CIA'S NEW RULES See editorial page V' Sir i4gz n aug POLAR BEARABLE High-23 Low-8 See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 73 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 6, 1977 Ten Cents 12 Pages Egypt cuts ties with 'hardliners' A2 stig of blustery whitewash By MARTHA RETALLICK and JULIE ROVNER After nearly a week of springlike weather, December showed its true face as six inches of snow carpeted Ann Arbor yesterday. Although University faculty, staff and students found their normal routes to school a little more treacherous than usual, campus life plodded onward with few disruptions. Students at U-M Dear- born, however, got an unexpected holi- day when classes at that campus were called off at 3:00 p.m. due to the weather. PLANT OPERATIONS Director Don Wendel reported that his entire snow removal crew, supplemented by help from private contractors, were out all day busily salting, plowing and brushing snow off sidewalks and parking lots. "Every person we've got is out there," he said. In storms such as yesterday's, Wen- del explained, broom crews try to brush sidewalks off as often as possible but this task was made harder by the fact that the stuff just kept coming down. Those crews intend to make a "concen- trated effort" early this morning to get as much snow as possible off University parking lots and sidewalks. If the weather takes a sudden turn for the worse today, President- Robben Fleming or his executive board would make the final decision on whether to See A2, Page Z Ambassadors pulled from 5 Arab nations CAIRO (AP) - Egypt broke diplomatic relations yesterday with the five Arab countries that met in Libya to form a "re- sistance" front against Presi- dent Anwar Sadat's peace initi- ative with Israel. A Foreign Ministry spokes- man named the five as Syria, Libya, Algeria, Iraq and South Yemen. The move produced the most serious political division in the Arab world in years. "AT THIS POINT only diplomatic relations will be affected," the spokesman said, adding that Egypt acted "in response to the decision announced in Tripoli, Libya, to freeze relations with Egypt." The five hardline Arab countries and the Palestine Liberation Organi- zation met in Tripoli. All except Iraq agreed early yesterday to form a "resistance and confrontation front" to oppose Egypt's overtures to Israel and denounced Sadat's one-man peace campaign as "high treason." They also declared the "freeze" in relations with Cairo. Iraq, still feuding with Syria, walked out of the conference without signing the communique and accused Syria of "capitulatory solutions." AN INITIAL REPORT by Cairo's Middle East News Agency listed only Syria, Algeria, Libya and South Yemen as the countries with which Egypt severed relations. That led to speculation Egypt was retaliating only against those nations that signed the conference declaration. The agency later made an official correc- tion, adding Iraq to the list, and that report was confirmed by the Foreign Ministry spokesman. Hie said Egyptian diplomats in the five countries would be recalled within 24 hours and "all the diplo- mats of the affected countries will be asked to leave Egypt within the same' period." Asked about possible action against the PLO, the spokesman said, "The PLO is not a country." Three top PLO representatives were expelled from Egypt last month a'nd the Voice of Palestine radio station was closed for criticizing Sadat. THE FOUR ARAB countries and the PLO ended the five-day Libyan conference yesterday by signing the anti-Sadat declaration. Despite the harsh rhetoric, how- ever, the anti-Egypt summit, at Syria's insistence, had carefully kept the door open for renewed Geneva See VANCE, Page 2 'At this point only diplo- matic relations will be affected in response to the decision announced in Tripoh, Libya, to freeze relations with Egypt.' -Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Comnmon Mkt, talks center on Mideast BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Prime Minister James Callaghan of Britain told West European leaders yesterday that Israel and Egypt seek an over-all Mideast settlement and not a separate peace, Callaghan's aides reported. They said he gave his account of Mid- dle East developments at a dinner on the first day of a two-day summit con- ference of the nine Common Market na- tions. CALLAGHAN held weekend talks in London with Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin, who is on a six-day visit to Britain, and his staff said he had been in communication with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Sadat rifuriated hardline Arab na- tions with his dramatic visit to Jerusa- lem Nov. 19-21 in a bid for peace. Egypt has stated repeatedly that Sadat is seeking a comprehensive Mideast ac- cord and not a separate peace pact with Israel. According to Callaghan's aides, he told his Common Market colleagues he was convinced the Sadat-Begin moves are a serious bid for peace. THEY REPORTED Callaghan said Sadat and Begin are resolved to pursue their initiative and realize that any agreement they reach would need the endorsement of other parties to the Mideast conflict at a Geneva-style con- ference. Callaghan was said to have delivered a message from Begin telling the Euro- pean leaders this would not be the time to issue statements on Mideast develop ments. Begin in the past has objected to Common Market declarations on the Mideast as favoring the Arab cause. The Egyptian-Israeli search for See COMMON, Page 2 While less-prepared types scurried about amidst the wind-whipped snow yesterday with pained looks on their faces, LSA sophomore Norman Bates could afford a more leisurely-pace. Snug in-his cocoon-ish outfit and eminently cool in his shades, Norm here nonchalantly succumbs to a nicotine fit. NA TIONWIDE UMW STRIKE MA Y LAST THRE E MONTHS: Coalm WASHINGTON (AP) - Negotia- tions between the United Mine Work- ers union and the coal industry were recessed last night, guaranteeing a nationwide strike at the expiration of the miners' contract at midnight. Thousands of miners, particularly in West Virginia and Ohio, failed to show up for workyesterday, getting a jump on the strike. ARNOLD MILLER, president of the United Mine Workers, called the strike, although saying it "will bring hardships and human tragedy" to the miners. "As of midnight," Miller declared, the United Mine Workers of America will be on strike against the companies" represented by the Bi- tuminous Coal Operators Association (BCOA). He vowed the miners will "stick it out . . . until we win it." Federal mediator Wayne Horvitz said there was "no breakoff" in the negotiations and that the talks would resume Thursday. He said both sides need the time "to examine their respective positions." MOST OF T HE early walkouts occurred in West Virginia and Ohio. Kentucky mines reported full crews on the final shifts. Miller, who left the negotiations and announced plans to go to West Virginia where many of the miners live, said he wouldnreturn to the talks whenever he saw signs of real progress. m1ers go Industry negotiator Joseph Bren- nan said he would avoid "publie pos- turing" as the negotiations contin- ued, but added: "Obviously in a strike situation things are much more difficult." Morris Feibusch of the coal opera- tors association said 28 of the approximately 1,800 mines operated out on strike southern West Virginia. Other indus- try officials said 1,000 miners were off the job in the state's northern panhandle. Privately Miller has said he fore- sees a strike of three months, and sources say the coal industry is prepared to accept a work stoppage of at least a month-The effects of the strike are not expected to be felt outside the industry for some time because of large stockpiles of coal. The UMW has struck nine times in 19 previous contract negotiations. The longest walkout, in 1946, lasted 59 days. THE MOST immediate impact of a strike would be on the miners and their families. UMW miners would lose their daily wages of about $60 a day, and health benefits for them- selves, their dependents and their retired colleagues also would be cut off. Industry officials say coal's best customers, utility plants and steel mills, have laid in stockpiles large enough to last several weeks. Gov- ernment officials say a strike would not be the national problem it was in years past. Negotiations on a new contract to replace the existing three-year pact began on Oct. 6. Federal mediators took charge of the discussions last week and managed to get the two sides back to the bargaining table on Friday. All sides reported over the week- end that there had been serious discussions on "substantial issues." These include the union's demand for a limited right-to-strike over local issues at individual mines and its demand for refinancing of its deplet- ed health and pension funds. The coal association, seeking an end to the wildcat strikes that have plagued the industry in recent years, is proposing penalties for miners who take part in illegal strikes. It also seeks incentives to increase produc- tion. Miller by BCOA companies were closed yes- terday. Only a few of Ohio's 10,000 union members were on the job as scattered pickets turned back the few who wanted to work. DAN FIELDS OF the West Vir- ginia Coal Association estimated 4,800 miners in that state got an early start on the strike, most of them in Flemings g o slumming, By JUDY RAKOWSKY The West Quad cafeteria had been decked out in advance; the tables were draped in green cloths, and there were candles to soften the institutional atmo- sphere. The Flemings, after all, had come to dine with the residents of Adams House. While Mrs. Fleming tangled with some unruly spaghetti and her husband chatted quietly with an admiring resi- dent director, the Adams residents re- frained from hurling the customary food and obscenities at each other. "IT'S NICE to be with students Mrs. Fleming commented. "There's so many complications with the tea in the fall." And while house hosts fumbled at serving punch andcookies to the pres tigious guests after dinner, Fleming answered a few informal questions in lieu of a prepared speech. "We're gonna get him drunk and ask for paper towels," chortled one punch- server. SOME STUDENTS hoarded mounds of cookies bought specially in honor Language may work against foreign defendants, says prof. By MITCH CANTOR and KEITH RICHBURG A linguistics study done by a University professor is examining the potential problems that the language barrier can pose for non-native English speakers in criminal trials. University Linguistics Prof. Paz Naylor calls her theory "linguistic interference," which she defines as "certain L _ -,...,-A 1-ev~ rn tht rntlt h ntprhp .- Perez often had trouble understanding crucial questions under intense cross-examination. "It was clear in some instances that the women simply were not understanding the prosecutor's questions," said Naylor. "After that, there were cultural differences." AMONG THE "CULTURAL differences" reflected in language. Navlor is exploring the possibility that Narcisco