The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 27, 1977-Page 9 Hubbard in hospital; Surgery a success By CUB SCHWARTZ Michigan center Phil Hubbard paid a heavy price for his free trip to Bulgaria last summer. The All-American junior, who coach Johnny Orr called the best college player in the country, underwent surgery yester- day for a knee injury which he originally suffered at the World Univer.- sity Games at Sophia. Although a number of doctors had previously pronounced it fit, Hub- bard .reinjured his left knee last Monday in the Wolverine's opening prac- tice of the year. "The operation was to repair torn cartilage on the left knee and the operation was a success," said team physician Gerald O'Connor. O'Connor could not however, speculate as to how long it would take for Hubbard to return to action. "It all depends on how he comes along," said Assistant Coach Bill Frieder, "You hope he will be ready for the Big Ten, but you never know. We are practicing as if he won't be back, then if he does come back it will be a bonus." "He (O'Connor) has done as much as he can do," said an Athletic Depar- tment spokesman, "now its up to Hubbard." The Big Ten season begins on January 5 against Northwestern after the Wolverines have played 8 non-conference foes. Michigan must then face seven other Big Ten opponents during the month including two meetings with Iowa. Only Michigan State avoids the Wolverines during January. Hubbard,,Estill groggy from the operation, maintained his optimism about the coming season. "They (the team) should still be all right," said the injured center from his room at St. Joseph's Hospital. "They should be pret- ty good without me." "Hub is a big cog and we're going to miss him. We will have to find a way to replace him," said teammate Tom Staton.. Orr has four players to turn to in filling the shoes of the 6'7" center. First-year men Mike Robinson and Paul Huermann, along with seniors Len Lillard and Tom Bergen will compete for the vacancy. "We are going to look at them ail," said Orr. "We'll switch around a lot, but we hope to have a decision made in the next few weeks." "He (Hubbard) is very important to the team," said Robinson, "You can hardlyiafford to lose 20 points and 15 boards a game, that's the bulk of the team right there."~ The highly touted junior does not feel any extra pressure however. "I look at it as an excellent chance to establish myself here," he said. "We're still going to be a good team and we're still going to win the Big Ten. We aren't going to be pushovers.'' 4 TEAMS STILL IN CONTENTION: Sooners lead close race i By TOM STEPHENS With four games left for all the teams in the hotly competitive Big Eight Conference, the outcome of the 1977 football season is still up in the air. Undefeated Oklahoma is followed closely by three teams tied for second place. Two of them-traditional Sooner rivals Oklahoma State and Nebraska-have yet to play the Sooners for a piece of the league title and a possible Orange Bowl bid. At this point, with the race still in doubt and some crucial games coming up in the next two weeks, it is in- teresting to see what is happening in the Big Eight this year. Team-by-team, this is how the situation looks so far: OKLAHOMA: The exceptionally fast Sooners have swept so far to a 3-0 con- ference record. They were seriously challenged only once in league play but rose to the occasion to edge Missouri, 21-17, in Columbia. The Sooners have the advantage of playing back-to-back home games with Colorado (1-1-1 in the conference this year) and Nebraska (2-1-0) in the final two weeks of the season. That plus possessing the Big Eight's only perfect record comprises a formidable edge in the coming weeks. The picture is not all that rosy, however. The OU defense is hampered by injuries to both the first-string cor- nerbacks and defensive end Barry Burget. Last year consecutive losses to Oklahoma State and Colorado kept Oklahoma outofsole possession of the conference title. This year even one loss would be dangerous with Nebraska in- vading Norman on November 19th. NEBRASKA: The other traditional Big Eight power faces an uphill battle for the championship. The Cornhuskers must play three of their last four games on the road-against Oklahoma State, Missouri, and Oklahoma. This week's showdown with the Cowboys is especially crucial. The loser will be cut out of the current three-way tie (vith Iowa State at 2-1-0) for second- place, as well as any realistic shot at the title. In Nebraska's favor is a healthy team and a record of impressive play so far. Only a slim 24-21 defeat at the hands of Iowa State has kept them out of a tie for the league lead. As in so many years past, the entire season may well come down to that final game with Oklahoma. IOWA STATE: The Cyclones have done well so far, posting a 2-1 conferen- ce record, with the single loss coming to the powerful Sooners. Their schedule over the next four games is very favorable. Home games with Kansas, Colorado, and Oklahoma State and a single road contest against feeble Kan- sas State (0-3-0 in conference) put them in a position for a very strong finish. There are some drawbacks, however. Both ISU's wins were by narrow margins; they haven't been able to overpower anybody since their opening game when they trounced Wichita State, 35-9. A recent knee injury to noseguard Ron McFarland, coupled with a shoulder separation suffered by first string quarterback Mike Tryon in the opener, leaves the Cyclones without the orginal starters at two key positions. In order for Iowa State to get a piece of the conference title, somebody has to knock off Oklahoma. But they probably have only to play as well as they have so far to finish with a strong 6-1 league record and at least sole possession of second place. OKLAHOMA STATE: The OSU of the Big Eight's (2-1-0) record so far may be deceiving. Both victories have come against "weak sisters" Kansas (0-2-1) and Kansas State. The only loss was to Colorado three weeks ago, which coincidentally, is the Buffaloes sole conference victory so far. The Cowboys will be helped by the recent return of number one quarter- back Harold Bailey, who led them to a 21-0 defeat of Kansas last week. Bailey and his teammates will be able to show their stuff Saturday against Nebraska in the game that will make or break either team. COLORADO: The Buffs are at best a long shot coming off a 1-1-1 start. But ,they do have an excellent chance to n Big8 play spoilers in away games with Iowa State and Oklahoma. With their defense hobbled by serious! injuries to two linebackers however, Colorado's chances at the title are slim. THE REST: Missouri (1-2-0) has a reputation as a giant killer, and with two home contest left against Nebraska and Oklahoma State, they are very likely to be a factor in the remaining games. The Tigers' home field is the only one with natural turf in the conference, a fact that may have contributed to the near-upset of Oklahoma on October 15th. Their slow start virtually puts them out of the race however. Kansas' only remaining games with the contenders are on the road, and for that reason they are unlikely to be a factor. Kansas State, with 11 returning of- fensive starters, may yet pull off a sur- prise. They play both Oklahoma and Iowa State at home in the coming weeks. Winless in the conference for the past two years, they are if nothing else, due for a victory. It seems that the smart money this year rides with Oklahoma. But in this conference anything can and may very well happen. DEBATE GOES ON Grass vs.artificial turf BARNES, LANIER SHINE: Pistons crush Warriors, 123-,107 By DON MacLACHLAN and KATHY HENNEGHAN Special to The Daily DETROIT - When the Detroit Pistons play at home they are a-tough team to beat. The Pistons won their fourth consecutive home game last night, disposing of the Golden State Warriors, 123-107. The Warriors eliminated Detroit froni the playoffs each of the past two years and last night the Pistons had revenge on their mind. "In my mind, it's a, rivalry but we don't talk about it much," said Piston coach Herb Brown, "our attitude is terrific this year and tonight was really a super team effort. Our bench played well." GOLDEN STATE moved ahead 34-30 early in the second quarter but Detroit, behind Ralph Simpson and Bob Lanier, rallied to take a 60-50 halftime lead. Simpson came off the bench to score 12 points and Lanier tallied nine as the Pistons moved on top by as many as 14 points. The Warriors made a quick run at the Pistons at the beginning of the second half, but guard Eric Money single- handedly kept Detroit ahead. With Detroit on top 63-61, Money poured in six straight points and the Pistons held off the Warriors the rest of the way. Golden State's Phil Smith copped game scoring honors with 32 points and forward Rick Barry had 21. LANIER LED the Piston scoring brigade with 25 points while Ralph Simpson chipped in 22. Fan favorite Marvin Barnes collected 15 points and 19 rebounds as Detroit won it's third straight. Former Michigan All-American Rickey Green made his Cobo Arena debut, netting six points in eighteen minutes of action. The Pistons now move into first place in the Midwest Division with a 4-2 record. GIIilJE PICKS House Minority Leader John Rhodes lambasted President Jimmy Carter yesterday in a Republican leadership breakfast. "That turkey says he won't go overseas if there isn't an energy package. Well that is bull-he just doesn't want to miss out on any Gridde action," he vociferated. "That's right," chimed Senator Howard Baker, "you would think a man knocking down $200,000 plus prequisites could do without a small two item pizza from Pizza Bob's." Stieg honored Bill Stieg, 1976 Michigan Daily Sports Editor, has been selected recipient of the 1977 Bill Reed Memorial Award. The award goes to the outstanding spor- tswriter of a Big Ten campus news- paper as chosen by Big 10 Commis- sioner Wayne Duke. Stieg, who is presently working on the sports staff of the Oakland Press, won the award for his excellent coverage of Michigan football during the 1976 season. - DAILY SPORTS At By DAN PERRIN All right, Minnesota, spit it out! Is it true that last Saturday's upset over Michigan was formulated at the end of last season? When the Golden Gophers ripped up their artificial turf and installed natural grass to Memorial Stadium this past year, they must've known it would work to their advantage. Just look at their 1977 record thus far. After defeating a supposedly power- ful UCLA team early in the season, our own Wolverines fell victim to the Gophers on the natural playing surface this past weekend. In case you haven't been paying attention, all three Michigan losses in the past two years (Purdue and USC last year) have come on grass fields. The artificial turf vs. natural grass debate continues with both sides claiming that their type of playing sur- face holds more advantages than the other. Does a change in field type affect a team's play? Do more injuries occur on turf? Why do some universities have a turf field, while others stick to grass? Up in Minneapolis, the artificial turf, worn and hard after seven years of use and abuse, was removed during the past off-season and natural grass was installed where it had once been eight years earlier. According to a Minnesota sports of- ficial, "The decision to return to grass was made largely in light of the savings in installation costs." While it would've cost from $500,000 to $750,000 for turf, grass costs ran ap- proximately $150,000. The Gophers field surface is developed by Dr. Donald White and Dr. George Blake, a horticulturalist and agronomist; (soil expert) respectively at the university, and it consists of two types of grass, ryegrass and bluegrass. An extensive drainage system lies un- derneath. ND DINNERS Now Featuring "PUMPKIN CHEESECAKE"' TAURANT The official claims, "The drainage system holds water well, as shown by the fact that after seven inches of rain on a Thursday, the field was completely dry and ready for play by gametime Saturday. And, contrary to popular belief, the field was not slippery" While opponents may complain that grass slows them down, the Gophers point out that they are playing on the same field and therefore are no faster. UCLA coach Terry Donahue even let it be known that he was impressed with the refurbished field. Although the Minnesota players ad- mit to feeling more comfortable on the natural surface, it is the general con- sensus that adjusting to artificial turf after playing constantly on grass is more difficult than going from turf to grass. What about the injury situation? Dr. Gerry O'Connor, team physician for the Wolverines, says that "the field sur- faces cannot be compared in relation to injury. The controversy has been over- played, overemphasized and under- thought. Artificial turf is constant while natural grass is not." Purdue, the only other Big Ten school to have a natural playing surface, had grass re-installed four years ago at a cost of $125,000. Mel Robi, Purdue superintendent of athletic facilities and co-inventor of the PAT system (type of field at Purdue) feels that, "whether or not a school uses a natural or artificial type of field should depend on how much the field is used. If the field is to be used for numerous events other than football, then turf is needed. Otherwise, grass is all that is required." With a game coming up with Purdue later in the season one can only wonder if maybe Bo and his boys wish that grass fields weren't allowed in the con- ference. If you missed last year's spectacu- lar Soviet gymnast's show, you'll have another chance to see it. Such stars as Olga Korbut and Nelli Kim will lead the talent on Monday, November 28 in Crisler Arena. Tickets [$7 and $101 are on sale now at the Michigan Ticket Department. There will be a pair of women's field hockey games today with Kalamazoo College. Both games will be played at Ferry Field, with the JV contest slated for 3:00 and the varsity taking the field at 4:00. Are you interested in REAL wo- men's water polo? This means no innertubes or other floatation de- vices. People are needed who are willing to really play. Experienced players are preferred but what is really required is enthu- siasm. Any woman with either or both of those prerequisites who wants to play water polo should call one of the following numbers: JUDY 764-1091 or BETH 764-6754. $ EARN EXTRA CASH CASH PAID FOR YOUR BLOOD PLASMA NOW DONORS EARN $50.00-$100.00 MONTHLY OCTOBER BONUS DRAWINGS: 10-SPEED BIKES If you donate twiceoa week throughout October you will hove A chances to win! Drawing October 31. 1977 $2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Iowa at MICHIGAN Illinois at Michigan State Minnesota at Indiana Purdue at Northwestern Wisconsin at Ohio State Navy at Notre Dame Texas Tech at Texas Alabama at Mississippi State Arizona at Brigham Young Florida at Auburn 11. USC at California 12. Missouri at Colorado 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Duke at Georgia Tech Harvard at Brown Kansas at Iowa State Tulane at Pitt Washington at UCLA Oregon at Washington State Yale at Cornell DAILY LIBELS at U Ghrotthe $2 Bring in this coupon and collect an extra 2.00 on your first donation " Free medical examination " Physician supervised program DONOR HOURS: " You can donate twice weekly Man: 9:30 a.m.. without ill effects Tues: 9:30 a.m. " Most be at least 18 Wed: Closed COME IN OR CALL US AT: Thurs: 9:30 a.m BLOOD PLASMA DONOR CENTER Fri: 9:30 a.m.- 309 PEARL STREET " YPSILANTI, MICH. Sat: 8:30 a.m.- TELEPHONE 487-3100 -6:30 p.m. .-6:30 p.m. .-6:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 1:00 P.M. -.t is just - around the corner get in the'spirit' of the season by visiting our COSTUME ACCESSORIES and THEATRICAL MAKE-UP CENTER .OURMET NATURAL FOOD RES 314 E. Liberty Ann Arbor, Michiga do 160p o*dd.d i Open 7 Days a Week WE FEATURE: e GREASE PAINT " COLORED HAIRSPRAY " CLOWN WHITE LUCKY DRUGS 3 WED-FR! 9-9 " METALLIC POWDER * 'BLOOD' " much more 03 S. MAIN 665.8693 SAT 9-7 SUN12.5 " U U of M Alumni * Y and Families " e oeg announces A slide show-lecture series STUART FROELICH'S "MOUNT AINEERING MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES The United States Navy has some exciting openings for recent college graduates to assume executive level responsibilities. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION The Navy Supply Corps officers, the Business Administrator of the Navy, has responsibilities for purchasing, inventory control, financial management, computer systems, transportation, research and development, and retail ac- tivities. The successful candidate will be 19-26 years old and have a BA/BS degree, in business, economics or computer science. Age waivers are available for veterans. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT We have a few openings for Administrative and Personnel Managers. These positions include middle management level planning, administrtative respon- sibilities, personnel employment and control. The successful applicant will be 19-26 years old and have a BA/BS degree in management, business or related field with some math background. Age waivers are available for veterans. ENGINEERING For the aspiring Engineer we have openings in the following areas: Nuclear Engineering, Aviation Engineering, Ship Design, building and maintenance- and Civil Engineering. The successful applicant will be 19-26 years old and have a BA/BS degree in engineering, physics or related field. Advanced trainina. valuable experience and resnonsibilitv are waitina for those who