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September 09, 1977 - Image 21

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-09-09

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Now Starr-ing

. rebir

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LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ringo Starr concerts for Bangladesh (George Har- do things." 'I mean, not for a couple of years, if it
was always the "orphan" of the rison), where was Ringo? What he did was cut a gold album - omes at all."
Beatles, the one member of that He was recording a pair of highly "Ringo" - and start off on a respec- RINGO HAS a new respect for his
epochal rock combination on whose solo forgettable albums - "Sentimental table, if not spectacular, career of his own talents, and believes he can con-
career most critics wouldn't have bet Journey" and "Beaucoups of Blues" - own. tinue to make it without the other three
their warped copies of Tiny Tim's two pillars of musical mediocrity that Following "Ringo" were two more admittedly more creative Beatles.
Greatest Hits. had his friends worried about his fu- popular albums and a slew of highly "But they'll always be part of my
His drumming was ho-hum. His voice ture. ' successful singles - comfortable, un- career," he adds, "because I always
was nothing to shout about. He didn't "My career started slow," Ringo pretentious tunes like "Back Off Booga- ask them to write a couple of songs for
write songs. says, looking back. "And every ope loo," "You're Sixteen" and "Oh My me. They're very good songwriters."
thought, 'Well, that's the end of him.' I My." Ringo's new album, "Ringo's Roto-
AND WHEN the other Beatles were thought that myself for a while. RINGO'S FRIENDS found other gravure," may be the closest a
making headlines by forming new ban- "THEN I SAID to myself, 'Come on, things to worry about. Beatlemaniac will come to a dream-
ds (Paul McCartney), fighting court bat- get up off your -- and do something "The 'Ringo' album sort of got me come-true. Lennon, McCartney, and
ties (john Lennon) and giving benefit now, you know what to do.' I started to back into it again," he says, sipping Paul's wife, Linda, all make appear-
...:. :":,,:,,,,::,:,,::«,::::,:,::,,,,,,,:,::,:,,": beer alongside the pool of his rented ances on the release. John, Paul and
Hollywood Hills home. "It sold a mil- George all contributed snngs.
lion in the country, and selling a million "JOHN FLEW IN for four days to
copies is very important to me." work on the album," Ringo says. He
Ringo hasn't forgotten those fledgling wrote me a song, he played on the
days of his solo career, and places para- album and helped me with it. Paul and
mount importance on the popularity of Linda just happened to be working the
his music. Art for its own sake is fine, Forum when I was doing the album,
Ringo says, but he wants his albums to and they came into the studio and did a
I go in there to make a "be number ones, and I want at least song Paul had written for me last
hit album and some hit three of the singles we pull off of them June."
to be number ones. Eric Clapton also wrote a song and
singles. That's what I "I GO IN there to make a hit album performed on the album, along with the,
and some hit singles. That's what I likes of Peter Frampton, Melissa Man-
work for.If it doesn't do work for. If it doesn't do that, then I've chester and Harry Nilsson. The support
then I've done some- done something wrong. I'm trying to ing cast reads like a Who's Who of rock
that,tmake popular records, pop music. I heavies.
thing wrong . . . want them to be so popular everybody "I'll take help from anyone I can
wants;them." find," Ringo says. "I'm not proud. A lot
Starr Ringo has survived the breakup of the of the songs I do depend on who's in
Beatles. At least, he's made up his mind town when I'm working."
not to run in place while waiting for a
Beatles reunion. RINGO IS NOW considering his first
"I can't see it coming off," he says of post-Beatles road tour. He had wanted
.. , , , , a get-together with his former mates. to take a review through Europe, taking
. . . . . .... . . ......... +" ... .;.;='.;.- . "._._..-...-.._..T"!..--......................: ":::::.:...::..... ............ . ---------

along a variety o
but "they figures
shows every nig
make any bread
mind about that.
different way of g
In the meanti
up" and think
career: acting.
He had done a
friendly receptio
he wants to becor

afew films, and got a
n from critics, and now
me a serious actor.

one of the three will end up on your
Silver Screen, but I don't know which

The Michigan Daily-Friday, September9, 1977-Page 21k.
f acts and performers, I used to want to become a film star,"
d I'd have to work two he says. "Now I want to become an ac-
ht for four months to tor. I'm getting to that point. I love ac-
1, so I've changed my ting, I love being on the big screen."
I've got to think of a RINGO SAYS he has three prospec-
going out. tive parts in the works now, but doesn't p
me, Ringo is "resting want to talk about them because "you .
ing about his other start talking about them now,
something crazy goes wrong I'm sure

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Not quite. It's only 11-year-old Chris
Belter of West Seneca, N.Y., playing
follow-the-leader across a bridge span-
ning the Buffalo River with two of his



-AP Photo

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