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October 27, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-27

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 43 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 27, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Chicano students
threaten suit over
allocation of offices

The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) may get slapped with a civil
rights suit unless it reverses a
decision to oust most political and
minority groups from their Michigan
Union offices.
Lino Miendiola, a spokesman for
Chicanos at Michigan and former.
Chicano advocate at the University,
said yesterday he will appeal to
MSA, the administration, and the
Regents to overturn the student
offices decision. If that fails, Men-
diola said, he will go to court and
charge MSA with racial bias under
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

,a OFFICE SPACE for student
DoilyPhotoby CHRISTINASCHNEIDER groups is controlled by MSA's Stu-
ipp ry business dent Organizations Board. Earlier
this month, the board decided to
How do you play 'King of the Mountain' on a 'mountain' you can't climb? These second graders from St. Paul's Lutheran reassign student office space based
school don't know either, but they tried gripping their sneakers on Daedalus yesterday afternoon anyway. on a list of nine guidelines.
Carter tosport U.N. arms ban
proestin . Arcan repression

In the process, the board voted to
reallocate the space of a number of
groups which had held offices for
several years. Among them were a
majority of the political and ethnic
organizations with officespace in the
Michigan Union.
AMONG THE groups losing office
were: Chicanos at Michigan, the
United Farm Workers Support Com-
mittee, East Wind (an Asian students
group), the Organization of Arab
Students, the Young Socialist Alli-
ance, the Revolutionary Student
Brigade, and the Spartacus Youth
Last week, -Student Organizations
Board Chairwoman Michele Spray-
regen said, ""We want to stay away
from ethnic and politicalsorganiza-
tions because there have been prob-
lems in the past."
Yesterday, however, Sprayregen
said she and other board members
have had a "change of heart" and
plan to reconsider the office alloca-
tions at a meeting this afternoon.
THE BOARD will report its deci-
sion to MSA next Tuesday for ratifi-
Mendiola said he is convinced the
decision to deny his group office
space was discriminatory. "There's
no doubt in my mind that's what it
is," he said. Minority studenttgroups
were ''more adversely affected'' by
the office shuffling than other student
organizations,' he said.

"A lot of groups - myself included
-- would like to give MSA the benefit
of the doubt," Mendiola said. Chi-
canos at Michigan will await the
MSA review of the office decision be-
fore taking further action.
AFTER THAT, he said, "I'd surely
follow the pecking order, (appealing
to) the associate vice-president for
student services, the vice-president
for student services (Henry John-
son), the president' (Robben Flem-
ing), the Regents and the courts. If
we can't win in court, we'll go to the
Mendiola indicated other student
groups have said they might be'
interested in joining the appeal,
should MSA fail to reverse the
office's decision. He declined to
name them, however, saying they
would have to approve release of
their names.
Jasper Di Giuseppe,- MSA vice-
president for student organizations,
said many of the ethnic groups were
denied - space under "guideline
three," which says space will be allo-
cated based on "number of students
served . .. groups that will affect the
campus in as far-reaching means as
Groups designed to appeal to the
majority of students on campus were
given preference over groups with
smaller constituencies, DiGiuseppe
See MSA, Page 7


WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter will support a U.N. embargo
on arms sales to- South Africa to
demonstrate American distaste for
mass arrests and the banning of
black pubflications by the Pretoria
government,, it was learned yester-
U.S. Ambassador Andrew Young
consulted with French, British, West
German and Canadian diplomats in
New York yesterday in an effort to
frame a joint strategy within the
U.N. Security Council for. dealing
with the South Africa issue.
THE COUNCIL is debating a
request by African countries for a

mandatory arms embargo and a
resolution calling on all governments
to halt new investment in South
But an informed source at the
United Nations said Young was
meeting resistance from at least two
of the four nations.
The source said a key issue was
whether to impose the embargo
immediately or to issue an ultima-
tum to the white-minority govern-
ment of South Africa.
ONE PROPOSAL the Western
allies were considering, the Ameri-
can source said, would impose an
arms embargo immediately, but

with the stipulation that it would be
lifted at a later date if South Africa
meets certain conditions. He did not
specify those conditions. '
Young said earlier this year that
sanctions on new investment for
fixed periods might be an appropri-
ate course of action against South
Africa's policy of racial segregation.
In his discussions he is exploring that
kind of approach, but it is known that
the Carter administration is not
ready to support a massive assault
on the South African economy.
U.S. economic sanctions could
have a more serious impact on
Pretoria than support for a global
arms embargo since the United

States is South Africa's largest
trading partner.
LAST YEAR American firms sold
South Africa $1.35 billion worth of
goods. U.S. firms have an investment
of about $1.5 billion in the country.
Carter is expected to discuss his
South African decision at a news
conference this afternoon. In the
meantime, informed officials at the
White House and State Department
were instructed to guard against any
The United States 'and Britain
already observe virtually air-tight
arms embargoes of their own against
South Africa. But some police equip-
ment and other "gray-area" gear
such as spare parts for .old C130
transport planes, are sent to South
Africa from the United States.
FRANCE has been a prominent
arms supplier for the African nation,
but U.S. officials said they under-
stood that country also is now

_ __


(' meet


for sub-contract talk's


It was all part of a dry-run
disaster at Gallup Park yester-

American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME) officials met with mem-
bers of the University Hospital
Executive Board last night ot discuss
sub-contracting of supervisory per-
sonnel in the hospital's housekeeping
AFSCME has expressed concern
that sub-contracting will lead to
eventual personnel cut-backs. In
addition to Local 1583 officers, repre-
sentatives from AFSCME Council 11
(the union's regional body) and
AFSCME International s p o k e
against outside contracting.
THE UNIVERSITY is considering
offering a contract to a hospital
maintenance firm which would pro-
vide management services, equip-
ment and cleaning supplies at Uni-
versity Hospital.

Art Anderson, Local 1583 bargain-
ing chairman, said yesterday he
believes the University has already
decided to offer Service Master
Industries a contract.
Service Master is an Illinois-based
firm which services over 500 U.S
hospitals, including Mt. Carmel, Mt.
Sinai and other Detroit-area hos-
DIRECTOR of Hospital House-
keeping Sandy Williams said last
night that Service Master is one of
two companies being considered.
However, he added the University
has not yet decided whether it will
sub-contract at all.
According to University chief ne-
gotiator William Neff, sub-contract-
ing is becoming "more and more
popular nationally."
Neff said management specialists
See 'U', Page 7

observing an embargo.
A world confrontation wit
Africa has been building o
death last month of Steve]
black power leader, and th
quent crackdown on black
newspapers and white suppo
final autopsy report conclud,
See CARTER, Page 7
For a "catastrophe," i
N came off just fine.
... complete with "rescu-
ers," "rictims," and a county-
Wride medical alert.

h South
ver the
Biko, a
e subse-
s, their
rters. A
led yes-

t all

Disaster strikes. A passenger train
derails with more than 100 persons
There are many more victims
than could normally be handled by
county hospitals. Communications,
transportation and supplies are
HOW WELL could public and
volunteer agencies respond?
Washtenaw County Medical
Emergency Services and Health
(MESH) held a mock train wreck at
Gallup Park yesterday to test just
how efficiently the area hospitals
could respond to a major overload of
their emergency'facilities.
The "victims" were students from

Ann Arbor high schools, all
elaborately made up to simulate
various injuries. Many moaned and
wailed away their time off from
school, unabashedly enjoyng the
role of'suffering.
MOST WERE carried on stret-
chers and in wheelchairs to "am-
bulances." Others wound up in the
temporary on-site morgue.
The results of the drill will be used
to remodel the county's disaster
plan, according to Dr. Richard Bur-
ney of University Hospital.
"It used to be," he said, "when
you had a disaster you just sent out a
bunch of people with trucks and
See MOCK, Page 7


uniy rPhoto yDYv r

End to close-out hassles?

If you were closed out of any of
your required classes this fall term,
and you're panic-stricken as CRISP
approaches, you may be able to rest
a little easier.
Carolyn Copeland, assistant to

able . to immediately see which
courses are open and can go from
there," Copeland said.
She said she hopes to improve
communication in several ways.
"There are a lot of students who don't
know where waiting lists are kept,"

(CET) is designed to set a lower limit
than the actual total capacity. If
students knew two spaces were being
held for problems, students with
problems could go for these classes,"
she said.
"Another problem is with the

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