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November 02, 1977 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-11-02

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Dutch multimillionaire

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 2, 1977-Page 7

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands .(AP)
- Dutch multimillionaire Maurits1
Caransa has been released un-
harmed by his kidnappers, police.
said late last night.
A police spokesman refused to say+
exactly how the 61-year-old real-
estate tycoon won his freedom. He
said Caransa was brought to Amster-
dam police headquarters during the,
night and had since left for an
undisclosed destination.
THE SPOKESMAN described Car-
ansa as "in good health."
Caransa was kidnapped early last
Friday - forced into a car by four or
five persons as he left the Continental
Club in Amste'rdam after playing,
bridge. His briefcase was found on
the sidewalk near his chauffeur-
driven Rolls Royce.
Police tightened controls on the
West German and Belgian borders
and launched a nationwide search for

by captives

Division of Student Affairs - Office of Campus Life

Caransa after callers claimed he had
been seized by a West German
terrorist group.
BUT SOURCES said Monday the
conviction was growing in govern-
ment circles that Caransa was
kidnapped by common criminals and
not political terrorists.
"If the crime were politically
motivated it would seem that the
kidnappers would have circulated
well-documented claims and photos
by now," the source said.
Caransa's wife, Rita, made an
appeal over Dutch radio Sunday
asking the kidnappers to make their
demands known "in whatever man-
MRS. CARANSA, her daughter
and two grandchildren went into
seclusion at the family villa, 12 miles
south of The Hague, after the

Energy conservation
not always sacrifice

Scores of anonymous telephone
calls making ransom demands were
made to newspapers and authorities
after the kidnapping.
Nine hours after the kidnapping, a
German speaking man telephoned a
Dutch newspaper and said: "We are
the Red Army Faction. We have
Caransa. You will hear from us."
A SECOND caller, speaking Dutch
with a heavy Moluccan accent, told
another Amsterdam newspaper he
represented three groups: the Red
Army Faction, a Palestinian guerril-
la organization and the South Molluc-
can Suicide Commando. He demand-
ed the release of Knut Folkerts, more
than 20 South Moluccan terrorists in
Dutch jails and a Japanese terrorist
imprisoned in Israel. The 25-year-old
Folkerts is a Red Army Faction
member detained for the slaying of a
Dutch policeman in Utrecht on Sept.
The Red Army Faction is a West
German terrorist group also known
as the Baader-Meinhof gang. Mili-
tant South Moluccans living in the
Netherlands have been trying to
force -the Dutch government to
support their demands for the inde-
pendence of their native islands from
Indonesia. They have made a num-
ber of terrorist attacks in the
Netherlands, including two train
Newspapers also received calls de-
manding ransoms ranging' from
$20,000 to $10 million for Caransa's
CARANSA WAS born of a poor
Jewish family of Portuguese descent
and was imprisoned by the Nazis dur-
ing World War II. He Was released
after 13 weeks, but his parents and
two of his brothers died in Nazi
concentration camps.
After the war, he began trading in
army surplus equipment, buying
from the U.S. Army in Germany and
selling to Middle East countries,
including Egypt, Israel, Saudi Ara-
bia and Iran. Friends said he was not
an arms dealer, but sold military
equipment such as trucks and cloth-
In the early 1950s, he moved into
the real estate business. He now,
controls enterprises valued at more
than $40 million. About half his
interests are in the hotel and catering
industry, including a number of
hotels in downtown Amsterdam.f



(Continued from Page 1)

mate this waste, according to Warren.
The plan provides incentives for home-
owners and businesses which install in-
THE PLAN ALSO includes provisions
to reform utility rates to encourage
electricity use during off-peak hours.
He compared the plan to the telephone
company's discounts for calling at
specific times.
Lee Schipper of the Energy and
Resources group at Berkely debated
Standard Oil of California economic
consultant E. J. Cahill over whether
energy conservation or energy supply
is the most effective alternative to
America's energy needs.
Schipper said he would not discard
energy production altogether but he
favors conservation because it is "an
investment in saving energy that
"WE'RE NOT running out of

energy,' he continued, "It's far more
expensive than you have to pay or than
you want to pay."
He emphasized it is "cheaper to con-
serve than to produce," and this is
where the investment that pays off
comes in.
Cahill called Carter's energy conser-
vation measures "a good first step,"
but added that the oil industry is "un-
equivocally opposed" to the proposed
crude oil equalization tax that could
eventually bring the price of domestic
crude up to world price levels.
He said that the revenue from this tax
would just be reinvested into oil and gas
energy exploration instead of exploring
all possible sources of energy.
He added that his company has in-
vestments in coal mining, oil shale,
geothermal energy, and uranium
mining. He emphasized that while
Standard Oil is not a major force in
developing other sources of energy
besides gas and oil, "We've got our
radar out."

MSA grants space,
sets rules for use

(Continued from Page 1)
office space, but just storage space.
THE ARAB Student's Organiza-
tion, however, was refused space for
different reasons.
Although the group qualifies since
it had office space last year, MSA
officials said the office was left in
such terrible condition that the space
allocation would not be renewed.
"People didn't take care of their
office, and it's up to us to keep the
offices maintained," said DiGui-
MSA QUESTIONED the status of
the Chicano Student Organization.
"If the Chicanos apply,'they could be
put in open space, in offices that
aren't (as yet) doubled up. After this
action is taken, we will take applica-
tions for office space piece by piece."
The guidelines detail the responsi-
bilities which come with the "privi-
lege of office space." Organizations
are expected to operate their offices
for a minimum of 10 hours weekly.
The guidelines include common
sense measures, keeping the office
clean limiting use of the office space
to the assigned organizations, and
the assessment of a $25.00 deposit for
the maintenance of the office.
Spokespersons for many of the
organizations previously denied of-
fice space expressed satisfaction
with the re-allocations. "We think it's
our right to have office space," said
Dorie Riepe of the Spartacus Youth
League.' We think MSA reversed its
ecision on the basis of protests from
tudent organizations. The organiza-
tions took this attack very seriously
as an attack on the left and on the
oreign student organizations," she

WALT ROBERTS, of the U of M
Amateur Radio Club, also expressed
approval. "My main concern is the
lack of due process. I'm quite
satisfied with the allocation. They
tried to be fair. Given the limited
resources, someone had to go," he
In other action, MSA passed an
amendment to limit use of the
Fishbowl or Diag by student organi-
zations for more than seven consecu-
tive days, and defeated a proposal
designed to create criteria for the
allocation of office space in the
Representatives of student organi-
zations said they were dismayed by
the new regulation.
"IT'S JUST one more in a-series of
restrictions placed on organizations
trying to use.that space," said Ann
Laurent of the Committee for Human
Rights in Latin America. "They're
limiting the access to the Diag and
the Fishbowl. This is ultimately to
the detriment of students."
Mike Price, spokesman for the
Young Socialist Alliance tied the
regulation into a larger picture.
"There's been a relative downturn
among campus radicals. The admin-
istration has attempted to roll back
gains made during the sixties and
early seventies. This acts against all
groups that support the rights and
interests of deprived portions of
society," he said.
"We and most organizations use
that space illegally all the time,"
said an organization spokesperson
who wished to remain unidentified.
"At certain times we want exposure.
We go in there and use that space and
will continue to do so."




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