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November 20, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-11-20

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No. 64

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 20, 1977

Ten Cents

10 Pages Plus Supplement

ABC puts
The Game
As suspense mounted before the
kickoff yesterday, thousands of blue
and yellow-clad Michigan fans sat
hunched before TV sets, awaiting the
appearance of the Wolverines in the
comfort of their living room or neigh-
borhood bar.
But when 12:50 rolled around, tube
viewers were hissing at a receiving
line that was a far cry from Woody's
THE ONLY network to air the
Michigan-Ohio State game, ABC, had
pre-empted the first dramatic min-
utes of the annual struggle in favor of
a weightier matter - the welcoming
of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
on Israeli soil by Prime Minister
Menahem Begin and a line of digni-
Large numbers of Ann Arbor fans
had hit the bars at opening time in
order to get good places in front of a
large color screen; and some, ac-
cording to local bartenders, were vo-
ciferous in their protests.
"It was a real mess; it was very
frustrating," said Marie Hinile, an
employe of the Blue Frogge on
Church St.
were some 170 football fans in the
discotheque half an hour after it
opened at noon.
"There were no fights or any-
thing," but there were a lot of com-
plaints, she added.
At Dooley's on Maynard St., there
was a line at the door from 10:30 on to
get inside the bar, where around 300
fans echoed the sentiments of the
"Go Blue" sign on the wall.
LARRY "ARAB" Williams, an
Ypsilanti native, couldn't remember
at kick-off time exactly when he had
arrived to get his seat a short
distance from the screen. But the
delayed TV coverage didn't seem to
bother him and his friends as they
chugged away on golden brew.
"I don't care as long as the pitchers
keep coming!" said Williams.
Joni Jacobson, a Michigan sopho-
more, was "not really" upset by the
ABC maneuver either.
See ABC, Page 2

Defenders are.,
key to triumph
Delicious victory was delivered up by the Wolverine defend-
ers yesterday as Michigan defeated its bitterest rival.
The 14-6 win over Ohio State University was played before
a national television audience and 106,024 spectators, the largest
crowd ever to attend a regular.season collegiate football game.
The triumph earned the Wolverines a New Year's trip to
Pasadena for the Rose Bowl, where they will face the Pac-Eight
champion - Washington, UCLA, or Stanford -- on January 2.
Michigan finished the regular season with a 10-1 record, its
only loss a stunning 16-0 upset at Minnesota. The Buckeyes end-
ed up at 9-2, having also lost a non-conference game to Oklahoma.
Ohio State dominated nearly every category of the statistics,
except points scored. For the second time in as many years, the
Buckeyes failed to cross the Michigan goal line, this time settling
for two field goals. The Michigan defense tightened up where it
counted the most - deep in its own territory.
"Our defense was terrific," said Bo Schembechler. "They
came up with the big plays when we had to have them. That is
a great Ohio State offense and we have now held them without
a touchdown three of the last four years.
See DYNAMITE, Page 9

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Tom Cousineau (36) has an eye for Wolverine quarterback Rick Leach (7) and all his muscles have been activated, but the
Michigan lefty has turned his thoughts and body to the goal-line--the stripe he crossed at the conclusion of this play.

Drama marks Sadat arrival

JERUSALEM (AP) - Anwar Sadat came to
Israel last night on a "sacred" historic mission,
risking both his political future and Arab unity
in a bid for lasting peace in the Middle East.
The Egyptian president, first Arab leader to
visit the Jewish state in its 29-year existence,
landed at Ben-Gurion airport, was welcomed in
an emotional gathering of Israeli leaders and then
rode in the evening darkness, to Jerusalem, the
ancient .Holy City and symbol of centuries of
strife between Arab and Jew.
WITHIN THREE hours he held his first private
discussion with Israeli Prime Minister Menahem
Begin. Toward the end of the half-hour meeting,
Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and Deputy
Prime Minister Yigael Yadin joined the two na-
tional leaders.
"I can say that we like each other," Begin told
Israeli radio.
A Begin spokesman called it a "courtesy call"
and said: "There was a very cordial atmosphere.
It was a friendly talk."

"Shalom"-peace-shouted some of the thou-
sands of jubilant, applauding Israelis at the en-
trance to Jerusalem as Sadat, accompanied by
Israeli President Ephraim Katzir, passed by in a
U.S.-supplied bulletproof black limousine.
Parents held their children aloft to see the
Egyptian leader.
OUTSIDE ISRAEL, the fury of Arab reaction to
Sadat's solitary diplomacy reached a crescendo.
Libya broke diplomatic relations with neighboring
Egypt. Bitter Palestinian militants demonstrated,
sometimes violently, in world capitals. Syria
called it "the blackest day in Arab history."

But Jordan, like Egypt a moderate in
ranks, appealed for an end to "negative"
tions and for cooperation in preserving


STEPPING DOWN from the Boeing 707 at 8:05
p.m.-1:05 p.m. EST-to a bugle fanfare, he was
greeted and shook hands with Katzir and Begin,
then stood at attention alongside them for the
playing of the Fgyptian and Israeli national an-
thems. tunes that so often inspired them in bitter
enmity. A 21-gun salute was fired.
Moving down a reception line of Israeli and
foreign dignitaries, the 58-year-old Sadat reserved
his warmest greeting for former Prime Minister
Golda Meir.
They smiled, shook hands firmly, then he kissed
her on the cheek.
"I have waited a long time for this," said the
"But you didn't come," replied the 79-year-old
woman who led Israel in the 1967 and 1973 Middle
East wars.
"Now the time has come," said Sadat.
Among those meeting the Egyptian leader were
some of his country's most implacable enemies
from the past-Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan,
Israeli military hero of the 1967 Mideast war;
former Prime Minster Yitzhak Rabin, his counter-
part in the 1973 war, and Agriculture Minister
Ariel Sharon, the general who turned the tide of
the 1973 conflict against Egypt.
Security for the visit was the tightest in Israeli

Jordan was assassinated there by a Palestinian
extremist because, like Sadat, he dared to accept
Israel's existence.
Sadat will be staying in a sixth-floor suite at
Jerusalem's King David Hotel-ironically the
scene of a Begin-led dynamite attack during Be-
gin's days as a leader of the Irgun guerrillas
seeking independence from the British mandate.
Today, Sadat's day begins in Jerusalem with
prayers at the Al-Aqsa mosque.
After praying in the mosque, Sadat crosses the
Temple Mount for a visit to the Dome of the Rock,
also known as the Mosque of Omar, a few yards
from Al-Aqsa. Inside the octagonal building is
the sacred rock on which it is said that Abraham
was to have sacrificed his son Isaac. Coincident-
ally, today is the Moslem feast of Al Adha, which
commemorates this.
See inside:
One Israeli's hopes for peace, Page 7
The world reaction to Sadat's trip, Page 7
A look at Sadat's record on Israel, Page 4

The arrival scene at the airport, 30 miles west
of Jerusalem, was historic and poignant.
It took Sadat only 33 minutes to fly aboard his
jetliner "Egyptian One" from a military airport
near Lamailia, Egypt, to Ben-Gurion


Jordan urgesJwomen to unify

HOUSTON (AP) - Rep. Barbara Jordan told the National
Women's Conference yesterday that the battle for women's rights needs

President Lyndon B. Johnson, joined Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Ford in
calling for equal rights for women.
Jordan addressed some 13,000 women in the Albert Thomas Con-

From the rock, Sadat goes to the Church of the
Holy Sepulchre, said by Christians to have been
built over the spot where Christ was buried.
The next stop on Sadat's schedule, at 11 a.m.
-4 a.m. EST-is Yad Vashem, Israel's monument


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