Page 8--Sunday, November 20, 1977-The Michigan Daily film (Continued from Page Bt used only as a subject and is simply dropped about two-thirds of the way through the film. We don't even get as much as a look at the publication's front page. What we do get are a series of cliche- ridden, mostly musical beds vignettes involving the Mainliner's staff, whose members seem perpetually absorbed in anything and everything except turning out their newspaper. There are a few references to their concern that the Mainliner may be sold to a venally avaricious big-time publisher, a few more allusions to their over-30 panic at becoming potential anachronisms out of their socio-political time zone. But Between the Lines is mostly warmed- over fun and games, a badly staged. risque-tinged situation comedy, served up by the dullest group of performers as one could ever wish upon the Ann Arbor News. This just might have been a film of thematicaly groundbreaking dimensions, no mean feat for a director so new. Instead, we've been given a work one could almost transpose with Beach Blanket Bingo and never bat an eyelash. Considering its gap between potential and fulfillment, Between the Lines must be accorded the title of Most Cowardly Film of the '70s. UNDERRATED FILMS 1. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)-Ever get sick and tired of bloatedly overweight thrillers of the Cassandra Crossing-Black Sunday variety? This inventive, bouncily mar- velous tale of the hijacking of a New York subway train is an unpretentious fresh breeze contrasted to the mostly pompous hot air of the disaster genre. Pelham's plot is simple in conception, though literally multi-leveled in execution: Four men cloaked in disguises and armed with machine guns assume contol of a subway train and, using 20 or so passengers as hostages, demand a million bucks in ransom. Using its somewhat far- fetched premise, the film swiftly ac- celerates into an absorbing cat-and- mouse game between the unreachable hijackers below and the cops and city officials scurrying around, frantically above. MANY CRITICS simply ignored Pelham, others actually con- demned it as providing a cinematic blueprint for real-life crooks. Rubbish. If there's one thing this film never does is take itself too seriously; in fact, I've rarely seen a picture so engagingly successful in synthesizing suspense and comedy all under one engrossing premise. The only recent thriller film close to it is Richard Lester's equally neglected Juggernaut, which deals with the search for a bomb planted on an ocean liner. Both films minimize the sappy intra-character subplots of the Towering Inferno ilk, perferring to stick to the main crisis at hand. Ironically, their characters become in- finitely more engaging than the humorless stick figures of their high- budget counterparts. Pelham seemed to inspire the best from its large and uniformly creative cast headed by Robert Shaw as the leader of the bandits and Walter Mat- thau as a dogged Transit Authority cop who tries to unravel his underground rivals' subtle strategy. turkey (Continued from Page 6) the effort, accompanied by warm stuffing with fresh Danish herbs, and tender resenkal (Brussel sprouts) with green grapes. The pecan pie gave way to a walnut pie - pecans, I discovered, were also uniquely American. My six Danish guests were at first leary that such a big bird would be edible, but were soon enamoured with the beast. I think of all of them this week - I hope that Mr. Magnussen has moved his turkey farm to the Copenhagen countryside and coined a Danish word of his own. I N CONTRAST, we found our- selves in London one year at Thanksgiving. The language, of course, was no problem this time, and neither was the turkey! The only difficulty was which beautiful bird to choose, for there were geese and grouse and partridge. But it was to be a turkey, plump and freshly killed, still dressed in pure white feathers to be plucked by the poulterer and then again by me - Thanksgiving! And next, a trip to Fortnum and Mason to be waited upon by an aristocratic older gentleman in striped pants and morning coat for my $4 cardboard container of Quaker Oats cornmeal - the vital ingredient for the Indian pudding. Never had it tasted better than made with dark sweet treacle. Years came and went, and occa- sionally we were away for Thanks- giving. One year we travelled to an inn in Western Michigan where we imagined eating by a roaring fire and sleeping under a down quilt in an antique bed. But, alas, our room was trimmed with bamboo and torrid lampshades and the opulent table was more a Hawaiian luau. ' And there were the country-style Thanksgivings laced with memories of my New England childhood - crisp blue skies and pure snow and pumpkin pies and cranberries and my children arguing over the wish- bone. All the Craig Claibornes could- n't have traded for these. Eschewing all manner of marsh- mallow-related sweet potato recipes, here is one from the Carribbean that should be included in your Thanks- giving Day menu.. GINGERED SWEET POTATOES 3 large cans of yams or sweet potatoes, sliced 5 bananas, thickly slant-sliced 20 gingersnaps, crumbled 2 to 4 Tbsp. finely diced crystallized ginger '/ cup butter 3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice 1/ tsp. salt 1 cup liquid [from the canned potatoes with water, if neces- sary] Butter a medium sized casserole and fill with alternate layers of yams, bananas and gingersnaps. Sprinkle bananas with the finely diced candied ginger. Heat butter, salt, lemon juice, and potato liquid to boiling. When the butter has completely melted, pour the mixture over the casserole. Bake covered for 20 minutes at 400 degrees, and then another 15 min- utes, uncovered. Serves 12. Next, a recipe for Southern Corn Bread Stuffing from my most New England mother. IRENE'S DOWN HOME COUNTRY SOUTHERN STUFFIN' 10 cups crumbled cornbread [best to make your own] 2 cups finely chopped celery 2 large beaten eggs 2 eups turkey stock made with the giblets 1 cup chopped pecans 1 cups finely chopped onion 1% tsp. salt Freshly ground pepper 1/4 to 1/3 cups butter or oil *This recipe fills a 12 lb. turkey. Figuring almost a cup of cornbread per pound of turkey, crumble it the day before your turkey is to be stuffed. Saute the celery and onions slowly in the butter until they are soft but not brown, and add to the day-old crumbled cornbread. Add the eggs and mix lightly. Add stock and seasonings and mix lightly. Add the pecans and mix again. Taste for sea- sonings but don't eat it all. Fill the front and rear cavity of turkey and bake the extra, if you have any, in a flat pan. And enjoy! Once you've tasted Brussel sprouts prepared the way described in the next recipe, you'll discover that they're much more elegant than you had ever imagined. BRUSSEL SPROUTS WITH GRAPES 2 pints of beautiful bright-green tiny Brussel sprouts 3/4 tsp. salt 4 scallions, chopped [white and green] About 11/ cups of seedless green grapes A good twist of freshly ground pepper 1/p cup butter 1 small red onion Remove two or three of the outer leaves of the sprouts and wash well. Melt the butter, and briefly saute the scallions only until softened. Add the sprouts with a couple tablespoons of water and the salt and pepper. Cover the pan tightly and steam for ten to twelve minutes. DO NOT OVER- COOK! When the sprouts are just tender, add the grapes and heat through for a moment or two. Add thin slices of red onion, stir carefully so everything is coated with butter and serve at once. Serves eight. . N%% 1% I A I law school 1 1 J (Continued from Page 3) One member had half-promised a friend he could join and brought up the idea to the group after the last class one Friday afternoon. Some members of the group im- mediately balked, protesting that an additional member would be unwieldly and would decrease the benefit existing members derived from the group. The argument dragged on and on in the corridors of Hutchins Hall and tempers started to flare. It got ugly, and sud- denly I regretted involving myself in something so petty, even though I had been arguing just as vociferously as anybody else for my position. Finally fed up, I walked off, saying I would abide by either decision, but that I wouldn't argue any longer. I felt angry, both that the issue had been raised and at myself for becoming so emotionally involved. It turned out to be a trivial issue; we let the member in and, of course, the study group wasn't destroyed. Even- tually one of the original members left Snd was replaced, and it was no big deal. But it sure seemed like one at the time. One very real problem the first year of law school presents, especially for people who live in the Law Quad, is in- sultion from the larger world, or even from the rest of the University. The Quad's inclusion of the library and Hut- chins Hall is both its biggest advantage and its major weakness. It's nice to roll out of bed at 7:45 for an eight o'clock, and to be just a stroll across the cour- tyard from the library. But with meals classes andthe library1lne, :there's bo inc'ehtive to leave. Most of the people at the Law School weren't undergraduates here, so they're not acquainted with the city, and if, you live in the Quad, there's no reason to leave the immediate area. I met somebody last week who still needed directions to Main Street. In the library I heard about a pair of first-year students who returned from a trip to Villge Corners remarking on how nice it was to get away from the Law School for a while. HE MAJORITY of the students who live in the Law Quad are men, and many come from institutions more conservative than Michigan. Because many are ,lonelyand isolated the first semester, there is a lot of sexist repartee in the diniNg hall of the Lawyers Club. For people sensitive to such remarks, con- stant conversations about sexual deprivation can be both tedious and of- fensive. It's easy to see what, prompts these conversations, but that doesn't make them easier to put up with. But besides the three constants, sex, sports and law, what do most first year students have in common? Remarkably little, and that explains- why the holy trinity remain as predic- table in the dining hall as the hockey pucks presented in lieu of entrees each week. I've been sitting here trying to logically end this story, but as I type I realize it's after 11 p.m. and I have more than 40 pages of criminal law to read before 8 a.m.~My normal speed for comprehending - the material is ten pages per hour, so if you'll excuse me it's time to study. sunday 'magazine Susan Ades Co-editors Jay Levin Tom O'Connell inside: Lament of the first-year law student Film: The. underrated, the overrated Food: St it up your bir( Elaine Fletcher .1 Associate Editors Chinese caligraphy on cover b Chri Cohoe _ ._ y. .. .. Supplement to The-Michrigan Daily - - -----~Ann Arbor; Mich grg .-Sltstiy Nveribet- {O-19??--- -,_i. _,.. -