Page 4-Tuesday, November 8, 1977-The Michigan Doily a an Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 May-ard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 VpI. LXXXV |, No. 53 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Soviets abuse psychiatry Support S. A EGINNING .yesterday and run- ning through Friday, the African Students Association is presenting a teach-in on South Africa, featuring sev- eral recent films and a handful of guest and faculty speakers. All sessions are open to the public and free. With the situation in South Africa eroding, the U.S., and the University in a smaller way, can and mustn take steps to promote freedom and majority rule. The teach-in is an attempt to make the university community auare of the urgent need for stringent conomic sanctions against the white ;.minority government in South Africa. Currently, the University has over 40 million invested in corporations vith holdings in South Africa. It is the :evenue from these corporations that uels the Vorster regime, and without .t the white government would be orced to submit to majority rule. The controversy began this sum- er when several student groups, in- luding the Daily, called on the niversity to divest itself of all hold- ngs in corporations with financial ties o South Africa. The administration rica teach-in, hemmed and hawed, and finally ap- pointed a committee to organize a pub- lic forum to discuss the matter. The Communications Committee, as it was dubbed, was to invite speakers who represented a wide variety of view- points on the South Africa question to the campus. These speakers would at- tend public discussion sessions, and the University would weigh the public reaction in making its final decision. However, the committee has made no visible progress in the past three months, the situation in South Africa has deteriorated alarmingly rapidly. Recognizing the need for an urgent re- sponse, the African Students Associa- tion quickly put together this week's teach-in in an attempt to push the ad- ministration into action. But for the administration to take notice of the teach-in, public response will have to be substantial. If the films and lectures are sparsely attended, the University will simply ignore the teach-in, and continue to procrastinate that South Africa is important to us by turning out in large numbers for the teach-in, it will be forced to pay attention. By ROD KOSANN Science has always carried with it certain moral responsibili- ties, and such obligations were presented clearly two weeks ago at the annual meeting of the So- viet - American subcommittee conducting research in psychiatry and schizophrenia. American delegates attending the conference found themselves, confronted with Russian deman- ds for a joint statement condem- ning allegations that the Soviet Union misuses psychiatry to per- secute political dissidents. The American side balked at the request, but instead signed a non-; committal document that effec- tively tabled all moral considera- tions. The American doctors recog- nized that "both sides expressed views as contained in the pro- ceedings concerning negative non-scientific factors affecting cooperation in this area, and agreed to continue as in the past on the basis ofwmutualrespect and trust between the par- ticipating scientists of both coun- tries." These words may seem adequate to the delegates in- volved, but as the future suf- fering of Russian dissidents will make painfully clear, "mutual trust" will not absolve these pro- fessionals from the moral guilt that accompanies the misuse of their work. THE SOVIET UNION has long used psychiatry to stifle political dissent. Russian doctors who have presented the technical theory behind this "treatment" are elevated to prominent posi- tions in the field. Such physicians work closely with the Soviet secret police, the KGB, to assure that "insane" dissidents will be properly treated. It is a cruel joke, but for purposes of state, the Soviet Union appears to have catapulted psychiatry into the realm of political "science." Yuri Andropov, head of the KGB, recently outlined the mechanics involved in commit- ting political dissidents. He equated any form of "divergent thinking" to ideological "delu- sions"gthat were ultimately rooted in some form of "psychic instability." He added that "those who suffer from such delu- sions we endeavor to help, en- deavor to confine, and endeavor to dissa~te their delusions." Put more simply, Mr. Andropov en- deavors to forceably alter the convictions of those individuals unwilling to toe the party line. The means used to achieve this society without dissent have been revealed in detail by victims of the Soviet "mental health" system, most noteably Leonid Plyushch and Vladimir Bukov- sky. The former was a prominent mathematician until he was re- lieved of his post for criticizing government policy. In 1972 he was confined to a mental hos- pital until international pressure helped gain his release and emi- gration four years later. DURING HIS incarceration, Plyushch found himself placed in wards'with what he describes as "mentally deranged murder- ers, rapists and hooligans." It was these men who became his constant companions since any Upon reaching the west, Bukov- sky was analyzed by a team of British psychiatrists. To nobody's surprise - surely not even Moscow's - he was found undeniably sane. In light of these conditions, the World Psychiatric Association recently censured "the systemat- ic abuse of psychiatry for politi- cal purposes in the USSR" The The state's endeavors to "dissi- pate his delusions" had instead served to dissipate his mind. tions is one thing, to do so without adopting any semblance of moral posture is another. The United States cannot claim to defend human rights, if at the same time its representatives contribute the very tools which might be used to destroy them. Given such considerations, an embargo on all psychiatric infor- mation to the USSR would appear to be the soundest solution. It is not. If anything, it is a last resort. A far wiser policy is embodies in a proposal by Vladimir Bukovsky - creating a blacklist of Soviet psychiatrists who have abused their profession. These doctors would be totally isolated from any further research or ex- changes. The only physicians privy to new information would be those few who have resisted the prostitution of their work. BY ADOPTING such a plan, American' members of the sub- committee on schizophrenia would make substantial progress contact with other political prisoners in the hospital was strictly prohibited. Plyushch was treated with drugs, causing him to deteriorate "intellectually, morally and emotionally." The drugs induced him to lose interest in "political problems, scientific problems," and eventually the status of his family. The state's American delegates to the WPA joined in the resolution, but issued a statement of their own that failed to mention the Soviet Union by name. Such an omissioni is inexcusable when one con- siders that joint exchanges of psychiatric knowledge are taking place between the two nations. IT IS THE men who make these Secret vote is sacred HE SAGA of the illegal Ann Arbor mayoral votes continues. The state ppeals Court is expected to hear ar- uments today from lawyers on hether or not a person who cast his ote illegally can be forced to disclose hom they voted for. The enth,.e case oncerns the recent mayoral election in which Mayor Albert Wheeler won re- election by a single vote. His oppo- nent, Councilman Louis Belcher, filed gA$t saying that voting irregularities, if corrected, would alter the results of the election. The law suit wants the courts to either declare Belcher the victor, or declare the election void. Those irregularities to which Belcher and his lawyer allude are the illegal registration and voting of twen- ty people who re'side in township penin- sulas that jut into the city of Ann Ar- bor. These people were led to believe they could register and vote in the elec- tion by city officials. Because these twenty votes were so important to Belcher's case, his lawyers decided to put the twenty voters on the stand and ask them how they voted, citing two precedents, in 1929 and 1931, which stated that voters that vote illegally in an election lose their right to a private ballot. Two of the voters, Susan Van- Hattum and Diane Lazinshy, heroi- cally refused to reveal how they voted, leading to the present case before the state Appeals Court. It is apparent that this case involves one of our basic rights, the right to a private ballot. It is essential that we keep that right, so that we know when we enter-the voting booth our vote will be kept secret. Taking away our right; to a secret ballot is tantamount to tak- ing away one of our basic foundations of democracy. We recommend that to resolve the case of the illegal votes, the city have the twenty voters vote in a special election, exclusive to the twen- ty only. This way the voters regain their right to a private ballot, and the city gets a proper barometer of how the twenty voted. It is of the utmost importance that no matter what the results in this case are, our right to a private ballot is maintained. endeavors to "dissipate his delu- sions" had instead served to dissipate his mind. Unlike Plyushch, who was con- fined to one institution, Vladimir Bukovsky spent years being transferred between Soviet hospitals and labor camps. His arrest resulted from the possession of banned publications and his support of dissident authors. In 1976 he was exiled in exchange for the Chilean commu nist leader, Luis COrvalan. Bu- kovsky's description of the condi- tions he faced while confined are virtually identical to those of Ply- ushch. He wasdeclared "insane" by Soviet doctors and officially diagnosed as schizophrenic (as are most of the estimated 2,000 political dissidents in custody). exchanges possible, the American doctors participating in the subcommittee on schizo- phrenia, that should be strongly condemned for their activities. In the course of exchanging infor- mation which may contribute to the most blatant violations of human rights, these professionals have corrupted the knowledge that they offer. Acting in the name of detente they pre- tend that their work exists in a vacuum, and lacks any practical application. Subsequently, they agree to issue joint statements that label the misuse of their field "negative non-scientific factors" while such factor~s directly con- tribute to the misery of political dissenters. To pursue "normalized" rela- in restoring the integrity lost with the statement. More importantly, they would provide real hope to those dissidents who are confined solely because they ,had the courage to speak out. Pressure from the west contributed to the release of Leonid Plyushch and Vladimir Bukovsky. If applied correctly that same pressure might halt the abuse of a major field of medical science. Rod Kosann is Sales Manager of the Daily Business Staff, and afrequent contribu- tor to the editorial page. Letters to The L l EXEP P FO W FCAMER PES i tN bVIE RE . LKA r ~~ C. I'. tIRMECroRs. I russian revolution To The Daily: Yesterday marked the 60th an- niversary of one of the most significant events of the 20th cen- tury, and certainly the greatest conquest of the world's working class-the Russian Revolution of 1917. Sixty years ago the workers of Russia, organized and led by the Bolshevik Party of Lenin and Trotsky, smashed the rule of the capitalists and landlords, ripped Russia out of the yoke of im- perialist domination and con- solidated political power through the building of the world's finest workers state. For over fifty years the example and lessons of the Russian revolution have been sacrificed by Stalinism on the altar of class collaboration. We Trotskyists of the Spartacus Youth League seek to revive and extend the traditions of Bolshevism through the realization of the Marxist program-the victory of the in- ternational proletarian revolution. November 7, 1917 was the first breakthrough for world socialism, and we celebrate this event in the spirit of genuine revolutionary internationalism. Trotskyism was born in the struggle against the political counterrevolution in the Soviet Union in the early 1920's. From 1918-1921, the Bolsheviks were forced to fight the invading ar- mies of 14 imperialist countries paratus, headed by Stalin. This Stalinist bureaucracy was built through the bloody destruction of the Bolshevik Party and the strangulation of workers democracy. Stalin sought to defend the rule of the privileged bureaucracy caste he headed by counciliating a menacing world imperialism through a conscious policy of sabotaging the struggle for revolution. Under the slogan of "Socialism in One Country," the Stalinist bureaucracy over- saw the degeneration of what had once been the beacon of hope for the oppressed all over the world. In 1919 Lenin and Trotsky built the Third, Communist, Inter- national as the general staff for world revolution. Captured by Stalin in the 1920's the Inter- national, too, was transformed into a tool for counterrevolution. General strikes, as in Britain and France; the struggle against, fascism in Germany; and genuine revolutions, such as in China and Spain were betrayed in the Soviet bureaucracy's search for rapproachment with world imperialis. The Trotskyists waged a crucial and heroic fight against Stalinism despite the harsh and brutal repression they suffered, resulting in the jailing, exiling, and executions of thousands of communists, in- cluding Trotsky's assassination in 1940. In 1938 a new, Fourth, In- ternational was forged by Trot- sky to fight the betrayals of Stalin 1917-socialized property, a planned economy and a state monopoly on foreign trade-remain. The Soviet degenerated workers state, like the deformed workers states of Eastern Europe, China, North Korea, Cuba and Indochina must be unconditionally militarily defended against imperialist at- tack, domestic counterrevolution or capitalist restoration. In- separable from our stance of un- conditional defense of the degenerated-deformed workers states is our program for political revolution in those countries. The political revolution is the revolutionary strategy to oust the Stalinist bureaucracies and create genuinely healthy workers states based on soviet democracy. The political revolution against Stalinism, together with the socialist revolution to smash capitalism, is the only road to world socialism. These revolutions can be led only by the Trotskyist par- ties, sections of a reborn Fourth International. The traditions of Bolshevism, and of the early Communist In- ternational, live on today only in the program of Trotskyism. That is why we Trotskyists of the In- ternational Spartacus tendency alone can claim the mantle of the Russian revolution and, together with the class-conscious proletariat, celebrate the 7th of November as our own. . C~~nw ~ ~ ......Aih on o )aily I myself on what City Council has done to fight the housing crisis. Morris does not point out any specific inaccuraciesin my story, but hints that she objects to my statement, "City Council's sluggishness in moving for im- provements in housing can only be explained by the fact that the council majority doesn't care enough about tenants to do any- thing for them." To refute my ar- ticle, Morris cites several housing ordinance proposals which have come before council, some of which she herself intro- duced. But can council be said to have taken action on housing by merely considering proposed or- dinances? I submit that the an- swer is no; for council to do some- thing substantial it must pass important ordinances, not just consider them. Morris mentions only one housing-related or- dinance passed recently by coun-, cil: a "lease clause" provision. She writes, "Council Democrats hope this small victory will in- crease compliance with our city ordinance requiring distribution of the (city tenants' rights) book- let to tenants whenever a lease is signed. We are aware of the past .problems of massive non-compli- ance by landlords, but can do nothing until tenants complain." When council finally manages to really do something - about the tenants' rights booklet or about any tenant %issue - Morris and her fellow Democrats will de- spvra7 gnorahil1atonn_ I