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October 25, 1977 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-10-25

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Thp Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 25, 1977-Page 5


W. Gern]
BONN, West Germany (AP)
West German border guards will en-
force strict anti-hijack measures in
West Germany and for West German
planes abroad, the Ministry of Trans-
port announced yesterday.
The measures have been imposed
because of the hijacking of a Luft-
hansa plane that cost the life of the
pilot and three terrorists last week.
Eighty-six hostages were rescued in
a daring German commando opera-
tion in Mogadishu, Somalia.
THE MEASURES include requir-
" All passengers to arrive 45
minutes before take-off.
~ Passengers to identify all bag-
-State may
e carge
" a
(Continued from Page l)
reinstated. the misconduct I've been
accused of is a false charge."
Donald Fichter, head of the MFC
said a decision on whether to prose-
cute Levin and several superiors will
be made within a week.
"I THINK what happened was a
combination of civil and criminal vio-
lftions," said Allen Auch, special
agent of the Michigan Treasury.
"There was an intent to deceive."
Murray said he had no indication
the MFC had considered bringing
any charges against Levin or other
city officials as a result' of their
handling of the investments.
"They had a 'meeting last Tuesday
and there was no indication of any
such action," he said. The next
commission meeting is scheduled for
MURRAY SAID he had no infor-
mation warranting the bringing of
charges against Levin or other city
employes in the case.
"We were thinking about (a suit) in
the case of Merril Lynch (the firm
which handled the disputed invest-
ments) but not against any employe.
They were fired - that's civil
action," Murray said.
;?urray. said he was personally
atisfied .tw the degree of action
taken against those officials who had
a hand in the investment mess. But
Latta said outside investigation is
still needed to clear up the invest-
mefts issue.
to be reviewed by Council in execu-
tive (closed) session and there are
. going to be further questions," he
Latta said Council Democrats
would seek an audit by a firm other
than Icerman and Johnson, the city's
regular auditor, because one em-
ploye of the firm had had prior
knowledge of the questionable invest-
Latta said Democrates wouldl also
ask for an outside review of all
correspondence covering the invest-
Republican Councilman Gerald
Bell, (Fifth Ward) however, said he
saw no need for an additional probe
of the matter. "We're being investi-
gated by the Municipal Finance Com-
mission, by the U.S. Post Office .;. .
How many other probes do we

need?" he asked. "You can beat a
dead horse, can't you?"
Bell said he hadn't seen anything to
date indicating criminal actions on
the part of Levin or others in City
"Not all the facts are in," he cau-
" tioned.."With the information I have,
I'm somewhat satisfied - not 100 per
cent satisfied," with the disciplinary
actions'taken by Murray.
$1-$2 PER DISC
.. A .. - rt.

iany tightens
" Limiting each passenger to a AMONG THE f
single piece of carry-on luggage. which have agreedt
. A watch over all aircraft on the guards to inspect p
ground. terminal at Palm;
" Armed security at airports. where four terroris
" Supervision of airport personnel grenades, guns an(
and special measures for freight. sives, boarded the L
The measures are to be applied at 737 theyhijacked Oct
all West German airports and to Ruhnau spoke at a
West German planes at foreign air- ment news confere
ports. was concerned wit]
Hans Ruhnau, Transport Ministry cials' failure to keel
state secretary, said at a news forbidden items av
conference that 100 to 150 unarmed Germany's most not
West German Border Guards, sup- in the specially b
ported by armed local authorities, security Stammheimn
already were protecting passengers "All one can do
boarding Lufthansa planes at 40 or head," said Sepp
more airports abroad. Ministry spokesman

air security

oreign airports
to allow German
assengers is the
a de Majorca,
sts, armed with
d plastic explo-
ufthansa Boeing
1. 13.
routine govern-,
nce which also
b Stuttgart >ffi-
p guns and other
way from West
torious terrorists
built maximum-
n prison.
is shake one's
Binder, Justice
searches and a
isolating the in-
ther, the outside
eir lawyers, the
transistor radio,
half a pound of
identified "mass
stance," Binder
rted an unused
he wall into an

inter-cell telegraph system.
Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin
and Jan-Carl Raspe, whose freedom
the Lufthansa hijackers had sought,
were found dead in the cells hours
after commandos rescued all hos-
tages on the jetliner and killed three
of the four hijackers.
The government said Baader and
Raspe had shot themselves with
pistols smuggled into their cells and
Ensslin had hanged herself.

The Student Government
the following committees:
-Civil Liberties
-Research Policy
-State Relations
-University Relations

has student openings on
-MSA Special Projects
-Central Student
Judiciary Committee
-Course Evaluation

Application forms available in 3909 Michigan Union

Judge clears
showing o
'Oh Calcutta'
BIRMINGHAM (AP) - A federal
judge yesterday blocked a city attempt
to halt a showing of "Oh, Calcutta," en-
suring that the controversial play that
features nude scenes will complete its
six-day run at a local theater.
Judge Lawrence Gubow issued a 10-
day injunction against the city's move
to close the Birmingham Theater as a
fire hazard. Owners were cited for 11
fire code violations Wednesday and
were given 48 hours to fix the deficien-

new law supposedly
mates from each ot
world and even th
prisoners also had a1
a stomach catheter,
explosive and in uni
of a putty-like sub
And they convei
radio-antenna in t

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