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November 03, 1977 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-11-03

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Olympic committee
plans lower budget
Special to The Daily
SOUTHFIELD, Mich. - Determined to avoid the monetary morass of
Montreal and the multitude of organizational problems that have beset
Olympic host cities in the recent past, the Lake Placid Olympic Organizing
Conimittee (LPOOC) vowed that the 1980 Winter Games will be on schedule
and below the budget.
The LPOOC has budgeted a relatively modest $100 million for the finan-
cing of the Winter Games, allowing $71 million for construction and $25
million for administrative costs.
A PORTION OF the administrative dollars is being used for a national
promotional tour which stopped in the Detroit area yesterday for the weekly
meeting of the Detroit Sportscasters Association at Northland Stouffer's.
The media dined on turkey and gulped large quantities of free spirits
(courtesy of Sports Illustrated),' while featured speaker Sheila Young
Ochowicz and other LPOOC officials waxed confidence about the prospects
for a smoother and less commercial Olympics.
"We hope to return the Games to the athlete," said Ochowicz, triple
medal winner in speed skating at the 1976 Innsbruck Games. "Money has
been such a big deal in the last few Olympics that the athletes and their spor-
ts have been overshadowed."
TO HELP put the Lake Placid games back in perspective, the
organizers have consulted with environmentalists to guarantee that the
natural beauty of the area will stay intact after the spectators go away.
"We'll only be accommodating 51,000 fans a day," said LPOOC public
relations assistant Maureen Lewi. "The rest of the people will just have to
stay home and watch it on TV."
The people of the upstate New York town, which also hosted the Winter
Olympics in 1932, have gladly donated their time to help contain costs.
A PUBLIC referendum was held in Lake Placid before the town put in its
bid for the games and passed easily. This avoided the problem which oc-
curred in Denver, where the city had already been awarded the games when
a state referendum showed the people of Colorado just weren't interested.
Part of the Lake Placid austerity plan is based around building facilities
that will have practical use after the competition is over. So, the athlete's
housing complex will become a minimum security prison.
The new ice arena being built for figure skating and hockey will seat
only 8,000 people, because the town of 3,000 can't support an Olympic-sized
arena after the XIII Olympics close.
OCHOWICZ WAS also quick to point out that, although she is dimninished
to a non-competitive status by her eight-month pregnancy, U.S. speed
skaters should excel once again in 1980.
"I feel really good about the 1980 team," said Young. "It has just as
great, if not greater, potential than last year's team."

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 3, 1977-Page 9

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Harriers ru

When Michigan's cross country
team travels to the Big Ten cham-
pionships this weekend, they'll carry
the added responsibility of trying to
win the school's 200th Big Ten title.
Since joining the conference in
1895, Michigan has won 199 Big Ten
championships scattered over twelve
intercollegiate sports.
The Wolverines have proven most
successful in football, winning 27
championships overall with 10 out-
right and 17 co-championships. That
figure ranks them tops in the confer-
Following close behind is the mens'
tennis team with 23 outright and
three co-championships. Coach Bri-
an Eisner's squads have boosted that

total significantly in recent years,
winning the past 10 Big Ten titles.
Michigan's early powerhouses in
outdoor track were main reasons in
claiming 25 championships. The
thinclads took the title from 1901
through 1904 and came back with
four more consecutive titles from
1937 through 1940. Overall the team
had its best success from 1930 to 1944,
winning ten of the 15 championships
Baseball follows with 24 champion-
ships which is tops in the Big Ten
along with Illinois. Michigan has 17
outright and seven co-champion-
ships, while the Illini have 19 outright
titles. From 1918-1929 eight of the
twelve conference crowns went to

n or
The indoor portion of the tr
season accounts for 23 of Michiga
total championships. This lead
conference figure was solidified fi
1934-45 when Michigan dominated
sport, winning 10 of 12 titles.
Swimming led the Big Ten wit]
titles, taking 15 of 19 championsi
awarded from 1931-45.
Michigan's golf record of 12 cha
pionships places it on top in
conference, overtaking that posit
from 1932-36 when they captured
five championships.
The gymnastics squads also ha
12 titles to their credit, ranking the
third in the conference. Coach N
Loken's teams produced half th
total from 1961-66, winning the cro

As the end
proaches, Mic
looms larger a
The pattern
year. In the f
kickers in Mic
the Wolverin
game has yett
goal this sea
happen, Bo S
to rely on ki
ance thus far
Michigan tied
Michigan Sta
missed two fi
quarter that
game. By a n
Big Ten athle
Buckeyes to th
The next ye
try, the haple
barely missed
The Buckeyes
went west for
joke circulat
attempted sui
was wide and t
records for m

of football season ap- (21) as well as m
higan's kicking game points (113 of 120;
nd larger. will always be rem
is a little different this ones he missed.
past, some of the best LAST YEAR'S2
higan history have cost State posed no prot
es crucial games. A but such was not th
to come down to a field Michigan was ambi
son, but should that fayette, 16-14. Of cc
chembechler will have situation is never t
ckers whose perform- position where you
has been only medi- pass long, for that n
nobody's perfect. B
:ASON finale in 1973, field goal in the gam
Ohio State 10-10 in The same Bob V
dium. Mike Lantry season records fo
eld goals in the fourth goals in a season
would have won the most extra points (
ow infamous vote, the to tie a 55 of 57 mar
tic directors sent the 1971).
e Rose Bowl. For what it's wor
ar at Columbus, Lan- could at least be
ess Vietnam vet, just dent of those kicl
a last-second attempt. though the incredi
won 12-10 and again must-win attempt
New Year's Day. The mension entirely.
ed that Lantry had U
cide, but the bullet, too, t er, t
o the left. than ever, that up
Lantry holds school Purdue and agains
lost career field goals out of reach of a fief

with kickers
ost career extra
attempts) but he Junior Gregg Willner has made
nembered for the just two field goals on nine attempts
this season, while scoring 24 of 25
22-0 rout of Ohio point-after attempts. To his credit, he
blems for kickers, kicked a 50-yard field goal at
e case at Purdue. Michigan State, but consistency is
ushed at West La- sorely lacking.
ourse, the optimal His backup, Nick Labun, has
to be caught in a kicked four of four extra points, but
have to kick (or Schembechler is not confident of his
natter) to win, but field goal kicking.
ob Wood missed af
e's final seconds. "I DON'T like our kicking game,"
Vood holds single said Schembechler. "I'm not happy
r the most field with it at all. I can say I don't like it
(11 in 1975) and and I can get mad, but that's about
55 of 57 attempts, all I can do. If one of them looked any
k by Dana Coin in better than the other in practice it
would be fine, but that's just not the
'th, Schembechler case."
reasonably confi- Neither Labun nor Willner re-
kers' ability, al- ceived full grant-in-aids until they
ble pressure of a were on campus and had proven
adds another di- themselves. When asked if other
schools follow the same procedure,
Schembechler replied, "That's not
be hoping, more necessarily the way we do it here. It's
coming games at the way we did it in this instance."
t Ohio State are Schembechler said if there was an
d goal. outstanding kicker in the area he
would probably give him a full ride at
the outset. It remains to be seen
whether Michigan will - seriously
recruit any kickers.
Despite the unsatisfactory showing
this season, Schembechler says,
n s "We'll continue to kick when we need
to kick." Meanwhile, he'll hope for
ence known on the the best.

Michigan's wrestling teams have a
streak of three consecutive titles
from 1963-65 to highlight their 11
conference championships, good
enough for a third place Big Ten
In basketball, the cagers have
managed 10 titles, placing way down'.
in sixth position in the conference.
Three titles from 1964-66 are the
bright spots in their total.
Both the hockey and cross country
teams have amassed five Big Ten
championships, with the icers taking
two -in'a row in 1968 and '69 and the
harriers grabbing the last three
races held.
Michigan's total of 199 champion-
ships breaks down to 164 outright and
35 co-championships. Illinois ranks
second with 168 titles, 144 outright
and 24 co-titles.
En route to their conference lead-
ership, the Wolverines have man-
aged to rank first in titles won in
seven of the twelve sports they"
compete in.
So if Michigan's cross country
team comes back to Ann Arbor with
its fourth consecutive victory on
Saturday, Don Canham can hold his
own little Bicentennial party.
If yqu missed last year's spectacuaj.
Soviet gymnasts' show, you'll have-
another chance to see it. Such stars as
Olga Korbut and Nelli Kim will lead the
talent on Monday, November 28 in,.
Crisler-Arena. Tickets ($7 and $10) are
on sale now at the Michigan Ticket-
- Men's junior varsity basketball t
outs will be held on November 7. 5;15
p.m. at'Crisler Arena. Coach Dan Fife .
who will run the tryouts, said players,
should bring their own equipment.
Open mornings
at 10 o.m. and at
reduced prices 'til
6 p.m. Monday-Friday
At the UNION

F1 i
Special to The Daily
DETROIT - The rejuvenated Atlan-
ta Hawks handed the Detroit Pistons
their first home loss of the season last
night, easily topping the Detroiters, 102-
Star center Bob Lanier left the game
with 3:51 left after being Aoked in the
eye. An eye doctor checked the injury
after the game, but no official word was
The high-flying Hawks, sporting four
rookies and a balanced scoring attack,
are now the proud owners of a 4-game
winning streak and a 5-1 season mark.
In years past, the Hawks would rely
mainly on the scoring of forward John

Hawks throttle Pisto

Drew. Nowadays, the new look club,
boasts five men scoring in double
Drew and former Minnesota Gopher
Ron Behagan got the Hawks off to a
flying start last night, combining for 28
points in the first half.
Meanwhile, the Pistons couldn't get
anyone besides Lanier to find the hoop.
Lanier hit for 19 first-half points and
went on to lead all scorers with 29. The
Pistons faced a 63-42 halftime deficit.
"We came in at halftime, and Herb
said we weren't playing with any inten-
sity," said Piston forward M. L. Carr.
"Then he looked right at me. He wanted
me to be the catalyst."
Carr went out and teamed with guard
Kevin Porter to spur a late Piston
comeback attempt.

£"t4 oj the tz)ad4
Badger star bails out
Wisconsin's Mike Meeker, currently tied for the lead in scoring in the
Western Collegiate Hockey Association, (WCHA) has quit school.
Meeker already scored six goals this season and was supposed to be
an integral part of the defending NCAA champions' offense.
The Badger forward said that he wants to play Junior A hockey for a
Peterborough (Ontario) team.
Meeker feels that this would give him a better opportunity to play in
the pros.
Last year Meeker scored 26 goals with 27 assists for a total of 53 points.
Carlton cops Cy Young award
PHILADELPHIA - Steve Carlton, the 23-game winner, earned his
second Cy Young Award as the National League's top pitcher yesterday.
The Philadelphia Phillies' left-hander easily outdistanced Tommy John
of the Los Angeles Dodgers in the voting by the Baseball Writers Association
of America.
Helping the Phillies win their second straight division title with a 23-10
record, the 32-year-old Carlton had a 2.64 earned run average, worked 283
innings with 17 complete games and had 198 strikeouts. -AP
r -
Sub ZeroF

Whings wallop
Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Even the fans that came
to see Detroit's 'aggressive hockey"
never expected what they saw last
night. There were 182 minutes of penal-
ties, 142 in the first period alone, almost
overshadowing the fact that Detroit
won the game 3-1, over the Pittsburgh
Penguins at the Olympia.
The large crowd of 11,113 saw ex-
Flyer and King badboy Dave Schultz
play his first game in a Penguin
uniform. Schultz, who was traded from
Los Angeles along with Gene Carr last
Ooops! We almost forgot to run our
GRIDDES! Don't you forget to turn
your picks in to 420 Maynard by mid-
night Friday, in order to win a small
two-item pizza from Pizza Bob's.
1. Northwestern at MICHIGAN
(pick score)
2. Michigan State at Minnesota
3. Ohio State at Illinois
4. Indiana at Iowa
5. Purdue at Wisconsin
6. Georgia Tech at Notre Dame
7. Texas at Houston
8. UCLA at Oregon
9. Pitt at West Virginia
10. Stanford at Southern Cal
11. Oklahoma at Oklahoma State
12. Nebraska at Missouri
13. Bucknell at Colgate
14, Colorado at Iowa State
15. Alabama at LSU
16. Army at Air Force
17. Central Michigan at Kent State
18. Clemson at North Carolina
19. Duke at Wake Forest
20. DAILY LIBELS at Joe Falls
Fan Club

ice with seven penalties including two
for fighting and a misconduct.
The Red Wings scored the only goal of
the first period and added two more in
the middle stanza to take a 3-0 lead.
Detroit goalie Ron Low was outstan-
ding with several important saves to
keep Pittsburgh off the scoreboard.
Low stopped 25 of 26 shots and drew
standing ovations from the crowd and
several chants of "Low ... Low ... Low."
Tom Cassidy ruined the shutout with
only 4:49 remaining in the game. Cassi-
dy's shot hit Low's stick, dropped on to
his pads, and then trickled into the net.
The victory gives Detroit a 4-3-2
record, good for second place in the
Norris Division.
With the win the Wings have one four-
th of the number of victories they had
all last year.
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