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November 29, 1977 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-11-29

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The Michigan Daily--Tuesday, November 29, 1977-Page 3

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As the stomach churns
The greatest show on earth mnay soon be the one going on inside your
stomach. According to University Prof. of Surgery Thomas Dent the
melding of a flexible tube which can see inside body cavities and a
miniature TV camera - a video endoscope - allows surgeons to see,
before they make an incision, precisely where they may operate in the
stomach, duodenum or colon. The process eliminates guesswork, and
best of all it's broadcast in living color. The possibilities for exploitation
are, of course, endless. Prime time, Cosell narration, Pepto-Bismol spon-
sorship, Turns commercials ... and FCC censorship. Just in case your
tummy lands on the chopping block and subsequently on national TV, you
ought to be prepared. So dress up those gastric ulcers and polish those
polyps. You never know when someone, somewhere will walk up to you,
shove a camera in your chitterlings and say: 'ive us the inside story."
Happenings ..
... begin with a noon lecture by Atlanta University Prof. Mack Jones
on "The Epistemological Vacuum in Black Critiques of Contemporary
Social Science" at The Center for Afro-American and African Studies,
1100 S. University ... the International Center and the Ecumenical Center
will co-sponsor Prof. Lemuel Johnson discussing "Archbishop and the*
Field Marshal: Revolution in the African Context" also at noon in the
International Center ... at the popular noon hour you can hear Prof.
Lowell Dittmer speak on recent developments in China in Room 1017
Angell Hall, care of the undergraduate Political Science students ...
cross-campus transfer students wishing to enter the School of Education
this winter term and interested in secondary education should gather in
Room 1211'SEB from 3-5 p.m. ... the Association of Critical Social Studies
will show the documentary "The Battle of Chile" at 8 p.m. in MLB Aud. 3
Welcome back.
Here's a tip, buddy
After the tip he got from a
London cabbie recently you'd
think Rep. Robert Bauman (R-
Md.) oughta know better, but
Bauman claims he still supports
the idea of televising House ses-
sions. Colleagues of Bauman's,
however, are wondering about
the congressman's motives after
he revealed the conversation he
had with he English cab driver.
On a recent jaunt to the land of
tea and scones, ' Bauman asked
the cabbie what he thought of the.
British parliament. "I never\
knew what a bunch of bloody
baboons ran this country, " the
driver answered, "until they put
the show on the radio recently."
When they finally put your
"show" on the tu4e, Bauman,
don't forget we told you so.
On the outside...
What a drag it is getting cold. Today we shouldshave a high of 36 (big
deal) which will be enough to melt some of the snow, ruin your shoes,
mess up your carpeting... you know the story. By evening, however, the
melted snow will be replaced. There'll also be a little freezing rain, and
the temperature will drop to-a chilling 300. The rain will continue. Cold
will go on. Winter triumphs.

PBB fiasco
GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) - Two com- meat and dair
panies blamed for Michigan's 1973 PBB gan consumer
livestock contamination disaster were HUNDRED
charged yesterday with criminal viola- been filed ag
tions of federal food and drug laws. the potential1
U.S. Attorney James Brady named from lingerin
Michigan Farm Bureau Services, Inc., subject ofi
and Velsicol Chemical Co. in four coun- political deba
is alleging production and sale of tain- Brady said
ted livestock feeds. Arraignment is sult of investij
scheduled for Dec. 12. jury, two for
Justice Depar
THE MISDEMEANOR charges, car- Administratio
rying a maximum $1,000 fine for each General Fran
count, were the first filed for the ac- The federa
cidental poisoning of thousands of though eviden
Michigan farm animals with the fire re- ted in the pas
tardant polybrominated biphenyl. cident was n
Brady accused Velsicol Chemical prompting the
Co., formerly Michigan Chemical Co.,
of sending a shipment of PBB to a Farm "THIS HAS
Bureau feed mill near Battle Creek in worst agricult
1973, where it was mistaken for an ad- lem in the hi,
ditive and mixed with tons of livestock said. "The fe
feed. duty to tell th
Farm Bureau later sold the tainted chemicals tha
feed throughout the state, causing the quired by law
loss of hundreds of dairy herds and con- thing doesn't 1
tamination of unknown quantities of A spokesma

prompts feder
ry products sold to Michi- reached for comment, and Michigan
rs. Farm Bureau president Elton Smith re-
S of civil lawsuits nave fused comment.
ainst the two firms, and The two firms have accepted re-
health danger to humans sponsibility for the contamination inci-
g PBB traces is still the dent in the out-of-court settlement for
intense scientific and millions of dollars in damage claims by
te. farmers.
the charges were the re- However, they have denied charges
gations by a federal grand leveled in dozens of other civil suits that
mer U.S. attorneys, the the contamination amounted to "inten-
rtment, the Food and Drug tional neglect" and that they engaged
on and Michigan Attorney in a coverup to minimize their liabili-
k Kelley. ties.
1 attorney said that al- The first trial relating to a PBB
nce in the-case was collec- damage suit has been underway in
t, the danger from the ac- Cadillac since March.
ot known until recently, ,...... .;.................". ":..
e charges.

"a1 suit

PBB has been 'identi-
fied as the worst agricul-
tural contamination prob-
lem in the history of the
-U.S. Attorney
James Bradly

... - --:-..:.':.:-. * *'.'*'*.

BEEN identified as the
tural contamination prob-
story of the country," he
ederal government has a
he manufacturers of toxic
at they must take steps re-
to make sure this type of
an for Velsicol could not be

Daily Official Bulletin

Rhode sia says 1200
dead in border raids

Tuesday, November 29, 1977
Physics/Astronomy: M. Davis, Harvard-Univ.,
2038 Randall Lab., 4 p.m.
* *,
A workshop series; "Gearing Up for Graduate and
Professional School Exams," planned by CEW es-
pecially for women and men who have been away
from exams and math techniques for awhile, will
cover preparation tips for taking the GRE, LSAT, or
GMAT, and practical help with math concepts,
graphs, and algebra in three evening sessions.
"Math Review," Thursday, Dec. l and Monday, Dec.
5 includes review of basic math techniques and prac-
tice with exam questions typically used for GRE,
LSAT, and GMAT. Each session meets 7:30 to 9:30
p.m., advance registration at CEW is requested. All
interested women and men welcome to register or
obtain more info, 328-330 Thompson, 763-1353.
Second in CEW series, "Getting or Starting a Job:
Workable Ideas from Women Who Have Done It,"

Three women talk about their careers at "Money
Jobs: Options in Accounting, Banking, Financial
Planning, Investment Counseling," at a workshop
planned by CEW, Tuesday, Dec. 6,9:00 to 11:30a.m.
Women who want to put a liberal education to work
in the Ann Arbor area or are considering vocational
alternatives are especially welcome. The panel will
be joined by other women with liberal arts back-
grounds to talk about practical realities of their jobs.
Resource list of women in the community who cain
help others who would like to explore a field in detail
will be available, also educational and technical
resource materials. All interested women and men
welcome, further info at CEW center, 328-330 Thom-
pson, 763-1353.
To All Students Eligible to
Receive Veterans Educational Benefits:
If you are not yet certified to receive benefits for
the Winter Term, 1978 and would like to receive an
advance payment you should complete a request
form, which is available in the Veterans Office. 1514
L.S.&A. Bldg., by November30.

SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) - Rho-
desian forces smashed two black na-
tionalist bases in Mozambique, killed at
least 1,200 guerrillas and destroyed
large quantities of war material, the
government said yesterday.
The most devastating raids Rhodesia
has conducted across the border came
as Prime Minister, Ian Smith was
making plans to meet with moderate
black leaders inside the country to dis-
cuss eventual majority rule.
THE MILITARY command said
ground and air forces launched the five-
day operation last Wednesday against
the guerrillas' main base camp at Chi-
moio, 54 miles across the border, and a
second camp in Mozambique's north-
western province of Tete, 132 miles in-
side the Marxist country.
One Rhodesian soldier was killed and
eight were wounded, the government
said. The raids, the fourth operation in-
to Mozambique officially acknowledged
by Rhodesia, were conducted "in the in-
terests of self defense," the military
command's communique said.
"Large quantities of war material in-
cluding weapons, vehicles, am-
munition, fuel, buildings and docu-
ments were destroyed," it said.
INTELLIGENCE sources said both
of the camps were strategic bases for
guerrillas of Robert Mugabe's Zim-
babwe African National Union, largest
of the two guerrilla armies fighting to
topple Smith's white minority govern-
Officials believe Mugabe has about,
9,000 men, more than 3,500 in Rhodesia
and the rest in Mozambique. If 1,200
guerrillas were killed in the raid, it

would mean he has lost nearly one-fifth
of his forces.
The second guerrilla army, the Zim-
babwe African Peoples' Union headed
by Joshua Nkomo, is estimated to have
about 3,000 men, several hundred inside
Rhodesia and others in neighboring
MOZAMBIQUE closed its 800-mile
border with Rhodesia in March 1976'and
since that time hostilities between the
countries have increased steadily as
Mozambique stepped up its support of
the guerrillas.
The military command said Rhodesi-
an troops had not clashed with Mozam-
bique troops. "The aims of these com-
bined air and ground actions were suc-
cessfully achieved," the military said.
In the first raid against Mozambique
in August 1976, Rhodesian. troops de-
stroyed what they called a terrorist
camp 25 miles inside Mozambique, kill-
ing 340 persons, including 300 guerril-
las. Mozambique claimed it was a refu-
gee camp and said up to 1,000 persons
were killed.
In other raids in October 1976 and
again early this year, few guerrilla
casualties were reported but troops.
brought back truckloadsof arms and
ammunition and said they destroyed
tons of other equipment before with-




Breakfast All Day
3 Eggs, Hash Browns,
Toast & .Ielly-$1.55
Ham or Bacon or Sausage
with 3 Eggs, Hash Browns,
Toast & Jelly-MIS1
3 Eggs, Rib Eye Steak,
Hash Browns, Toiast &
Egg Rolls

Home-made Soups, Beef
Barley, Clam, Chowder, etc.
Home-made Chili
Vegetable Tempuro
(served after 2 pm)
Hamburger Steak Dinner
Fresh Sauteed Vegetables
with Brown Rice
Baked Flounder Dinner
Delicious Korean Bar-b-q Beef
(Bul-ko-gee) on Kaiser Roll
Fried Fresh Bean Sprouts
Kim)Chee 1
1313 So. University

..:....;; .:"".v v: .; . v"*.v tv.:;v~v ~y.. :::t. ...:.:y :: ;;; ; .-". w
;.. .. . . :. 1.....:}% ::,;} .. :v .. , " ::::}":; ~~. ii Y.:i i: :
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a h

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is looking for
for the March 1 6, 1 7, 1 8, 1 9 presentation of
All Interested apply at UAC Office,
Second floor, Michigan Union.
DEADLINE: Monday, December 5th

.. y5a
::: !'t
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CHICAGO (AP) Football-like games
date back over 2,000 years, according to
Encyclopedia Britannica.
In the Middle Ages, it says, whole
towns in Europe "turned out to play
each other in rough and dangerous con-
tests with more than a hundred par-
ticipants' on each side and the goals
perhaps half a mile apart."
volume LXXXVIII, No. 67
Tuesday, November 29, 1977
is edited and managed by students at the University'
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; i
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.


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The University of Michigan Housing Division and LS&A
POSITION OPENING: Resident Advisor-Alice Lloyd Hall
Margot Morrow, Building Director for Pilot Program/Alice Lloyd Hall has announced a Resident
Advisor position opening on a women's corridor for the Winter Term 1978.
Candidates mist be enrolled in a graduate degree program. Preference will be given to those
who, in addition to corridor advising, are also able to teach a credit mini-course in the
Winter Semester and/or can co-direct a new Pilot Program field placement project. Full details
are available from the Pilot Program Office, Alice Lloyd Hall, 100 Observatory St., 764-7521.
Margot and the nominating committee will review the applications and resumes and will
contact individuals whose background and experience coincides with the position open to
arrange an interview time.
REMUNERATION: 100% room and board plus a $200.00 stipend


Our new menu has some of the most savory reading around.
Steak and shrimp. Sirloin strip. Elaborate salad bar. Four U.S.D.A.
Choice meat items. Chicken. And a whole lot more. But don't just
take our words for it: Drop by, and try our new menu today.



, 7L-AN5,-\NX 1 r - r r r ' I

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