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November 01, 1977 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1977-11-01

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 1, 1977-Page 7


Medium risk DI)

"We aren't creating any monsters. We're not:
tampering or mutilating genes."
- Prof. Golder Wilson

A lab ce
(Continued from Page 1)
The gene being sought is one of many
genes which control production of
protein. 1
As the cell divides, the scientists will
note how a gene or one chromosome in-
teracts with another chromosmalgene.
Sometimes the genes get mixed when
the cell divides, and the mix-up can
lead to permanent change and abnor-
malities, Schmickel said.
WHEN SUCH chromosomal con-
fusion occurs, it can cause birth defec-
Working within the same lab as Sch-
mickel and Wilson, but at different


rti ied
times, Jackson and his assistant Rex
Chisholm will study how the genes in a
monkey virus cause cancers in mice.
By injecting mice with the monkey
virus, Jackson will try to deduce which
genes are responsible for causing can-
cer and how the protein products of
these genes interact with the mouse
cell's genes to make a normal cell can-
Two other labs are being remodeled
to accommodate P3 level research, but
University officials say there are no
immediate plans to conduct recom-
binant DNA research in them.

Everything in

the lab is functioning as, it should."
"Prof. Francis Payne

Helms cops plea for
Chile coup testimony

Board approves

(Continued from Page U) straightet
previously agreed to by both sides. Mike Ci
The University demanded GEO drop takee mar
two outstanding grievances from its tal
prior contract. The union refused to though
do so and filed an unfair labor st
practice (ULP) chargeagainst the seePERS
University which was upheld by a pickets
Michigan Employment Relations campus,
Commission (MERC) judge last givepusa
Auut give.-us a
August. and GSAs
The University is currently appeal- Katulic
ing the judge's recommendation that aUivrit
it accept last fall's proposed con- on a rec
tract. immediat
According to GEO Vice President GSA payi
Marti Bombyk, the purpose of yester- has accep
day's picket was to "advertisesthe "We'd I
fact that the contract the University tion as so
was ordered to sign has now expired. ise" s
"WE WANT to inform the Univer- igin, a
sity community about out situation Orgn
by getting out, distributing leaflets plannedt
and just being visible," said Bom- escrow f
Graduate Student Assistant (GSA)
Rich Hogan said yesterday's infor-
mational picket is a standard lobby-
ing technique.
"It doesn't attempt to shut down
the University or impede its func-
tion," he said, "but is to draw
attention to our situation." Tun
Bombyk said GEO chose the LSA
Building location - because, "many
GSAs would be coming in to pick up 3IN
their paychecks," while other stu-
dents filed in to pay their tuition.
GEO CHIEF Bargainer Michael
Kozura said he was satisfied with
yesterday's union turnout. Most stu-
dents, he added, were receptive to
the GEO literature.
"It will help our organizing drive,"
said Kozura. "A lot of people have
been confused about these circum-
stances and this (the picket) will heln

,things out."
anjar, GE. executive corm-
ember, said the union may
e protest action in the futurte
no definite plans have ben
5ONALLY, I would like to
alk out one day and set up
at various buildings on
" said Canjar. "That would
chance to talk to students
and explain the problem."
said last night that the
y and GEO are conferring
ent University proposal to
tely release a 5.75 per-cent
increase for this year. GEO
pted the pay increase offer.
like to come to some resolu-
Don as possible on the whole
aid Katulic of-the pay hike.
ally, the University* had
to place the increase in at
nd until its current MERC
is been settled.

(Continued from Page 1)
Justice Department lawyers had rec-
ommended that no jail term be
assessed Helms and the former CIA di-
rector mentioned that "understanding"
to Judge Parker.
"This court doss not consider itself
bound by that understanding," the
judge said, explaining he could impose
a jail sentence.
Helms could be sentenced to one year
in jail and fined $1,000. The minimum
sentence is one month in jail and a $100
fine, but even that could be suspended.
THE GOVERNMENT charged that
Helms failed to answer "fully, com-
pletely and accurately," on Feb. 17,
1973 when he was asked by the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee about
CIA involvement in efforts to prevent
Allende's election.
And it said on March 6, 1973, during
another appearance before the commit-
tee, Helms was asked questions about
his knowledge about United States
government policy with respect to the
1970 Chilean elections.
"Again, Helms failed to answer those
questions fully and completely as
'equired by law," said a statement of
facts filed by the government.
The 'statementisaidtHelms knew at
the time he testified that in 1970 "the

CIA carried out a covert operation ap-
proved by the Forty Committee." That
committee was composed of top-
ranking military, diplomatic and in-
telligence officials.
"Mr. Helms also knew at the time he
testified that the Forty Committee had
approved actions and money to prevent
Allende's selection in the Oct. 24, 1970
run-off election and to encourage by
economic pressure and other means ac-
tion by the Chilean military to prevent
Allende's accession to the presidency."
Allende was killed in a Sept. 11, 1973,
military coup.
Helms, 64, was director of the CIA
from 1966 to 1973 and served as U.S.
ambassador to Iran from then until last
SUTTON, Mass. (AP) - Jack
Nicklaus is easily the top gate
attraction in professional golf, a fact
proven by the 1977 Pleasant Valley
Classic. Ticket, sales were well in
excess of $50,000 over the 1976 renew-
al of the tournament.
A few days before the tourna-
ment began, the phones were ringing
non-stop inquiring about tickets and
most of the callers asked if it was
definite that Nicklaus would play.
Jack did and finished second to Ray
Floy4t; beaten by one stroke.

office, r
(Continued from Page 1)
ed against leftist political and ethnic
AT LAST Tuesday's MSA meeting,
organizations board members said
SOB was reconsidering its office
space decision and would have a new
proposal this evening.
SOB members said they were able
to come up with additional office
space by cutting back the amount of
space each group receives and by
doubling up many groups in single
The new groups which would get of-
fices under the revised plan include:
The Iranian Students Association of
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, The Iran-
ian Students Association of the U-M
and Eastern Michigan University,
The Spartacus Youth League, W8UM
(the Radio Club), The Revolutionary
Student Brigade, The Turkish Stu-
dents Association, and the Chinese

'eq uests
Students Organization.
Others include: The Video Coop,
Science for the People, the Computer
Club, Student International Medita-
tion Society, Leaping-Lesbians News-
letter, the United Farm Workers
Support Committee, The Pigeon
River Project, Indian~Students Asso-
ciation, East Wind, Association for
Critical Social Science and Women in
STUDENT Organizations Chair-
woman Michele Sprayregen said the
conflict over student office space is
"far from over. We need more office
space and we're the ones who have tot
fight for that."
At last night's meeting, the board
also approved a set of guidelines for
student groups with offices.
The guidelines, which go to MSA
for approval, would require each
group to keep office hours at least 10
hours a week.

Haunted house raises
screams and dollars

-4 A.M.-11l P.M. -- SUNDAY 1 i A.M.-7 P.M.
by 5pm Thur.da, 2tov.
questions & information caN: 763:0875
b35 -.-S--E-T-E-L--

If you were in the mood to get scared
out - tens over the Halloween
wee inces'areyou were one of-
the 79j-I44pople who wandered up to
O C eadquarters at North Hall,
where the University's three armed
forces units presented their fourth an-
nual Haunted House show.
"We handled all the people we could'
handle," said Air Force Capt. William
Farrell, who supervised the show. "A
couple of tiny kids cried, but we scared
everybody. There were lots of
DUE TO THE popularity of the place,

Just for the
health of it.
Get moving. America!
March 1-7 1977 is
National Physical Education and Sport Week
Physical Education Public Information
AM'ircan Alliancer Ha rilth
P "'( al 1(1 nral Uon anw nc:real on
1?01 16th St NWM1 a0nqion D C 20036
Billing 764-0550
Circulation 764-0558
rin,.;Carl 7L A nrC7

lines formed outside the building
several times Saturday and Sunday.
night-as people waited to be ushered in-
to dark corridors where they were
alternately grabbed, howled at, or of-
fered roast human head by suspicious-
looking waiters.
Forty cadets and two officers con-
tributed a month's work to preparing
the show, which raised over $300 for the
United Nations Children's Fund
The music business has developed into
gargantuan big business. The biggest
name acts in the business are playing.
fewer cities on each tour than before,
and often will play only one city in a state.
We have been able to'get the only state
appearance of Steve Miller, earlier this
month, and Linda Ronstodt on Nov. 11. But
in order to get these maior acts, we had to
be gable to compete with the other bids
being submitted . . . that meant offering
the same gross potential as other halls,
since these superstars all get large per-
centages of the ticket sales. $8.50 top-
price ticket has been the national norm on
the whole tourfor these acts. With Crisler
Arena having so many of its seats rear-
stage, it's mighty tough to compete with
other buildings in the state that have more
seats in front of the stage.
The productions on tour had really in-
creased in complexity, special effects, and
numbers of people on tour, all of which have
to be covered out of the ticket prices. So,
we hope you enjoy the advantage of having
these big shows in your backyard and can
understand the higher ticket prices this
LINDA RONSTADT, winner of the televised
Rock Music Award for top Female Artist of
the Year and on the cover of last week's
PEOPLE magazine; has just gone on'sale for
her upcoming Nov. 11 concert here. Her
smash new album, "Simple Dreams,"
blew out sales records by unloading 1 .6
million copies in its first 16 days in the
stores. It shot to the number two album in
the country the first week it was re-
leased, and looks like the one that will
finally nudge Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours"
from the number 1 spot for an unpre-
cented 23 weeks.

When you take aw
the uniform
and the lifestyle
wMiat have you go

t ?m


The Job.
The Coast Guard's involved
in things like saving lives,
fighting pollution, enforc-
ing the law, and maintain-
ing navigational systems.
They're big jobs and they're
important-jobs. To the
country and to the people
who do them. And you
could be involved in one of
them after just 18 weeks in
Officer Candidate School
in Yorktown, Va.
As an officer in the Coast
Guard you would be in a
position of responsibility
and leadership. It's a chal-
lenging job. One where
you'll prove to yourself
and others that the 4 years
you spent in college were
well worth it.
The Pay & Benefits.
As an Ensign in the Coast
Guard, your starting salary
will be over $10,000 a year.
During your first 3 years,
normal promotion and
seniority will increase your
salary by over 40%. Along

get married, your family
also receives medical
coverage. If you 'Make the
Coast Guard your career,
you can apply for post-
graduate training. And if
you're selected, we'll pay
your tuition plus keep you
on full salary while you're
attending school.
There's also a generous
retirement plan if you stay
with us for at least 20
years. That's something
you won't find with many
private companies.
The Oppoituntes.
The jobs the Coast Guard
does are anything but or-
dinary. Which means that
doing those jobs will pay
off in training and experi-
ence that is anything but
ordinary. You'll develop
skills in manage-
ment and'

And you'll be able to
travel. A Coast Guard
Officer doesn't stay put.
Your assignment could be,
in any of a variety of loca-
tions around the country
or overseas.
The Future.
As with any job you're
interested in now, the
future has got to be an
important consideration.
Where's the job going to
lead you? In the Coast
Guard your future is, to say
the least, expandable.
Whether you make it a
career or not, the experi-
ence and skills you'll
develop will be hard to
match anywhere else. The
most important of which
will be the skill of handling
yourself in a management
situation. Because
Y that's what you'll

leadership / be involved in on
that will be the first day of your
invaluable to / job as a Coast Guarc
you and your .. Officer. And when
career. Skills you '"you've ot that


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