Page 4-Wednesday, October 26, 1977-The Michigan Daily Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 42 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan State probe of city's :.invest-ments is needed After Mao: China v. world T HE STATE OF Michigan appar- I ently has decided that there is reasonable suspicion that ex-City Ac- countant Mark Levin's mishandling of Ann Arbor finances was in violation of state laws. Accordingly, the Michigan Municipal Finance Commission (MFC) has said it may bring criminal or civil charges against Levin and other as yet unknown city officials. Levin was fired two weeks ago on charges he made speculative invest- ments with city funds, which nearly re- z sulted in a multi-million dollar loss for Ann Arbor. The so-called arbitrage invest- ments are not only risky, they are ille- gal. Arbitrage involves borrowing fun- ;ds, which cities may not do without ap- proval of the Michigan Municipal Fi- pnance Commission. Some Ann Arbor officials feel the d potential legal actions unwarranted. Councilman Gerald° Bell, (R-Fifth Ward) responded to the news of the state probe by asking - somewhat rhe- :, torically - "You can beat a dead hor- se, can't you?" But is it really. a dead horse? Has Sthe City's investigation and subsequent firing of Levin proved sufficient? We think not, and we are pleased the state has seen fit to fully investigate any possible illegalities. A central issue in the investments probe is whether Ann Arbor (or any government) can successfully investi- gate itself, particularly when its own high officials are the subjects of the in- vestigation. An understanding of human nature suggests this is very difficult. The citizens of Ann Arbor have the right to know exactly what has trans- pired with their tax dollars. If those that have juggled these dollars are found to have committed criminal of- fenses, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Now that the state has entered the investigation, hopefully these two ends will be speed- ily achieved. In addition to the-state probe, the city should set up its own independent investigation of the investments case. The probers would need to be given authority to see all records and have access to all city personnel. The investigators could report directly to City Council, and in this way have the freedom to check all aspects' of the case, regardless of whose feathers get ruffled. By DAVID MILTON On year after Mao Tse-tung's death, his last great foreign policy goal.- a Sino-American alliance - remains unrealized. To achieve that goal Mao sacrificed even his prized revolutionary domestic policy. Yet today, Peking's relations with Washington are stalemated. FOR MORE than a year the national securi- ty establishment - National Security Coun- cil, Pentagon and State Department - split in a struggle between hawks who wanted the alliance with China to tip the world balance of power against the Russians and those who be- lieved such a policy could lead to nuclear war. The advocates of massive arms aid to China went to great lengths to persuade their opponents that there was little the Soviet Union could or would do to counter a U.S.- sponsored modernization of the Chinese ar- med forces. This was a miscalculation lead- ing to a major foreign policy crisis for the in- experienced Carter foreign policy team. On May 14 of this year, during the middle of the American strategic policy debate over China, the Soviet Union threw its own cards on the table in a commentary in Pravda warn- ing Carter that the U.S. was playing with fire. Moscow charged that Peking was preparing for war against the West as well as against the Soviet Union and that any military aid sent to China would eventually be used to launch a new world war. The Russian meaning was loud and clear. The Russians would not stand by while the listen to it. HOW HAS CHINA become so hopelessly di- vorced from the main popular currents flooding the international arena? China's foreign policy over the past 30 years has been shaped by Mao's efforts to break out of the confines of a bi-polar world controlled by Washington and Moscow decision-makers. Those efforts were crowned with success when both the Russians and Americans were forced to treat China as an independent great power. A triangular system of world power then began to eclipse the old bi-polar system. But today, the U.S. and the Soviet Union are still the only two powers capable of destroying the entire globes nd the emergence of China has not :red the special relationship between th" 'Big Two." Over the past 30 years, China.has been con- fronted with three basic strategic options - alliance with the Soviet Union and the social- ist camp, alliance with the Third World na- tions, or - when the possibility arose - alli- ance with the U.S. During different periods, China has pursued all three options, with each strategic shift exerting profound effects on Chinese domestic policy. IN THE EARLY 1950s, in the face of an American economic blockade and unofficial war with American armies in Korea, Mao ad- vocated "leaning to one side," signed a frien- dship treaty with the Soviet Union and joined the socialist bloc. Then, during the late 1950s, Mao decided to guarantee China's independ- Vietnamese. Instead, Mao used the army as an internal political instrument to overthrow Liu and Teng Hsiao-ping who controlled the Party. Liu Shao-chi was subsequently over- thrown as a symbol of the Russian model of socialism and labeled "China's Khrushchev." CHINA'S strategic shift from alliance with the socialist camp to alliance with revolution in the Third World lasted in theory through- out the Cultural Revolution, but in practice Chinese foreign policy was inoperative during those story years. 0 Then, on March 2, 1969, Chinese soldiers opened fire on a Soviet patrol in a disputed area on the Sino-Soviet border, killing seven Russian soldiers and wounded 23. On March 15, the Soviets retaliated with a full-scale military engagement in the same area during which hundreds of troops on both sides were killed or wounded. Two weeks later, the Ninth Party Congress opened in Peking. Lin Piao - designated as Mao's successor - delivered the main political report spelling out the third major shift in China's strategic view of the world. For the first time in the history of the New China, it was officially proclaimed that "im- perialism" and "social imperialism" - that is, the U.S. and the Soviet Union - had become for China equal enemies. Either during the Congress or immediately after, Chairman Mao, allied with Premier Chou En-lai, initiated a new power struggle against Lin Piao. This struggle included Mao's insistence that the Soviet Union must .MSAA adopLE bu they're t IN WHAT can only be termed an ill- directed and somewhat lazy ges- ture, the Michigan Student-Assembly ° last week adopted a set of guidelines to : restrict future secret CIA activities on this campus. They adopted the wrong set of u guidelines. MSA toiled over the precedent- setting guidelines established by Har- vard last summer, which address only those dealings between the CIA and faculty members. While we applaud the initiative MSA has shown in their willingness to deal with the CIA issue, it is only wor- thwhile to note that the adopted guide- lines have no discernable effect on student-CIA relations. *4 The Harvard guidelines, which' are being considered for adaptation by this University's Faculty Senate, would g require faculty members to report any contact with CIA agents with regard to research activities and recruitment of students. With the passage of such rules by this campus, faculty members Swould no longer be able to undertake intelligence operations for the agency. r s^ # a .A x-"- -CIA rules, ie wrong ones The MSA action falls short because the Harvard rules are not applicable to students here. Instead of simply passing a resolution relating to the faculty's activities, MSA should have undertaken to study and provide a new set of guidelines governing the specific relations between students and the CIA. Preventing future covert CIA ac- tivities here is of crucial importance. MSA is urging new standards on the campus' faculty and administration, but has done nothing to advance a set of standards upon themselves. It takes little more than changing the wording of the Harvard guidelines to adopt, them to this University. MSA should instead adopt the principles behind these guidelines and develop a strong set of rules which limit covert activities here by the CIA. MSA has made a beginning toward establishing such restrictions. That much is commendable. The group should now accept the responsibility with which it has been charged and evolveacomprehensive set of CIA guidelines for students. U.S. prepared to weight the world military balance against them. The commentary was significantly timed to appear one week before the opening in Geneva of Soviet-American talks seeking a new accord limiting strategic weapons. CARTER AND HIS National Security ad- visor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, chose to continue present policy toward China while giving Peking a restricted amount of military related technology. China's new regime learned through Secre- tary of State Vance's visit in August that the Chinese gamble to play off Washington again- st Moscow was not paying the expected divi- dends - despite extraordinary efforts to woo such foreign policy planners as .Schlesinger. (who had been allowed to tour Chinese mili- tary bases) and retired Admiral Elmo Zum- walt (invited to the forging of joint Sino- American efforts to deal with the Soviet "polar bear"). On September 14, the newly rehabilitated vice premier, Teng Hsiao-ping, showed his pique over the failure of Chinese strategy. Teng, in his usual acerbic style, told an eight- member delegation from Japan's new Con- servative Party that while the Russians were prepared to fight a third world war, the Americans did not have the will to do so. Teng suggested that Japan should bolster its arma- ment and defense capacity to meet the Russian threat in Asia. Peking's proposals are, at the least, embar, rassing to the dignity of a leading socialist nation. The monotonous Cassandra-like war- ning from Peking that a third world war is inevitable falls on deaf ears throughout the world, except for the conservative American, West German and Japanese politicians who have beaten a path to the Chinese capital to ence by developing a nuclear weapons pro- gram. Mao's shift to go-it-alone defense policy led to a power struggle within the Chinese leader- ship that Mao won eventually deposing the Russian-backed minister of defense, Peng Teh-huai. Peng was replaced by Mao's ally, Marshal Lin Piao, who then began to rebuild the Chinese army as a Maoist politcal instru- ment. But Mao was unable to capture a majority of support for his general line within the central committee. During the early 60s, party chief Liu Shao- chi attempted to establish Peking as the cen- ter of a new international communist move- ment. Mao - lukewarm to this policy - waited to see what the outcome might be. One year later, the total annihilation of the Indo- nesian Communist Party signalled the collap- se of Liu Shao-chi's efforts. Faced in the fall of 1965 with American in- tervention in Vietnam and the bombing of China's borders, Liu then revertedtto a stra- tegy of "joint action" by China, the Soviet Union and other Asian communist parties to oppose the U.S. But Mao denounced Liu's poli- cy of "joint action" and countered with the publication of Lin Piao's historic article "Long Live the Victory of the People's War." Lin called for the revolutionary people of the Third World to conduct armed struggles, with or without communist leadership, so that the revolutionary countryside of the world might surround its imperialist city: the United States. Lin urged these revolutionary movements to follow a policy of self-reliance rather than depending on outside aid from the socialist countries. After the publication of China's new stra- tegic doctrine, Mao launched the Cuitural Revolution, forestalling Liu Shao-chi 's inten- tion of using the Chinese army to back up the be considered China's main enemy and the U.S. a secondary enemy. WITHIN LITTLE MORE than a year, Mac had won another major struggle over Chinese strategic policy. Lin Piao was killed under mysterious circumstances, and 40 to generals were purged from the Chinese army In the last analysis, Liu Shao-chi had pro moted an alliance with the Soviet Union, Li Piao advocated opposing both superpowers and Mao advocated an alliance with the V.S against the Soviets. Mao won - and Nixo was invited to Peking. Ironically, Mao's victory resulted in th erosion and eventual collapse of hi revolutionary domestic policy. In order t< defeat Lin Piao, the Chairman was forced t< ally himself with Teng Hsiao-ping and tht very party leaders he had been fighting se long on China's domestic front. But today, with no Sino-Soviet alliance iii the offing, and escape from the bi-polar world into the Third World blocked, the new post- Mao regime has come up with only one real policy: to set in motion a broad and ambitious program to make China a first-rate scientific, technological and industrial nation_ by the year 2000. Meanwhile, China can boast only one rea alliance in the world - with Cambodia. The author taught at Peking's Firsi Foreign Language Institute from 1964-69, and now teaches at the University of Cali fornia at Berkeley. Milton is co-autho with Nancy Milton of The Wind Not Subside: Years in Revolutionary China 1964-69 (Pantheon, 1976). He also writes for the Pacific News Service. Health Service Handbook 4! . +t , ti _ __, ( 1'' r Vi 1 , . f / By SYLVIA HACKER and NANCY PALCHIK QUESTION: I've tried giving up smoking but not only do I keep going back to it but it's becoming a worse habit. I guess I'm not the only one since I read that there is more smoking now than ever be- fore. Any advice or comments? ANSWER: It just so happens that we were recently reading a very informative article about smoking in the May 1976 issue of Consumer Reports, and would be happy to share some of the inter- esting facts with you. Strange as it may sound, one of the possible explanations for an increase in smoking may be the fact that cigarette companies have cut down on nicotine content. Nicotine had been shown to be highly addictive, and when cigarette smoke contains less nicotine than one is accustomed to, the body tends to contrive ways to get more smoke. Thus, many studies have demonstrated that the less nicotine in the cig- arette smoke, the more cigaret- tes smoked per day. Other ad- justments which smokers make to low-nicotine cigarettes include smoking the cigarette to a shor- ter butt, increasing the size of THE TWO MAIN ingredients which cause trouble in cigarettes are tar and nicotine, and these two are locked together in a fixed ratio - roughly 14 or 15 milli- grams of tar for every milligram of nicotine. It has been suggested by a British physician who has done numerous studies on smok- ing behavior, that a cigarette needs to be designed containing less than 2 milligrams of tar per milligram of nicotine. This, he feels, would offer a major health advantage over most of today's popular brands. To see why, let's compare 3 brands: king-size Winston (one of the best selling cigarettes), Doral (advertised as low in tar and nicotine) and a newly designed hypothetical Brand C. Nicotine Brand Tar Yield (mg.)Yield (mg.> Winston........20..........1.4 Doral......... 15.......... 1.0 Brand C ....... 2........... 1.4 Contrary to advertising claims, few smokers are likely to benefit by switching to Doral from Win- ston or a similar cigarette. Many of those who switch will compen- sate for the lower nicotine yield by smoking more cigarettes and ide gas) intake would be drasti- cally curtailed. This would benefit everybody but the cigar- ette companies, which stand to profit more by pushing low- nicotine brands which encourage higher cigarette consumption. OF COURSE, no smoking is really "safe" as long as you are inhaling any tar and carbon monoxide, and subjecting your -heart and circulatory system to nicotine. However, polls show that ,Americans are against outlawing cigarettes and that smoking clinics in general last year had only a 20% success rate after one year. Therefore, if, as studies indicate, people desire smoking, at least efforts should should be made to develop a "safer" cigarette. In the meantime, while waiting, we'd like to urge you to try again to kick the habit and to attend one ' of the ongoing smoking-cessation clinics at Health Service which we co- sponsor with the Michigan Lung Association. They are using a new approach which appears to be highly successful so far. For more information, call the regional office of the Michigan Lung Association at 995-1030. surgery qualified him as our con- sultant, suggests the following: It might interest you to know that most women's breasts are unequal in size although some size differences are more pro- nounced than others. Ideally, of course, it would be great if we could all accept our unique body types without worrying about societally imposed (and often unrealistic) physical standards. However, we all have to come to terms with our own values and decide what our priorities are. Therefore, it is important to know what options there are. Operations are definitely avail- able for either augmenting or de- creasing breast size depending on which route you might choose to take, and are generally per- formed by a plastic surgeon. However, these operations are very expensive, varying in price depending on the extent of the surgery. May I suggest that you make an appointment to come in to the medical clinic to discuss this, at which time we could consider the possibility of referring you to a plastic surgeon in the area for consultation. Please send all health related