STUDENT SPACE -~See Editorial Page E Ltc iguu in aug NO SNOW High--o LOW-47 See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 47 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 1, 1977 Ten Cents 10 Pages plus Supplements Medium-risk DNA work Dbegins DNA techniques were developed no method existed isolating a single gene. By PATTY MONTEMURRI In i sixth-floor laboratory in Medical Science II, two University Medical School professors will try to isolate a human gene this week. After years of debate, 'moderate risk" or P3, recombinant DNA research will finally begin on campus. Saturday, the lab was certified to be in compliance with federal guidelines, lifting the final ban on the controversial DNA research. Now University Profs. Roy Schmickel and Golder Wilson may begin their experiment-the first recombinant DNA research on campus to use human cells. The scientists hope to pioneer better methods for predic- ting diseases such as Down's Syndrome. Word of the lab's certification was good news to another researcher, Asst. Prof. of Microbiology David Jackson. Jackson said he and a graduate assistant will also begin a "moderate risk" project this week. Jackson will try to determine how a monkey virus induces cancer in mice and what genes are responsible for causing Lab wins fin cancer. The DNA lab underwent extensive renovation over the past year to incorporate special safety features required by federal guidelines established two years ago. At that time, there was an active debate on campus over the merits-and dangers-of recombinant DNA research. Eventually, the Regents gave it the go-ahead. DNA is the repository of human, animal and plant genetic information-the building block material of heredity. "Everything in the lab is functioning as it should," said Epidemiology Prof. Francis Payne, who monitored Satur- day's certification of the equipment by an independent testing firm. Payne is chairman of Committee C, the watch-dog group of faculty scientists and community representatives charged with certifying the safety of recombinant DNA experiments' al ap proval and facilities on campus. THE LAB'S P3 label is the second most stringent of four levels of laboratory safety requirements designated by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Five other DNA ex- periments currently being conducted on campus are classified as P1 or P2 level-"no risk" or "low risk" research that requires no special laboratoryfacilities. In their five-year experiment, funded by NIH for $225,000, Schmickel and Wilson will take strands of DNA from human fetuses and splice the DNA into a bacteriophage-a very small virus. The transplanted human DNA will duplicate along with the DNA of the host chromosomes each time the bacterial cell divides. Through a process called hybridization, the scientists will be able to isolate a single human gene from the DNA strand. Human DNA has billions of genes, and before recombinant for ONCE THE GENE is isolated it can be placed in the simple DNA bacteriophage where the transplanted human gene will replicate with the page's 30 genes instead of the billions in the human cell. Using this technique, the pair of scientists will be able "to take something from a very complicated human and put it in a simple organism where it can be studied," explained Sch- mickel. The cross genetic material results in a new biological en- tity, not known to occur in nature, and allows scientists to ob- serve a single gene in pure form. "We aren't creating any monsters," Wilson said. "We're not tampering or mutilating genes." Instead; the scientific duo will search for a single gene located on one of the human cell's 23 pairs of chromosomes. Student board reverses ruling 11 A yellow moon rides the iron autumn sky, and the dry leaves rush across the ground in whispering crowds. There are goblins in the hallways, there are goblins- in the streets . . . Halloween . .Cookie monsters and concert- on offie By DAVID GOODMAN In the face of a heated controversy. about its earlier office allocations de- cision, the Student Organizations Board (SOB), reversed itself last night and approved space for virtual- ly all student groups asking for it. The board's new office assignment list goes to the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) tonight for ratifica- tion. If approved, the plan will 'give offices to all but two of the political and ethnic groups which had previ- ously been refused space. ONE OF THE two is Chicanos at Michigan, the group which threat- ened to take MSA to court unless it changed the office allocations. SOB members said the Chicano organiza- tion failed to submit an office application. Lino Mendiola, spokesman for Chicanos at Michigan, said he plans to give Associate Vice-President for Student Services Tom Easthope a letter today charging MSA with discrimination for denying his group space. Mendiola said MSA Vice-President Jasper DiGiuseppe told him no written application for space was necessary as long as Chicanos at Michigan shared an office with the United Farm Workers Support Com- mittee. "What we decided was that we would give office space to any group which wanted space for other than a meeting room," said Phil Merdinger, the board's director of administra- tion. "THERE WERE mistakes on both sides," said Eric Arnson, assistant SOB director for services. He said the board's revised allocations pro- posal was an attempt "to bridge the gap and show student groups we are not the enemy." "I think we should admit that what we did was wrong," said ,board e space member Jon Banks. The dispute began in early Octbber when SOB announced its first space allocation plan. That proposal denied space to most foreign student groups and political organizations which asked for it. Many student groups which had occupied offices in the Union for several years would have lost that space. Some two dozen groups which were denied space protested the board's action, charging that it discriminat- See BOARD, Page 7 GEO protests lac-k of con tract By SUE WARNER Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) members formed picket lines autside the LSA Building yesterday to call attention to the union's 14-month struggle with the Univer- 3ity over'a new contract settlement. Lunching on doughnuts and cider while distributing union leaflets to passersby, the.GEO supporters said the protest had not drawn any opposi- tion from University administrators. And University chief negotiator Jo- 3eph Katulic said the picketers did not disrupt routine activity at the LSA Building yesterday. GEO HAS BEEN working without a contract since last fall when the University refused to sign a contract See GEO, Page 7 masters show their true colors, and even University bus drivers wear war- paint . . . Halloween . . . Kids eat so much junk they can't stand the sight of a Mars Bar until New Year's-and even the boldest of us feels a prickling of the scalp when something makes a soft, sudden noise off in the dark. The warm frontiers of our certainty are rolled terribly back this one cold night of the year .... Halloween. Daily Photos by BRAD BENJAMIN Bikers wanted in walla Walla Helms cops plea for Chil'e coup testimonly WASHINGTON (AP) - Former CIA Director Richard Helms pleaded no contest yesterday to two misdemeanor charges of failing to testify fully about the agency's attempts to prevent the election of Marxist Salvador Allende as presi- dent of Chile in 1970. The government decided to accept the plea to avert the accidental disclo- sure of secrets if Helms went to trial. APPEARING BEFORE U.S. District Judge Barrington Parker, Helrs said, "I found myself in a position of conflict," when he testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 197 that the CIA made no attempt to influ ence the Chilean election. "I had sworn by my oath to preserve certain secrets," Helms said. "I had put up my hand and sworn. I didn't want to lie. I didn't want to mislead the Senate. I was simply trying to find my way through a very difficult situation in - t. which I found myself." The Department of Justice said it.3, agreed to the no contest plea, because "trial of this case would involve tre- mendous costs to the United States and . . might jeopardize national secrets." In law, not contesting a charge has the same effect as a guilty plea. WALLA WALLA, Wash. (AP) - Once the most violent group of in- mates in the Washington State Pen- itentiary, members of the prison's motorcycle club are now regarded by prison officials as a stabilizing influ- ence on other inmates. Most of the 50 club members be- longed to such motorcycle groups as the Hells Angels, Banditos and Satan's Sinners before they were sen- tenced to prison, their club president, Mike Abrams, says. In fact, membership in one of those Murphy says the club is responsible for teaching some inmates skills that have landed them jobs and has helped stabilize the inmate popula- tion. He attributes the group's new respectability to Abrams, a 38-year- old inmate convicted of car theft. ABRAMS has outlawed the club's traditional swastika and opened membership to all interested prison- ers. when he arrived here 14 months ago, I I i