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November 04, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-11-04

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See Editorial Page

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Air 43U

10 aug

See Today for details

Vl. LXXXVIII, No. 50 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 4, 1977 Ten Cents 14 Pages

Students applaud


or stance on Bakke case

Former President Gerald Ford received enthu-
siastic applause from about 900 students in Rackham
Aditorum yesterday when he told them in response to
a question about the Bakke vs University of Califor-
nia-Davis case, "I am strongly opposed to arbitrarily
imposed numerical quotas."
As soon as the clapping subsided, Ford followed his
Bakke statement with a recommendation that
universities continue to use affirmative action
programs "which have been used successfully."
ALAN BAKKE is a 35-year-old white Californian
who has been denied entrance to the University of
California at Davis Medical School because, he
claims, he was discriminated against by a quota
system that reserved 16 of 100 openings for
After the 11 a.m. lecture to political science studen-
ts, second-year law student Steve Mehlman said that
he was "surprised that students at this University
approved so strongly of (Ford's Bakke) statement."
The one-time Michigan football center also told the
group made up of various undergraduate political
science classes yesterday morning to "get in the
ballgame, don't just sit on the sidelines" of politics.
JUDGING FROM the response to Ford's message,
many of the students might play the political game by
the former president's Republican rules.
Yesterday's lecture was only one of four classes at-
tended by Ford, a University adjunct professor, who is
traveling to campuses across the country this term to
speak to students. Ford's three-day visit, which in-
cludes lectures to twelve classes, ends tomorrow.
Ford and his ubiquitous Secret Service men were
greeted with a standing ovation yesterday when they
walked down the aisle into the packed Rackham

Auditorum. After a brief introduction from political
science Professor John Kingdon, Ford stood next to a
small table and held a triangular microphone to ad-
dress the only class to which the media were invited.
WITH A MICHIGAN banner as his backdrop, Ford
began with a short speech encouraging students to
get involved in the political process. He said he con-
siders a recent poll by The New York Times showing ;
that "the public esteem of Congress has plummeted
even further" to be a "serious matter." He told the
'(Ford) generalized mostly. I mean
he had to. We expect him to be an
economist, energy expert, and also
a full-time politician. So since he's
been out of office for a while, he
misinterpreted a few questions be-
cause of the jargon.'
-Natural Resources Grad
Student Mark Motter
: .t;::': :'<;"r:.'ss a.:S,:::2 . ...
group, "If we are to make our system work, the
public must have faith in, or at least support, the
Following his speech, Ford answered students'
questions, gesturing before television camera and1
tape recorders. .
Of President Carter's proposed reorganization of
the federal government, Ford said, "If some of these !
programs are enacted there will be an inevitable in-
crease" in the number of government employees.

FORD ALSO said he would support regional
presidential primaries because individual primaries
are "a tremendous burden" for candidates.
At one point, Alan Franger, a freshman in political
science, asked how the resignation of Budget Direc-
tor Bert Lance had affected public regard for gover-
nment. Ford told the group not to "get cynical about
government because of one incident."
After the lecture Franger said that Ford "dodged
many questions," including his own. "He did not take
firm stands," said Franger.
LATER IN THE day, Ford spoke with about 40
graduate students from various fields about energy
policies, also in the Rackham Building. "He
generalized mostly," said Natural Resources student
Mark Motter. "I mean he had to. We expect him to be
an economist, energy expert, and also a full time
Motter said that because of the technical and
political jargon, and the fact that Ford has been out of
office for some time, "he misinterpreted a few
A dozen or so solemn, well-dressed secret service
agents whisked the former President across the
street to the Michigan League following the energy
lectqre to meet with political science faculty for a
OFFICIAL ACTIVITIES for the adjunct professor
concluded with a visit to a football team meeting late
in the afternoon. There he was presented with a
photograph of one of the Michigan teams for which he
played during the early '30s.
Today, Ford will address several more classes and
discuss with University officials plans for the Gerald
R. Ford Presidential Library south of the Bentley
Historical Library on North Campus.

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Curious onlookers watch Professor Ford yesterday morning as he strides across
Washington Street. Ford was on his way to the Rackham Building, where he was
greeted with a standing ovation.
U.N. cracks down on
air pirates with new
anti-hij ack resolution

By AP and UPI
General Assembly yesterday unani-
mously approved an appeal to all na-
tions of the world to unite and end the
threat of air hijackings, although
some nations said the action was
weak and ineffective.
International airline pilots, who de-
manded the United Nations take up
the air terrorism issue by threaten-
ing a worldwide strike, said they
were satisfied and canceled their
walkout plans.
THE UNITED States hailed the
resolution as a "major step for-
ward," but Israel said it was dis-
appointing. Cuba complained the
declaration revealed a discrimina-
tory bias because the most recent
notorious hijacking involved Euro-
pean tourists.
Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim
said he was "gratified" by the
assembly's action.
"I am pleased at the spirit of
cooperation among the U.N. member
states in producing such a rapid re-
sponse to this critical issue," he said.
"The U.N. has listened to the voice
of the people," said Capt. Derry
Pearce, president of the Internation-
al Federation of Air Line Pilots
Associations (IFALPA).
"IFALPA does not plan to take any
strike action at this time," said W.A.
Murphy, deputy president of the
"ANY NATION that violates the
spirit of the resolution will be held ac-
countable by the rest of the world.",
With none of the 149 U.N. member
states dissenting, there was no roll-
call vote on the anti-hijacking resolu-
tion. The declaration, sponsored by
50 nations, including the United
States and most Western powers,,
called for a global effort to increase
participation in three international
anti-hijacking treaties and tighten
airport security.
It also called upon the nations of
the world "to take all necessary
steps" to prevent terrorism and the

use of innocent travelers as hostages
- including tightening airport secur-
ity and exchanging "relevant infor-
mation" among states facing terror-
ist threats.
ISRAELI Ambassador'Chaim Her-
zog said the action was weak and a
"compromise with the forces that
back and finance acts of terror."
"It appears to me the international
pilots' association has been taken for
a ride," he added.

j SDaily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
SEEKING SOLACE from city hustle and bustle, these free spirits flock to barren branches near the School of Music on North Campus.
C ouncldebates tenantgroup aid
By RICHARD BERKE saying it should have another chance.
But Democrats are calling for a total Johnson "has not been competent as "potential criminal violations" in the
Now that a special audit has revealed withdrawal of funds from the PHTO a director," said Kenworthy. "There use of federal funds.
by tho -^-4oL... .. of f has beenfinancialchaos." "Is Ken Latta an attorney?"'he

Capt. John O'Donnell, president of
the U.S. Airline Pilots Association,
~said his members "would like to have
seen a stronger resolution, but at the
same time are grateful for any action
taken that has the real effect of
deterring criminals from carrying
out their, evil acts of terrorism."
Cuba's Ambassador Ricardo Alar-
con de Quesada said his nation did
not share the feeling of consensus ex-
pressed in the anti-terrorist resolu
tion, and he cautioned other states
not to "confuse terrorism with legiti-
mate revolutionary violence."
HE ALSO complained the recent
flood of Anti-terrorist sentiment at
the United Nations - the hijacking
issue became a top-priority matter
once again after last month's Luft-
hansa hijacking in which a German
See U.N., Page 5


financial mismanagement by the or-
ganization designed to be the city's
primary advocate for public housing
tenants, debate is raging over where
city money for tenant services should
go in the future.
In the past several months, the ques-
tion of whether the Public Housing
Tenants Organization (PHTO) deser-
ves continued funding has divided City
Council members along party lines.
Democrats have claimed the PHTO is
poorly administered and has misplaced
priorities, while Republicans have said
the group is worthy of funds which the
Democrats oppose allocating for politi-
cal reaons.

ana strongly accusing its airector or
unwise actions.
Councilman Louis Belcher (R-Fifth
Ward) said the audit findings are
"disappointing," but he tags some
blame on the CDBG office. "The city
CDBG has some responsibility ... they
probably weren't continuing to monitor
the PHTO," he said. "Maybe it should
be the commitment of the city to help
such organizations with ad-
THE PHTO has been "singled out in
an attempt by Wheeler to kill the agen-
cy," claimed Belcher. "I don't think he
likes the director or the board of dir'ec-

JOHNSON SAID he would continue to
"refrain from comment" until he meets
with the PHTO Board of Directors
within the next week. But he denied an
accusation by Councilman Ken Latta
(D-First Ward) that he has committed

asked. "I don't know what he is alluding
to, but as a private citizen he can have
his own opinion," he said.
But Latta contended yesterday, "You
don't have to be a lawyer to know that if
someone comes into your office and
See COUNCIL, Page 7

Can trolley boost city business?

for fall, 19719 or early 1980

A $1 million street trolley system
may be the catalyst the city needs to

struction of a one-track trolley route
on the north side of Liberty St. from
State to Ashley, and a second trolley

pers would be attracted - at least
once - to the downtown area as a re-
sult of the trolley line, Mogdis'said.

MOGDIS SAID the trolley's $1
million nrice tag was based on

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