Page 4-Friday, November 18, 1977-The Michigan Daily Eightiy-Eighlt Years of Editorial Freedom 420.Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol LXXXVIII, No. 62 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan ras tte Night befafre 3WdOigwn T WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE MICHIGAN, when all thru the place Not a creature was stirring, except Woody Hayes. The uniforms were hung by the locker with care, Awaiting the battle which would soon take place here. The offense was restless while lying in bed While visions of Graves and Hicks danced in their heads. With Woody in his white shirt and the coaches in caps, They studied their game plan and gave up their naps. When out in the street there arose such a clatter That everyone sprang up to see what was the matter. Away to the window Woody started but fell. "Who put that football.. .." he started to yell. The moon on the breast of the Wolverine's home turf, Made Woody wish he were someplace other than Earth. When what to his wondering eyes did appear, But throngs of Ann Arborites with Boone's Farm and beer. Led by a man with cheeks all aglow, He knew in a moment, it had to be Bo. More powerful than Spartans, his coursers they came, And he whistled and shouted to the team all by name. OW DAVIS, NOW DONAHUE, now Tedesco and Jolly, On Downing, on Leach, on Clayton and Huckleby." To the stands went the fans and the players to the lockers, All the running backs, quarterbacks, safeties and blockers. As dry leaves that before a hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky, So up to the occasion the Wolverines rose To sprain every ankle and break every nose. And then in a twinkling the Anthem was played. The kickoff then followed, and the price would be paid For these skeptics who rated Ohio State best, Would find their prediction was one of mere jest. And what of this Woody, a droll little man, With the tact and the poise of a crumpled tin can. He's dressed in white shirt sleeves, when others wouldn't dare. I wonder if he has nothing else to wear. He has a broad face and a round little belly That shakes when he yells like a bowl full of jelly. He's chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laugh when I see him, in spite of myself. A wrinkle of his nose and a twist of his head, Meant the defense had failed and Michigan was ahead. H E SPOKE MANY A WORD as the Buckeyes sank lower, And the Michigan team saw its finest hour. As the final gun sounded, he covered his ears, So as not to hear any of the Michigan cheers. Then giving a nod indicating defeat, He picked up his players and moved into the street. The Wolverine fans went wild with glee. Once again had their team met with sweet victory. "Back to the campus," a shout rang up clear. "Back to the V-Bell for Boone's Farm and beer." And they heard in Columbus as the fans passed from view, "Happy football to all and to all a GO BLUE!" " EDITOR 'S NOTE: This poem was printed in the Daily some seven years ago, and has been rewritten to fit the present. Its author is anonymous. By DOUGLAS BLACKBURN Hello Columbus. I have lived in Ann Arbor for a dozen years. My first fall was one of Bump Elliot's last as football coach for the Wolve'rines. The team was floundering in the heart of the Big Ten, not having shined since its trip to Pasadena in 1964 when Bob Timberlake quarter- backed them to a Bowl win. TODAY, Ann Arbor is full of B.S., better known as Bo Schem- bechler. Bo has brought winning foot- ball to Michigan. He has also made football a sell-out fall event for the 101,001 seating capacity stadium. Bo is also responsible in part for turning the Big Ten into the Big Two and the Little Eight. He has turned the rivalry between his team and Woody Hayes' team into a bitter, hateful outing. ANN ARBORITES hate Colum- bians, generally, and I can attest to this from personal experience. I think I know why. First of all, I think Columbus is one together town. Withthe annual match against that city's major school just around the corner - I think I owe it to Ann Arbor to try and help us understand this. We need to change our hearts and welcome the citizens and athletes of Columbus. OUR HATE is such that it can be changed. The reasons behind it are not that hard to work with. With the help of the noted Michigan Psychologist, Anna Jung, we now have a Freudian category for dealing with Colum- bus hate - Roots Hatred. In hating Ohio State, we are showingthat we hate a*part of ourself. This can be illustrated on two planes; by examination of the two schools' football teams as well as the two city-states of Ann Arbor and Columbus. POLITICALLY; - We hate all of Ohio because we actually are disgusted with ourselves as a result of the 1976 presidential election. We liberals are embarrassed that the Wolverine State sided with ex- Michigan center Gerald Ford while the Buckeye-State went to ~President Carter. - We hate all of Columbus be- cause we live in a town that fig- ures into state politics only be- Ohio Hate m cause it is often a center of con- troversy. We are not a state capitol. We wish we were. - We hate all of Columbus be- cause we are disturbed by our own town's daily newspaper. The Ann Arbor News is our town's only newspaper (well, nearly), dominating a supposedly intellec- tual audience. In Columbus, the Citizen Journal and the Post-Dis- patch exist in a healthy, competi- tive market. That is something our town desperately needs. Woody Hayes. Hating Woody Hayes is like hating your father if you are a true Maize and Blue fan. Woody taught Bo everything Bo knows. Woody is, in a manner of speaking, Bo's football father. There could be no deeper hatred of roots than to hate Woody.' - We hate the Buckeyes be- cause they are sincerely a Chris- tian team led by a Christian coach. Unlike Michigan's Mike Lantry before failing to kick win- ning field goal's for Michigan in cause they have a gridiron squad that has many fine qualities we find lacking in our Wolverines. They know how to use their talent to its utmost, and if they had had Jim Smith for the past four years, he would have broken numerous NCAA records. They know how to play from behind, and have been known to play on emotion rather than military discipline, the guid- ing force of the Wolverines. And, they have been known to win the final game of their season. Oh, we wish we could claim those quali- ties. Oh, we wish. Believe me, it hurts me to write this as mucr as it hurts a Wol- verine fan to read it. That's the pain with being honest. Perhaps we can, each and every one of us, 4a4 f .fL'/4;e5Y~tC/Pc24W C,94 / S9E 6Zi'7.9j 29 d /r {C-C/fS/467 'GO/SL) 0 U' - We hate all of Columbus be- cause we are insecure about our own liberalness. We need to have an Annual Hash Bash each April Fool's Day - an ugly event if ever there was one. Columbus consumes more of those funny cigarettes than Ann Arbor, ac- cording to an aid to the governor, and flaunts it less. FOOTBALLY: - We hate the Buckeyes be- cause they are connected to 1974 and 1975, you will never find a Buckeye crossing himself in front of national television cam- eras. As for Bo, victories come before the robe. - We hate the Buckeyes be- cause they don't have a fanatical radio announcer like Bubbling Bob Ufer representing both their team and town. We wish we didn't haverhim andtwe have mis- placed our hate toward Ohio State. - We hate the Buckeyes be- transcend that pain and come to a greater understanding of our- selves. Perhaps we can come full cir' cle and learn to say: OHOWILOVEOHIOSTATE. Douglas Blackburn is a Graduate student in Journal- ism and a perennial witness to the long-standing Ann Ar- bor/Columbus hate syn- drome. TENANTS CORNER: Thefo By STEPHEN HERSH When Clementine Calve signs her rent check ne month, she'llbe paying hi landlord one-third more re than she paid at the beginnii of the year for the san apartment. Calvert livestwith her thr children at the Greenbri, apartment complex in At Arbor. In March, the rent fi her two-bedroom unit w. hiked from $211 to $230 a mont And next month the rent willI boosted by another $50, to $28( month. "IT IS A hardship," Calve says, to pay as much money fi rent as she is paying now. At the rent hike which will tal effect next month will ma] things even ,harder. "It w certainly take from me and n children," she predicts. Her family is supported 1 child support payments, and the rising cost of housing h, tightened the family's finance more and more this year, the has been less and less mon left for other necessities. "With that extra $50 a mon rent to pay, I won't be able afford clothes for my chi dren,"Calvert says. "And I don't have any insu ance," she adds. "I was pla rholy housin ning to get it, but now, that $50 profit as possible. And in Ann is taking it. And if you just gen- Arbor, housing earns enormous erally need something and you profits for landlords. Many of want to go out and get it, when the ways in which landlords the rent is that high, there just earn money on their property won't be enough money left are hidden, and the average over." tenant isn't aware of them. But tenants should be aware of ments are xtrem Nly h gh. p them, so that when landlords mnt anrb erely ight scomplain that inflation or taxes in Ann Arbor, her situation is are eating up all their profits, not unusual - rents all over the tenants should know how to city are astronomical, and judge whether the landlords tenants all over the cityrsuffer are telling the truth. as a result. Local rents are high There are four basic types of not only in comparison with profits in the rental housing what they were a few years business, which areeasiest to ago, but also in comparison remember if you note that the with rents in the rest of the names of the four types spell country.-ut an acroymuRET. e The median rent in the city is four profits areNT. T 79 nav n~fourhaprofits are:h BUSINESS STAFF DEBORAH DREYFUSS..... .........Business Manager COLLEEN HOGAN.................... Operations Manager ROD KOSANN.......... .............Sales Manager NANCY GRAU.......................... Display Manager ROBERT CARPENTER........... ....Finance Manager SHELLEY SEEGER.................Classified Manager SUSAN BARRY.................... National Ad Manager PETE PETERSEN..............Advertising Coordinator STAFF MEMBERS: Steve Barany, Bob Bernstein, Richard Campbell, Joan Chartier, Fred Coale, Caren Collins, Pam Counen, Lisa Culberson, Kim Ford, Bob Friedman, Kathy Friedman, Denise Gilardone, Nancy Granadier, Cindy Greer, Amy Hart- man, Susan Heiser, Larry Juran, Carol Keller, Randy Kelley, Dough Kendall, Katie Klinkner, Jon Kottler, Lisa Krieger, Debbie Litwak, Deb Meadows, Art Meyers, John Niemisto, John O'Connor, Seth Petok, Dennis Ritter, Arlene ,Saryan, Carole Schults, Claudia Sills, Jim Tucker, Karen Urbani, Beth Warren CORRECTION In yesterday's editorial, "Sadat- Begin: Peace at hand?," the Daily re- ferred to Israeli Prime Minister Mena- hem Begin as "the leader of a band of terrorists that carried out raids into Arab territories, actions much like those that some Palestinian groups have undertaken." Begin did in fact head the Irgun, an organization which, prior to the creation of the State of Is- rael, took part in guerrilla activities. The group did not, however, conduct raids into Arab territories, as stated in the editorial. The Daily regrets the error. 72 per cent nigner tnan the national average, according to 1970 U.S. Census figures. And Ann Arbor rents rose by 300.0 per cent between 1950 and 1976, according to Census and U.S. Department of Labor Sta- tistics. During the same period, the overall rate of national in- flation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, was only 133.2 per cent. LOCAL RENTS don't have to be as high as they are now. But landlords are constantly boost- ing rents, because, tothem housing is a business. Its function is to earn as much x (APA~T ! I GAlJ7! L..~ - 0 I WANT! IWATIV "r T,&r o r"f * Qp vol R: Rising value of property. If your landlord buys a building in 1970 and then sells it in 1075, after itsvalue has gone up, he's made himself a tidy profit - especially when you consider that a building which goes up in value by $20,000 may be one that he bought with a $10,000 down payment. That's why it's not really accurate to say that landlords are in the business of renting out property; rather, they're in the business of buying it, renting it out, and selling it. E: Equity buildup. When a landlord buys a building with a ten per cent down payment, we say that the landlord owns a ten per cent equity in the property. As the landlord makes the monthly mortgage payments, the percentage of the property he owns - or his equity - rises steadily. The landlord meets his mortgage payments with money he collects in rent. So in paying rent, the tenant is slowly buying the building for the landlord. When the landlord sells the building, the equity, the tenant has built up for him can be cashed in as a profit. 1V. Nn " nm i a m T . profits profit. T: Tax breaks. As property owners, landlords can claim huge tax savings. There's the depreciation tax deduction, which allows landlords to pre- tend thattheir propertyais wearing out gradually and losing value every year. This annual "loss in value" can be subtracted from their earnings when they're figuring out how much income tax they owe. BUt .this "loss" is illusory; their property actually tends to rise in value. Some other tax bene- fits: landlords can deduct oper- ating expenses and property taxes from their earnings in computing their income tax. And when they earn profits on the sale of property, those pro- fits are taxed at half the rate of normal income. These four RENT profits don't just spring magically out of the invisible hand of the free market. The landlord's tax breaks are subsidized by the rest of the nation's taxpayers. And the rest of the profits come out of the tenant's pocket. In a city like Ann Arbor, the high cost of rent forces people to take on extra part-time jobs to make ends meet, or to do without certain inconveniences - or even to make do without certain necessities, such as adequate clothing or food. So the next time your land- lord says that he isn't earning' any money on hiĀ§ property, or complains that inflation is put- ting unbearable pressure on him financially, take his gripes with a grain of salt. People wouldn't be landlords if the rental business weren't profit-, able. Many local landlords earn 30 to 40 per cent on their investinents, according to MSA Housing Law Reform Project attorneys. Of course, no indi- vidual landlord or rental com- pany is solely responsible for the problem of the outrageously ' f a- raj' E'