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November 23, 1977 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-11-23

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The Michigan Doily--Wednesday, November 23, 1977-Page 7


AATA increases daily bus fares,
strims Dial-a-Ride, night services

Button up your winter coat and
remember to bring an extra dime
when you ride the city buses begin-
ning this weekend: Saturday is the
starting date of the new transit
service cuts and rate increases.
The Ann Arbor Transit Authority
(AATA) bus fares will increase from
the present 25 cents to 35 cents. The
service adjustments to remember
are as follows:
-Weekday Dial-a-Ride services

will end at 9:50 p.m. and at 6:15 p.m..
on Saturdays instead of the present
11:00 p.m.
-The Packard Avenue night bus
line will be discontinued. The last
day-time run will leave at 6:15 p.m.
Dial-a-Ride will still be available
until 9:50 p.m.
-Sunday transit services will re-
main unaffected by the cuts and will
continue to operate until 6 p.m.
AATA offers $10 monthly passes
for regular bus passengers. Each

pass provides unlimited transit use
for that month .in Ann Arbor and
reduces part of the fare for trips
made outside the city limits.
Starts on new housing are expected to
reach 2 million units in 1977, according
to the Mortgage Bankers Association of
America. This includes 1.5 million
single-family homes.
Kingston, the capital and largest city
of Jamaica, has 170,000 residents.

'U' limits speech

(Continued from Page 1)
explains Friedman. Referring to the
recent speech by John Dean, when a
protestor hurled an orange at the
stage, Friedman said:
"If he shrugged it off and said
'Let's go on' - no problem. If the
orange-throwing persisted and the
speaker was so distraught that he
couldn't go on, then it's cause for

The main purpose of the guide-
lines, he adds, is to "re-establish
communications with no more force
than necessary."
"THE SPEAKER has the right to
express his ideas, and the listener
has the right to assess what he's
saying," said Friedman, "and it is a
serious offense to freedom of speech

r r - r r rrrrr

if these rights aren't protected."
If the protestors disrupt the com-
munication between the speaker and
the audience, the University repre-
sentative present must put the
protestors on notice. If the disruption
continues, the official "should pro-
ceed with those measures necessary
to reestablish order, which may
include physical removal of the pro-
testors." Protestors may express
their opposition in an "orderly
fashion" outside of the area where
the lecture is being held.
Don Coleman, chairman of the Ann
Arbor American Civil Liberties Un-
nion (ACLU), questions the terminol-
ogy used in the guidelines. "What
constitutes 'protesting in an orderly
fashion,' or 'protesting unduly'?
These are ambiguous terms and
they're often used in a discrimina-
tory way to squelch political dissent
and political ideas."
But according to Irving Freeman,
a student ACLU member, the guide-
lines need to be vague because
various violations would be too diffi-
cult to list.

(Continued from Page 1)


AP Photo

JFK remembered
Yesterday was the fourteenth anniversary of the assassination of President John Kennedy. His brother, Senator
Edward Kennedy, his sister-in-law, Ethel Kennedy, and her daughter, Rory, visited the grave in Arlington Nationals
Cemetery. The Lincoln Memorial is in the background, the grave's eternal flame in the foreground.

tions. "This all depends on the weather.
If it is wet and cold, parents won't bring
their children. This is the one day when
the city of Detroit sees a good crowd,"
he rejoiced.
"I've worked on and in conjunction
with the parade for the past 18 years,"
Sibthrope continued. "There's been
quite a few changes in the floats-con-
struction, materials, and size have all
changed. But the parade has stayed
basically the same."
Originally, the floats were all of Hud-
son's origin. Due to rising costs and a
reluctance to cut back on the size and
scope of the parade, Hudson's has
allowed - other corporations to submit
float ideas. All the designs and con-
struction are still done by a crew of
Hudson's employes.
This year's parade includes five
floats sponsored by outside interests-
three from the Ford Motor Company,
one from McDonalds and one from
Burger King.
The first Thanksgiving Day parade,
as we know them, was introduced by
the mercantile magnates, Gimbel Bros.
in Philadelphia in 1920. That first
parade, filled with figures from
Gout can be controlled by treatment
that reduces uric acid levels in the
Gout is probably inherited and most
of its victims are men, according to the
Health Insurance Institute. About a
million Americans suffer from gout.

in India

ay oats
childhood books and toyland,
celebrated the fantasy of youth.
Competitors became aware of the
new spectacle and introduced parades
to their cities. The most famous one of
all-Macy's Thanksgiving clkssic-fir-
st meandered down New York streets in
1924. Hudson's initiated the first Detroit
parade in the same year and has con-
tinuously sponsored the event except in
1941 and. 1942, when World War II
superceded the parade.

U.S. OKs Brazilian

Want The Inside Scoop?


10, 000
Continued from Page 1)
sands homeless.
MOST communications withl tne
devastated area were still out yester-
Reddy said the area had been di-
vided into 20 zones, each authorized
to. draw ,needed funds from the state
Indian air force and navy planes
and helicopters dropped at least 10
tons of food to isolated areas.
Officials in Andhra Pradesh said as
many as 100 coastal villages were
washed away, most with heavy but
still undetermined casualties,
BAPATLA, Chirala and Repalle,
towns famous for hand-loom fabrics,
were reported in total ruin. The
cyclone blew railroad passenger
coaches from their tracks at Bapatla,
the reports said.
The central government turned to
New Dblhi-based social service agen-
cies for clothing, tarpaulins and
cooking utensils.
CARE officials said the organiza-
tion had allotted 1,300 tons of food for
cyclone victims, plus enough flour to
bake five tons of bread a day.

nuclear tr(
BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) - Secre-
tary of State Cyrus Vance exchanged
views with Brazilian officials yester-
day on nuclear and human rights
issues that have become major
points of contention in U.S.-Brazilian
On nuclear non-proliferation, offi-
cials aboard the Air Force jet that
brought Vance here from Argentina
said they were hopeful of progress in
at least one area of disagreement.
VANCE WAS at the half-way mark
of a four-day South American trip

ide pact
that will take him to Venezuela
today. He was in Argentina Monday
and earlier yesterday and reported
"good progress" on nuclear issues
but no major success on human
Vance met with Brazilian Presi-
dent Ernesto Geisel and other top
Reporters were told that the United
States was no longer inflexibly
opposed to Brazil's plans to purchase
uranium enrichment facilities from
West Germany.


ol be


A nose for garbage

(Continued from Page 1)
stump nightstand and some really good
cable spools, the kind with steel centers
and bands across the top and bottom"
he says.
His backpack, hair dryer, ski gloves
and goggles, surfboard, pots and pans,
crockery, travel iron, toaster, clock
radios, Syracuse china, barometer and
television set - all in good shape, all
found in the trash - are spread about
owned a single new outfit for years.
"What I wear," she insists, "I grab out
of trash cans, and all of it is almost
brand new."
"Some of the stuff is so good," she
says, shaking her head, "you'd have to

be an idiot to leave it there."
Abr~ihamer estimates that at least
one quarter of his wardrobe was once
someone else's. "Anytime I find
anything that looks half decent," he
said, I genereally keep it.
taking something from the trash that I
can make use of" Susanne Beardsley
says. "It's not a question of being poor;
it's a question of being realistic and
being sensible."
"Sometimes people just package it in
plastic bags really neatly for you"
Abrahamer says. He might have to put
up with a few rips and tears, he says,
"but who can argue with the price?"

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