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November 13, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-11-13

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Page 4-Sunday, November 13, 1977--The Michigan Daily



e ndorses



Miohigan Student Assembly (MSA) elections will be held
from Monday, November 14, at 9 a.m. and will continue
through Wednesday at 7.
Daytime polls are located at strategic points around
campus for voter convenience - inside the Union, at the
Fishbowl, the Engineering Arch, at the Music School and a
few other heavily traveled corners.
Night polls will be held at every dorm, except Baits, at
dinner time on the following rotations:
MONDAY - dinner time voting at South Quad, West Quad,
Stockwell, and Barbour-Newberry.
TUESDAY - dinner time voting at Hill Area dorms
WEDNESDAY -dinner time voting at East Quad
and Bursley.
The voting process takes only a few minutes. Just go to a
polling place with your ID card and check-off your choice of
ten candidates on the mimeod ballot.
Choices must be numbered preferentially - put a num-
ber one before your first choice, number two before your
second choice and so on up to number 10. You can vote for
any number of choices less than ten. Write-ins are accepted.
Ballot issues can be voted for on the same sheet of paper.

Monday's election of ten at-large can-
didates for seats on Michigan Student
Assembly ,(MSA) calls for endorse-
ments from The Daily. We regret to
report that no candidate evoked from
us genuine enthusiasm.
We think each voter should set a high
standard for MSA. We think each
should choose candidates who will work
hard, who have demonstrated an ability
to get along with people of differing
backgrounds and policy views, who un-
derstand the issues facing MSA and the
administration, and who bring fresh
ideas to a group which frequently mulls
over the same old ones for too long. ,
IN A TIME when MSA has regained a
considerable measure of its credibility,
and when the body is dealing with im-
portant issues, we were surprised and
dismayed to find woefully few candi-
dates who had these qualities to exhibit.
Most of all, there was a startling ig-
norance of issues and of the way the

University's policy-making process
works. Recent leaders of MSA have
succeeded to some degree because they
learned that MSA action is most effec-
tive when it acknowledges the decision-
making process of the University. Too
many of this term's candidates are
completely in the dark. Some of those
with knowledge of the process seem
concerned with too narrow a base of
student activity; others seemed incap-
able of the type of open-minded political
exchange which an elective body de-
Four candidates seemed capable of
making substantial contributions to
MSA. They are: .
* Rick DeVore. A junior who already
represents the business school on MSA,
Rick is running for an at-large seat. He
has shown an intelligent perception of
MSA issues, has worked hard, and has
the experience with policy-making that
makes for effective representation.

* Cathy Pattinson. We endorsed
Cathy when she ran for an at-large seat
last year. She lost by a slim margin,
and is running again. She would bring
dedication and intelligence to the post.
Despite her loss last spring, she attend-
ed MSA meetings regularly and worked
on committees, gaining new expertise.
* Debbie Weirs. Though Debbie is a
transfer student this term, she has
already involved herself in MSA com-
mittee work. She has much to learn, but
her energy is manifest, and was enough
in itself to gain our support.
* Nancy Smith. As an engineering
school representative to MSA, she has
learned how policy is made on campus
and brings fresh ideas to the process.
She, thinks MSA should address the
issue of safety on campus, and wants
the body to define its goals more
clearly. She could help in that essential

WE HAVE made four endorsements:
The ballot calls for six more votes:
Regrettably, you're on your own.
The ballot also asks for a stand on the
issue of reapportioning MSA memberi
ship. If approved, the measure would
eliminate at-large representation. Only
schools and colleges would send repre-
sentatives to MSA; no one could run on
his or her own, proposing to represent
wider constituency., This is a stupid
idea. At-large representatives have tray
ditionally done the bulk of MSA's work;
and the current system is the best. We
recommend a "No" vote on the issue.
Most of this year's MSA candi-
dates were interviewed by several
Daily staffers last Friday. Some
were unable to attend an interview,
and we regret not being about to,
have considered them.


Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 58 News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
AdSdd timely savings

Lett ers to


HE UNIVERSITY has added a
new dimension to the Winter
Term Time Schedule - advertising.
And it's a good idea.
With the recent decision allowing
ecommercials to be shown in movie
theaters, advertising is reaching intol-
(erable levels in this country. But the
Iuse of ads in the time schedule shows
an imaginative cost-cutting move by
tlie University.
Scheduling Office officials estimate
that with ads, the cost of producing the
jtime schedule has been halved, and
rprofits are being used solely to produce
the booklet. Also, with reduced costs,
0 per cent more schedules are being
rodtced, so copies will no doubt be
more ,readily available than in years
past, ,,
If anything is suited for advertising
nowadays, the time schedule is the per-
fect place. Times, numbers, course
titles, and abbreviations can become
t pretty monotonous - especially when
jammed in fine print on page after
As well, the magazine format of the
new time schedule makes it much
Fmore easy to work with than its thick
predecessor, which had a tendency to
flip shut at the most inopportune
The sole drawback to the new time
,schedule is that subject sub-headings
are even smaller than they were, in the
:old booklet, which doesn't help the eyes
any. With reduced production costs,
enlargement of the sub-heads should
be easy to accomplish the next time

around. And if the same is done with
print size throughout, the time sched-
ule will become more readable.
One thing the University never

seems to have enough of are
cutting measures which don't
anyone at all. This is one of
measures. Ads may not be the



thing to put in
but in the long


could save the students some money on
tuition bills.-
0ble rgg



LOIS JOSIMOVICH.................... .. Managing Editor
GEORGE LOBSENZ.. ................Managing Editor
STU McCONNELL...... ......... ....Managing Editor
JENNIFER MILLER.........................Managing Editor
PATRICIA MONTEMURRI ....... ...... Magaging Editor
KEN PARSIGIAN........................ Managing Editor
BOB ROSENBAUM..........................Managing Editor
MARGARET YAO...................Managing Editor
Sunday Magazine Editors
Associate Magazine Editors
STAFF WRITERS: Susan Barry, Richard Berke, Brian Blan-
chard, Michael Beckman, Lori Carruthers, Ken Chotiner, Eileen
Daley, Lisa'Fisher, Denise Fox, Steve Gold, David Goodman,
Elisa Isaacson, Michael Jones, Lani Jordan, Janet Klein, Garth
Kriewall, Gregg Krupa, Paula Lashinsky; Marty Levine, Dobilas
Matunonis, Carolyn Morgan, Dan Oberdorfer, Mark Parrent,
Karen Paul, Stephen. Pickover, Christopher Potter, Martha
Retallick, Keith Richburg, Diane Robinson, Julie Rovner, Dennis
Sabo, Annmarie Schiavi, Paul Shapiro, R. J. Smith, Elizabethj
Slowik, Mike Taylor, Pauline Toole, Sue Warner, Jim Warren,
Linda Willcox, Shelley Wolson, Tim Yagle, Mike Yellin, Barbara
Zahs, Jim Zazakis
Mark Anarews, Mike Gilford, Richard Foltman
Weather Forecasters
ALAN BILINSKY............................ Chief Photographer
ANDY FREEBERG........................ Chief Photographer
BRAD BENJAMIN...................Staff Photographer
JOHRNKNOX.... ...E. .......Staff Photographer
CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER................ Staff Photographer

To The Daily:
The Ann Arbor Coalition to End Govern-
ment Spying would like to share with the
Daily and its readers some information
about the Michigan state police "Red
Squad" files, and we also want to re-assert
our strong opposition to all forms of
government spying against its citizens.
In particular, we want to publicize a
state action on three points of importance
to all activists for social change and every;
working person in Michigan.
Our three demands are: Release the
state police files now!, investigate political,
spying now!, and open employee records:
Pass HB5381 now!
Over a year ago, Attorney General Frank
Kelley agreed to a plan which was to result
in the release of Red Squad files to the
many thousands who had been spied on and
intimidated by state police agencies. But
the police together with Kelley have
successfully stalled the notification pro-
Meanwhile, Kelley has allowed his staff
to sabotage the process of file release by
redefining just who is to be allowed his
staff to sabotage the process of file re-
lease by redefining just who is to be
notified. His new plan would reduce to the
bare minimum the number of people who
would get their files. If in fact anyone could
qualify. Clearly the state administration is
well aware of widespread illegal activi-
ties-of its own police, and their suscepti-
bility to costly liability .damages if they
follow through with the agreed-to file
We must not sit idly by while the state
waits for public interest to die. We know
how regularly and crudely the police have
violated the Constitution, and we know
how desperately they want to cover that
up. We can't allow the state to hide the
truth from the people.
In the spring of this year the state
legislature came within two votes of
approving a subpoena-empowered investi-
gation of illegal police operations. Such an
investigation would be able to establish the
extent to which state police agencies have
been involved in illegal, unconstitution-
al and repressive covert operations. We
could finally establish the scope and
tax-paid costs of government spying. And
we could show the links between police.and
private business (e.g. Chrysler and Panax)
in discriminating against employees with
unpopular attitudes. We could also show
how police agencies avoid the Freedom of
Information Act by membership in the
Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit, an ,
international "private club" for police
spying. Finally we could establish the
extent to which state police agencies have
been trained by the CIA in illegal covert
operations against "domestic targets."
House Bill 5381, the "Employee-Records
Access Bill", currently under considera-
tion by the legislature, would for the first
time in the history of Michigan, allow
working people to review and amend the

personnel files kept on them by their
present and past employers. Over the
years there have been many instances of
employers' abuse of workers' rights
through collecting and disseminating mis-
taken, exaggerated and false information
about them, Lobbyists for business as-
sociations and corporations have shown
their disrespect for individual liberties by
strongly opposing HB5381. They show their
particular anti-constitutional posture by
making their strongest pitch against the
section of 5381 that forbids employers from
collecting and disseminating information
on the First Amendment activities of their
On Sunday November 13 (7:30 p.m.)
our coalition will meet at 802 Monroe to
organize for the demonstration at the State
Capitol. We invite everyone to attend or to
call 761-8283 for information on rides to
Lansing on the 16th. Join with us and our
statewide coalition members from which a
wide array of civil liberties, religious,
legal, political, feminist, neighborhood,
and environmental groups.
-Phil Carroll, for the Ann Arbor
Coalition to end Government
Shah of Iran
To The Daily:
Attending the weekly meeting at the
International Center Tuesday noon each.
week, I found the speaker of the day a man
from Iran. He related the terrible condi-
tions that exist in his country--one hundred
thousand people in jail for speaking -or
actions against their government, terrible
suppression of the common people by
orders of the Shah.
I just realized that I had a letter in my
pocket that I had written the Shah in
care of our U.S. State Department to be
given to him when he arrives here. I
handed the copy of that letter to the
speaker and he read it aloud at the end of
his address. The letter in full follows:
The Shah of Iran
c/o U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir:
Your happiness or sorrow after
death depends upon the sorrow or
happiness you brought to people,
while you were here on earth. You
must experience both. My father has
spoken to me since he left this life
here on.earth. He advised me not to
produce the sorrow he did here cn
earth for other people so as not to
have to experience what he is
experiencing now.
You might find this good advice for
your welfare too--if you must exper-
ience all the pain in your dealings
here on earth produce for a vast
number of people, you will gain great
happiness by helping all your com-
mon people. I hope that this know-
ledge may be of great help to you by
preventing terrible sorrow after
leaving the earth. I am sure there is

future life; my father has proved it.
With lots of concern for your
happiness, I am,
I believe in life after death as many
Christians do. When he realizes what he
has done to hurt others will be done to him
if he does not ask his Creator to forgive him'
and then forget it, he must experience the
same sorrow. The law is akin to the law of
gravity. Built into the design and develop-
ment of civilization of man's kingdom,.this
planet, it applies to the life style and.
conduct of every person on earth. Learn it
and abide by it and cleanse your soul for
pleasure in your soul.
-Floyd Malkemus'
To The Daily: Ford answers
Usually I take the Daily's pseudo-
liberal journalism with a grain of salt, as
do most students at the University.
However, Bob Rosenbaum's article in the
November 4 Daily on former President
Ford's "non-answers" to student ques-
tions, was such an incredibly blatant
exercise in journalistic negligence, I
figured it warranted at least one indignant
"Letter To The Daily".
Apparently lRosenbaum's; article was
trying to demonstrate that "no one can
become the President of the United States
unless they don't answer questions better
than they answer them." Since Rosen-
baum's article took up almost half of the
editorial page, I was expecting a multitude
of examples illustrating Ford's alleged
knack for evasiveness in answering ques,
tions. Instead, Rosenbaum only cites one
example where Fqrd did not directly
answer a student's question. (The one
question he uses to prove his point is eyen a
poor example. The question asked to Ford
on world hunger was somewhat confusing,
since the questioner was talking about
arms limitations talks before switching the
subject of his question to world hunger).
Rosenbaum must have really been
frustrated that he could not come up with
more than one example, because the
dialogue from this one example is repeated
twice in the same article! Because Ford
failed to answer one somewhat confusing
question, Rosenbaum proceeds to sarcas-
tically question the educational benefits
that were derived from the former
President's visit and concludes that 'for
the first time, we can see how Ford lost his
1976 White House bid to Jimmy Carter.'
Somehow, I missed the cause and effect
reasoning there.
President Ford's visiting Professorship
has certainly evoked some interesting.
debate on the educational value of his
lectures. Ford's visit last week would have
been the perfect opportunity for an.
objective in-depth evaluation of his Pro-
fessorship in the Daily. Instead, the Daily.
seemed more interested in living up to its
newly developed credo: "Why print some-
'thing substantive when it's so much easier
to take a cheap shot?"
--John H. Cable

Editorials which appear without a by-line represent a con-
sensus opinion of the Daily's editorial board. All oth-r editorials,
as well as cartoons, are the opinions of the individuals who sub-
- 1
m it them.
:-:.:-:.:..:::::-:::.::::::::::::.:::::t.:::::::.. .


To the Supreme Court
IS usan VanHattum and Diane La-
zinsky aren't through yet. The
two University students, told by the
courts to reveal their votes in last
,A pril's mayoral election, may take
P heir cases to the Supreme Court.
Disappointed over last week's
ruling by the Michigan Court of
jAppeals that said the 20 people who
unknowingly voted improperly in the
Contested election are not protected
>y the right to secrecy, lawyers for
the two student voters have filed an
.emergency appeal to the Michigan
Supreme Court. If that doesn't work,
hey promise, they are willing to go
Ptn the nl1tm nt' mithate

the voters' right to a secret ballot be
protected," said an ACLU attorney
last week. "No one government
agency has the right to know how any
one person, let. alone 20 people"
So far, the courts don't agree.
TU troubles
T he Ann Arbor Tenants Union
(TU) revealed Thursday that
thieves have embezzled money from
their general escrow fund, which
holds rent monies of tenants who are
on rent strikes.
TU members said the amount
taln frnm the fund is unknnwn tn

more--both former TU workers--are
suspects. Detective Sergeant Norm-
an Olmstead of the Ann Arbor Police
Department is conducting the invest-
igation, but refuses to comment on
how it is going.
Because of the theft, the TU has
frozen its escrow accounts, accepting
no new deposits nor releasing money
it now has in the general fund. The
union has also hired an auditor to
review its financial books.
After the TU revelation, tenants
whose escrow money is tied up with
the TU still seemed faithful to the
"I've got $900 that right now cannot
be returned," said Jay Walker, a

But underlying their outward posi-
tiveness, concern still exists as to
why the theft occurred and how the
TU can make sure it doesn't crop up
again in the future.
Ozone loses
over principles
O zone House learned the hard way
last week that principles can be
costly. Because of the counseling
center's belief in the secrecy of a
runaway's whereabouts violates
state law, Ozone is being denied free
access to an information relay
system on runaway youths used by
nine other similar organizations in
the state. The House is also being
denied a big chunk of state aid.

on the service, and also reaffirmed
their belief in the runaway's right to
avoid parental contact.
Because of this stance, $26,000 of
possible state aid is also being
Ozone employes, however, won't
back down. "Sometimes (runaways)
just need a one day reprieve before
they feel they can go home," said one
employe. "What can you do? Just
say, 'Goodbye'?"
Liquid protein deadliness
Americans have long been willing
to do almost anything to be thin.
Lately, they've been willing to die.
The latest in a long line of fad diets

the deaths or more than a dozen
women who died during or immed
iately after observing the liquid-
protein ritual can be at least partially
blamed on the controversial product.:
Although there have been no fatali=-
ties reported in Ann Arbor as a result -
of the liquid protein, the product is a'
popular over the couiter drug-store
item, pharmacists report, and has
been cited for causing potassium
deficencies, abnormal liver function.
and general fatigue in area eaters.
"It's garbage," said Ealph Nader
Research Group Director Dr. Sidney
Wolfe last week in defiance of the
product some overweight proponents"
hail as a godsend. "If they weren't


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