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October 25, 1977 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-10-25

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 25, 1977-Page 9
Preacher smites atheist in Dixie debates

NEW ORLEANS (AP)-An uproari-
ous series of "debates" between the
Chaplain of Bourbon Street and the.
nation's best known atheist has been
cut off in the middle of its run.
. The Rev. Bob Harrington, the
hustling Baptist evangelist whose
headquarters is the New Orlans French
Quarter, said yesterday the series had
ended because, he "won a 32nd round
TKO in our fight to the finish."
In Austin, Tex., where she operates
the American Atheist Center, Madalyn
Murrary O'Hair said she walked out on
the tour because her opponent persisted
lRua sets
-for next
(Continued from Page 1)
Ching, were arrested last October, a
month after Mao's death, and ac-
cused of trying to overthrow Hua as
Mao's successor. The radicals op-
posed Hua's emphasis on China's
THE POWER struggle erupted in
widespread unrest, but Hua said in
his speech Sunday that "the domestic
situation is very good and the condi-
tios are ripe for convening this con-
Two months ago Hua convened a
new congress of the Communist
party to confirm him as chairman
and elect new policy-making bodies.
The new people's congress will make
any changes or confirmations Hua
feels necessary in the government.
If, for instance, Hua decides to
shed his post as premier and pass it
to a lieutenant, the people's congress
would make the change. There is no
firm sign Hua intends to do so,
although the party and state leader-
ship roles were divided under Mao.
THE PEKING radio announce-
ment said the national congress
would revise the constitution and
take up "the election and appoint-
ment of leading working personnel of
the state."
Japanese reports from Peking said
there was speculation that Defense
Minister and party Vice Chairman
Yeh Chien-ying would be named
chairman of the congress' standing
committee, a post vacant since last
nminif9 A be~cgbsen4 .4
In his spetdh, whidh wNs broadcast
yesterday by the Hsinhua news
agency, Hua said the new elections
would "unite all possible forces"
behind his administration's goal of
catching up with the West as an
industrial power by the end of the
He also urged developing a "politi-
cal situation in which we have both
centralism and democracy, both
discipline and freedom, both unity of
will and personal ease of mind and
for A'

(Continued from Page 1)
Murray also expressed some concern
about the new computer.
"I am afraid," he said. "Computers
are inhuman things and cannot be held
Giving computers authority, Murray
said, was "throwing away authority.
Nondescript people operate them and
you're giving them authority they nor-
mally shouldn't get. I don't understand
computers, and that bothers me," he
"Computers aren't necessarily the
panacea they're made out to be. What
you get out of them is only as good as
what you put in," Belcher said. "Too of-
ten I've seen them turning into a case of
the tail wagging the dog, where the
computer becomes the end in itself."
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There isa difference.
I nQAP41.

in equating atheism with un-
"I am not going to be a party to giving
anybody a platform from which to
resurrect McCarthyism," she said
Monday. "I will not permit Bob
Harrington to impugn the patriotism of
American Atheists."
The blowup came in Bryan, Tex., on
Oct. 20 at the 32nd appearance on a road
show that had drawn sizeable crowds at
nearly every stop. Expenses were paid
by collections taken at the end.
O'Hair said the minister had agreed
not to get into issues of patriotism and
that he would not lead the audience in
fervent pledges of allegiance to the
flag. When it happened again in Bryan,
she said, she walked off the stage.
During the tour, O'Hair has ripped
pages from Bibles, Harrington has
MEMPHIS (AP)-The former U.S.
Open champion, Cary Middlecoff, has
some suggestions for golfers playing on
hot and humid days.
He suggests: one, wearing light-
colored and light-weight cotton
clothing. Two, changing your golf shirt
between a practice period, if you have
one, and teeing off. Three, placing a
towl soadked in ice water around ydur
neck. Four, keeping dry towels in your
golf bag. Five, wearing a hat or cap
Did you know Bob Dylan played the Ann
Arbor Pioneer gymnasium in 1964? How
about when John Denver and Stevie Wonder
played Hill Auditorium in 1972? Be at Hill
Auditorium this November ,1J8 to catch
another rising star: his name is Billy Joel.
Billy Joel is a pianist-lyricist extraordinaire
who has reached that delicate plateau bet-
ween attention-getter and superstar.
Although he's been compared to an early
Elton John, his distinctive style has attrac-
ted a cult following. Joel is a major star on
the East Coast, and now rapidly gaining at-
tention in the Midwest. His Ann Arbor con-
cert has been framed as a showcase ap-
pearance by his record company and
management, and it will be his only concert
in the state.
Billy Joel began his recording career in
1968, backed by twelve years of classical
training. By 1971, he had a gold album and
single, "Piano Man," based on the reflec-
tions of a lonely musician. Through the
years of hard work and musical inspiration,
Joel has molded into one of rock's outstan-
ding artists. He spent the last year doing
108 sold-out concerts throughout the
United States and Australia, and ended his
tour lst June, performing three nights at
Carnegie Hall. The concerts sold out in one
Billy's new album, "The Stranger,"
represents all that we're trying to say about
the man. It's explosive, If you'd enjoy a
high-class evening of mellow rock, come to
the concert. If you're looking for the future
of pop music, come to the concert. It will all
happen the night of November 18.
Tickets Now On Sale:
-Oct. 29-Waylon Jennings,
with Jessi Colter and Hank
Williams Jr.
-Nov. 5-Earth Wind a& Fire,
with Deniece Williams
-Nov.6-Frank Zappa
-Nov. 1!-Billy Joel
-Nov. 19-America.
Tickets are on sale at the Michi-
gan Union Box Office. For more
information, please call 763-2071.

called her vulgar, and the crowds have
been free with cheers and jeers.
"I had to cancel six dates over the
rest of October, another six for Novem-
ber and six more in December,"
Harrington said. "It cost me $8,000 in
rent money that I had put up in advance

to secure the halls.
"But though I bear the brunt of that, I
also get the benefit of the victory."
Canceled for October were debates in
Beaumont, Tex., Monroe, Lafayette
and Lake Charles in Louisiana, and
Sherman and Fort Worth, Tex.

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