Page 4-Thursday, December 1, 1977-The Michigan Daily Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. XXXVI ,No. News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The batteredWife dilemma Recalling E. F. Schumacher HOULD A WOMAN be allowed to go free after killing her husband if she can prove that he had beaten her on a regular basis? For the second time this month, Michigan courts have ruled 'yes.' On Tuesday, a Marquette woman was de- clared innocent after shooting her hus- band with a 20-gauge shotgun last Feb- ruary because, the judge said, the prosecution had failed to prove that she had not acted in self-defense. Earlier this month, a Lansing woman was also freed after burning her husband in his bed, on the grounds of temporary insanity. It was revealed in the trial that her husband had beat- en her regularly over the previous 13 years. These cases are representative of a problem which has been festering as long as the institution of marriage it- self, yet is only now gaining national attention - the plight of the battered housewife. Wife-beating is'a serious problem in our society. It is one of the least re- ported of all crimes, far below even rape. There are a number of reasons for this, but the major one is the atti- tude of the police. Often, police don't want to get involved in so-called do- mestic problems. If they do come, their usual procedure is to try to calm the immediate situation and then stay out of it. A wife can swear out a com- plaint, but seldom can the husband be held for more than 48 hours, leaving the wife open for more abuse on her mate's return. Another problem is the lack of places for battered wives to go. Many have children, but no means of support except their husbands. Even if they, could find places to live and jobs, child care is often beyond their reach. As the problem gets more exposure, new shelters, including one in Washte- naw County, are opening every day. Although these are certainly a step in the right direction, they don't repre- sent an ultimate solution since. most of them can only accommodate women for a few days. * * THE MOST BASIC of the problems facing battered wives is the wide- spread societal belief that being beaten is something that women must accept in exchange for their financial support. Many wives take physical abuse for years without complaining not only because they have nowhere else to go, but because they love their husbands and feel that the beatings are part of married life. Recognition of the problem is only a small first step on the road to a solu- tion, though, and clearly the answer cannot lie in allowing beaten wives to kill their husbands. Unless women are educated about their right not to be beaten, rulings like these could encour- age battered wives to murder their husbands. With the declining number of house- wives and the ever-growing percen- tage of workfing women, some authori- ties are being led to believe that the problem will work itself out in the long run. This is dangerous fallacy. There are still millions of unskilled women who need training, encouragement, and a chance to make it on their own. Without programs which are available to all who need them, these court decisions could set a dangerous precedent. EDITORIAL STAFF ANN MARIE LIPINSKI JIM TO .BIN E. F. Schumacher, noted author of "Small Is Beautiful, " died in early Sep- tember. University Humanities Prof. Hen ryk Skolimowski visited with Schu- macher a few days before his death. Here he remembers Schumacher. By HENRYK SKOLIMOWSKI E. F. Schumacher died a famous man. His ideas were at first considered cranky and un- realistic. Schumacher did not change. Only the world has changed during the last ten years to accept his ideas as viable and per- haps necessary. He had a knack for coining short, memorable and relevant phrases of which "small is beautiful" is the best exam- ple. Schumacher visited Ann Arbor last March during his triumphant American tour. I was surprised that Fritz consumed quite a quan- tity of wine during dinner, just before his major speech. The wine, as a matter of curi- osity, was supplied for him from special bot- tles which his entourage brought with them as they considered ordinary wine to be just poi- son. THE RECEPTION he received was good if not overwhelming, actually before he started to talk. The crowd, about 4,000 University of Michigan students, welcomed him as a hero. Yet many of the students, including my lot, were disappointed afterwards. They expected him to go beyond the ideas of Small Is Beau- tiful. His talk was pitched rather low, aiming at a popular level, of which Schumacher was aware. He mentioned during the dinner, be- fore the lecture, that the time had arrived to start a popular movement, perhaps even a populist movement which would bring together people from all walks of life, so many of whom were ready and willing to adopt the idea of Appropriate Technology, technology with a human face, which would pave the way to less disruptive life styles and more harmony with nature and with ecologi- cal habitats. It is surprising that a small book would have had such a following and (in spite of its simplicity) such a profound influence. But then this is the way things are: what changes the world is neither huge machinery nor "priactical people," but ideas, often ex- pressedmin small books. It is the ideas about the world and about ourselves that change the world and ourselves. One of the best essays in Schumacher's book (Small Is Beautiful) is "Buddhist Economics," a slightly mysterious title. Yes, Schumacher did study Buddhism a little. But the origin of the title lies elsewhere. He told me in Ann Arbor: "When I finished this piece I was looking for a title. The first impulse was to title it 'Common Sense Eco- nomics.' But then nobody would take it seri- ously. So I tried another, 'Christian Econom- ics.' Well, everybody would say 'old hat.' So I finally settled for "Buddhist Economics. ", And everybody loved it!" What struck me in Ann Arbor was how completely relaxed hewas. In spite of the fact that he was at the end of a murderous tour, he was in great spirits and visibly enjoying life; and looking forward to more of it. He was the embodiment of a great old guy riding the crest of a wave; a pleasure to be with and chat with. It was quite obvious that what pre- occupied him most were questions of values, religion, the future of mankind, the ultimate purposes of man's life. But he did not talk about these things in his big lecture, which was devoted to the popularization of Small Is Beautiful. My students thought that he lost a great opportunity to say something new and significant. Many thought that it was "a promotional pep talk." And in this spirit they wrote to Fritz telling him their reactions. I MET FRITZ next time on August 29, just a few days before his fatal trip to Switzerland. We met at Liverpool Station in London, where he was picking up his sister from Germany. Again he struck me as a jolly old fellow, com- I believe to live an Editors-in-Chief pletely at peace with himself and at one with life. In his funny little hat, slightly cocked to one side of his head, he cut a flamboyant figure. In his car we went to Surrey where he lived, some thirty miles from London.' "Whenever I go to new places and new coun- tries," he said, "I always observe the state of the roofs over the houses. If the roof is solid and well put together, it means that the whole house is solid and in good order. The roofs tell you a lot about the people and the way they live. Take shanty towns around Brasilia. Bad collapsing roofs on the one hand and general squalor and misery of life on the other. If you, take Indonesian villages (or villages in many other countries, for that matter) you realize that good roofs go hand in hand with good living." We ate an indifferent lunch at a fifteenth century inn in his village of Caterham. They seem to think there that if you eat in an an- he hoped other, 15 V..- 1l LOIS JOSIMOVICH.........................Managing Editor GEORGE LOBSENZ....... ........... Managing Editor STU McCONNELL.................. ...Managing Editor JENNIFER MILLER..........................Managing Editor PATRICIA MONTEMURRI...................Magaging Editor KEN PARSIG IAN........................ Managing Editor BOB ROSENBAUM ...................Managing Editor MARGARET YAO ..................Managing Editor SUSAN ADES JAY LEVIN Sunday Magazine Editors ELAINE FLECTCHER TOM O'CONNELL Associate Magazine Editors STAFF WRITERS: Susan Barry, Richard Berke, Brian Blan- chard, Michael Beckman, Lori Carruthers, Ken Chotiner, Eileen Daley, Lisa Fisher, Denise Fox, Steve Gold, David Goodman, Elisa Isaacson, Michael Jones, Lani Jordan, Janet Klein, Garth Kriewall, Gregg Krupa, Paula Lashinsky, Marty Levine, Dobilas Matunonis, Carolyn Morgan, Dan Oberdorfer, Mark Parrent, Karen Paul, Stephen Pickover, Christopher Potter, Martha Retallick, Keith Richburg, Diane Robinson, Julie Rovner, Dennis, Sabo; Annmarie Schiavi, Paul Shapiro, R. J. Smith, Elizabethi Slowik, Mike Taylor, Pauline Tole, Sue Warner, Jim Warren, Linda Willcox, Shelley Wolson, Tim Yagle, Mike Yellin, Barbara' Zahs, Jim Zazakis.. , Mark Anarews, Mike Gilford, Richard Foltman Weather Forecasters BUSINESS STAFF DEBORAH DREYFUSS...................Business Manager COLLEEN HOGAN ..................Operations Manager ROD KOSANN ............................ Sales Manager NANCY GRAU...............................Display Manager ROBERT CARPENTER ......................Finance Manager SHELLEY SEEGER......................Classified Manager SUSAN BARRY ..................... National Ad Manager PETE PETERSEN..............Advertising Coordinator: STAFF MEMBERS: Steve Barany, Bob Bernstein, Richard Campbell, Joan Chartier, Fred Coale, Caren Collins, PamCounen, Lisa Culberson, Kim Ford, Bob Friedman, Kathy Friedman, Denise Gilardone, Nancy Granadier, Cindy Greer, Amy Hart- man, Susan Heiser, Larry Juran, Carol Keller, RandyKKelley, Dough Kendall, Katie Klinkner, Jon Kottler, Lisa Krieger, Debbie Litwak, Deb Meadows, Art Meyers, John Niemisto, John O'Connor, Seth Petok, Dennis Ritter, Arlene Saryan, Carole Schults, Claudia Sills, Jim Tucker, Karen Urbani, Beth Warren years. He was looking forward to the time when students and peo- ple 'would come here, to learn from me di- rectly. " cient inn you don't need to have good food and good service. Afterwards we'went to visit the old part of the village. On our way we passed a cottage where one of Fritz's four sons lives. We were spotted and immediately ushered in. The discussion turned to atomic energy. Fritz told us a story of the last year, concerning a Canadian professor of physics who had turned into a lobbyist for nuclear power stations. He was visiting England and specifically Surrey at the time. He wanted to see Schumacher, who first declined, since he thought that "nothing of value would come of such a meet- ing." Then, being urged, he consented. Dur- ing the meeting the distinguished professor, impatient because Fritz would not accept his arguments, asserted a bit arrogantly: "Let us see what you have missed in my argument." At which point, Fritz, enraged, said to the physicist, "I will tell you what you have missed in your argument, and in your knowl- edge, and in your life. You are basing your theories and your arguments on a ridiculously narrow field of knowledge and of human ex- perience, whereas I have studied life and the world at large." It was indeed Schumacher's sense of the whole life and his compassion that have made him so precious to so many of us WE THEN WALKED through the' 'neadowvs to his house. I asked him: "What did you feel about the letter from my stu- dents?" Slightly embarrassed, he said: "Of course your students were right. I was too tired. And it was a populist tour." "A great man," I thought, "no beating about the bush or looking for excuses." At his place, a large house with three solar panels on the roof, of which Fritz was very proud, we went straight to his study, crowded not only with books and papers, but also with tools and toys of his three-year-old son "who likes coming here to play in my study." I learned that Schumacher has eight children. "Since the youngest is only three, I have to live to my middle eighties to see him through his education," he said. I believe he hoped to live another 15 years. He was looking forward to the harvest of his ideas, to the time when students and people "would come here to learn from me directly." The subject of our conversation was relig- ion and the importance of a sane and fulfilling life style. "My new book will come as a sur- prise to most of my readers. They expect it to be a continuation of Small Is Beautiful. It is about something else. Religion, metaphysics, values. Only these things are really import- ant." The trivialization of life in the tech- nological society was particularly painful and appalling to Schumacher. His new book, A Guide for the Perplexed urged a return to Christian religion. Thomas Aquinas seems to be the main authority and the main repository of wisdom. I suggested that perhaps this was an exaggeration and that many people will take exception to this idolatry of the past. "Maybe so," he said, "It is not important what form of religion you subscribe to. What is important is to return to our spiritual roots, to transcend present barbarism." SCHUMACHER WAS very pleased with his American tour, and particularly pleased with his visit to the White House at the in- vitation of President Carter who had read his Small Is Beautiful some two years earlier. Fritz found Carter "alive, quick, responsive, intelligent, altogether a good man." At one point Carter asked him what he was working on. Schumacher responded, "I have just fin- ished a book entitled, A Guide for the Per- plexed." "It is me, all right," said Carter. During this visit Carter asked Schumacher what he could do to help the cause. Schu- macher suggested that during one of his tours he plant a tree, a fruit bearing tree, for this would be an example for others to do likewise. Carter did so a few months later. This advice to President Carter, to start a tree planting campaign, was not rhetorical preaching. Fritz was very worried about the coming food crisis (and he was usually right in anticipating crises; he had predicted the energy crisis some fifteen years before it oc- curred) and tried very hard to encourage everybody to do something so that suture gen- erations are not left high and dry. Ile cleared one and a half acres of his own land, once almost a jungle bush, and planted three sets of trees, each set arranged in a circle "to create an altana effect in time." All the trees are fruit bearing ones. And quite a variety of them. The Soil Association in Britain, with which he kept in close alliance in recent years, and to which he gave quite a bit of the royalties from his first book, has been doing a great deal of valuable research on micro con- ditions of various environments and what kind of food bearing trees best suit various conditions. Apparently with little ingenuity we can do a lot. But we are usually too lazy, leaving everything to high powered technolo- gy, which does not seem to be our friend any more. Fritz Schumacher has become a patron saint to many environmental and ecological movements. Not only that, also to many relig- ious groups which have discovered him quite independently and found him relevant and il- luminating. These religious groups and chur- ches have come to realize that the debase- ment of human values and the degradation of physical environment through thoughtless technology go hand in hand. There are there- fore two broad moveints which are begin- ning to converge: the environmental move- ment which is realizing more and more that the restoration of values is quite essential to the restoration of the environment; and a variety of religious movements, including many churches, which are beginning to per, ceive that the restoration of the environment via Appropriate Technology may be quite crucial to the restoration of our morals and our spiritual heritage. Schumacher has helped both these groups. During a recent meeting of the Task Force on appropriate Technology of the U.S. Con- gress, held at the National Center for Ap- propriate Technology at Butte, Montana, the participants decided that the meeting should be declared a tribute to Schumacher, "whose work and thought were of inestimable value for the Appropriate Technology movement, which is beginning to be important for the whole nation." A fitting tribute which Schu- macher would have loved. He was a lovable man. A" Ui IO N ( ,, ~ ert Letters to The Daily poor taste To The Daily: For a newspaper that professes to be liberal and human rights oriented, the Daily certainly comes up with some pretty questionable language every on- ce in a while. The latest offender was a headline on November 23: "These gulls aren't queer; they're just homosexuals." I find the use of the word "queer" in this context rather revolting, and no less offensive than if the Daily had sneaked into their headlines one of the many radical, religious, sexual, or ethnic slurs that have graced America's television screens via All in the Family. Perhaps your editors feel that word plays of this type are amusing; I certainly don't, and I am dismayed that the Daily houses even a single staffer that would consider putting something like this on a campus newspaper's pages. I fe.el that an apology is in order, not just to homosexual men and woxnen but To The Daily:t I am in complete disagreement with your editorial of November 15, which advocated the release of the Watergate tapes. The release of the tapes would be nothing more than an act of vengence against former President Nixon. Nothing is to be proved through the tapes' sale to the public. The fact remains that Watergate is past history. The court has decided upon the guilt of the conspirators, and senten- ces were handed down. The American public knows what is of importance: Nixon and his cohor- ts had engaged in illegal ac- tivities and they were punished for it. The release of the tapes will do nothing to change those facts. Must we again bring out the, so to speak, "dirty laundry" for public scrutiny? As your editorial stated, we have been deluged with public accounts of the tapes. Enough is enough. Will the "full than another smattering of Mr. Nixon. Must we label Richard Nixon "criminal" for the rest of his life?! I see a close comparison of the release of the Watergate tapes to the renewed investigation of the Kennedy's assassination. Neither action can change the history of events. Kennedy is dead and Nixon was guilty. Let's resolve ourselves to those facts and let those matters rest. -James Font dangerous corner To The Daily: The intersection of Packard and State streets is the most dangerous corner in Ann Arbor. Two geographical charac- teristics are the causes of the high probability of an accident occuring. First, the fact that Packard intersects State at an Street makes left turns on to Packard a frightening proposition. With cars waiting to make left turns in both direc- tions, it is virtually impossible to see oncoming traffic when tur*- ning left on to eastbound Packard. The decision of whether to turn or not resembles a game of "Russian roulette." This unhealthy game could prove a serious accident soon if something is not dane to remedy the situation. Something should be done about the situation at this inter- section. As of now, left turns aren't allowed on to State. I recommend that either left turn traffic signals be installed, or prohibition of left turns except during hours of light traffic. If either of these proposals don't ef- fectively solve the problem, all left turns should be made illegal. Until some action comes about, I urge all motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians to avoid using this corner whenever possible. -Jeb McClure