there is a good chance this
matter will drag on much longer
than that. Both sides have indi-
cated they will consider appeals
if they should lose the first
round, and the University has
hinted it might take the matter
all the way to the state Supreme
Court. If such were the case, the
matter could drag on for tip to
four years.
While they await a decision,
the University refuses to bar-
gain, so GEO continues to be a
union without a contract. The
last contract expired on Sept. 1,
1976. With no new niegotiations in
sight, it may remain a union
without a contract for a very
long time.
Mrs. Connie M. Ring's Crys-
tal Water ran the fastest miit
and one-quarter in the history
of the Santa Anita Handicap,
being timed in 1:59 1-5th on
March 6, 1977.



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(The University



Center, a place where


can make things happen.)


The University Activities Center (UAC) announces its annual
to be held 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 13 & Thursday, September 1 5
in the Pendelton Arts Information Center of the Michigan Union
(2nd floor, across from the pool hall)

The University Activities Center is an entirely student operated organization. We need good people to help us wit
city, promotions or finance to booking a concert or acting in a play. UAC has a place for any interest you may hay

* ECLIPSE JAZZ offers a concert series of well-established
and lesser known jazz artists. Eclipse needs people to help
with all aspects of presenting a concert, from booking and
publicity to ushering.
ents and energies of professional artists and University
students to help develop arts at individual and community
" UAC/MEDIATRICS presents contemporary films every week-
end for only $1.25 in the Natural Science Auditorium.
Maybe you'd like to usher?

being formed to sponsor activities which will help you meet
your fellow dormites.
! VIEWPOINT LECTURES need people to help with every
aspect of putting on a major lecture series.
wants to turn the Union into a dynamic student center. The
possibilities are unlimited. Stop by the Union and make
your ideas happen.

th a variety of activities ranging from pub4li-
e, so join us.
0 MUSKET is the all-campus musical theatre group which pro-
duces a show each semester, Auditions are open to all stu-
dents as are lighting, publicity, business, make-up and a
multitude of other positions. This fall's Musket show will
be "Caberet" so watch for the September mass meeting if
theatre interests you.
* SOPH SHOW produces a. show each fall. It is composed
entirely of freshpersons and sophomores. This is the perfect
training ground for MUSKET. This fall's Soph Show will be
"Applause" so watch for campus posters and ads in the
Michigan Daily.




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