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November 30, 1977 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-11-30

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2-Wednesday, November 30, 1977-The Michigan Daily

KCIA's White House spy

plan exposed

Korean intelligence agency planned
to install a spy network in the White
House and to pay off aides to top U.S.
leaders last year in hopes of winning
United States support for South
Korea, a document released yester-
day alleged.
The plan apparently was dropped
when previous activities by the
IKorean Central Intelligence Agency
in this country were exposed.
Rep. Donald Fraser (D-Minn.),
who released copies of the report
during a subcommittee hearing yes-
terday, said the 1976 plan and an
earlier KCIA plan, apparently in
1973, "reveal a calculated attempt by
the KCIA to use clandestine means to
sway American public opinion and
official policy ...
"THE ACTION taken by the KCIA
to implement the plans must be
recognized for what it is-outright
subversion," Fraser said. He said
that about $750,000 was earmarked
for the KCIA operations, not includ-
ing money that was to be contributed
to congressional campaigns.
The alleged KCIA plan released by
Fraser's House International Rela-
tions subcommittee envisioned $100-
a-month payoffs to 14 aides in the
White House, State Department,
Defense Department and intelligence
It envisioned payments of $53,000 in
campaign contributions to at least
four congressmen and "special man-
ipulation" payments to selected con-
gressional aides.
THE.PLAN also called for efforts
to win over and manipulate reporters
in major U.S. news organizations and
to manipulate university people to
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promote support for South Korea.
The elaborate plan to influence
U.S. foreign policy and public opinion
allegedly was distributed to KCIA
station chiefs in the United States in
early 1976 - shortly before other
similar South Korean efforts were
publicly disclosed.
A subcommittee member, Rep.
William Goodling (R-Pa.), said he
believes Korean efforts to carry out
the plan were cut short by the
ly obtained the document from Sohn
Ho Young, who defected as the KCIA
station chief in New York City two
months ago. Young testified before
the subcommittee Tuesday.
That sentiment was echoed by
Sohn Ho Young, who defected as
KCIA station chief in New York City
two months ago. The subcommittee
apparently obtained the alleged plan
from him.
Sohn said South Korea was already
getting bad publicity about alleged
influence buying by Korean business-
man Tongsun Park when the plan
was formulated.
"MY COMMON sense tells me this
was really not carried out," Sohn
The alleged plan envisioned paying
$100 a month to three aides for the
"intelligence network in the White
House," three aides in the State
Department to strengthen ties with
an unnamed official there and three
aides to "concentratedly infiltrate"
the Defense Department's military
aid division.
It also called for $100-a-month
payments to five employes in U.S.
intelligence agencies to strengthen
ties with them.
THREE UNNAMED aides in the
House Speaker's office and other
congressional leaders' offices were
to be paid $500 a month as "paid
Some $15,000 was to be paid in
"special manipulation expenses" to
aides apparently in at least four dif-
ferent congressional offices.
i No. 14, Redefining National
Security by Lester Brown as
well as all back issues are *
ovailabe at I
316S. State 663-0215 I
... =. .= == = = = = = I

The KCIA also planned to try to
recruit and manipulate reporters
from the New York Times, Washing-
ton Post, Christian Science Monitor,
and American Broadcasting Co.,
according to the alleged plan.
ANOTHER GOAL was to "manipu-
late" two news organizations whose
names were censored out of the
copies of the plan released by the
The KCIA planned to "hire and
utilize two American reporters as
paid collaborators" and to hire one
reporter for a Korean residents
newspaper for $12,000 a year to
manipulate him.
Benjamin Bradlee, executive ed-
itor of the Washington Post, said
through a spokesman that he knew of
no attempts by South Korean offi-
cials to recruit or manipulate Post
JOHN HUGHES, editor and man-
ager of the Christian Science Moni-
tor, said: "To my knowledge, no
correspondent of this newspaper has

ever been manipulated by the Ko-
rean CIA, or any agency of the South
Korean government.
"To the contrary, one of the most
unpleasant confrontations this news-
paper has ever had with a foreign
government occurred when the South
Korean government in 1974 barred
one of our correspondents, Elizabeth
Pond, from South Korea for her
reporting, which the government
considered unsympathetic.
"Specifically, the South Korean
ambassador to Washington warned
us that Miss Pond's safety could not
be guaranteed if she entered South
IT PLANNED in some cases to try
to convert reporters by flying them to
South Korea for visits and also hoped
to convert at least one unnamed
Harvard University scholar listed as
an opponent of South Korean Presi-
dent Park Chung Hee's policies.
A New York Times spokesman
said, "It appears it is just a
statement of intent of what they
would like to do and we have no

AL v

evidence that any New York Times
people were converted.
The KCIA also allegedly planned in
some cases to try to convert report-
ers by flying them to South Korea for
visits and also hoped to convert at
least one unnamed Harvard Univer-
sity scholar listed as an opponent of
South Korean President Park Chung
Hee's policies.
THE FORMER KCIA station chief
in New York City told the committee
he believed the KCIA drafted the
plan because it was afraid of losing
U.S. support in the wake of Amer-
ica's leaving South Vietnam.
The opening paragraphs of the
alleged KCIA plan state' its objec-
tives are to block North Korean at-
tempts to make contact with U.S.
officials, to strengthen the U.S.
security commitment to South Korea
and to disrupt what it called North
Korean infiltration of Korean resi-
dent groups in America.
The plan included an effort to
neutralize an alleged contact be-
tween one unnamed member of
Congress and North Korea.

Senate agrees to fund abortions
for indigent rape, incest victims

Just for the
health of it.
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WASHINGTON (AP)-In a move to
break a four-month-old congressional
deadlock, the Senate agreed yesterday
to require rape and incest victims
seeking federal abortion payments to
report to law enforcement authorities.
The provision was part of a new
proposal the Senate approved, by a 44 to
21 vote, which would establish when the
government will pay for poor women's
IT MUST win approval in the House if
the dispute blocking passage of a $60.2
billion appropriations bill is to be
resolved. That provides funding and
salaries for the departments of Labor
Jlust for the.
health of it.
Get moving, America!
March 1-7. 1977 is
National Physical Education and Sport Week
P eP4
Physical Education Public Information
American Alliance for Health
Physical Education and Recreation
1 201 16th St N W Washington D C 20036

and Health, Education and Welfare
along with some smaller agencies in
fiscal 1978.
Before agreeing on its latest com-
promise proposal, the Senate ejected
two amendments offered by Sen. Jesse
Helms (R-N.C.).
One, which was defeated 42 to 21,
would have retained the same abortion
restrictions written into law last year.
The so-called Hyde amendment
provided for abortion payments only
when a woman's life would be en-
dangered if a fetus was carried to term.
THE OTHER, which went down 42 to
23, was similar to the version finally
agreed to in the Senate. Helms
proposed that payments be made only
for the treatment of rape and incest vic-
tims who promptly report the incidents
to a law enforcement agency, health
service agency or the equivalent.
Helms said he proposed the latter
amendment "so as to eliminate any
possibility that two or three months af-
ter the fact a supposed victim would
claim she had been raped when she had
But Sen. Edward Brooke (R-Mass.),
who sponsored the Senate-passed com-
promise, noted, "We've found in most
cases of rape or incest there's no repor-
ting at all. There's a stigma. It's

ABOUT 240,000 employes of HEW and
the Labor Department depend on the
appropriation legislation to provide
their salaries. A stopgap measure that
has been insuring their paychecks
while the dispute continued was due to
expire at midnight Wednesday. The
next payday is Dec. 8.
Congress has passed two temporary
funding measures, which are known as
continuing resolutions, to make sure
the federal workers were paid while the
emotional debate continued. Many
Senate members have insisted they will
not go along with a third one.
The conditions were to be offered to
the Senate and then to the House.
Agreement on the issue would send the
funding legislation to President Carter
for his signature.
THE LATEST proposal called for
abortion payments through the
Medicaid and social service programs
where a woman's life would be en-
dangered by a full-term pregnancy.
Both the House and Senate already
had agreedto that section.
The compromise also provided
coverage "for such medical procedures
necessary for the victims of rape or'in-
cest when such rape or incest has been
reported to a law enforcement agency
or public health service or its

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