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November 15, 1977 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-11-15

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Soviet aid

cancelling a 1974 friendship treaty
with Moscow and demanding the
Soviet embassy in the Somali capital
of Mogadishu reduce its staff.
Explaining the strong actions,
Somalia claimed Soviet weaponry
pouring into Ethiopia was being
turned against the Somale-backed
rebels in the Ogaden conflict.
, SOMALIA ALSO cited the growing
numbers of Cuban troops fighting
alongside Ethiopian soldiers. The
U.S. State Department said yester-
day that Cuba has increased its
commitment of advisers to 550, up
from 100 to 150 a few weeks ago.
About 400 of the Cubans are military
The Somali repudiation came only
five months after Sudan ousted its'

Soviet advisers amid charges Mos-
cow was plotting to overthrow the
Sudanese government. In 1972, Egyp-
tian President Anwar Sadat opted for
a similar ouster of Russian military
and civilian technical D.ersonnel as
his country broke away from years
of heavy Soviet influence.
Somali diplomats in Moscow indi-
cated they were surprised at the
timing of the Mogadishu announce-
ment. One said he had expected the
move against the Soviets "but not so
JUST 10 DAYS ago, Somalia's
ruling Revolutionary Socialist Party
strongly praised the Soviet Union at a
Kremlin gathering to celebrate the
60th anniversary of the Bolshevik

Earn 8 Credits This Spring
MASS MEETING for moteinformation:
8 pm Dept. of English
2203 Angell Hall 764-0418 or 761-9579

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
Porat wants aid

for lewis!
Calling 1978 "the year of Jewish refu-'
gees," Mordechai Ben Porat, chairman
of the World Organization of Jews from

" The citizens of Michigan are faced with a crisis that came to the forefront
four years ago and has yet to be resolved. It is the energy crisis.
The crisis has many facets: it is a crisis of diminishing resources and increased
dependence on foreign imports; it is a crisis of skyrocketing costs and of waste; and,
unfortunately, it is a crisis of disbelief.
Many citizens are not yet convinced that we are indeed confronted with an
invisible enemy that touches all aspects of our lives. Michigan is particularly
vulnerable since it must import close to 95 percent of its energy supplies. But the
energy crisis is such that individual efforts can make a difference.
Therefore, I, William G. Milliken, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby
declare November, 1977, as the second annual Energy Month in Michigan.
I urge every citizen in the state to focus in on the issues of energy and the importance
energy plays in our lives. And I urge every citizen to seek vew ways to
conserve elvergy while at the same time developing a new energy ethic."
Governor William G. Milliken

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N Do.ti cp-o o r d
Nancy Dickerson, prominent national correspondent, reports for Detroit Edison:

it's Michigan Ene'Mo nth.
Take another look at ow you can
use energy wivsely.

Arab Countries, (WOJAC) said last
night his organization demands com-
pensation from Arab countries for forc-
ing Jews to leave their homes.
"The Jews were forced to leave the
Arab countries leaving everything
behind," he charged. "They suffered
humility and material depression. They
should be compensated."
PORAT, WHO will address the U.N.
General Assembly in several weeks,
disclosed his organization's goals are
already specifically mentioned in the
latest proposed working paper agreed
to by President Carter and Israeli
foreign minister Moshe Dayan.
The working paper is currently under
discussion in the Arab capitals. It con-
tains the premise that all refugee
problems will be discussed in Geneva
provided the parties solve the procedur-
al difficulties surrounding the resum-
ption of the conference.
Speaking at Hillel, Porat claimed his
organization has received tremendous
publicity since it held its first conven-
tion in November, 1975. "We've been
thrilled by the response of many
clergyman, Jewish organizations and
politicians," said Porat.
arations and compensations to be
provided for those Jewish refugees
from Arab countries," said Porat. He
also said his organization desires the
material left behind by Jewisl
refugees and free access to religious
tombs in Arab countries.
In 1948 there were 850,000 Jews
living in Arab countries. Only 28,000
now remain captive under Arab
regimes in Syria, Iraq, Tunisia and
other small Arab countries.
"There are now 4,500 Jews living in
Syria who are politically and socially
persecuted," he said. "Last year 40
Jews were given permission to leave
the country if they promised not to
visit Israel. Although they followed
the promise, they were still arrested
upon arrival in Syria,"he said.
Porat also announced the estab-
lishnent of several local committees
sponsored by Jewish federations,
which support WOJAC's position. In
an afternoon interview, he expressed
a hope that a national committee
would soon be formed. "I would like
to see a national committee com-
prised of many individuals formed
within a few months to establish
m6re recognition for our cause," he
$1-$2 PER DISC

Governor William Milliken has
officially proclaimed November as
Energy Month to promote discussion
about energy conservation in
It's a good time for all of us to find
and share new ways to use energy
The th'eme for the month, "Energy
-Handle with Care" tells the story.
Many of the fuels we use to supply
energy are becoming scarce and
expensive. So energy conservation
directly concerns us all.
If you have questions on energy-
saving techniques, call the Energy
Hot Line in Lansing during
November. The number isf
1-800-292-4704 and it's toll-free.
Here are just a few of the things
you can do to conserve energy at
home. You'll be dollars ahead on
energy costs, too.
" Have your home properly
insulated. If you own your home,
Detroit Edison's Home Insulation
Finance Plan may help you get the
work done. Ask about it at any
customer office.
* Install storm windows and doors,
and check weatherstripping and
caulking. Close draperies and pull
shades at night to cut down on heat
loss through glass areas.
November is Energy Month.

* Keep your furnace and air
conditioner in good repair, and
replace filters often. Faulty appliances
waste energy and money.
- Consider installing a heat pump
for energy-efficient heating and
cooling. If you're planning on buying
an air conditioner next summer,
make sure it's the right size for the
area you want to cool and has an
Energy Efficiency Rating of 8 or more.
As an energy supplier, Detroit
Edison is an active and concerned
participant in America's crusade for
So, even though the people at
Detroit Edison cannot control the use.
of energy other than their own,
they are continually working to
produce and supply electricity as
efficiently as possible; both to
conserve our non-renewable natural
resources and to give you the most
for your energy dollar.
Here are some of the things
Detroit Edison is doing:
" salvaging and recycling paper, wire,
lines hardware, poles, street-
lighting equipment, transformers,
capacitors... even oil, again
saving limited resources

" using compact service vehicles for
more efficient and economical
operation and gas mileage
* pioneering time-of-day rates and
remote-controlled air conditioning
and water heating to reduce energy
consumption and waste as well as
slowing the need to build costly
new generating plants
* continuing research into alternative
energy sources such as solar,
nuclear, wind and refuse in order
to conserve scarce fossil fuels.
America's crusade for conservation
requires a working relationship
between those who supply energy
and those who use it.
Detroit Edison is working hard to
do its part. But the success of this
crusade depends on all of us ... every

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