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November 15, 1977 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-11-15

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13 arraigned on soliciting charges
in city massage parlor crackdown


'This is a situation
that has been going
on for some time
- Police Chief
Walter Krasny

Eleven women, arrested last week
when police raided two local mas-
sage parlors, stood mute yesterday
when they were arraigned on prosti-
tution charges before 15th District
Court Judge Pieter Thomassen.
The women were taken into cus-
tody last week when police raided the
U.S. Health Spa at 212 Huron St. and
the Velvet Touch Massage Parlor 215
S. Fourth Ave. All employees of the
establishments, the eleven women
were arrested on accosting and
soliciting charges.

Huron Towers conversion plan

(Continued from Page 1)
city history that a large apart-
ment complex has been converted to
a co-op. Under cooperative manage-
ment, each resident would have a
vote in decisions concerning rent,
levels of service provided, and other
apartment matters.
Klein said the CRC received its
first official statement from HUD in
a letter last week. "They told us they
would consider the effects of co-op
conversion, but seemed fairly non-
committal about it," Klein said.
George Day, a special assistant at
HUD's Detroit office, said HUD plans
to have the building appraised and
fully repaired before putting the twin
towers up for sale. Day said he has
received two other inquiries from

non-profit groups interested in pur-
chasing the apartments, but their
plans for the building don't fit in with
the conditions under which HUD
plans to sellit.
"WE KNOW there's a great deal of
tenant concern and we're approach-
ing this with some care," said Day.
"We have to make the reasonable de-
termination to make sure we get the
best price we can." This could take
months, he added.
Chances are "excellent" that Hur-
on Towers will be converted to a
co-op, maintained Roger Willcox,
president of Techni Co-op, Inc., a
Connecticut-based cooperative or-
ganization. TechniCo-op has agreed
to provide professional services for
the tenants on a contingency basis,

meaning the organization's fees
would be paid from mortgage pro-
ceeds if the co-op attempt is success-
"I have helped convert co-ops in
several states and have every reason
to believe that the tenants have the
knowledge and capability to do it in
this case," Willcox said. He said with
tenant support of conversion as it is
now, the CRC shouldn't have any
problem matching private bids for
the apartments.
JULIUS YACKER, a Chicago law-
yer, has offered to handle the legal
side of the conversion, also on a
contingency basis.
In early October, the University
shelved a previous interest in pur-
chasing Huron Towers,

ON SATURDAY, Washtenaw
County Sheriff deputies closed down
the U.S. Health Spa. The spa is loca-
ted above the Whiffletree restaurant.
According to Whiffletree Manager
Robert Babcock, the Spa has caused,
problems with the restaurant's busi-
ness and was delinquent in paying
last month's rent.
The massage parlor was not raided
before Thursday's bust, Babcock
added, but some of its employees had
been involved in prostitution related
The raids were the result of a
three-month long investigation of
suspected massage parlor and pros-
titution operations in the city.
Citizen complaints of "streetwalk-
er" activity spurred the massage
parlor crackdown, said Police Chief
Walter Krasny.
"This is asituation that has been
going on for some time now," Krasny
said of the parlor and prostitution ar-
rangements. ,
KRASNY SAID the investigation of
massage parlor-prostitution opera-
tions will continue and that the two
establishments were not the only
parlors suspected of prostitution op-
One parlor clerk, who wants to
remain unidentified, said the police
were "coming down too hard on
them" and parlor operators are con-
sidering leaving the city.
"That's the general idea," Krasny
said after hearing complaints of the
perturbed clerk, "to have them pack
up and get out of the city."

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 15, 1977-Page 7
Tickets on sale starting TODAY
for the Canterbury House production of
a "new kind of musical" by JACQUES BREL
Pendleton Room of the Michigan Union
December 9th and 10th
Friday and Saturday at 8 pm
All seats general admission at $2.00
Tickets on sale at TICKET CENTRAL in the Main Lobby of the
Michigan Union, Monday through Friday, 10 am to 5:30 pm
-t -
Allcap & gown order's-must be placed by
NOVEMBER 18, 1977
degree cap& gown hood deposit TOTAL
Bachelor $6.25 2.00 8.25
Master $7.00 5.25 2.00 14.25
Doctor $7.50 5.50 2.00 15.50
Enire charge must be paid when the order is placed !!

Humphrey-Hawkins job bill
receives Carter's endorsement

(Continued from Page 1)
Humphrey and Hawkins predicted
favorable action on the bill shortly
after Congress convenes early next
ADMINISTRATION officials em-
phasized that the legislation would
give Carter flexibility in meeting
economic goals.
"The bill does not authorize any
new programs or add any money to
the budget," said one official.
The official said-,the legislation
"provides substantjal flexibility to
both Congress and the President to
adapt to changing circumstances and
doesn't put anybody in a strait-
Officials also said that more than
four months of negotiations between

the White House and congressional
sponsors of full employment legisla-.
tion was necessary because "we
attempted to negotiate sentence-by-
sentence and paragraph-by-para-
graph specific language the Presi-
dent could endorse."
The bill would also:
* Establish a framework for econ-
omic policy decisions, with the ad-
ministration sending to Congress its
goals for employment, unemploy-
ment, production and income over a
five-year period;
. Recognize that "special govern-
ment efforts" are needed to fight
high unemployment "but that pri-
mary emphasis should be placed on
expanding job opportunities in the

'. t

"let our fingers do the typing"
Grophics-Illustrators-I nterpretors
dissertations-Full Line Service
Technical and Scientific Manuals
Bond Copier Services

Entrancing Ensemble

private sector;''
" Recognize that monetary and
fiscal policies, rather than govern-
ment controlof private production,
wages and prices, must, be used to
achieve full employment and price
Carter said last year during the
presidential campaign that he sup-
ported the bill's concept. His com-
ments about the bill itself were fre-
quently vague, although he is on rec-
ord as supporting an earlier version
of the bill.
his recommendations to the Demo-
cratic platform committee in June
1976. It also appears in the list of
campaign promises compiled by the
White House staff early this year.
However, Carter repeatedly had
expressed misgivings about any
program that gave primary empha-
sis to government jobs instead of
private employment for the chron-
ically jobless.
Objections by Carter administra-
tion officials led to the compromise
bill that was stripped of mandatory
spending programs.
Although the compromise legisla-
tion offers no specific programs to
provide jobs, it makes some import-
ant changes in the way the govern-
ment plans economic policies.
IT RECOMMENDS that the Presi-
dent consider several programs for
fighting unemployment, including
public works projects and revenue

Call: Mon. thru Sat.
9 am to 9 pm
ANN ARBOR, MICH.-995-4223


(Continued on Page 5)
they have achieved through the.
quality of their interactions. The
Ensemble has played together since
the mid-sixties and the musicians ob-
viously communicate in a very
unique fashion.
DON MOYE on drums and various
percussion instruments was out-
standing. The ability to maintain a
strong rhythmic base for a group as
complex as The Art Ensemble is no
easy task, yet Moye does just that.
Malachi Favors was also excellent on
bass, as well as congas, harmonicas,
and assorted vocals.
Roscoe Mitchell plays a piercing
alto saxophone. His solos were inven-
tive, often exploding into torrents of
sound. Joseph Jarman on reeds, per-
cussion, marimbas, and vocals was a
whirlwind of energy, often the cata-
lyst for-the groups' numerous transi-
One of a large number of talented
musical forces to emerge from The
Association For The Advancement of
Creative Musicians (AACM), the
Ensemble are a dedicated group of
artists who spend a good deal of their
time running a free music school in
Chicago. They are an extremely
powerful musical experience and one
can only hope that more forums will
open up for them to perform in this
country. The Art Ensemble's music
is very intense and very difficult, but
(Continued on Pages)
and guitar work. Since his hands
were busy with his guitar, he played
a mounted harp. This meant losing
all the bending and shaping of notes
that he could have achieved by
cupping his hands over the instru-
Madcat redeemed himself in the

there is no doubt the group will be a
moving force in music for many
years to come.
Appearing before The Art En-
semble was Griot Galaxy, a group of
seven locally-based young musi-
cians. Playing in a similar style to
the AACM groups, Griot Galaxy per-
Formed a-moving and frenzied set of
jazz that brought the crowd to its feet
twice with lengthy ovations. Com-
prised of three percussionists, a bass
player, two reeds, and a flute, Griot
Galaxy's potential seems quite high
and they deserve the support of this
community in all their future en-

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