Page 6-Sunday, November 20, 1977-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily-Sunday, NovI F D/sandi cooper Quashing law sch00 Ir (and other fun things) i,4 ti" " " ,, '.. , . ! .+ :w. '*tr. ti: ay sl .ti . " .,1 S . . "if . . f " . e;; .: . .'r " .. ;,+ n 1tr'. ." ..r., e... . ; ; 7 , . _ .... « .tu A S COULD be expected on a holi- day, it was quiet in the train station and I had successfully avoid- ed the rush by travelling a day late. My Thanksgiving feast was going to consist of a dry turkey sandwich on sponge-white bread in a stuffy second class car between Buffalo and Al- take me before the dinner- was actually served. The first and the easiest of the problems was that I'd just begun to shop in Danish; a far greater problem was that NO ONE knew what a turkey was. No wonder I couldn't find the word in my diction- ary - it wasn't there. There seemed By Stephen Selbst Let's talk turkey N bany. If I was lucky, at least the sandwich would be washed down by a cold beer. I didn't feel badly spending this Thanksgiving in such a fashion, for the dressing and the cranberries were all there in the memories of wonderful Thanksgivings spent in some unusual places over the years. Dreaming of those occasions would leave me as full as if I had just eaten. Fifteen years ago, we found our- selves living an hour. north of Copenhagen when November rolled around. "Well, I'll make a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for our new Danish friends," I thought. Little did I know to what lengths this would to be no turkeys in all of Denmark.. After much grimacing and pidgeon Danish and embarrassed gobblings, a butcher in the city finally recom- mended I call the American embas- sy. A good suggestion, I thought, but. one could hardly get a cheeseburger in the commissary without a PX pass, let alone a turkey. But, try I did. Passing from one bureaucratic office to another, I was finally told of a vildthandler (poultry farmer) from whom I could order a turkey in advance. "Two days drive away," he. explained, but he'd be able to delivei my turkey at 10 p.m. the night before Thanksgiving. It had been well worth See TURKEY, Page 8 * . -, Hutchins Hall one steamy Monday morning last August to begin what the admission letter had pompously de scribedas "legal education at the Uni- sity of Michigan Law School," I was un- certain what to expect. I had applied to law school blithely unaware of what it was like; I had never sampled a class or even spoken to a law student about it, unless you count the former law student who is my mother. So when I entered Hutchins Hall and began to push through the knot of nearly three hundred people who were drinking coffee, dunking doughnuts and scanning the lists on the wall to deter- mine their orientation group, a list of questions ran through my mind First and foremost was "What am I doing here?" That anxiety intensified when I heard a voice say with obvious disdain and an accent that boasted Ivy League education: "What a diverse class; we even have somebody from Kansas." Fresh from a stint as a newspaper reporter in Kansas, my heart sank. I was afraid law school would be what my friends had warned me about: three years of forced association with a collection of refugees from east of the Appalachians who had been rejected by A former Daily editor, Stephen Selbst swears under penalty of per- jury that the above storyis true Harvard and Yale and who were determined to vent their frustration by making everyone else miserable. I'm relieved to say it's not that grim. The first year of law school is hard work for most intelligent people, and at times it can be dispiriting and disen- chanting, but it's not totally like The Paper Chase, and it need not be un- bearable. But that's just me. Not everyone in my class has lasted this long, long enough to say with a sigh of relief that the first semester is almost over. My first roommate in my triple suite at the Law Quad, for instance, enrolled, spent three days attending classes, went home for the Labor Day vacation, and decided not to return. Law school cer- tainly isn't for everybody. But I can see how people might get the idea that Michigan is not wholly dissimilar from Harvard, as the following anecdotes illustrate. TORY NO. 1: It is Criminal Law, still fairly early in the S semester. The professor is rumored to be one of the surlier members of the faculty, and the class is still mordantly expecting the first demonstration of his reputed toughness. This professor has warned the class that he will go up and down the seating chart, calling on people in or- der, and that we should be prepared to speak in class the day we're called upon. The professor asks a member of the Doily THREE JUDGES on the Supreme Court; That's the wa High Court where Roger Steison (foreground) present judges (from I. to r.) Law School profs. Lee Bollinger James White. * aJr~ U U IJILI/christopher potter Rating the flicks: Frenzy, Peiham class known to be heavily involved in intramural athletics which section of the Michigan Penal Code deals with negligent homicide. The student con- fesses ignorance. In an arch voice the professor suggests the student should "take your copy of the codes with you on Saturday to the football games. It's only Band Day and at half time maybe you can find some time to study the codes." The class takes the hint: everyone begins to read the provisions of the various criminal codes we have been assigned to study in addition to the normal load of cases. Being put on the spot in class could be pretty tough if everybody was in a state of constant tension. But the school works hard to engender feelings of togetherness among the classes, and it ------------ ----------------- Second in a Three Part Series fZJTere is part 11 of a list stating my r candidates jor the most overrated and underrated films of the 1970s-a list intended to inspire appropriate cheers or teeth- gnashings as one's aesthetic predilections dic- tate. Alternate lists are welcomed (although probably not printed). OVERRATED FILMS (Cont.): 6. Frenzy (1972)-Critics hailed this film as Alfred Hitchcock's. "comeback." Comeback to what? To the Mickey Spillane School for Cruelty? Frenzy was the first Hitchcock work released in the era of the movies' new permissiveness, and the cinematic result was a brutal, formalistic mon- ster shocking enough to make one con- sider a moral re-evaulation of the direc- tor's entire career. Was this overtly people-loathing Hitchcock actually hiding there all along, deceptively cloaked in a censor-enfored urbanity? Frenzy fairly reeks with contempt for human beings' very humanness. Hitchcock provides his traditional plot of an innocent man wrongly accused of murder, then garishly mutates his Frenzy was . . . shocking enough to consider a moral re-evalua- tion of Alfred Hitchcock's en- tire career. theme into a litany of venom. The film contains not a moment-not a single moment-that radiates any real com- passion or tenderness between in- dividuals. Frenzy's characters are chillingly self-absorbed, from the hero (especially the hero) on down. Only the murderer displays a measure of engaging joviality charac- teristic of Hitchcock's villains, and even his tepid charm is neutralized by an untypically overbearing sadism that culminates in one of the more noxiously graphic rape-murders of even this violent film era. (Remember the close- up photo of the strangled victim, her- tongue hanging out, which prominades itself on signboards and lamposts whenever Frenzy plays here?) I think this is the most disturbing film to appear thus far in the 1970s. Not because it is suspenseful (it contains precious little of that.: commodity), but because Frenzy's venerabledcreator would seem to stand revealed for the first time not as the Master of Fright, not as the Magician of Terrors but, plainly and simply, as a thug. 7. Between the Lines (1977)-"Wow, an honest-to-God movie about a newspaper," bellowed the mostly- raving critics over the appearance of this current small-budget film. It,.in- deed seemed an unusual event-the day-to-day operation of a journalistic sheet.has been virtually verboten as a cinematic subject other than as a byproduct (All The President's Men) or as a burlesque (The Front Page). The only film I can recall dealing with the theme head-on was an unfortunate opus by Jack Webb called -30-, which just may have been the most boring movie ever made. I figured this new effort, however inaccurate or distorted, just had to be a significant improvement over its predecessor. W ELL, IT'S NOT. Director Joan Micklin Silver has fudged her subject badly-Between the Lines is as much about a newspaper as Black Sun- day was about blimp manufacturing. Silver zeroes in on a Boston-based coun- ter-culture weekly for Lines' focal structure, then proceeds the rest of the film to utilize every visual and verbal variation she can think up to avoid focusing on her initial subject. She provides only the vaguest cursory notion of what kind of material is run in the Back Bay Mainliner, follows but one continuing investigative story which is SetFIIM,age& ° ,. helps break between clas The camar foster can b4 just don't ha their class married and preclude ex other law sti that the sox down, it mak tle easier to t In my c responding almost a joki coalition of 1 "the crimi criminal ele relieving t stumbles. When a misstates a vious questi criminal ele der: "Beam from Star Tr Dr. Spock u. Scotty in bei danger. Another p away time i play, each p at the begin names of pet first person wins. By cc member wl barred from only way he free space. . , ! -2 A year ago Sandi Cooper and Janine Meadows brought to Ann Arbor a new concept in retailing . . . A cookware shop where lessons on the art of fine cooking were available almost everyday of the week. Now a year later, they ore proud to announce the opening of the PANTRY at Complete Cuisine, featuring gorgeous foods from their own kitchen and from the talented kitchen of Yvonne's Cuisine in Birmingham. Stop by and select a French bread, some pate, a hot croissant on Soturday or splurge on the finest truffles or some fresh caviar. Open Mon. thru Sat. til 5:30, Fri. nights til 9 1 f }r} Pedal.e Just for the health of it, Get moving, America! March 1-7. 1977 is National Physical Education and Sport Week Physical Education Public Information American Alliance for I-ea2th. -Phsicl EucaionandReCreatron 1201 161 S . r ' ishi, In'O 2 TORY a. ~TheI show '. . . *., ...~.of n study group term began more than people who work on a re mal, and m time just lik, flexible. The probl is that first- secure, and of a group n Doily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG of paranoia. 'The 1 'ta crisis one Thne Cloister See LA% h il 0 x:' k f w .} , '. 1.. -............................. C i : I *S * .~ . A SA t A.4tA*A /