Professor Jerry Ford comes back for another lecture stint The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 3, 1977-Page 7 (Continued from Page 1) Enterprise Institute is supporting the trip, but the University has put up its most famous former student at Inglis House, a University-owned home near the Arboretum used to entertain guests. This is Ford's second stint as a vis- iting professor. He lectured to sever- al classes last April. WHEN FORD described a typical presidential day and addressed cur- rent issues, he didn't say anything very. unexpected, according to LSA junior Janet Lanyon. But when the former President told the class "the kind of things about how he made his decisions, there were things that wouldn't be in the books," she added. Lanyon said that although Ford was "usually clear," when asked why he fired James Schlesinger, "he kind of BSed around on it." The professor for the course, George Grassmuck, reported that Ford - back in Ann Arbor for the fourth time since he opened his bid for the presidency here in September of last year -- "was quite relaxed, a little bit more relaxed than last year since he's more removed from the presidency." FROM EAST University St., Ford rushed over to Angell Hall- for his version of "American Policy Pro- cess," attended by about 80 students. The former policy maker told the class budgeting, the method proposed by President Car- ter is not the most effective way to make a budget. After a quick lunch back at Inglis House, Ford returned to Angell Hall to address a class on American Political Parties. With the help of six or seven secret service agents, Ford worked his way through the crowd of students craning to catch a glimpse of the 38th President. 'He actually has blond hair," observed one. Another student walking by mo- tioned toward the plaid-suited secur- ity men who carry small earphones that look like hearing aids. "Look at all the CIA," he said. AFTER THE customary round of Brezhnev calls for N-ban Continued from 1age I grain crop amounted to 140 million tons. THE SOVIET shortfall raised the prospect of increased imports from the United States and higher U.S. grain prices following general mar- ket weakness. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland said the Soviet grain report was "a signifi- cant development to which we attach a great deal of importance . . . This could have some upward impact on our grain prices." Brezhnev stood in front of a huge bust of V.I. Lenin, founder of the Soviet state, to address Soviet offi- cials and foreign dignitaries gath- ered in the 6,600-seat Palace of Congresses within the walls of the Kremlin. Communist and Socialist Party delegations from 104 nations joined members of the Soviet Com- munist Party Central Committee and the Soviet Parliament in the audi- ence of the glittering jubilee convo- cation. In his speech Brezhnev also: " Warned that Western countries shouldn't count on the China-Soviet split lasting forever. "We think this is a short-sighted policy," Brezhnev declared. But his renewed criticism of Peking at the same time prompted the Chinese ambassador to stalk out of the Kremlin hall. " Asserted that the Soviet Union is not seeking to impose on other communists its "prescriptions for the socialist transformation of so- ciety." Brezhnev's comments were in apparent response to sharp criti- cism of the Kremlin by Western European communists. But Brezh- nev warned that foreign communists must avoid forsaking basic socialist principles. " Restated the Soviet Union's interest in continuing to develop relations with the United States "on the basis of equality and mutual respect." BREZHNEV declared that the Soviet Union "is effectively looking after its defense capability, but it does not and will not seek military superiority over the other side. We do not want to upset the approximate equilibrium of military strength existing at present." e I sponsored by I' ^ , " ' WCBN and the applause he receivesawhen he enters a classroom, Ford launched into a discussion of his party: -"(The Republicans) ought to welcome in a broad spectrum of ideo- .logical opinion. We've done it in past presidential elections and if we can do it in the gubernatorial and con- gressional elections, we'll be al- right." -"If you look at what (Republican vice presidential candidate Robert Dole) said and you look at what Mr. Mondale said, you have to say that Mondale was much harsher." -"I've told Governor Milliken that I'll support him for whatever office he decides to run for." -"I'm not going to make any deci- sion (on the 1980 presidential race) until, at least, after the 1978 congres- sional and gubernatorial elections." -"I happen to deplore the over- emphasis on the division within the Republican party over the Panama Canal (treaty)." WHEN THE suntanned Ford was asked whether or not he had paid Hubert Humphrey after he lost a bet on the Michigan-Minnesota football game, he said, "I sent him a $5 bill. I knew if I sent him a check he'd send it to the University of Minnesota and they'd frame it." Ford emerged from the Angell Hall classroom into, a jostling crowd, many of whom followed him toward the Modern Language Building for his lecture to the class "Introduction to World Politics." But before going into the auditorium, Ford made a short detour to the basement, where he spent a few minutes studying notes. Outside the half-full auditorium, one of the Secret Service agents un- characteristically talked with a stu- dent. "(Ford's) not a bad lecturer ... he's better than any lecturer I ever had," said the agent. Dozens of curious students pressed themselves against the doors of the auditorium, trying to catch stray bits of the ex-President's lecture on nuclear capability. As he put away his notes, freshman Joel Oakner said that although he got "a good insightion nuclear capabili- ties" from Ford, he occasionally "talked in circles, saying nothing, really." Political Science teaching assist- ant Rick Stoll said Ford's lecture, entitled "SALT: Where are we now?" was "fairly objective in that he wasn't really pushing (his opin- ion)" except for "A few digs at Carter." For example, Stoll said, Ford criticized the fact that Carter didn't use the B-1 bomber as a bargaining tool against the Russians at the SALT talks. A fleet of cars whisked Ford and his protection to the Business School at 3:30, where 400 business students crowded into Hale Auditorium for his lecture. After a 20-minute lecture proposing tax reductions for businesses and individuals, the Pregident fielded questions ranging from football to tax forms. "HE PLAYED IT pretty conserva- tive," said senior Dana Collins. The business student said Ford charac- terized the economy as "healthy." Tomorrow's itinerary for the ad- junct professor includes three classes, one of which is open to the press, one seminar, and a reception. EMU Division of Student Affairs - Office of Campus Life presents GRAMMY AWARD WINNER r " the ann orbor Alm cooperative TONIGHT! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 MONTY PYTHON MEETS BEYOND THE FRINGE (Roger Graves, 1976) 7, 8:40, 10:20-AUD. A Great Balls of Fire! A movie teaming beyond the most dedicated comedy fan's most cherished fantasy. The loonies of Pythonlond (JOHN, CLEESE, MICHAEL PALIN, GRAHAM CHAPMAN, CAROL CLEVELAND, TERRY GILLIAM, and TERRY JONES) meet their spiritual fathers from beyond the Fringe (JONATHAN MILLER, ALAN BENNET, PETER COOK, and DUDLEY MOORE). The two best British comedy groups of the past 25 years zany their way through a olandscape that vaguely resembles England or, perhaps, Coldwater, Michigan. ',I laughed like, a hyena." LONDON GUARDIAN. ANN ARBOR PREMIERE ADMISSION $1.50 The AAFC is accepting new members. Stop by one of our showings for an application. OPENING TONIGHT! 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