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See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 62 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 18, 1977 Ten Cents 12 Pages
Sadat 's Israel visit
slated for Saturday
despite Arab outcry
Daily Poto by JOHN KNOX
TOURING STUDJENT housing yesterday, some University VIPs give sophomore Fred Danaher's South Quad room the once
over. From left to right are Vice President for Student Relations Richard Kennedy, Regent Sarah Powers, Vice President
for Student Services Henry Johnson and Regent Thomas Roach.
Regents tour 'U'
The heat in Walter Griggs' $180/month 1
apartment only works on hot days,
but the graduate art student had a1
chance to blow off some steam yes-
terday morning when the Regents
droooed in.
Griggs' Division Street dwelling was
part of a student housing tour that in-
cluded two other apartments and two
dorms. Back in the Administration
Building for a more typical afternoon
-ession, the Regents heard the pros and
) ans of plans for a new highway
through Huron Valley to improve ac-
cesg to the University Hospital.
PETE SHOCK, director of off-
campus housing, and Robert Hughes,;
housing director, led the way to Griggs'
efficiency apartment, where the
Regents' learned the heat is "uncon-
trollable." Also, Griggs told the eight
elected officials, the oven doesn't work.
Leaving Griggs to fret over his
broken oven, the Regents trooped down
Division Street to inspect the
predicaments of other students.
"Isn't there some regulation on
bedrooms?" asked Regent Sarah
Power (D-Ann Arbor) as she peered in-
to a cramped room that Shoch said
violates building code because of a
slanting wall.
AS THE BEACH Boys played in the
background, one of the five residents
told the Regents that the landlord is "a
promising person." The residents
asked to remain uideiifified because'
they are involved in a University
mediation with the landlord that may
go to court.
The five undergraduates pay $560 a
month, but they have been waiting
three months for locks for the windows
and repair on the shower. "He promises
he'll do it soon and he'll give us a day,
but he won't show up," said one
At the last of the apartments Sonia
Guillen, a graduate student from Peru,
told the Regents that the bathroom isn't
heated, that the people on tile floor
above are noisy, and that she has seen
cockroaches in the apartment. "What
do you think is available for people like
us?" she asked.
"NOT MUCH," answered Vice-
President for Student Services Henry
Johnson. He went on to suggest that she
go to the off-campus housing office.
The Regents continued their walking
tour at South Quad and Markley. Beth
Handel is living in a double room with
two other people. "You get claustroph-
bia," she said of the converted double.
Later in the afternoon assistant
University planner Ken Korman
See REGENTS, Page 9
By The Associated Press
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat has
set his historic visit to Israel for this
weekend despite growing alarm among
fellow-Arabs, dramatized yesterday by
the resignation in quick succession of
two Egyptian foreign ministers.
Israeli Prime Minister Menahem
Begin said Sadat's 36-hour visit would
begin Saturday night, after the Jewish
Sabbath. On Sunday, Sadat is to wor-
ship at a Moslem mosque, meet pri-
vately with Begin and then address the
Knesset, the Israeli parliament.
SADAT HAS pledged not to negotiate
a separate peace, and in his address to
the Knesset he is expected to list the
standard Arab demands for a Palestin-
ian homeland and Israeli withdrawal
from lands occupied in 1967 - demands
Israel rejects.
But if the visit comes about, Sadat
will be the first Arab leader ever to visit
the Jewish state, a breakthrough that
could open a new chapter in the search
for a Middle East peace after four
Observers said the boldness of the
mission, which Sadat described as a
"sacred duty," reflected how badly he
wanted peace so he could shift his atten-
tion to Egypt's acute economic prob-
FOR THE Israelis, the visit falls just
short of answering their 30-year quest
for Arab recognition.
"But the psychological impact of this
on the Arab world ... ," said an Israeli
Foreign .Ministry official, pausing. to
search for words, ". . . the psychologi-
cal impact will be immense."
The announcement of Sadat's visit
followed several days of public ex-
changes by the Egyptian and Israeli
leaders. But the timing came as a sur-
prise to U.S. and other diplomats, who
had not expected it until later next
BEGIN SAID the day was set last
Wednesday, and the final agreement
came in an exchange of letters through
the U.S. ambassadors to Egypt and
Israel. The announcement in Jerusa-
lem came amid these fast-paced de-
Sadat accepted the invitation after
flying to Damascus in a futile bid to win
Syrian President Hafez Assad's support
for the trip. After seven hours of talks,
Assad said his failure to dissuade Sadat
was "really painful."
Profs., predict 'stalled'
U.S. economy in '78
e Shortly after the Syrian and Egyp-
tian leaders announced their disagree-
ment two bombs exploded outside the
Egyptian embassy in Damascus. There
was no immediate report on casualties,
and the Syrian government quickly con-
demned the bombing.
" As soon as Sadat returned to Egypt,
the official Middle East News Agency
announced that Ismail Fahmy, his
foreign minister and top foreign policy
aide since the October 1973 war, had re-
signed. Sadat named Fahmy's deputy,
Mohammed Riad, in his stead, but sev-
eral hours later the agency said he too
See SADAT, Page 12
MSA election vote announced;
Arnson wins, amendments pass
, t MARK PARRENI T system.
A "stalled" national economy is on
the horizon for 1978, according to Uni-
versity economists.
Economics Profs. Saul Hymans and
Harold Shapiro, who presented their
annual national economic forecast yes-
terday at the first day of the Univer-
sity's Conference on the Economic Out-
look, said sluggish economic growth,
continued high unemployment, a six
per cent rate of price inflation will con-
tribute to the predicted lag.
THE-FORECAST, prepared by the
University's Research Seminar on
Quantatative Economics (RSQE)
which Hymans and Shapiro co-direct, is
based on a number of variables, both
economic and political. In the past, the
widely respected RSQE forecast has
been relatively accurate.
Among this year's assumptions is the
passage of an energy bill allowing the
price of domestic crude oil to reach the
world market level by 1980. Its also
allows for windfall profits to industry
and rebates to consumers. According to
Hymans, the effects of these factors
would not be very noticeable in 1978, but
my mid-1979, they would play an im-
portant role in the economy.
In their forecast, Hymans and
Shapiro say the energy bill would affect
the 1978 inflation rate by a "modest"
one-tenth of one percentage point. How-
ever, by mid-1979 the economists say
the bill will contribute one half of one
percentage point to the national infla-
tion rate.
HYMANS SAID the expected infla-
tion rate for 1979 would drop to 5.75 per
cent in the absence of the energy bill.
Despite slow congressional action on
President Carter's energy package,
Hymans said, "Clearly, it will go
through," and was confident his
model's energy bill assumption was
Shapiro, who was appointed Uni-
versity vice president for academic af-
fairs this'summer, addressed the con-
ference and said other factors affecting
the 1978 predictions were a trend to-
ward an expansive monetary policy by
ny 1ii rsnl
Eight newcomers and two incumbents
have been elected to seats on the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA),
according to unofficial results released
last night.
Bursley Resident Advisor Eric Ar-
nson, a Literary College (LSA) senior,
was overwhelmingly elected with 320
votes, more than three times that of his
nearest competitor, in one of the most
apathetic elections ever. Less than
2,000 students turned out this fall.
AMONG THOSE elected were in-
cumbents Irving Freeman of the
Bullshit Party and Nancy Smith, who
previously represented the College of
Engineering as an appointed member
and elected on the Make Our Votes Ef-
fective (MOVE) party platform.
Also elected were Steven Smith and
Cathy Pattinson of MOVE, Doug Stein-
berg of Campus Coalition, Tom Danko
of JOB party and independents Ross
Crow;, Jay Barrymore and Jeff
All of the newly elected members ex-
cept Danko will receive one year terms.
Danko was elected to a half-year term
due to MSA's preferential voting
AN AMENDMENT to the All-Campus
Constitution which will change the in-
ternal structure of the Assembly also
passed by 68 per'cent. The amendment
calls for direct election of all MSA
.members from individual schools and
colleges rather replacing the current
system which elects 18 of the 35
representatives from the campus at
large. The remainder are appointed
from school and college governments.
This amendment takes effect with the
next election.
Challenges to this amendment are
expected, however.
Another amendment, which calls for
removal of members from their seats
following eight absences at roll call,
passed by an overwhelming 89 per cent.
This takes effect after certification of
the election.
UNDER THE preferential voting
system, voters cast ballots indicating
the order of their preference. When
votes are tallied, candidates receiving
a majority of the first place votes are
declared winners. If seats are still
vacant, the candidate with the lowest
number of first place votes is
eliminated, and his votes are
redistributed among candidates listed
as second choice on his ballot. This is
repeated until all seats are filled.
The withdrawal of JOB party mem-
ber John Gibson during the vote tally
prompted the shifting of many of his
votes to Danko, another member of
"He wouldn't have won if I hadn't
done it," Gibson said last night.
GIBSON ALSO said he is virtually
assured an extension of his current
MSA seat as a School of Library Scien-
ce representative. He added that he ran
for an at large seat in order to assure
himself of a seat on the Assembly in
case his reorganization amendment,
which passed with 68 per cent of the
vote, failed.
Elections Director Monte Fowler said
the tallying process went very
smoothly, unlike last fall's election
when several ballots were miscounted
necessitating a recount of the entire
election. This prompted several
changes in results.
The results of this election will not be
official until after certification by the
Central Judiciary Committee, ten-
tatively scheduled for Monday.
mid-1978 and no significant changes in
the federal tax policy.
ALTHOUGH the energy bill assumed
in the model would result in an increase
in inflation and a decrease in the real
gross national product (GNP), Hymans
and Shapiro said the program is "long
overdue" and "there is little question
that basic energy resources ought to be
priced to reflect their scarcity in re-
The forecasters also urged stepped-
up government action to accelerate
economic recovery.
See PROFS., Page 9
AA TA blocks path,
for downtown trolley
The city's proposed downtown trolley plan suffered yet another derailment
Wednesday night when the Ann Arbor Transit Authority (AATA) Board defeated
a resolution to complete a $10,000 feasibility study on the system.
Although the board was split on the decision, 3-3, the resolution still failed
because it needed majority approval. Trolley support groups, however, vow to
get the study and the trolley back on the track.
dart tofr.
Armed with dart guns and the * n:. .. w
instinct for survival, desperate
East Qudrsdnsaesekn
around corners, hoping to murder {~
their assigned targets before they
themselves become victims of an
assassin's rubber dart.
In the second annual Killer Con-
test, which began at 6 a.m. Mon-
day morning with 74 eager par-,
ticipants, only 25 survivors - as of
last night - are left. For them, it
is no longer just a game. - ,