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November 10, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-11-10

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Page 2-Thursday, November 10, 1977-The Michigan Daily

Israeli aircraft

bomb Lebanon

(Continued from Page 1)

statement Tuesday, failed to condemn
Israel for previous attacks against
civilians in southern Lebanon and con-
fined itself to condemning Palestinian
rocketing of Israel.
However, a State Department
spokesman said the United States had
urged both sides "to show restraint."

PASSIONS ALSO ran high in the
Israeli town of Nahariya, where 35-
year-old housewife Rivka Lupu, mother
of two, was killed by a Palestinian
rocket Tuesday. Israel's deputy defen-
se minister, Mordechai Zippori, atten-
ded her funeral yesterday and took his
tough stance there.

Voter case may .go
to Supreme Court

(Continued from Page 1)
any way. We're also not concerned
with the other disputed votes in the
In addition to the 20 ineligible
voters, there are three other voters
whose registration is under question.
There are also at least four absentee
ballots in dispute.
Another ACLU attorney, Vince
Blassi, revealed a Colorado case that
he said was similar to the Ann Arbor
situation. That case dealt with what
he called "innocently unqualified
voters." The Colorado ruling held
that the voters who cast their ballots
improperly, but through no fault of
their own, still has the right to a
private ballot.
VAI1 HATTUM was also at the
press conference. When she was
asked if she would go to jail if the
final appeal was against her, she
said, "I don't know yet. It's a lot
easier to decide when the decision is
more immediate."
*VanHattum also revealed that her'
roommate, at the time she voted in
the mayoral election, also voted in
the election, and was notified by the

City Clerk's office in July that he had
voted "illegally," but he was'"never
served with a subpoena to appear at
the trial.
In other events yesterday pertain-
ing to the Court of Appeals decision,
Senator Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Ar-
bor), said that while he was dis-
tressed at the ruling, he felt that any
emergency legislation to try to
protect the 20 voters would be inap-
plicable at this time.
"I'M NOT sure just what we could
accomplish through emergency leg-
islation at this time, since it's
already in the courts," he said.
"Personally, I'm shocked and out-.
raged. To me the secret vote is a
sacred thing. Now that I've read the
decision, I can see some of the logic
in the court's arguments, but I'm still
sympathetic to the plight of those
individuals who voted in good faith
and are now being asked to tell how
they voted."
Representative Perry Bullard (D-
Ann Arbor) is in Europe and not
available for comment.

Military sources said Israeli border
troops were on heightened alert. But
the nilitary denied Beirut reports that
tanks and naval vessels were involved
in the reprisals.
Israel's chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Mor-
dechai Gur, told reporters in Tel Aviv
the raid lasted about an hour and struck
at Palestinian guerrilla command
posts, training camps and field bases.
BUT HE DENIED Beirut reports that
Israeli jets hit the nearby refugee cam-
ps and port town of Tyre, 12 miles north
of the border, and that the, assault
lasted three hours.
Gur said the operation served notice
that Israel would not tolerate a resum-
ption of guerrilla activity on its border
with Lebanon.
Gur .said Tuesday's four-hour
guerrilla attack and the fact that at
least 18 rockets were fired indicated a
change of policy by the guerrillas,
possibly with Syrian backing.
HE SAID IT was impossible for a
rocket crew to operate for four hours in
a populous area and fire that many
rockets without being noticed.
Gur added that the fact the Syrian
peackeeping force in the Tyre area did
not act to prevent a prolonged rocket
barrage showed that the guerrillas
were free once again to harass Israel.
But the Israeli chief of staff seemed
only mildly concerned about the fate of
the six-week-old cease-fire which was
supposed to end the three-way fighting
among Palestinians, Christians and
Israelis in Lebanon.
HE SAID THE truce had never really
existed because there had been almost
daily shooting in southern Lebanon. But
he said he did not see it as "nullified"
because that was for the government to
decide, not the army.
Gur said if the area remained quiet
and if the Lebanese and Israeli gover-
nments agreed, negotiations could
resume between officers of the two
sides to work out a real truce.
There have been several meetings in
the past to discuss implementing the
truce, despite the technical state of War
between Israel and Lebanon.

A PALESTINIAN WOMAN scrambles to gather her belongings yesterday after an Israeli air attack upon the southern
Lebanese village of Bourj el Shimaly. Damage is visible.


Election reflects population shift

(Continued from Page 1)

Council are U.S. Treasury Agent and
school board member Herbert Mc-
Fadden, and Marxist attorney Ken-
neth Cockrel. McFadden narrowly
defeated former Councilman An-
thony Wierzbicki for the ninth Coun-
cil seat.
It was definitely a day of reckoning
for conservatives in Detroit, for
while socialist Cockrel was savoring
his victory the other favored con-

servative candidate, former police
commissioner Philip Tannian, also
went down to defeat.
There are still three incumbent
conservatives on the Council, but
Cockrel finished ahead of two of
them. The make-up of the new
Council will be three conservatives
and six liberals.
TUESDAY'S returns were also a
statement' on the power of endorse-
ment. Cockrel was shunned by both
of Detroit's major newspapers and
by the powerful UAW, but he still
finished sixth overall, ahead of three
UAW-backed contenders.
Voters, however, ignored the fact
that Cockrel received no endorse-
ments and gave him strong grass
roots support.
The UAW, however, is far from'
politically dead. The Union endorsed
all seven incumbents, including the

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three conservatives, and that en-
dorsement saved all three from a
drubbing by a majority black elector-
TUESDAY'S voting may also sig-
nify the end of the once-powerful De-
troit Police Officers Association;
(DPOA). For the first time in the
DPOA's history, they shunned a
sitting mayor and eidorsed Browne.
The DPOA has been at odds with
the mayor since he took office in 1974
and began instituting affirmative ac-
tion policies that promoted blacks
and women over white officers in the
department. The DPOA and the city
have met in court on more than one
The association openly backed
Brown'e candidacy, and even pro-
vided the bodyguards for the mayor-
al longshot. But the endorseient
soon -became a stigma for Browne,
who was forced to reconcile the en-
dorsement with blacks, who remem-
ber the police brutality of the pre-riot
YOUNG WAS not hurting for
endorsements, however, in fact open-
ly flaunting such friends as Henry
Ford II, Muhammed Ali and Presi-
dent Carter. Young supported Carter
during the 1976 primaries, when most
black leaders were wary of the
Georgian for his "ethnic purity"
That Washington connection, plus
Young's position as vice-chairman of
the Democratic National Committee,
gave the mayor an unbeatable
reputation for "bringing home the
hacon" - federal funds for Detroit.
Young's mandate Tuesday was
viewed, by press secretary Robert
Pisor among others, as the catalyst
that will catapult the mayor onto the
national scene as one of the promin-
ent black spokesmen of the decade.

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