The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 2, 1977-Page 3 {r (tAU SEE *EW HAPPQ( CALLOMrDlY Throw the hat in the ring Some people keep their memories in their heads, but Captain Ohio keeps his in his hat. Captain Ohio, along with several other Ohio State, fans, decided to log up another memory by attending the Big Game a couple of weeks back. But when Michigan fans were losing their heads over the victory, Captain Ohio lost his hat-and he's going out of his mind. Of more than sentimental value, the hat is also a stage prop for Captain Ohio (Reggie Rose in real life) who says he performs at several Ohio State functions. "The hat is my trademark," he says. "So you know what is must mean to me to lose it." Among other things, the hat is adorned with an ABC Wide World of Sports button given to him by Jim Lampley after the 1976 UCLA-OSU Rose Bowl game, two Bicentennial buttons from Disneyworld, an eagle from Busch Gardens in California and a picture of himself at San Francisco's Fishermen's Wharf. Hoping to find the hat, Rose wrote to President Fleming, who passed the message to the University News Service, which passed the message on to us. Rose is offering a $50.00 reward for the return of his hat, no questions asked, and he'll even pay the postage. It could be mailed to him at 1400 Shady Lane Road, c /o Sherwood Junior High School, Columbus, Ohio 43227. And with a cheerio and a toodle-oo (wanting instead to tip his hat), he signs off his letter with a hearty "Go Blue." V0 Happenings... if you haven't got much work to finish, sleep in late, and the day starts about noon, with the Africa Film Series showing "Who's got a right to Rhodesia?" in Room 443 Mason Hall ... or bring your own lunch to hear Professor Hornback, dressed as Charles Dickens, read "A Christmas Carol" in 2016 Frieze Buildig ... or at 12:10, the Educational Media Free Film Series shows "Just Lather That's All" and "That's My Name, Don't Wear It Out" in the Ed. School's Schorling Auditorium.. . and, at 2 p.m., the Eclipse Jazz Public Workshop will begin in the East Quad Residential College Auditorium-but contact Eclipse first at 763-1107 ... also at 2-p.m., the Political Science Department will sponsor a Field Research Workshop until 5 p.m. in 6050 ISR ... at 3 p.m. Professor Cho-Yee-To will discuss "China's Preferential Treatment of her minorities in Education" in the Fd School's Whitney Auditorium ... at 3:30 p.m. Robert Paul Wolff will try to teach you "How to Read Das Kapital" in the Amphitheater at Rackham ... and the History Graduate Student Association will discuss "Minorities and Women and the History Profession in the Faculty Lounge, 3rd floor of Haven Hall... the Friends of the Ann Arbor Public Library will open a Book Sale for its members at 5:30 p.m. at the Public Library, corner of William and Fifth..,. then gather for a West African dinner, reservations only, at the.Guild House, 802 Monroe ... followed by two openings of shows at 7 p.m. The first, a postal art show, is at the Ray Smith Gallery, 810 Brown Street, and the second is a Holiday Gift Show at the Ann Arbor Art Association, Ashley Street. . . or lewt it all out at a folk dance, held every Friday in the Centmal Campus Recreation Building Ac- tivities Room, at 7 p.m... . at 7:30, there will be a meeting of Overeaters Anonymous at the University Hospital, Room W5643 ... closing the night at 8 p.m. with more dancing. Xanadu Co- op Basement is the place for Square and Contra dancing; that's at 1811 Washtenaw. -Tag-along i.e - > r} It just wouldn't be the Christmas season without Galens. In fact, the annual Galens Tag Days Drive veritably opens the season of giving. Each year, for 50 years now, the 50 members of the Galens Honorary Medical Society don bright red ponchos and tote matching red buckets to strategic corners in ,town, asking passersby for donations. Traditionally, all donations are given to the Mott Children's Hospital within the University Medical Center. And this year, once again, the volunteers will pass on every last cent you give them to the kids. The money goes for workshops and classes, among other things. So what better thing could there be to do with your nickels and dimes than fork them over to the drive? Those cents can go a long way for the kids, and tolling in the old Christmas bells. On the outside.. .. It's back to winter, after a brief respite. Sources say it will be mostly cloudy today, with showers in the morning, to be followed by scattered snow. With a high of 320 and a low of 220, it would be wise to bundle up again on your way to class. For Saturday, look forward to cloudy skies yielding about two inches of snow. Hundreds rally for anti-porno legislation LANSING (UPI) - Fundamental- ist ministers and busloads of their hymn-singing followers rallied at the Capitol yesterday, asking lawmakers to enact anti-pornography laws to stem a trend that some called as menacing as narcotics. ft was the first such expression of mass concern since the Michigan Supreme Court struck down all local pornography laws earlier this fall and said they . are pre- and said they are pre-empted by state law. BUT THERE are no state statutes to fill the void, and the demonstrat- ors, mixing patriotic songs and Christmas carols with their hymns, demanded immediate action. Several proposed anti-pornogra- phy laws are pending, but the most popular idea among ralliers was to give local communities authority to respond to smut in their own areas. Michael Peck, pastor of the Spar- lingsville Community Church near Port Huron and a demonstration organizer, said the - "show of strength" rally was aimed at press- ing lawmakers into action. SMUT THAT now apparently can proliferate unchecked by law, he said, "is just as dangerous and detri- mental as narcotics." He said the Supreme Court "was in error" when it overturned local pornography laws. Another speaker, the Rev. John Woods of the General Association of Regular Baptists, a group represent-, ing some 200 Baptist churches in Michigan, described pornography as "moral garbage" and told a crowd of about 300 mostly young people that it "seems incredible to me that we are so lax , in the area of morals." Rep. Larry Burkhalter, (D-La- peer), sponsor of legislation aimed at ou.tlawing child pornography, told the crowd their efforts were not wasted. "We hear you," Burkhalter said. "We understand what you are say- ing." The total output of spice from California annually approaches 150 ilif1lion dried pounds of onion and garlic products, paprika, chili peppers, chili powder and more than a dozen herbs. The state's output is valued at more than $100 million. AP Photo HUNDREDS OF MICHIGANDERS flocked to Lansing yesterday. Protesting pornography, they met with Gov William Miliken, who agreed that anti-pornography laws should be enacted to protect children. k 0 - r No Worry! SpaAl Spacre & days front 31Detroit Wating to,!'fed Now to Los Angeles Round Trip American, Delta, Northwest and United Airlines COMPLETE DELUXE ROSE BOWL PACKAGES AVAILABLE FROM $449 CALL 769-1776 -,-,,,, GEAT P1/ 2CES 216 SO. FOURTH AVE. L Daily Official Bulletin THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXvIII, No.70 Friday, December 2, 1977 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur- day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. CHRISTMAS ' TO YS, GA MES, ' ATHLETIC GOODS, ' DECORA TIONS, and a ' so forth. SANTA WILL DE HERE SAT. DEC. 3 Kiwanis Activities Center . I W. Washington & lst St. II 2nd Floor On/y y m "mm '. mm m mm m mm =m mmmm=m mm 0 o O °0W o 0' 0 o 100 0 0 o O OD o°,000o 0 O000 0 00 I0 0° ,0:o 0 o 0 00 00 0 pc o n0 _ * 0 0, 1 7 Friday, December 2, 1977 DAY CALENDAR WUOM: Viewpoint Lecture, UAC sponsored 'lec- tule series, interesting people speaking on political subjects, I.. F. Stone discusses Carter Administra- tion, disarmament, our cities, and human rights, 9:30 a.m. Guild House: Soup and Sandwich luncheon, 50t, Jean King, delegate to Int'l Women's Year Conf., "A Report on the Conference," 802 Monroe, noon. Asian Studies/Ctr., SSEAS: Perla Makil, "Filip- inos in the United States," Commons Room, Lane Hall, 3 p.m.- Musical Society: Handel's "Messiah," Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m. CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT 3200 SAB - Phone 763-1484 Aetna Life & Casualty Company, Saginaw, MI: Will interview Weds., Dec. 7 from 9 to 5. Position in- cludes handling all types of claims. To register phone Saginaw, (517) 799-8010 collect or the above number. SUMMER PLACEMENT 3200 SAB -Phone 763-4117 State of Michigan State Park Ranger positions are now posted. Apps. must be received by the Civil Ser- vice Dept. no later than Dec. 12. Details and apps. available.t Greenfield village/Henry Ford Museum. Informa- tionon Guide Positions for the village and the muse- um now available. Deadline for applying is Jan. 12. p' o 0 ~ ~0 0 0 0 * 0 0 O) up 0ii. IO ° 000O qco p Qoq 0 0 , O° O°00U 0 0 00 0 0 0o Q Oo 0 o OM " 0 o 000 °0 0 0 .00 0 . ° 0 0 pqeO O o e O0 O 00 0 'o00 0000cp° ~o o 0 00O 000O0p_ ° U J Oc0q O 0 o 00° Jo0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0° O° o 0 00 00 oO 0 oO .. 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