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December 02, 1977 - Image 1

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No.70 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 2, 1977 Ten Cents 12 Pages

Birth control class

postponed in A2

Bill Casello had hoped his 8:00 a.m.
biology class at Community High would,
make history yesterday, but the Ann
Arbor Board of Education put a quick
halt to his dream.
Casello's class wanted the distinction
of being the first public classroom in.
the state to offer instruction in birth
control provided for under a bill signed
into law by Governor William Milliken
Wednesday. "I just .guess the school
board wants to move cautiously on this
issue," Casello said.
THE BILL, which was introduced by
Ann Arbor state Sen. Gilbert Bursley,
permits public schools to teach birth
control, but does not require schools to

offer such a program. In addition,
parents may withdraw their children
from these classes.
The biology class petitioned the board
on Nov. 7 to approve a set of tentative
guidelines before the governor actually
signed the bill. A unit on contraception
was to be presented as part of the
regular curriculum the morning after
the signing.
Casello said he was "a little disap-
pointed," and added, "but I learned
long ago that I couldn't talk about
reproduction without taking into con-
sideration the social consequences. It's
like telling a government class that
they shouldn't talk about Watergate or
the Lockheed scandal."

SHARON WATKINS, Secretary to the
Board of Education, said the board was
not being "anti-kid or anti-birth control,
but they aren't being anti-law either."
"For one," she said, "we didn't know
if the law would take immediate effect
after signing. If not, there might have
been a 60 to 90 day period when it still
would be illegal (to teach birth con-
trol)." Watkins also said that the law
requires the State Board of Education
to set up guidelines for the classes. She
said some board members felt local
school boards were obliged to match
the guidelines of the state.
"We don't exactly know how to t
proceed," she said.


traditionally been at loggerheads with
the school board over the birth control
issue. In 1974 an explicit article on con-
traception appeared in the school
paper, Yenta. Linda Feldt, the former
student who wrote the article, said that
at one point she and the rest of the
editorial staff of the paper were
threatened with suspension if they prin-
ted the story.
"We argued that the school board
was violating our First Amendment
rights if the article wasn't published,"
she said. The board's lawyers agreed,
and the story appeared in the paper.
Elizabeth Grey, Assistant Dean at

Community High, said the courses in
contraception would probably be im-
plemented through the students' coun-
seling groups, called forums.
GREY SAID that she expected the
students' to handle the new program
well. "Some of them are eager for in-
formation," she said. "They have very
few areas for counseling, especially if
they don't have strong ties to a church
or know about Planned Parenthood."
Kassy Adams, a student at Com-
munity, agreed. "A lot of people rely on
Planned Parenthood, but most of the
kids don't know it's there." She said
that when most young people realize
they need birth control, it's already too

"If they're taught in school it'll be a
great help," Adams said, "not to men-
tion a big relief to many parents."
Grey said it would be hard to predict
the reactions of parents to the new
"Most of them won't deny the
necessity for teaching birth control to
young adults," she said, "but they
might resent that role being taken away
from them." Grey said she feels the
school shouldn't take away .that role,
but rather should act as the parents'
"And if they feel we aren't the right
aide, they have the right to say no," she

Arab leaders meet
in Libya to thwart

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) - Hardline
Arab leaders opened a Libyan-spon-
sored "summit of resistance" here yes-
terday to break the momentum of Pres-
ident Anwar Sadat's bold new peace
overtures to Israel.
"No negotiations, no settlement, no
recognition," read fresh signs along the
palm-lined streets of this seaside capi-
tal, reflecting the intransigence of Lib-
yan leader Moammar Khadafy. Other
banners said: "Welcome, heroes of
steadfastness, to the land of steadfast

s peac
peting conferences spawned by Sadat's
voyage to Jerusalem. Still to come is
another "rejectionist" conference
called by Iraq in Baghdad next week,
Sadat's pre-Geneva meeting in Cairo on
about Dec. 13, and another preparatory
conference called by U.N. Secretary-1
General Kurt Waldheim.
Only Israel, the United States and the
United Nations are expected to attend
the Cairo talks. Waldheim's invitation
drew a negative reaction from Israel
while among the Arabs only Jordan in-1
dicated it was accepting.1
The assemblage of Arab leaders in
Tripoli, particularly President Hafez
Assad of Syria, was clearly a symbolic
victory for Khadafy's oil-financed Arab
revolutionary brand of leadership, op-
posed to any concessions to Israel.
of Algeria, wearing a long, black North
African cloak, was the first to land at
the former Wheelus U.S. Air Base, now
Khadafy's military airport for Tripoli.
He was followed by Palestinian chief -
tain Yasir Arafat, in his familiar check-
ered keffiyeh headdress, and Assad .
several hours later. President Salem
Rabayiah Aly of South Yemen also was
scheduled to attend.
Iraq, which vies with Libya for lead-
ership in the radical Arab camp, dis-
patched a five-man delegation, headed
by Taha Yassin Ramadan Getrawi of
the ruling Revolutionary Command
Council and including Foreign Minister
Saadoun Hama di

Palestinians of Dr. George Habash's
Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine appeared eager to capitalize
on Sadat's peace moves, using the out-
rage against them to assemble a united
hard-line Arab camp.
Sadat's initiatives appeared to be
causing him trouble in his own govern-
ment as well. Morad Ghaled, Sadat's
ambassador to Yugoslavia and a for-
mer foreign minister and ambassador
to Moscow, announced in Belgrade that
he 'vas quitting in protest against the

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
TH E REVOLUTIONARY COM UNI ST Youth -Brade-demandan- end to the-selling or the-kruggerand, a gold
coin minted by the South African government, during a protest in front of the National Bank and Trust Company.
The protestors claimed yesterday that the bank and brokerage firm, Merrill Lynch, are supporting apartheid by
selling the coins.
Protesters demandend

Protesters picketed offices of the
National Bank and Trust (NBT)
Company, of Ann Arbor' and Merrill
Lynch yesterday demanding those
companies stop selling the Kruger-
rand - a gold coin minted by the
South African government. The
group accused them of "financing
the apartheid system and minority
rule (in South Africa)," by selling the
At noon, 16 members of the Revolu-
tionary Communist Youth Brigade
(RCYB) marched into the Campus.
Branch of NBT chanting, "Ban the
krugerrand right now." While RCYR
member Joel Benin shouted a state-
ment to the customers and tellers, his
cohort Don Alexander confronted
bank manager Jack Pelton.

IN A PREPARED statement, Al-
exander told Pelton the profits from
the sale of the coin are used to fund
the South Arican government. With-
out this support, the RCYB claimed,
the racist regime of Prime Minister
John Vorster could not survive.
The profits derived from the
mining of the gold and the overseas
sale of the coin constitute 30 per cent
of the, country's foreign sales, ac-
cording to the RCYB.
Executives of the Anglo American
Corporation, a mining concern oper-
ating in South Africa, have said that
without cheap black labor, the min-
ing of gold in South Africa would be
impossible. The government's sys-
tem of segregation and discrimina-
tion (apartheid) insures a large pool
of cheap black labor.

PELTON TOLD the group, "I have
not sold a krugerrand out of this
office; we do not stock it." But when
pressed by the protesters he did say
the coin could be ordered on custom-

Khadafy, dressed in an olive drab.
kepi and sporting a gold-inlaid swagger
stick, beamed behind dark glasses as
he greeted guests for two days of anti-
Sadat speechmaking and strategy ses-
IT WAS THE first of several com-

Jerusalem trip.
Sadat's initial announcement that he
was going to Israel two weeks ago
prompted his foreign minister, Ismail
Fahmy, and Fahmy's top aide to quit
the government.
See ARABS, Page 2

HEW blasts forced sterilization'

partment of Health, Education and
Welfare (HEW), which pays for
sterilization operations for 100,000
poor persons each year, proposed.
new regulations yesterday to ensure
that no one is forced to undergo the
The changes also are designed to
guarantee that a patient fully under-
stands "the irreversible conse-
quences" of sterilization, HEW Sec-
retary Joseph Califano said.
The proposed rules would extend

the minimum three-day waiting per-
iod between the time a poor person
signs a voluntary consent form and
the time of the surgery to a minimum
of 30 days.
sharply limit federal funding of
hysterectomies performed solely to
sterilize a woman.
The rules would continue the
requirement that patients be told
they will not lose any welfare or other
federal aid if they refuse to be

The regulations also would con-
tinue a current ban on using federal
funds for sterilization of persons
under age 21. However, Califano said
HEW is considering allowing sterili-
zation of some mentally incompetent
persons in states that consider these
persons ''capable of giving informed
VOLUNTARY sterilization of any-
one in a jail or mental institution
would be funded only if a special

Deanto ta'ke action
in nursing dispute
Nursing School Dean Mary Lohr will announce today what action she will take
to resolve faculty disputes regarding racial tensions in the psychiatric nursing
graduate program.
Friction between Acting Chairperson, Betty Davis, who is black, and staffers
has resulted in four white professors asking to be relieved of their teaching duties
effective Jan. 1.
DAVIS TOOK OVER THE TOP POST in the psychiatric nursing program last
July. Staffers claim that beside racial tensions, the dispute also concerns Davis'
administrative style.
Dean Lohr and her assistants met with faculty members Wednesday, includ-
ing Profs. Kathy Krone, Jean Wood, JoAnne Horsely and Maxime Loomis, all who
have asked to be relieved from teaching.
Assistant Dean Barbara Hansen said that the meeting's purpose was "to be
sure all views had been heard, and to let all faculty express all views that may
have been missed in gathering information."
HANSEN EXPLAINED THAT THERE WERE disagreements at the meeting,

review committee and a court ap-
proved, Califano said.
He called for public comment on
whether to follow this proposal or to
keep the current ban on federal
funding of sterilizations for mentally
incompetent persons.
Califano ordered a full review of
HEW's sterilization programs after
the General Accounting Office in
June sharply criticized the informed
consent records kept by HEW's
Indian Health Service.
Program has'refused to pay claims
for about 2,500 sterilization opera-
tions performed in the past four
years because the existing'regula-
tions were not followed.
He said "a significant number" of
sterilizations were performed on
persons under 21, were made with
improper consent forms or were
made in cases where the three-day
waiting period was ignored. But he
said HEW has not kept careful
records on sterilizations and does not
know exactly how many persons
were sterilized in violation of the
The current rules were written in
1973 after U.S. District Judge Ger-
hard Gesell ordered the government
to protect the poor from being
coerced into sterilization. Gesell
acted in a case involving two young'
sisters sterilized in a Montgomery,

x ? '

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