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November 04, 1977 - Image 14

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-11-04

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r 4, 1977-The Michigan Daily

garter asks Jews for Mideast support

HINGTON (AP - President
r is trying to rally support for
ideast peace policies in the
can Jewish community while
fg that "intemperance and,
anship" are a threat to a
inent solution.
that his supporters called "a
:ed speech that pulled no
es," Carter told the Interna-
Jewish C9ngress this week that
mmitment to Israel remains
SAID he understands that the
:ine Liberation Organization

(PLO) fans Israel's worst fears by
refusing to recognize Israel's right to
survive while using terror and vio-
On the other hand, Carter once
more referred to what he called the
"legitimate rights" of Palestinian
Arabs while saying that he prefers
that an independent Palestinian state
not be set up on the West Bank of the
Jordan River.
Carter's carefully b a t a n c e d
speech, which was interrupted by
three demonstrators, one of whom
charged he "was stabbing Israel in
the back," made no new demands on

BUT SEN. Jacob Javits (R-N.Y.),
said the President's reference to the
"legitimate rights" of the Palestin-
ians again raises concerns.
"This is a term that is very worri-
some to those like myself who are
concerned about a flourishing PLO
state on the West Bank," Javits said.
And Rep. Stephen Solarz (D-N.Y.),
said after the speech that since he
once witnessed the President tell a
group of White House visitors that he
would rather commit political sui-
cide than betray Israel, he has no
doubt of Carter's sincerity.
"BUT I rather doubt whether this
speech will allay or dispel the legiti-
mate concerns that have developed
in the Jewish community over the
past several months," Solarz said.
Carter's reference to partisanship
and intemperance was an apparent
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retort to Senate Republican leader
Howard Baker, who told the same
audience that Carter policies are not
only jeopardizing Israel's security
but are playing "Russian roulette"
with world peace.
"We are proud to be Israel's firm
friend and closest partner - and we
shall stand by Israel always," Carter
told the audience from 40 coun-
tries, which interrupted his speech
with applause 11 times, generally
when he took a pro-Israeli position.
Silence greeted Carter's references
to the "legitimate rights of the Pales-
tinians" and Israeli settlements in
occupied territory.
WHEN THE three young male

demonstrators" wearing beards and
yarmulkes (skull caps) stood in the
audience and shouted accusations,
Carter greeted the outburst with a
patient smile and remarked later
that the freedom to speak is a funda-
mental human right.
The demonstrators were still
chanting slogans about '"betrayal"
when the audience stood and gave the
President an ovation.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Presi-
dent's national security adviser and
a principal architect of his Middle
East policy, said the audience reac-
tion "Spoke columes."
"IT WASN'T designed to change
anyone's mind," said Brzezinski of

the speech. He said Carter wanted to
reaffirm his "very deep commit-
ment both to peace and to Israel."
Dov Hikind, one of the three men
who momentarily disrupted Carter's
speech, said he and his companions
believe Carter's actions in the Middle
East belie his words.
"The man is jeopardizing the
security of the Jewish state," he said.
"The purpose of tonight was to quiet
down the American Jewish commu-
nity. It doesn't mean anything has
changed. The purpose was to pla-
Hikind said the disruption by the
protesters was "as dignified as it
could be under the circumstances."


TODAY at the GEO Office
514 E. William-l0 a.m.-6 p.m.

Trolley may be business boost

Continued from Page 1)
ing spaces the system would entail.
They questioned whether the trolley
route .would actually reduce traffic
congestion, since out-of-city shoppers
would still haye to park their cars to
use the trolley.
Classes Starting Nov. 7
Call KAMALA at 994-5625

Board member Ed Pear suggested
that new parking structures to
relieve downtown traffic congestion
might be a more reasonable alterna-
tive to building a trolley line.
"One million dollars is a hell of a
lot of money," said Pear.
THE REPORT concluded that "all
costs are initial estimates and will
undoubtedly change during phase
two" of the study. The study's second
part will detail costs, engineering re-
quirements and possible financing.
The AATA board is expected to
decide at its Nov. 16, meeting

l H.
4 ,,s ,
a 8.
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whether to give Chase-Mogdis the
okay to complete the second phase of
the study. Board approval is likely
since $3,000 in federal grant money is
still available for the study, and the
board says it needs more information
before making a final decision.
Mogdis said a lesson can be
learned from the Detroit trolley ex-
perience, adding that a big problem
facing any trolley line construction is
the location of manholes. In Detroit's
case, the trolley tracks weave from
side to side to avoid manholes.
RELOCATING manholes for the
Ann Arbor trolley line will cost the
city $25,000, since plans call for
tracks to run along the curbside.
In a telephone interview, Detroit
Transit Department Planner Alex
Pollcak said Detroit's 34-mile trolley
line lost $50,000 last year.
"The trolley system was not de-
signed to make money," P'llack
said. He claimed very few transpor-
tation systems earn a profit and
added that the Detroit trolley. is
primarily used to attract shoppers.
Pollack was skeptical about the
Ann Arbor trolley's $1 million price
tag, saying the actual cost will
probably hover between $1.5 and $2

(Continued from Page 8)
day through Thursday, Caravan plays
mellow jazz. $2.00 cover charge on
weekends only.

November 6 -ConcordAString Quar-
tet. This nonor-winning group makes is
Ann Arbor debut at 2:30 in Rackham
November 8 - Victoria de Los
Angeles. 8:30, Rackham Auditorium.
November 8 - Music at, Mid-day,
Pendleton Arts Information Center.
Janet Smarr on recorder and Carmelo
Camberiati on lute are featured in this
week's lunchtime concert,
November 8 - The University Phil-,
harmonia presents a concert. 8:00, Hill
'3' "
* 4"

Nowcomes M er ime.

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