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See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 9, 1977 Ten Cents 10 Pages
Voters i
The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled yesterday that 20
township residents, including two University students, can
be required to reveal their votes in last April's disputed
mayoral election.
Lawyers for junior Susan VanHattum and graduate
student Diane Lazinsky, in whose names the appeal was
filed, said an emergency appeal to the Michigan Supreme
Court would be filed by the end of the week.,
THE RULING came in reply to an appeal to halt a line of
questioning in a law suit brought by Councilman Louis
Belcher (R-Fifth ward). This suit charges that incumbent
Democratic Mayor Albert Wheeler is holding his post,
illegally. Wheeler defeated Belcher in their race for the
mayor's seat last April by one vote.
In the four-page decision handed down yesterday, the
nust tell mayoralchoiees
three-member anel of iud es sa the 20n prsnns Aq in- Am . i ,l
611 G 11G11G1palG glJUVD.i . . . 61 uPC1u1
volved were not qualified to vote. To them the right of
secrecy in voting does not extend. Any other (ruling) would
permit ... non-residents to elect to office a person not elected
by resident qualified voters."
The women are only two of 20 voters who registered and
voted illegally in the disputed contest. Due to the use of faulty
street guides by some city registrars, the 20 township
residents were incorrectly told that they lived within the city
limits and were eligible to vote in city elections..
THOUGH THE COURT specifically said that they did not
mean to imply any wrongdoing on the part of the 20 voters,
they were firm in their stance that "a person who admits that
he voted without proper qualifications can, in a judicial
proceeding, be required to disclose how he voted."
The affair sterhmed from a line of questioning used by
former Republican councilman Robert Henry, Belcher's at-
torney, in hearings on the suit last month. Henry wanted to
ask the 20 for whom they voted, reasoning that if more had
voted for Wheeler than for Belcher, and if the illegal votes
were then discounted, Belcher would be awarded the victory.
Wheeler's lawyer, Robert Grace, objected, but visiting
Judge James Kelley of Monroe ordered the witnesses to an-
swer the question.
THE FIRST three obeyed the judge's order, but the fourth,
VanHattum, refused to tell on the grounds that she had a con-
stitutional right to retain the secrecy of her ballot. Kelley
immediately cited her for contempt, and she was handcuffed
and briefly held in custody.
Lazinsky also refused to reveal her vote, but was not cited
for contempt.
Hmercan ivii bIerties Union lawyers-who are
representing Lazinsky and have offered free counsel to the
rest of the "Township 20"-and VanHattum's lawyer asked
the Court of Appeals to halt the Wheeler-Belcher proceedings
while the judges considered whether to overturn Kelley's
"The basic point is that if this ruling stands, the right to
the secrecy of the ballot would be impaired," said Edward
Goldman, Lazinsky's lawyer. "Sometime in the future,
people might not vote because they would be afraid that four
months later someone might come knocking at their door to
ask them how they voted."
"I'M DISAPPOINTEu" saia vannattum, who directs
the Ann Arbor Tenants Union in her spare time. "They
shouldn't have ruled that way. But it all happened so long
See APPEALS, Page 2
r i r w irrr. nrrrrrrrirw r ar rr trw
swee s
to N. Y.
By The Associated Press
Rep. Edward Koch', to no one's sur-
prise, was elected mayor of New
York City yesterday, but political
pundits were jarred by the come-
from-behind victory of New Jersey's
Democratic Governor B r e n d a n
John Dalton, a millionaire Republi-
can lawyer and land-developer, was
elected governor of Virginia, giving
the two major parties a split of the
important state races.
BYRNE, SO far behind in the polls INCU
six months ago that he considered notRep.
running again, trounced state Sen. Rp
Raymond Bateman, who had said he
would let the state's controversial
income tax expire when its mandate
runs out next year.
An Associated Press-NBC election
day poll indicated that the income
tax, considered Byrne's biggest bur-
den, actually helped him win.
Voters interviewed leaving polling
places showed that 57 per cent con-
sidered the income tax the major
issue. Most of those who felt that way
voted for Byrne.
IN VIRGINIA, Dalton apparently
capitalized on his contention that
Democrat Henry Howell was too
liberal for the basically conservative
See BYRNE, Page 2
From staff reports
DETROIT-Coleman Young was re-
elected to a second four-year term as
mayor of Detroit yesterday by what
was apparently the greatest margin
since Jerome Cavanaugh's landslide
win in 1965.
Young defeated City Councilman Er-
nest Browne with 65 per cent of the
vote, according to network projections,
in what was the first mayoral election
in a major U.S. city between two blacks.
Both men are Democrats.
It was also projected that the city's
school millage would pass.
dent analysts showed Young won
almost entirely on the strength of the
city's majority black vote. Browne's
support came almost solely from
whites, the surveys showed.
Young was considered the odds-on
favorite all along in a race that often
reduced both sides to personal attacks.
Young characterized Browne as "the
first Black White Hope in the history of
politics," then defended his remark in a
televised debate by saying he made it
"after careful observation."
Browne, meanwhile, was attacking
the mayor for cronyism, accusing him
of putting his girlfriend on the city
payroll, and charging that Young was
See YOUNG, Page 2
MBENT COLEMAN YOUNG (above) swept Detroit yesterday, while
Edward'Koch (bottom left) claimed New York City, defeating Mario
Doiy rnoto by ALAN BILINSKY
Ann Murphy may be smiling, but perhaps she doesn't know the two men
she's challenged to a 'game of pool are EMU straight pool champ Paul Smith
(left) and University champ Jared Kokubo.
- r
Predato",rs nmeet ry
The Union pooi hustle
They live around the broad, green tables, fingering their cues and eyeing
the door for potential victims. They are the sharks, the hustlers - the last of
a dwindling breed of gamblers usually associated with the smoke-filled
rooms or dimly lit taverns.
They are pool players, and their lair is the pool room of the Michigan
"THERE'S A DELICATE ecological balance between the predator and
prey, and we try to preserve it," says Richard Gordon, gazing matter-of-
factly about the pool room., "There are a select few predators and plenty of
prey to go around"
Gordon has been a regular of the Union for four years, one-and-a-half of
which he spent out of school because he didn't have time for classes.
"Freshman year I was improving, so I got into it," he says. "The money
was attractive, and it was an enjoyable way to make a living."
HUSTLING POOL is a profession that demands a balance of theatrics
and skill - only with both can it be profitable.,
"You have to be sharp, know your own limits, and be able to size people
up," Gordon says. "You make it look like you just got off the bus; that way
you're barely winning and your opponent just knows he can beat you, even
though he can't."
The profession of hustling demands a healthy investment of time as well,
for excellence takes constant practice. A year ago, Gordon decided it was
time for semi-retirement: "I realized I can't have both pool and school.
'U's South African
invest-ment conflict
may sit until fall
Carter'pla n veto'.
WASHINGTON (AP) - President kind words for Congress and, in an ap- understanding-your support to resist provide an incentive for new oil produc-
Carter, saying Congress must "resist parent effort to counter any impression pressures from a few for special favors tion that "would be the highest in the
pressures from a few for special that he was going over the heads of the at the expense of the rest of us, and your world," and that gas producers would
favors," threatened last night to veto legislators, sought to place the public in understanding that there can be no ef- add $2 billion a year to their gross in-
any energy legislation that fails to meet the role of partners with the Senate and fective plan without some sacrifice come.
his test for fairness. House. from all of us." "But some of the oil companies want
In his first nationwide television-
radio address in more than six months,
Carter appealed for Americans to urge
Congress to act on his energy program.
THE ENERGY blueprint he outlined
for Congress was fair both to con-
sumers and producers and would
promote energy conservation while
protecting the federal budget "from
any unreasonablefinancial burden," he
"These are the three standards by
which the final legislation will be
judged," Carter said in his prepared
text. "I will sign the energy bills only if
they meet these tests."
Carter said, "We should reward in-
dividuals and companies who discover
andproduce newoil and gas, but we
must not give them huge windfall
profits on their existing wells as the ex-
pense of the American people."
THE TELEVISED "fireside chat"
was the second since Carter took office
in January. His first broadcast speech.
last April also was a call for quick ac-
tion on the nation's energy problems. In
that speech, he proposed the energy
program that remains stuck in.
- Congress today.
The energy legislation does not
represent "a contest of strength bet-
Lobbying in the months-long energy
debate has been heavy and Carter
noted in his address that "the political
pressures are great."
"The choices facing the members of
Congress are not easy," he declared.
"For them to pass an effective and fair
plan, they will need your support and
AT THE SAME time, the president
again was critical of some segments of
the oil and gas industry, which in a
news conference last month he likened
to war profiteers seeking "the biggest
ripoff in history."
Carter argued that his proposals
much more-tens of billions of dollars
more. They want greatly increased
prices for 'old' oil and gas energy sup-
plies which have already been
discovered and are being produced.
They want immediate and permanent
deregulation of gas prices which would
See CARTER, Page 7
Woe is Nixon if tapes released
As administrators slowly come to
grips with the controversy over the
University's investments in South
Africa, it has become clear that a
resolution to the dispute may be
delayed until as late as Fall of 1978.
It all depends on the speed with
which the University's Committee on
Communications performs its func-
THE COMMITTEE was estab-
lished in 1970 to provide a forum in
ministration. Nonetheless, adminis-
'trators must wait until all positions
have been aired at committee func-
tions before they make their own
recommendation to the Regents,
according to Richard Kennedy, vice-
president for state relations.
The Regents, said Kennedy, would
then take at least two meetings for
further discussion, "Then hopefully
the issue can be resolved by April ...
of next year.
"IF IT GOES beyond the spring..
Nixon will suffer "mental anguish"
and embarrassment if the public is
allowed to hear 30 White House tape
recordings used to convict his clos-
est aides, Nixon's lawyers said yes-
But attorney Edward Bennett Wil-
liams, arguing for the release of the
Watergate tapes, told the Supreme
Court: "I don't know of any common
law right not to be embarrassed by
one s inculpatory words."
AT ISSUE before the court's nine
justices are the tapes played during
the 1974 Watergate cover-up trial of
Nixon's closest advisers.
A federal appeals court ruled
more than a year ago that the tapes
"are no longer confidential."
"A ine is diffrent thanarinh
changing the tone of his voice sev-
eral times, to give differing
meanings to this recurring Nixon
quote from the Watergate tape tran-
scripts: "uh uh."
releasing the tapes would invade his
privacy and cause him embarrass-
ment, but Justice Thurgood Mar-
shall asked the ex-president's
lawyer if Nixon had not lost all
privacy claims when the tapes were
played in open court.
"It's no longer private, is it?"
Marshall asked.
Jeffress argued that Nixon had a
right to have the tapes kept from
"every disc jockey, every television
performer ... to be played relentless-
.Tefiraesaded that the tonPC
Haldeman and John Ehrlichman.
But excent for the 12-member iury