-Thursday, November 10,'1977-The Michigan Daily .alk to su~we .. i . "- =.s" OM1^vo , GR Al tMN . --. ,rIO .Nn CO. 421 i iiio; 1 - libb I I I A ) y a p 461-1200 VP ito HMS 4KMS Sii - o ,. '- 'rI E3S.UnOfl"LE $40 kvIIp seeks Jr to *ssisin diversified AA I' -'t bf. faunr in Spanisn, L Soilcence ^il3 ce A r &c~ 1 DYnomi'-0' CALL 764-0557 ?Eat'st. M T$ i :2.4f "' twn t 2,MP j 0~i lsI ulcCMi dF5rbe .R&u ox A vfls 3 - 1w 411Y. 774-773. F UND-Package of 3 photographic lenses. Call, we, 994-3153. dA1110 |ARN HOW TO DO "INNER SKIING" AND ERCOME YOUR FEARS-Call "Energy Line," 1663-5366 anytime. cA1110 UND-Tiger cat, grayish green eyes with black ipes and white in front. Please, please call. He's ing us out of house and home. If not claimed, he I be given away. 663-6204. dA1165 ST-Black, male cat, five months old, green s. Lost on 10/30/77 in Jefferson/Hamilton Place ma. If found, please call 665-9667 or 663-0149. 60A1112 FUND-KITTEN, white/gold male, near Huron I Ingalls. Call Neil, 995-6432,9-5. dA1111 UND-BRACELET on Hill near E. University, urday. 663-6638 nersisently. dA1111 NGLE APARTMENT tor January. Fully fur- hed, 3-bedroom apartment across the street from mpus, utilities included, own lease, $145/month. ll Rich at 663-6914. 09C1112 rBLEASE-Large, deluxe 2-bedroom apartment Village Green (not campus). Available Dec. 1. 15/mo. 665-4354, after 6:30 p.m. 1 67C1111 JRNISHED SINGLE ROOM with kitchen privi- ges. 483-3795 or 482-7329. 21C1115 NGLE APARTMENT for January. Fully fur- shed 3 room apartment across the street from mpus, utilities included, own lease, $145/month.. ill Rich at 663-6914. 09C1113 NGLE ROOM in modern apartment. $97/mo. ail. now or for winter. Sign lease by Nov. 20th. 11,662-9709. 19C1115 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM with kitchen ivileges. Several large windows, very close to mpus. $140 mo. Call 769-85209 a.m.-6 p.m. 57C1111 ANTED-Female student to share condominium. ivate bedroom and bath. Quiet atmosphere. Kitchen d laund facilities. $160/month. 971-2744. 52C1118 NGLE BEDROOM available in furnished home. nMinute from Diag and University Hospital. rge living-room, bath and a half. Immediate occu- ncy. Inquire 1334 N. University or call 662-2606. cCtc ). LEASE-Complete 2 bedm. apt., fully furnished thkitchen, etc. Avail. immed. $400/mo. University iwers. Call late eves., 665-4711.. 87C1113 PERSONA L NGLE, w/m, 28, with heavy travel schedule, ks well-proportioned w/fs, 22-34, who have also d it with the bar hassle and other games. Need me and number. I'll get back to you. P.O. Box 5, Ann Arbor, MI 48107. 14F1116 DON'T GET MARRIED-... Until you call 973-9300. cF1211 NNTED:Niee, isweet n l 11pg - serve fast ifi bed on N. ojokes. Se. is inquiries only. 663-69 556F1111 ONE HOUSE needs you fto vide'temporary. Busing for young people in crisis-one day to 2" eks--a comfortable couch is all you need. Call in a 662-2222.eF121 PARIS in springtime? .Pioneer grad, 17, can be mother's helper. Pays own transportation. Daily Box 555. 20F1115 LOST-One seemingly well-integrated personality. Last seen: somewhere around campus, in the dazzl- ing distracting midst of yet another obliviously well- endowed and unattached woman. Prognosis: frus- tration, aching lassitude; terminal babbling. Wanted: more distraction. Needed: yes which are neither vacant nor hostile. If you' 1e all of this, have an IQ over 130, and/or possess so much charm and self-assurance that you don't think it matters-then strike a blow against bars, jerks, mere temptation, and the "rules" of social intercourse. Curious? Kindred? Suggestions for recovery? Call 662-9698 (late). 1OF1115 POETRY WANTED for anthology. Include stamped envelope. Contemporary Literature Press, P.O. Box 26462, San Francisco, California 94126. 26F1203 EVEN IF YOU never bowl here, you had better know where we are. Bowling at Union Lanes. Open 10a.m. cF1110 WE GIVE 15% DISCOUNT on contact lens prepa- rations. Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University Ave. cFtc RICHARD, All right I'll marry you if you promise me three things. One, you will always be faithful; two, you will keep your turtles out of the bathroom; and0 three, you will take me to the CALCULATOR BALL November 12-Tickets available in West and East Engineering CYNTHIA dF1110 DIP A CRITTER with your honey. Little Dipper Candles, 415 N. Fifth Ave. (Adjacent to Farmer's Market). cFlllO DIRECT PURCHASING, VOLUME SELLING, AND MARGINAL PROFITS ASSURE YOU THAT YOUR DIAMOND WILL BE AN INVESTMENT AT Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc "INNER SKIING :eOVERCOMING YOUR FEAR'- COMMENTS ON AN ARTICLE IN THE NOV. 1977 'PSYCHOLOGY TODAY' "-The NOW mes- sage yours for dialing on "Energy Line"-663- 5366-phone now! Need a boost of encouragement and hope? "Energy Line" is waiting 24 hours a day-dial 663-5366 (Craig/Ruth). cF1110 XEROX AND OFFSET FAST, LOW COST DUPLICATING COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 LOWEST COPY PRICES IN THE MID-WEST! Accu-Copy, 514 E. William, 769-8338 cF416 OY VEY VEGAS NIGHT coming this Saturday, November 12th, Oy Vey!! (1429 Hill St., 9:00 p.m.). cF1012 24 HOUR TELEPHONE NUMBERS TO HELP YOU INCLUDE 663-5366, Energy Line; 971-8500, Weather; 761-9834, Emergency Services. cFtc LOWEST COPY PRiUS 'THE COPYMILL '211 SState (near Olga's) Copies, course pacics, while you waitt 662-3969 cFtc LEARN TO RELAX meditation workshops. Starting soon. Call 484-0835. 12F1118 INVESTIGATE OUR FOREIGN ENTANGLE- MENTS, yarns from around the world at the Wild Weft Yarn Shop, 415 N. 5th, Kerrytown, adjacent to Farmer's Market. 761-2466. , cF1113 SINGLE SINCERE MALE, 25, seeks sincere female for sincere relationship. Write Daily Box 13. 73Q1112 DIRECT PURClASING, VOLUME SELLING, AND ' MARGINAL PROFITS ASSURE YOU THAT YOUR DIAMOND WILL BE AN INVESTMENT AT Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. cFtc VISIT ANN ARBOR'S ONLY GEM LAB before you spend your money needlessly. Fine quality diamonds and low prices on all engagement and wedding rings. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc LIGHT MOVING $10 local van load University of Michigan junior (senior) year abroad. Freiburg, Germany Aix, France Preliminary information sessions for academic year 1978-1979. Freiburg, Tuesday 15 Nov. 7 p.m. 2225 AH. Aix, Thurs. 17 Nov. 7p.m. 2225 AH. Earn in-residence U-M credit while studying a full range of subjects in the language of the host country at a major European university. 55F1117 SECOND SERVE Second to none in $-Sport clothes 406 E. Liberty cFtc JAZZ AT THE UNIVE9RSITY CLUB with the Force. Vincent York featured also sax soloist with the Duke Ellington orchestra. Ted Harley bass, Larry Man- derville piano and Kenneth Bolds, former drum- mer five years with Lionel Hampton Drums at the University Club Cocktail Lounge each Friday and Saturday evening, 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. throughout the Fall. No 'cover charge, free trial membership available from the hostess. cFtc" ATTRACTIVE LADY would like to marry or share, housing with a single Caucasian gentleman ages 24-30. Donna, 668-9322 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 12:30-1:00 p.m. only. Truth or Consequences! 86F1110 CRESCENT MU18IC STUDIO 'Instruction in guitars, bass, flute and sax, vocal,' drums, vibes, and piano. 662-7277. cFtc GAY COMMUNITY CENTER-Open Daily 7:00- 11:00 p.m., 612 South Forest, No. B, 665-8838. GAY HOT LINE: 662-1977. cF1110 JEALOUSY INa MULTIPLE RELATIONSHIPS WORKSHOP for couples, individuals. Nov. 11-13. Bob, Margaret Blood, 769-0046. 96F1110 FREE TRANSPORTATION to Ypsilanti State Hos- pital to visit with patients for an hour. Phone 663- 5434 or 663-5366. cFte PRIMAL at the Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 971-0102. Established since 1972. cP1211 PREGNANT? Need Help? fail Problem Pregnancy Hlp, 769-7283. Pregnancy:. tests available. cFtc WANTED-Sales Representatives to sell advertis- ing on a, commission basis for . the MICHIGAN DAILY. Contact Rod, 764-0560. dH1116 SALES CLERKS-Stop and Go Foods now taking applications for full and part time positions. Need mature, responsible individuals for all shifts. Good pay and benefits with opportunity for advancement. Apply in person at any Stop and Go store or District Office, 3060 Packard Rd., or call 434-0327. 13H1129 ,iELP WANTED immediately-Day waiting, host- ing, bussing personnel and cashier, other night and day positions possible for experienced people. Apply in person between 2 and 3 p.m., ask for Peter' DiLorenzi at The University Club. GESTALT WORK Group meeting Thursday evenings for 6 weeks beginning November 10, Hoyt Conference Center. Working/Playing to recognize our own vision ways, we can be enriched in our clearer vision and capacity to enjoy and express ourselves. To be a part, or for more information, call Linda, 662-5853, evenings. dM1110 BARE FLAG POLE For the Ann Arbor Winter Art Fair, Nov. 11, 12, and 13, at the U of M Track and Tennis Building. Whomever-please return flag to its bare pole nw' 70M111 KITCHEN HELP needed at Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. Call 665-5599. 93H1113 BUSBOY NEEDED-Trigon Fraternity, meal in exhange for work. Call 761-5145. 1617 Washtenaw. 63H1120 BOOKKEEPER-SECRETARY. Part-time. Flexible hours for students. One block from campus. Call 665-9595. dH1110 RN's The Veterans Administration Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI has positions for Registered Nurses in Med- Surgery, ICU, and Psychiatry. These are permanent positions with full Civil Service benefits. Starting salary is $11,471 to $18,258. 10% shift differential is paid for afternoon and midnight shifts. For an interview, contact Mrs. Diana Quinn, 313-769-7100, ext. 231, Veterans Administration Hos- pital, 2215 Fuller Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105. An Equal Opportunity Employer 04H1110 WORK STUDY POSITION available to Museum of Art. 8-13 hours per week; work Saturdays and Sundays at sales desk in giftshop: $3.50/hr. Position No. 0896. Call 763-1231. 72H1110 DAYS OR EVENINGS work 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.- Fri. or 4 p.m.-10 p.m. Mon.-Fri. and 9-5 on Sat. Easy phone work, start at $3.00 hourly plus weekly commission. Call 487-5050. 65H1110 PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS part-time only, 1 or 2 nights/week. Must be 18, no car necessary. Apply in person only after 4 p.m. at Omega Pizza. 44H1115 WAITRESS/MF full and part-time days and eve- nings. Apply in person, Wolverine Den, 1201 S. University. 53H1110 NIGHT WAITRESSES or waiters. Apply after 11 a.m., Second Chance, 516 E. Liberty. 41H1111 OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer/Year-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500: $1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free inform. Write: International Job Center, Dept. 13 Box 4490, Berkeley, CA 94704. 40H1115 Cocktail waitress full or part-time. The Apartment. 769-4060. 78H1111 NURSES AIDS/ORDERLIES FULL-PART-TIME CALL KELLY HOME CARE 973-9010 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F SUBLEASE-RUM in Bi-Level Apt. Near campus. $99/month. Share room with 1 other woman. Linda, 764-0376/days. 23U1115 '70 FORD Wagon, runs well, new battery, good tires. $250 or best offer. 973-2977. 99N1111 SAAB 99,_1970. New clutch and brakes. Good condi- tion. $1200 or best offer. 761-6789 or 769-0050. 94N1113 PLYMOUTH VOLARE Custom, 1977.4-door, loaded, 700 miles. Owned 2 months. $4700.973-1267. 88N1112 PONTIAC LeMans-1970, good condition. Best offer. 971-6371. 59N111 GREMLIN, 1971. $800. Good condition. Snow tires included. Available Nov. 30.662-0270. 71N1112 V-W Beetle, 1974. Rustproofed. 38,000 miles. Radials, AM-FM. Excellent condition. $1850. 995-0590. 80N1111 '69 CHEVY VAN, automatic transmission, all shag carpeted, 4 speaker sound. Call us, 434-4300. Mate- r.iasnlimited- 9N111 ENERGY LINE (phone 663-5366) is just the ticket if you have personal problems, or just want a friendly chat. NOW MESSAGE "How to Do Inner Skiing-Overcoming Your Fears"-from Nov. "Psy- chology Today." Call 663-5366 immediately. cQ1110 3 OSU TICKETS. Call eves., 668-7768 or 994-5800. 96Q1110 4 PURDUE TICKETS for sale. Call 971-7488 or 995-2982. 98Q1111 2 SETS OF 3 Ohio State Tickets for sale. Sections 24 and 26. Best offer. Call 663-4323. ()7Q1110 5 OHIO STATE tickets together, junior priority. Must sell this week. Call Bernie, 668-2437. 01Q1111 4 OSU TICKETS, Sec. 26. Call between 5-7,'665- 3211. 03Q1107 OHIO STATE TICKETS for sale. 10 together, Section 32. Will split up. Stan,.764-6614. 1801110 RADU WANTE,, must De cheap, neeaea to pre- serve sanity in a darkroom. Call quick. Alan, 663-9439 or 764-0552. dK1111 USED GIBSON GUITAR, great condition, with grovers, beefed up pickups. Call 995-5816. 89X1111 CRAIG FM STEREO receiver with 8-track. BSR 4800 Cx turntable two bookshelf speakers. $75. 662-5696. 24X1115 STERLING SILVER French Open Hole Armstrong Flute, model 80D (includes low B foot). 764-1078. 16X1111 PIONEER SX 434 receiver, Pioneer PL 12D-2 turn- table, Pioneer SE 505 headphones with separate volume controls, Dynaco A-25X speakers, $350. 971- 4190 9.3 2X11 GOING TO KATHMANDU Trekking to Everest, too. Join us! Journey to Nepal. Spring'78.995-4617. ePtc BOOK XMAS VACATIONS NOW! Student travel desk, also student charters. Regency Travel. Campus location-corner William and Maynard, 601 E. Wil- liam, 665-6122. cPtc ROOM AND BOARD MARKLEY MALE LEASE available now or winter term. Call Vic at 764-9731. 68E1112 WANTED-2 TICKETS Junior Theater Princess and the Pea. Sat. performance. 971-6299. 15Q1111 A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME! Two (a pair no less) Junior priority Ohio State tickets are just waiting for that lucky devil with the best offer. Call 663-2565, eves. dQl113 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE G O L F R ACE D R A OB OE A G Q R A E RI E A I R C A V A L R Y AGE E TEKT ITrE LEGEND LONE D I#VAN A R L E N E M A G E N T A C E A SE B A T H S E#i E L M S MO0T'E T S U S A D 1 P T I R E S R U I N T E L 5 T AR P E R L E S DIE P T H S N I V M O U S S E S E 1 N E R S O S S A N O W P L A Y I N S L A G E L.A T E L I T Q N E D E N S R E P T ANN ARBOR-THE ANTIQUES MARKET, Sunday, November 13, 5055 Saline-Ann Arbor Rd., Exit 175 of I-94, "YOUR INVITATION TO CHRISTMAS ANTIQUES SHOPPING" featuring: many booths decorated for CHRISTMAS, A-11 PAPER MACHE desk try w/crystal inkwells, Clay, London, Eng. c.1840; painted tray, Pontypool, Wales c.1800; TIN lantern w/punched' tin dorms, AMER. 19c; A-12 COPPER PRIDE, NEWVILLE, PENN, over 50 pcs. early LIGHTING DEVICES-many scarce; PENN SLIPWARE one sgnd.; period CANDLESTICKS tin, brass, pewter; TREENWARE, SILHOUETTES, -COOKING items; A-15 WINDSORS bowback & 7 spindle butterfly; child's chair & rocker W/orig. DEC; A-31. ROBT & CYNTHIA BAKER, PROVI- DENCE, RHODE ISLAND-QUEEN ANNE cherry slant front desk; A-32 PAT TUTTLE, IPSWICH, MASS.-tools; A-32 DOLLS, TOYS, CHRISTMAS ornaments; B-3 18c. TALL CASE CLOCK; B-7 cast iron fiural "Blinking Eye" CLOCKS, orig. paint., workin4 cond.; B-16 HEPPLEWHITE card table cherry w/old finish N.H. c.1790-1810; SHERATON drop-leaf table in maple w/scrubbed top orig, finish; bootjack end blanket chest of pine old red, snipe hinges 1780;1800; B-22 DEE SUNDERLAND, DAY- TON, OHIO painted country furn. & acc-NEW ENG blanket chest in blue; B-33 fine TOOLS; C-22 DON PRECKEL, SARASOTA, FLA. early blown GLASS, LIGHTING DEVICES, CHINA, CUT GLASS & SIL- VER; D-12 country QUEEN ANNE armchair, also sidechair, sm NE stretcher base drop leaf; D-16 WESTERN RESERVE ANTIQUES, CHAGRIN FALLS, OHIO, Amer. figured wood furn.; D-32 & 33 TOOLS, STONEWARE & horsedrawn CUTTER w/silver trim; F-24 & 25 interesting RAILROAD items. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. (Come anytime after 5 a.m. when dealets arrive). 35W1111 Daily Class ifieds Bring Results FRIENDS DON'TLET FRIENDS, DRIVE DRUNK. For free information, write to: DRUNK DRIVER, Box 2345 Rockville, Maryland 20852 0- reA" m. house . I'm ma Pauli3a m in co-op house. Have trained considerate, working. Music eave me e. o 7 111 IAR bbeized Pac Boot with felt liner $13.98 eather Pac Boot OLD GAS STOVE for sale, needs new thermostat, otherwise fine. Best offer. 769-4911. 92B1114 FOR SALE-Portable Remington Quiet-Writer. Call 663-6101._ _ 00B1111 NEW SUEDE WALLABEES Size 92Medium Best offer 663-5927 14B1111 STUDENT EMPLOYEES needed for various kitchen jobs. Pay rate $2.40, good hours still avail- able. Contact Michelle, Mosher-Jordan kitchen, 764- 2111. Equal Opportunity Employer. 05HI115 HOME TYPING SERVICE-Quality work. IBM pica. Experienced administrative secretary. Will do term papers, disscertations, manuscripts, busi- ness or other. Call day or evening, 663-7447. If no answer try again. 62J1110 TV RENTALS & USED TV'S HI FISTUDIO 215 So. Ashley Downtown 1 Bl. West of Main betw. Liberty & Washington 38J1110 WRITER'S AIDE, prose specialists. Professional editing; writing; tutorials and thesis direction. 662- 4816, 557-2755. cltc COLLEGIATE RESEARCH PAPERS. Thousands on file. All academic subjects. Send $1.00 for mail order catalog. Box 25918-Z, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8474. 86J1203 TYPING-Professional/student rates. Fast, reliable service. Ask for Barbara, 665-4286,24 hours. cJtc THE SECRETARIAT DISSERTATIONS, PAPERS, AND RESUMES Typing, Copying, Binding Editing, Drafting, Lettering a.m.-6 p.m. 812 South State Street 7 days/week 994-3594 cJtc DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar 1977 LOS ANGELES TIMES 663-2669 SALES CLERK for Exhibit Museum sales desk. cF416 Start as soon as possible. Must be available to FOREIGN LANGUAGE PERIODICALS work Christmas holidays. Call Ruth Gewanter, 764- Our selection includes German, French, Spanish, 0480. 95H1111 Italian, and Arabic titles. A Periodical Retreat, WORK TWELVE MEALS a week in sorority in 316 S. State. 663-0215. cF1113 exchangeformeals. Call 769-4472. 97H1113 with felt liner $18.98 LEVI Bell Bottom and Straightieg DEMIN JEANS reg. 1498 SALE $129 HOUSEMATE. Hill-Packard. Grad preferred. Nick, 668-8132. 08Y 1 1 3 JEWISH Vegetarian women looking for 4th person for our house as soon as possible. $110/month for your own room. 3 blocks from campus. Riki, Lori, Iris, 994-6039. dY1110 FEMALE NEEDED for own room in 3-bedroom apt. $110 month. Available soon. 668-8730. 17Y1115 1 OR 2 WOMEN WANTED to share our pleasant, non-smoking, vegetarian household. Please call 665- 8337. f61Yl1111 ACROSS 1 Doll's word 5 Trendies 9 Government issue 14 Resort in Scotland 15 Genus of trees 16 Historic river of Italy 17 Famous fog 19 Past, old style 20 Shade of brown 21 Puerto 22 Walked, in a way 23 "- Mater," Lenten hymn 25 Undeliverable piece of mail: Slang 27 Sioux 29 Adam and Eve, for example 33 Nurserycharacter 37 Sine-non 38 Swan genus 39 Cheat: Slang 40 Petrol 41 Pester 42 Hardy perennial saxifrage 46 Tropical fruit 48 Rue Paix 49 Dipkens' Barnaby 51 Warp of an airplane wing 1 2 13 14 E 55 58 60 61 62 LEVI Shavers Stage group English country festival Run off Historic bridle r path 64 In a tangle 65 Ski resort in Utah 66 Classified item: Abbr. 67 Headlights 68 Suspect 69 Cricket runs DOWN 1 Shapes 2 Approximately 3 Food from heaven 4 Also 5 Studio TV set 6 Suffix in names of acids 7 Cornwall's neighbor 8 Declare 9 Cotton fabric 10 Famous bell 11 Agora coin 12 Hawaiian goose 13 One of the Scotts 18 Emulate Churchill 22 Pivot 24 Danish physicist reg. 1398 26 Crustacean with seven pairs of legs 28 Boxing Day drink 30 Of like measure: Prefix 31 Regretted 32 Store sign 33 Girl's name 34 Oslo name 35 Describing some orders of food 36 Resembling: Suffix 40 Brothers 42 Bay trees 43 Amount in excess 44 Astronomer's find 45 Piece of china 47 Appear unex- 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 62 pectedly French school British author "How do thee?" Salamanders Not merely apparent Esparto grass Climb sharply, as a plane - boy! Historic unitials, in U.K. Arrest: Slang GARAGE SPACE needed to store motorcycle for winter months. Preferably First St. area. 995-4017. 25M1112 ENERGY LINE offers free help with personal problems-housing, finding a part-time job. Phone anytime, 663-5366. CM1110 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 P.M. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but wilt be billed according to original number of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requiring pre-payment, i.e., no refunds. Information < 14. 7 23 63 9 1 70 a ~ 1 W 3 white and railroad stripe iitriii7a a cliscr unt slip ti rtf I(rC. t iIl > i ! i yr-it a ys M1.__.., _ _. ! I1 u7 u zUt Itr