Page 4-Sunday, December 4, 1977-The Michigan Daily LOOKING BACK THE WEEK IN REVIEW nursing program tensions TENSION IN THE graduate psy- chiatric nursing program, which some observers have labeled "racial," continues as faculty and students in the department wait for a ruling from Nur- sing School Dean Mary Lohr on dis- putes between staff members in the program. Although Lohr had announced, after the appearance in the press of reports that faculty resignationsrwere occuring because of tension eminating from act- ing department chairwoman Betty Davis, that she would attempt to re- solve the situation Thursday, her deci- sion was postponed. Lohr said only that the concerns were being addressed at this time. The controversy primarily involves Davis, who is black, and four of the school's professors, all of whom are white. The four professors involved have all asked to be relieved of their teaching duties. None of the Daily's sources have been specific about how the tension has manifested itself, but according to one student in the program, Assistant Nurs- ing Dean Barbara Hansen spokes twice to second-year students about the dis- putes between the 'faculty members. "(Hansen) said that there are many is- sues, and that one very important ele- ment to resolve the whole conflict seems to be along racial lines." Rackham Graduate School Dean Al- fred Sussman confirmed the problem, saying: "Allegations of that kind (racial) have been leveled. There are two sides to thematter - it has to do with administrative style." The only person who has addressed Davis' administrative style has been a former colleague of hers. EMU Direc- tor of Nursing Education Gudrun Burtz said while Davis was-employed by that Nursing School before leaving for Ann Arbor she was also a controversial figure. "She was black, she had her Ph.D., and she thought she would do no wrong. She wanted to take over and 1 said 'no'." Davis has refused comment. Elect ons., rejections and inflections on S. Africa A S EXPECTED, South African Prime Minister John Vorster won a huge reelection mandate earlier this week. Voters showed a strong prefer- ence for the hard-line racial policies of Vorster by giving his National Party more than 120 seats in the 165-seat Par- liament. In recent weeks, Vorster has staged an all-out war on black rights, most notably in October, when he outlawed all pro-black organizations, and jailed several moderate black and white lead- ers. Liberals voiced hopes that this was all a ploy by Vorster to win the election, and that after a large victory, he would then have the power to begin negotiat- ing for more black input into govern- ment. But two events that followed the election have dashed those hopes: Vorster announced Thursday that his policies toward blacks would not change, and that he did not foresee a role for blacks in government in the near future. A South African court ruled that black leader Stephen Biko - who died in a South African prison cell in.,Sep- tember from severe head injuries - was not murdered by police, as many had claimed. Biko's death sparked a world-wide protest, when officials claimed he had died from a hunger strike. An autopsy later showed it was the head injuries that were to blame. The government chalked the death up to suicide, but local and international pressure (including the U.N.) forced an inquiry into possible police abuse of Biko. In addition, Vorster exploited the power of his huge mandate by jailing Biko's brother, and several friends shortly after the trial. Meanwhile, half a world away, mem- bers of Ann Arbor's Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade (RCYB) picketed the offices of the National Bank and Trust Company of Ann Arbor and Merrill Lynch for selling the Krug- errand - a gold coin minted by the South African government. The demonstrators claimed the Vor- ster regime could not survive without the profits it made by the sale of the Krugerrand, and demanded that the two companies stop selling the coin: Of- ficials for, the bank and Merrill Lynch listened to the demands, but refused to halt the coin's sale. Library of Science M SA always seems to be enmeshed in one earth-shaking crisis or an- other, and last week was no exception. The big question? Who was to represent the School of Library Science (SLS). Thursday, SLS Student Government President Roger Tachuk appointed per- sistent MSA candidate Thomas Danko as the school's representative. There was just one problem - Danko isn't in the School of Library Science. According to MSA's constitution, "The Assembly shall have one voting representative from each school or college." But what is the meaning of the word 'from'? Danko, who lost a bid for an at-large MSA seat in last month's election, contends that "from each school" does not necessarily implyIN that school. He further asserts that this makes his appointment proper. MSA of- ficials aren't too happy about the mat- ter, but have agreed to let the appoint- ment stand since the constitution is vague. We really don't know if someone who represents a particular school should be a member of that school or not. But don't you think he ought to at least know the name of the school he represents? Apparently Danko doesn't think so, sin- ce in a letter to the Daily this week, he called it the "Library of Science" school four times. Atpw £ibii n kziI Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109* Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 72 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan To choose on sterilization Letters to The Daily FEWER WOMEN will be coerced into being sterilized with the strict new standards issued by the Depart- ment of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) last week. The new regulations proposed by HEW Secretary Joseph Califano Thursday redress a long-absent con- cern for women - especially poor women - who are often persuaded to undergo sterilization by doctors, social workers and other counselors not al- ways having the most honorable mo- tives in mind. The regulations affect all sterilizations paid for by federal funding. The new rules-require that the patient sign a consentform, written in their native tongue, which acknowl- edges "the irreversible consequences" of sterilization. The physician must in- dicate in writing that they have in- formed the patient of such consequen- ces, as well as of the fact that welfare funds and other benefits will not be lost should the patient decide against sterilization. A month-long waiting period has replaced the previous 3-day period required between the signing of the forms and the time of surgery. The guidelines also prohibit federal fun- ding for sterilization of those under 21 years of age; they prohibit funding for hysterectomies performed solely for contraception; and they establish new procedures to prevent those in prison or mental institutions from being sterilized without any say over the matter. In the past, Califano admitted, HEW was not "nearly meticulous enough" in preventing women from being used as pawns in the federal fun- ding maze. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of women have undergone sterilization operations on the advice of their clinic physicians, not aware that the opera- tion was being performed simply to qualify for additional HEW funds. In many cases, uneducated women who normally wouldn't have considered sterilization, were-not* even told what was being done to them. Assuring that the patient is in- formed and aware of what is hap- pening to them, and providing a mod- erately long waiting period for serious reflection and consultation by the patient, are effective ways to prevent funding of ill-natured sterilizations. The legitimacy of all federally-funded sterilizations should have been unques- tioningly provided for from their very inception. gay infringements To The Daily: Let no one be fooled by Craig Wilder's letter of November 22. In ordinances like Dade Coun- ty's, homosexuals seek not a shield but a sword, a sword with which they mean to deprive you of your freedom to choose whether or not you (and your children) will associate with them, not to secure that right for you. In her Dade County campaign, Anita Bryant did not ask her elec- ted officials to pass laws which would prevent landlords from choosing to rent to homosexuals or which would prevent em- ployers from choosing to hire homosexuals or which would prevent parents from choosing to entrust the education of their young children to homosexuals. She merely demanded the repeal of an ordinance which severely restricted the freedom of (1) lan- dlords to choose not to invite homosexuals into the neigh- borhood, (2) of employers to choose not to foist homosexuals on the rest of their employees, and (3) of patents to choose not to entrust the education of their young children to homosexuals. You think these ordinances may not be so bad in practice? Think again. In Minneapolis, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, pursuant to such an ordinance, forbade the Big Brothers charitable organization from so much as informing the mothers of "little brothers" that their prospective "big brother" was a homosexual activist. EEOC also ordered Big Brothers to advertise for volunteers in gay publications and to send its per- sonnel to Gay House, Inc. for seminar instructions on homosexuality. (Editorial, Wall Street Journal, 16 March 1977). This should not alarm the "straight" community? This is "freedom of choice"? Balder- dash. I am willing, Mr. Wilder, to let the individual-unfettered by statute-decide whether to ac- cept the advice and counsel of Moses and Paul or of "modern" psychology and "modern" theology (though both seem to have flourished in Sodom and Gommorah). You are not. But I am not willing to stand mute while a thoroughly phony civil rights argument is trumped up by homosexuals, parrotted mindlessly by a fashion-worship- ping, intellectually-shallow national media, and used to depive me (and my children) of our right to avoid those who flaunt disgusting and perverted sexual behavior. Sex perverts are not racial or religious minorities. The county has no interest what- ever in preserving this sort of "diversity" at the expense of my freedom. And for Mr. Arroyo and others who may find insisting on such a right unChristian, let -me say this: sometimes the greatest act of love is refusal to deceive the beloved with respect to the nature and natural consequences of sinful behavior. I believe that Paul understood Christ's message better than the false teachers (I Timothy 1 : 3-10; Timothy 4:2-4) you are listening to. He (and his Divine Master) do indeed love homosexuals too much to deceive them: too much to pretend that homosexuality is a mere foible to be overlooked without comment. It is a major perversion (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:18, 26-28, 32). It renders one totally unfit for the presence of God (I Corinthians 6:9-10). And if shamelessly flaun- ted by supposed Christian brethren, it renders them unfit for the company of those who would truly serve the Lord (I Corinthians 5:9-13; Timothy 3:1- 7). Undistorted human nature shrinks from this perversion, and all nature bears witness that it is perversion. As I hope that other sexual per- verts (prostitutes, exhibitionist- s, and sado-masochists) will discover the odious nature of what they are doing and repent, so I hope homosexuals can be brought to see the grotesque horror in what they are doing. (And I am certain that if Mr. Wilder looks hard enough, he will find remarkable prostitutes, exhibitionists, sado-masochists, and even rapists and murderers in history.) Christ-and all who serve Him-stand ever ready to welcome back the sincerely repentant and to work and struggle with those who are sin- cerely trying to repent. That, incidentally, is precisely what Anita Bryant was doing when homosexuals plastered her with a pie in the face a few weeks ago. She was helping to open a center which helps homosexuals who have found Christ and who now realize that they must set straight their perverted, anti- Christian sexual behavior. I admire Anita. I admire what she is, what she has done, and what she is doing. I will not be shouted, shamed, laughed, jeered, or cajoled into silence. I believe with all my heart that there really is a silent majority out there which agrees with us and needs-to assert itself decisively-only some intellec- tual ammunition and some leadership willing to face down the sophistries perpetrated by Arroyo, Wilder, et al. If I can provide any part of that am- munition or leadership, I intend to do so, whatever the personal consequences. -Gregory S. Hill governor 's race To The Daily: This writer was dismayed when he learned of State Senator Pat McCollough's intention to run for Governor in1977. It should be noted for the record that he sponsored and had enacted legislation which will re- sult in the probably elimination of all minority parties, the longes- tablished SocialisteLabor Party included, from the Michigan ballot in 1978. Until last year, minority par- ties had to circulate petitions to obtain a relatively large number of signatures to get on the ballot, a most arduous task at any time. If the signatures were approved at Lansing, then the minority party was allowed to nominate candidates and participate in the General Election in November. Withthe enactment of McCol- lough's legislation, minority par- ties not only have to gather signa- tures, but they have to pass still another hurdle. They have to par- ticipate in a primary election run-off in which sometimes only 25% of the electorate even care to vote. If the minority party candi- smoker's breath To The Daily: The last issue of the Daily be- fore Thanksgiving carried an ar- ticle in which the U-M Health Ser- vice discusses common causes of bad breath. Thank you; brushing the tongue is a good idea. Perhaps for reasons of deli- cacy, the article is silent on the most frequent cause of offensive exhalation: a tar-coated mucous lining is like a dirty ashtray in muggy weather. Unfortunately, most smokers prefer not to be- lieve this. But while the individu- al smoker may possess ad- mirable social, moral, or intellec- tual qualities, he seldom smells good. --George Piranian r student union To The Daily: % It is about time that the Regen- ts are doing something about the Michigan Union. Although they have only set up a committee to investigate the different ways that the Union could be improved for the students, it is atleast a step in the right direction. It is a shame that students do not have a place to congregate. I was recently at the University of Iowa and was impressed by their student union. That union had a cafeteria that was open until midnight, had a student lounge with a huge television screen, had a pinball room, had bridge, chess and music rooms, had its own "university cellar", had a bowling alley with real alleys and had conference rooms available to the students. This is quite a dif- ference from the student facilities which are offered at the Michigan Union. The Michigan Union provides other services to more than just the students, which is good. But, I feel that student facilities should be increased. I hope that the 2 Regents will implement a change. The students desire to have a place that they cancall their very own. -Brian Tanenbaum 9F undgehen blau! To The Daily: We are a bunch of four jolly German alumnae of the U of M. We just watched the big game on screen, smuggled in by a com- pany named AFN. Watching OSU we became sick, but watching U of M we became homesick. It is a pleasure to report to you the remarks of the AFN reported on Woody (Purple) Hayes. Ad- dressing Hayes, he said (more or less literally): "Well, Woody, you have an ad- vantage over the Wolveripes. Af- ter hitting the cameraman you can relax and recuperate over the holidays, because Bo is going to the Rose Bowl-but you are not!" Since we are going to cross our fingers until the Rose Bowl, we have to stop writing. Hals-und Beinbrach und Gehen Blau! -Christoph Hankel, Heidelberg, CARTER'S NEW ENERGY POLICY The untold risks of coal usage By STEVEN SCHNEIDER President Carter's proposal to switch to coal as a principal source of electric power may lead to serious health prob- lems, experts warn. The President's plan to have coal re- place natural gas and oil in power plan- ts and industries has received the unan- imous support of House and Senate con- ferees. THE COMPROMISE bill Congress will now consider would prohibit new plants from using oil or natural gas, give the federal government power to force existing plants to shift to coal, and would outlaw most use of natural gas by utilities after 1990. Utilities serving large cities with grave air pollution problems, like New York and Los Angeles, will probably be allowed to continue to use oil and natural gas, but most others would be required to switch to coal. Critics fear that burning coal without strict environmental safeguards could lead to rising death rates among urban dwellers. Emissions from coal-burning plants, health experts say, are among the causes of bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Dr. Bertram Carnow, director of en- vironmental medicine at the University of Illinois School of Public Health, foresees a rise in "illness, disability and death among urban dwellers, par- ticularly those with heart and lung dis- Vw.. phur compounds "could lead to death." ALTHOUGH CONGRESS passed leg- islation this summer that would require coal-burning utilities to install "scrub- bers" by 1983, these sulphur-cleansing devices would not cut down on the total amount of harmful sulphur emissions in the atmosphere, if the Carter coal plan is enacted. Government energy officials esti- mate that a 69 per cent increase in coal use would result in a 5.2 per cent in- crease in sulphur dioxide emissions by 1985, even with the scrubbers installed. In addition, the scrubbers do not capture oxides of nitrogen or other fine particles released when coal is burned. If coal usage increases, the levels of these pollutants in the atmosphere will rise too, some by as much as 18 per Oil firms invest heavily in coal President Carter found the oil companies turning from opponents into allies when Congress moved from deliberation of Administration-proposed natural gas price controls to increased use of coal. The call to switch from costly imported oil and natural gas to cheap and abundant domestic coal supplies had strong support from the oil companies - for an obvious reason.. They own about one-third of the nation's proven coal reserves. THE OIL COMPANIES began their acquisitions of coal reserves in the 1960s when the demand for coal was low and reserves could be bought cheap- ly. 4,n 1963, Gulf Oil bought Pittsburg and Midway Coal, and two years later, Continental Oil purchased Consolidated Coal - the nation's largest coal producer. That same year, Exxon began leasing extensive coat reserves. Exxon's reserves are now estimated at nine billion tons - 15 times the total amount of coal produced in the U.S. last year. In 1968, OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM acquired Island Creek, a major enai nflnrne a ind anr,.oA f s in h v htw n cmnl l nnn-. m 1 cent. The compulsory use of scrubbers recently received a setback, however, when a federal judge in Indiana ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency could not force a power com- pany to install the anti-pollution devices in two coal-fired generating stations. Some scientists, such as biologist Thomas Hayes of the Lawrence Berke- ley Laboratory, a principal center of government-funded anti-pollution re- search, believe the dangers of coal use may be exaggerated. "We're making significant progress," Hayes says. "The problems are real but not insur- mountable because with coal we at least know what we are dealing with. It's not like nuclear power where the problems are relatively new.'' There are, as Hayes points out, a number of coal processes - including one now in use in Britain - that either chemically capture or "wash off" the coal's sulphur and other toxic proper- ties before combustion. Other promising technologies which minimize pollution problems are coal gasification and liquification. But while these pro- cesses are now being developed, all are costly and none is commercially avail- able today.. Nonetheless, the energy crunch has generated substantial political support for the switch to coal. Among those in favor are the oil companies, which own I i