See Editorial Page
Alit i1w
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 45' Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 29, 1977 Ten Cents 12 Pages
Ralph Nader's Health Research Gr
that a test for breast cancer by the Unive
ter resulted in unnecessary surgery.
But University officials responded t
slide carrying proof of cancer in the pati
Washington, where the charge was mad
original recommendation to remove a sm
IN A STATEMENT released by the
hosital's alleged error was only one o
needless operations suggested by 18 oth
breast cancer detection programs aroun
The controversial University case
domly-selected from the hundreds in U
records for review by the so-called "Bea
imittee of doctors hired by the Nation
(NCI) to monitor the cancer programs.
The group of physicians is named
Oliver Beahrs of the Mayo Clinic.
SIDNEY WOLFE, head of the Nader
Hospital defe
.D on the Beahrs report, said yesterday that the University d
oup said yesterday Hospital's 4 per cent error rate is "very good" in comparison
rsity's Medical Cen- with other hospitals and clinics. n
"(The University) did better than most places . . . Of o
hat the microscope course, it's too bad there are any, but an occasional error is sP
ent never made it to just going to happen," Wolfe said.
e, and stood by their Among the facilities with the greatest number of alleged re
all tumor. detection mistakes are: n
e Nader group, the -Columbia, Mo., Cancer Research Center, 8; h
f a list of 58 such -Atlanta, Ga., Georgia Baptist Hospital, 7; 'c
ier federally-funded -Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, 7;, W
d the country. -Boise, Idaho, Mountain States Tumor Institute, 6. o
was one of 26 ran- -Oakland, Calif., Samuel Merritt Hospital, 5.
niversity Hospital's These represent 20 to 35 per cent error rates, Wolfe said. H
hrs Group," acom THE REASON the University's recommendation was
al Cancer Institute contradicted by government researchers was that atnoncan-
afe t hi~acerous section of the small tissue taken from the patient was m
sent to the Beahre Group in Washington, according to a .
University spokesperson. That would mean both the Univer-
group that picked up sity Hospital and the federal researchers came to the rightw
nds canc
ecision about two different samples.
NCI, the government organization responsible for the
ationwide cancer detection program, has begun to go back
ver the review again, using original slides, according to NCI
pokeswoman Joan Hartman.
The University official expressed dismay over two press
eports that appeared yesterday, a United Press Inter-
ational (UPI) release and a Detroit News story that relied
eavily on the UPI report. The UPI report ran only the ac-
usation without response from the University. It also quoted
Wolfe's statements without commenting on the relative size
f the errors at the different hospitals.
The News story, however, did print a reaction from a
[ospital employee.
"WE'RE GETTING screwed," said the official, who
declined to be identified, about the news stories.
Pathology Prof. Harold Oberman said, "Had they (gover-
nment researchers) seen the slide, I'm sure that they'd have
alled it cancer."
Oberman also said publicity surrounding the Nader list
would keep some women from going to have cancer detection
er tests
tests taken. "Women are scared enough already," he said,
OBERMAN SAID the University uses a "three tier"
procedure in conjunction with local hospitals to treat breast
cancer. If an X-ray at the University Hospital reveals a
tumor, the patient is sent to her family physician for a biop-
sy. She then returns to the University pathologists who
review the local decision. The final decision is always with
the patient.
In the disputed case, the patient had a successful
operation to remove a one-quarter inch malignant tumor,
said Oberman.
NCI spokeswoman Hartman said all cases are coded by
number to protect the identity of the patients. This coding has
slowed NCI's attempts to churn out new findings by mid-
"We're getting anecdotal data back from the programs,"
Hartman said. She stressed that factors like past medical
history and size of the tumor make each case difficult to
Congress stalled
on gi
WASHINGTON (AP) - House and
Sena teenergy conferees deadlocked
yesterday over a Senate proposal to
outlaw the manufacture of fuel-
inefficient automobiles beginning in
Because of the impasse, the confer-
ence committee, which is working on
the non-tax aspects of President Car-
ter's energy program, temporarily
suspended its efforts to produce a
compromise national energy bill.
SOME MEMBERS of the House-
Senate conference committee indi-
cated the issue could break up the
Meanwhile, the Senate yesterday
headed off an attempt to kill the
energy package by rejecting on .a
51-30 vote an attempt by conservative
Republicans and Democratic liberals
to send a $49 billion package of
energy tax credits back to commit-
Had the opponents succeeded in
killing the package,nthere would have
been almost no chance for congres-
sional passage of the most important
elements of President Carter's ener-
gy plan this year.
THE COALITION sought to kill the
package because it opposes the plan
of Sen. Russell Long, chairman of the
Finance Committee, to take almost-
unrestricted authority and a grabbag
of tax credits into the House-Senate
conference committee. The Louisi-
ana Democrat hopes to trade off
some of these tax credits for conces-
sions by the House side, thereby
obtaining an energy bill more to the
Senate's liking.
Sen. Robert Dole, (R-Kan.), who
led the coalition effort, said he was
afraid the Senate conferees, if given
this unrestricted freedom, would
accept during the conference talks
the multibillion dollar tax on crude
oil which President Carter favors
and the House has accepted. That tax
is not in the current Senate bill but
Long has said he favors it.
The Senate also voted 49-35 to
approve tax credits for oil produced
from shale and tar sands, and for
natural gas produced from methane
deposits and deep rock formnations.
SEN. GARY HART, (D-Colo.), had
urged rejection of the credits, which
would reduce corporate taxes by $3
per barrel of oil and 50 cents for each
thousand cubic feet of gas produced
from more difficult sources.
He said by encouraging such
production, the government would be
responsible for vast environmental
damage in western states.
The House-Senate conference was
suspended after House conferees
voted unanimously to reject the
Senate-passed ban on so-called "gas-
guzzling automobiles," which would
start in 1980. In that year, automak
ers could not build cars that get less
than 16 miles per gallon, a standard
that would rise to 21 miles per gallon
by 1985.
Leaders of the House energy
negotiators said they feared that
accepting the proposed ban would
mean later rejection of President
Carter's proposal to tax cars that get
poor gas mileage.
But Senate conferees, on a 10-0
vote, refused to give ground.
.German terror ists
kidnap millionaire,
AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands Continental Club at 1:15 a.m. after a
(AP) - Kidnappers seized a Dutch- bridge game. The drove him away in
Jewish multimillionaire yesterday a red car, leaving his briefcase'on the
and the West German Red Army sidewalk near his chauffeur-driven
Faction claimed responsibility. A Rolls Royce.
telephone caller demanded release of Nine hours later, a German-speak-
a jailed German anarchist and ing caller told the Amsterdam news-
abdication of Queen Juliana, appar- paper Het Parool: "We are the Red
ently as ransom for the tycoon's free- Army Faction. We have Caransa.
dom. You will hear from us."
The abductors struck as police A Dutch-speaking caller told anoth-
throughout Europe hunted 16 Red er Amsterdam paper, Telegraaf, that
Army Faction anarchists wanted in he represented "The Movement "of
West Germany for the slayings of its October 18," the name used by
federal prosecutor, a kidnapped in- European leftists to protest the Oct.
dustrialist and a banker. 18 prison deaths of three West
WITNESSES SAID about five per- German anarchists. The caller de-
sons overpowered Maurits Caransa, manded the queen's abdication and
61, as he left downtown Amsterdam's See WEST, Page 12
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Housing c
As a freshman in South Quad, Bob
Hughes spent his days in fear of his
house mother's daily inspections.
And living next door to Tom Hayden
didn't help matters any.
But that was 1954, and today
Hughes has more pressing matters
on his mind, like solving the dorm
shortage crunch of one of the largest
University housing operations in the
signed last month. Hughes was
hief faces
promoted from associate director to
acting University housing director.
The appointment came at an
especially critical time for the
housing office, which is facing
probably the most acute space shor-
tage in University history.
Henry Johnson, University vice-
president for student service, said
he will appoint a permanent director
by next September, but refused to
say if Hughes will get the job.
Unlike Feldkamp, who issued a
report last summer questioning the
Daily rnoto by JOHN KNO.
Two unidentified weirdos (above) mug for the camera during Ann Arbor's sixth annual Ozone Parade yesterday, while below
a happy Roger Kersen (rhymes with "persop") flashes a grin to baffled onlookers.
Annual Ozone Parade:
critical era
feasibility of added housing, Hughes
said the need exists and is the "most
pressing" issue facing him.
for additional housing since the last
dorm was built in 1968, but our plans
have never been brought to
fruition," he said, adding that' the
University has not been able to af-
ford any of the proposed housing
Hughes said he will give the
Regents another financial package
by December, and he hopes they will
consider allocating general funds for
housing. But he conceded, "I say
this from the narrow perspective of
the housing office and realize the
Regents have other priorities to con-
If the University refuses to go the
general fund route-as it has in the
past-the housing office will-be
faced with the "virtually im-
possible" task of providing its own
scarcely limited funds for new
University housing, according to
"WE HAVE A LOT of demand on
the money available to us," he
sighed. "Projections estimate that
we will have to spend almost $1
City s
Vicki Honeyman's friends know her
as the mild-mannered office manager
in the University's videotape depart-
ment. But yesterday, she cast her other
identity aside and became the
"aluminum foil lady."
Honeyman, whose legs, helmet and
bicycle were wrapped in foil was just
eak an!
According to a tree-year veteran of
the police-escorted march, it's purpose
is "to defy the optometrists of Ann Ar-
bor. It makes people open up their eyes
and see something they can't believe,",
Dan Gunning hypothesized as he swang
from what resembled a street light. "It
also keeps people from becoming too in-
Wha~t nnlnnkrc savwzfor examnpe
Some preferred to make their pres-
ence known audibly as well as visibly.
Three characters who donned one
large robe to form a large balloon,
comprised a brass band.
"WE'RE SIAMESE twins in
triplicate," said the saxophone player
with a yellow-hued straight face. "My
mother was an elephant and my father
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