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November 05, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-11-05

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIUI, No. 51 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 5, 1977 Ten Cents 10 Pages
.~...................sales ,to S.A frica; b

Doily Photo by JOHN KNOX
JORGE BURGOS, right, a Chilean exile, gestures intently as he describes the mass torture he says is practiced in his
native country.
Ex ies decry Chilean torture

The U.N. Security Council yesterday
unanimously voted an immediate,
permanent and binding embargo on1
the sale of arms to South Africa in the
stiffest action yet against the white
government's race policies.'
Invoking rarely used powers, the
15-member council declared that any
further acquisition of arms by South
Africa posed a threat to international
peace and security.
THE VOTE ended a two-week
debate prompted ;by South Africa's
crackdown against the black con-
sciousness movement and opponents
of the official policy of racial segre-
The U.N. measure was not expect-
ed to seriously affect South Africa,
which claims to be largely self-
sufficient in arms production. The
United States has voluntarily banned
arms sales to South Africa since 1963.
But Andrew Young, the U.S. am-
bassador to the United Nations, de-
clared: "We have just sent a very
clear message to the government of
South Africa . . . that continuation on
the course on which it is embarked
can only lead to further strains on
ties between South Africa and other
members of the international com-
HE ADDED that at the same time

the council must "make clear our
desire for reconciliation provided
South Africa is willing to begin
progress toward the end of apar-
South Africa's population of 26 mil-
lion is 70 per cent black, 17 per cent
white, with the rest of mixed rac&
and Asians.
In Pretoria, South African Foreign
Minister R. F. Botha promptly blast-
ed the U.N. action as an incitement to
violence. He said it would stiffen the

resolve of South Africans to defend
their country and to resist "dictates
of outsiders about their own affairs."
nations on the council - the United
States, Britain, France, West Ger-
many and Canada - of discarding
principles "in favor of selfish politi-
cal motives."
Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim
called the council action "an historic
See U.N. Page 10

hails move

Abortion issue won t

Despite the many pronouncements of Chilean leader
Pinochet to the contrary, torture in Chile has reached
genocidal proportions, Chilean exiles Jorge Burgos and
Luis Refinal charged yesterday.
"In Chile the methods of torture have become so perfec-
ted that they have special centers for it, where they see to
what extent they go to torture an individual," said
Retinal, speaking in the Union's Pendleton Room.
"THE MOST COMMON tortures are hitting, hanging,
and electrical shock. The newest invention is the 'sub-
marine':a plastic bag is put over someone's head, and
they are slowly asphyxiated."
Speaking through a translator and assisted by many of
those listening, the two-painted a vivid picture of a coun-
try which had enjoyed "over a century and a half of
democracy," and told how various forces had acted
together to replace it with a "cruel military dictatorship."
Retinal, who did most of the talking, gestured intently
when he spoke of his personal experiences with the

Chilean police force.
"I'M A FELLOW STUDENT, just like you people; I
studied engineering at my college, and was a student
leader. I was arrested three days after themilitaryscoup,
and was listed as 'disappeared' for a year.f
"I personally saw a person with me who was
assassinated. First they beat him up, then they gave him
electrical shocks, then his body was burned with a welding
torch. Then, when there was nothing left, they took his
body out and machine-gunned it.
"The next day there ;was a military band and they an-
nounced that he was caught trying to escape."
THE TWO WERE reluctant, to go into detail listing
American involvement in the overthrow of the Chilean
government, since they came to America only through the
actions of the State Department. However, they did list
the CIA as a prime force in establishing the government
body which they said "has tortured 60,000 Chileans, listed
2,500 as "disappeared," and caused over 100,000 to take
See EXILES, Page 10

and Senate yesterday were unable to
come up with a new compromise
over the use of federal money to pay
for abortions yesterday, but the
deadlock does not mean that some
275,000 federal employes will not be
paid as originally feared.
The appropriations bill which sup-
plies the paycheck funds for em-
ployes in the Departments of Labor
and Health, Education end Welfare
has been stalled for two and one-half
months because Congress has not
been able to arrive at an abortion
funding agreement.

THE SENATE Appropriations.
Committee threatened early yester-
day to cut off the paychecks of
Department employes unless the.
House accepted an abortion funding
compromise it had rejected Thur-
The Senate committee, irate over
the House rejection, attached the
proposed compromise to a resolution
designed to pa'y the salaries of the
federal workers, in hopes of forcing
the abortion bill's passage.
But the House adjourned yester-
day, beginning a three-week recess,
See PAYROLL, Page 2

... ..r

Japanese envoy visits Ann Arbor

Japan's ambassador to the U.S.,
Fumihiko Togo, visited Ann Arbor
, -esterday and affirmed that Japan
would turn the other cheek to in-
creasing turbulence in relations bet-
ween his nation and the U.S. in an at-
tempt to protect stable and profitable
ties between the two fee world
economic giants.
Togo also briefly exchanged pleasan-
tries with visiting former President
Gerald Ford. Ford was the first U.S.
President to visit Japan while in office.
THE AMBASSADOR was on campus
as part of a 30th anniversary
celebration by the Michigan Center for
Japanese Studies.
Before a standing room only audience
in Lane Hall, Togo defended the
Japanese exporters of steel to this
nation-who have recently been
charged with selling steel below

production costs, or "dumping," by
floundering American steel producers.
"Our exports -of steel have remained
mostly the same for the past several
years," he said at a press conference
earlier in the day. But, he added later,
"I trust it is the intention of the

cent below costs are calculated on the
basis of incorrect formulae.
IN A RELATED comment, Togo said
that the controversial surge of
Japanese T.V. exports to American
markets had no sinister origins. The

'We are in the same economic. boat, and the worst
remedy to resort to is to start restricting our trade with
each other. We went down that road in the 1930s.'
-Fumihiko Togo, Japanese ambassador to the U.S.
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Japanese steel industry to conduct its
export trade with due consideration to
the conditions prevailing in the over-
seas markets."
He alsosaid that U.S. Treasury
Department estimates which say
Japanese steel is sold here for 32 per

surge was merely the result of massive
contract purchases by "America's
largest volume retail chains."
"Nonetheless, the Japanese side
agreed to the restraint, in the
recognition that the sheer volume of
those transactions could have an ad-

verse effect on a-relevant segment of
the American economy," he said.
He added that "we are in the same
economic boat, and the worst remedy
to resort to is to start restricting our
trade with each other. We went down
that road in the 1930s."
TOGO EXPRESSED concern that
the U.S. pullout from South Korea
may effect a "precarious balance
(that) has been maintained between
North and South Korea."
Japan is less than an hour's flight
from the Korean peninsulas, and any
power shift that redraws the Korean
map could present a dangerous
threat to Japan's internal security.
At present, Japan is almost solely
dependent on the U.S. for its military
defense. Written into the Japanese
constitution are provisions which
prevent possession of nuclear arma-
THE U.S. withdrawal from Viet-
nam in 1973 and the abrupt announce-
ment of withdrawal from Korea have
made Japan look again at her
defense mechanisms.
Currently, "Japan's defense policy
consists of a build-up of capabilities
to defend her own territory, and firm
commitment to the Security Treaty
(with the U.S.)," he said.
Togo is the adopted head of the
Togo family. He has served as the
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and
as the Ambassador to Vietnam from
1970 to 1972.
His first visit to Ann Arbor came at
the invitation of the Michigan's
Center for Japanese Studies - one of
the nation's most prestigious clusters
for teaching and research on that

Fraternity has ball at 24-hour
Heart Association bounce-a- thon

"It's kind of bizarre standing here
bouncing a ball," junior Andy Katzen-
stein mused as he surveyed the Diag.
But that didn't stop him and his
Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity brothers
from turning the area into a miniature
Crisler Arena yesterday for a 24-hour
basketball-bouncing marathon to
benefit the Washtenaw County unit of
the Michigan Heart Association. The
marathon ends at 12:30 this afternoon.
"EVERY BOUNCE of the ball signi-
fies a heartbeat," Katzenstein ex-
Before the first basketball ever,
touched the ground, members were
assured of at least $1,500 in pledges and
"Our goal, was $1,000, but it looks like
we might get $2,000," Katzenstein said.
That goal came closer to realization
as passersby thrust spare change and
dollar bills into the potato chip can that
served as a collection box.
EACH OF the frat's 45 members is
working a three-hour shift, dribbling
and manning the donation table.

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
JAPAN'S AMBASSADOR to the U.S., Fumihiko Togo meets with ex-President
Gerald Ford in Rackham Auditorium yesterday. It was part of a one-day visit
for Togo and the last of a three-day visit for Ford.

Ford ends second Ann Arbor trip

After his final academic obligation
yesterday afternoon, adjunct Professor
Gerald Ford walked out of the Modern
Languages Building, turned to about 60
clapping students and said, "Thank
you, everybody," before getting into his
car, leaving the University for the
The former president and alumnus
polished off two classes, met with the
Ambassador from .lanan. and looked

from his two-year term.
The project, sponsored by the
National Archives, includes the ship's
wheel from the S.S. Mayaguez, a
wooden pipe rack in the shape of an an-
chor from Soviet Secretary Leonid
Brezhnev, and a scale model of the
Apollo-Soyuz space vehicle.
From the plant, the alumnus and his
caravan of cars filled with security
agents drove up to North Campus to
survey the future site of the Ford

ing for about 15 minutes (see accom-
panying story).
After the conversation with Togo,
Ford crossed the street to talk with a
group made up of several graduate
Political Science classes. The 38th
president made a general statement
about party politics on Capitol Hill
before answering "questions (which)
ran everywhere," according to student
Oscar Morales. "He answered all the
questions he could understand, but he's
a rnflhtini O not a 0 rnnc,r " ~cairn

M U*M , I

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