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December 06, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-12-06

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Page 2-Tuesday, December 6, 1977-The Michigan Daily

Flemings eat out

(Continued from Page 1)
changes in the physical layout of the
University over the next 20 years.
If enrollment decreases as predicted,
Fleming said, there will be one-third
less students here over the next few
decades. That, he explained, was why
the University was reluctant to build
new housing. "If there's a 40-year mor-
tgage on a new dorm," he said, "by the
time we're getting the mortgage paid
off, it's empty."
HE HASN'T decided yet when to
leave his job here, Fleming told his
cookie-crunching audience - but it will
be within the next four years.
The climax of the evening was Flem-

ing's acceptance of an "Honorary
Commando" award by Adams residen-
ts who, dressed as comic book super-
heroes, had dropped in on the Flemings
this Halloween and were enthusiastical-
ly received. Mrs. Fleming was given a
group photograph of the superhero stu-
dents in full regalia.
And when the president and his wife
were gone, when the Quaddies were left
to their hoarded cookies, there was
much munching and evaluating going
"I wanted to get inspired about the'
University," said one. "But I didn't."
"Cool as hell," said another. "We got
a decent meal."

Vance plans new


(Continued from Page 1)
peace talks or other forms of
negotiations with Israel, with or
without Sadat.
The "hardliners" also had stopped.
short of declaring an irreparable
break with Egypt.
Sadat said Sunday that the Soviet
Union was behind the "rubbish" of
the Tripoli summit and that Egypt
could "punish" the Russians.
OVER THE weekend, it was
reported that Egypt was recalling its
ambassador to Moscow, but there
was no immediate indication wheth-
er Sadat was considering severing
his already cool diplomatic ties with
the Soviet Union.
In Washington, the State Depart-
ment said it would have no immedi-
ate comment on the Egyptian move.
The United States appeared yester-
day to be trying to reclaim the
initiative as a mediator in the Middle
East. U.S. officials in Washington
said Secretary of State Cyrus Vance
would visit Egypt, Israel, Jordan,
Lebanon and Saudi Arabia beginning
this weekend to assess prospects for
a comprehensive settlement.
THEY SAID VANCE might also

reace trip
visit Syria and that Egypt's mass
cutoff of diplomatic relations would
not affect the trip.
The last such serious break in Arab
ranks occurred in 1971, when Syria
and Egypt broke relations with
Jordan over King Hussein's bloody
expulsion of Palestinian guerrillas
from his country.
The Iraqis, for years Syria's main
Arab rivals, denounced Syrian Presi-
dent Hafez Assad in Tripoli for what
they called his continued faith in
"surrender solutions."
SADAT SO FAR has won the firm
support of only such peripheral Arab
states as Morocco and Sudan.
The break in relations seemed to
indicate Sadat has given up hope of
backing from the "hardline" coun-
tries and instead will try to ally him-
self with Saudi Arabia and Jordan,
which thus far have stayed out of the
furor over his visit to Israel.
In related developments yester-
* The official Soviet media stepped
up Moscow's attack on Sadat, accus-
ing him of secretly striving for a
"separate deal with imperialism and
Zionism behind the back of the Arab

Mkt, talks,
center' on
(Continued from Page 1)
peace overshadowed separate talks by
leaders of the Common Market and the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
seeking to strengthen the security and
economy of the non-Communist world.
THE WESTERN allies are aware
that another Israeli-Arab war could
draw them into a confrontation with the
Soviet Union and disrupt the flow of
Mideast oil to their industries and
These were among the developments
at the Common Market talks:
" French President Valery Giscard
d'Estaing suggested the nine nations
adopt a common code for extraditing
offenders. It would make it easier to
return criminals and suspected terror-
ists to the country seeking them for
* Roy Jenkins, British president of
the Common Market Commission, pro-
posed a five-year program moving to-
ward full economic and monetary
union. This would mean the members'
economic and tax systems gradually
would be standardized, with a single
European currency replacing the
national currencies. This was a target
set five years ago for 1980, but it re-
mains a distant goal.
" West German Chancellor Helmut
Schmidt said the Common Market must
put its budget and farm policies in or-
der before considering full economic
" Ministers agreed the Common
Market should be able to issue loans.
But they said an experimental start
should be limited to a few projects and
the money would be disbursed by the
community's European Investment
Bank in Luxembourg.
The Common Market conference
ends today.




FEA TURING: sweaters, pants, skirts
and coordinates,



(Contnued from Page 1)
close the University - which has, in the
past, been notoriously reluctant to shut
SECRETARIESafor the History,
Political Science and Speech depar-
tments reported that the weather kept
very ',few of their colleagues away from
the 'U.' "Business as usual" was also
the rule of the day at both the graduate
and undergraduate libraries.
An UGLI staff member reported that

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s winter
none of tnat library's full-time staff
failed to show up for work because of
the weather. Graduate Library Circula-
tion Direction Willard Davis said that
almost everyone got to work before the
snow began to fall.
"The library almost never closes,"
he added.
ANN ARBOR police reported that the
city was under a red alert, which means
emergency conditions. A police spokes-
man said the roads were "bad and get-
ting worse" at 3 p.m. yesterday.
Predictably, the National Weather
Service's Detroit branch issued heavy
snow warnings for yesterday and last.
night. To top things off, the Weather
Service said that Old Man Winter will
let out with a few more sporadic out-
bursts of snow today.
As yesterday's drifts grew deeper
and deeper, the patience of harried
public officials seemed to wear thinner
by the minute. One switchboard opera-
tor for the State Police was particularly
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you get someone who wants to know
about the roads," she groused. "But if
they'd just look out the window they
could see for themselves what the
snow's doing."
"The roads are all snow-covered and
slick, and there have been lots of ac-
cidents, but it's no better and no worse
than most snow storms," the operator
Even life at City Hall was disrupted
because of the snow. In fact, a call to
City Administrator Sylvester Murray
was answered - not by the usual secre-
tary - but by Murray himself.
"WE'VE BEEN LETTING the cleri-
cals leave since about noon," Murray
explained, "because they have to drive
"Most of the department heads are
still here, but we're mainly working
with a skeleton crew," he said. "We've
taken people out of other departments,
like parks, to make sure we have
enough plowing and sanding crews out
on the streets. Right now it looks like
we'll have crews out all night."
While harried public servants and
motorists tried to put up with yester-
day's snowfall as best they could, one
group of Ann Arborites found delight in
the weather: skiers.
"I LOVE IT when it's like this," said
Natural Resources junior Sue Baker,
"It's good weather for skiing. When it's
slushy it's no good for anything."
Purveyors of skis and other types of
winter merchandise also found a silver
lining behind yesterday's dark clouds.
Bass shoe store employe Rod Lowe said
yesterday's snowfall was at least partly
responsible for his store's brisk
business in boots.
However, Lowe said the store sold
more stock on the day after Thanks-
giving, the first day of the winter snow
season. His story was repeated by
Dawn Hendricks, a hat and a scarf
salesperson at Jacobson's.
"We've been selling a lot of hats -
but not as many as the first snow,"
Hendricks explained. "Most people are
prepared by now.
Louis IV, Holy Roman emperor, died
at a bear hunt on Oct. 11, 1347.

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with Shadoiwfax
Friday, Dec. 9, 1977
8:00 p.m.
Pease Auditorium

presented by: Jade Productions,
Office of Campus Life
Division of Student
Affairs, Eastern
Michiaan University

" ELIGIBILITY-Anyone who supports the Blue-student, grad, staff, alumnus.


- .

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