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October 25, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-25

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See Editorial Page

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VpI. LXXXVIII, No. 41 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 25, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Panamanians vote
2-1 in favor of
canal treaties

PANAMA CITY (AP)-Panarpanians
have given overwhelming approval to
treaties signed with the United States
that would give this country control of
the Panama Canal by the year 2000, of-
ficials announced yesterday.
Comptroller General Damian Castillo
said that with 95 per cent of the ballots
counted, the unofficial results were
468,664 v tes for the treaties and 228,697
against, for a two-to-one margin.
That ratio "is just about what the
U.S. Senate needs to approve the
treaties," Castillo told reporters.

THE TREATIES must be ratified by
at least a two-thirds vote of the U.S.
Senate before they can take effect and
President Carter is expected to seek a
Senate vote early next year. There is
stiff opposition'in the Senate, and Car-
ter administration officials have said
the accords may be in trouble there.
Castillo said between 96-98 per cent of
Panama's 800,000 eligible voters took
part in Sunday's plebiscite, but more
than 12,000 ballots were invalid because
the envelopes either were empty or con-
tained both yes and no ballots.

State considers,
charges in city
investment ease

Official results are to be announced.
Thursday by the election board. Other
government officials said the results
were a "bit less" than the 7-3 margin of
approval they had hoped for.
THE MAIN treaty, one of two signed
by Panamanian leader Gen. Omar
Torrijos and President Carter in
Washington on Sept. 7, will surrender
the canal and the 500-square-mile canal
zone to Panama by the year 2000. The
second document declares the water-
way a neutral zone and allows U.S. in-
tervention in the event of a threat to its
Damian Castillo, the Panamanian of-
ficial in charge of the election board,
quoted Gen. Torrijos as saying he was
'content with the turnout and the
A spokesman for the 300-member In-
dependent Lawyers Movement, which
joined leftist students in opposing the
treaties, said his group was pleased
with the number of negative votes.
"WE WERE expecting about 35 per
cent 'no' votes and that is what we got,"
said spokesman Diogenese Arosemana.
"I believe that's a very good result
because the government controlled
everything from the newspapers to the
poll watchers.
"I don't believe the election was fair,
but the government has no way of
hiding or fighting the great amount of
'no' votes," hesaid.
The lawyers group had predicted
massive vote fraud. The election
tribunal said there were no confirmed
reports of voting irregularities or
Opponents of the canal treaties object
to the right of the United States to in-
tervene militarily in defense of the
canal. They also demand earlier tran-
sfer of the territory to Panama. There
were several demonstrations against
the treaties last week, but no reports of
such activity during the voting.

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN

Sunlight Serenade
Sometimes it seems as if winter can be kept at bay forever. It was a gorgeous day on the DiAg yesterday, with the
sunshine dripping down thick as hot maple syrup. And wandering minstrel Stephen Baird stopped by for a couple of
hours to share some of his music with hundreds of enchanted students. Maybe, like the birds, he'll be back come

with Wire Reports
City Administrator Sylvester Mur-
ray said he was "totally surprised"
at reports that the Michigan Munici-
pal Finance Commission (MFC)
might bring criminal or civil charges
against former city accountant Marc
Levin and other un-named city
officials for their speculative use of
city investment funds.
Meanwhile, Democratic City Coun-
cilman Ken Latta (Fourth Ward)
said he and fellow Democrats would
press for an outside audit of city
financial records and an independent
investigation of records of the invest-
ments incident, in which the city
nearly suffered a multi-million dollar

ago after the discovery of a number
of arbitrage transactions he entered
into earlier this year with the broker-
age firm of Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner and Smith. Levin's boss, City
Controller Lauren Jedele, was al-
lowed to take early retirement.
Arbitrage, illegal for cities to enter
into under Michigan law, involves the
use of borrowed money for other
investment purposes.
Levin said he had not received any
reports of charges being brought
against him. "I haven't heard any-
thing about it," he stated.
"I haven't even done anything that
would constitute misconduct," Levin
added. "I am attempting to be
See STATE, Page 5

New dean enthusiastic

Hua moves up Chinese National

TOKYO (AP) - The Chinese
government, in a move to consolidate
Chairman Hua Kuo-feng's power, an-
nounced today it would convene a
new National People's Congress next
spring, two years ahead of schedule.
Peking Radio said standing 'com-
mittees of the current National Peo-
ple's Congress, or national legisla-
ture, adopted the decision unani-
mously yesterday after a two-day
meeting in the Chinese capital.
HUA TOLb standing committee
members Sunday that new national
and local people's congresses must
be elected to eliminate the "poison-

ongress to next spring
ous influence" .of his radical oppon- UNDER THE influence of radical
ents and "usher in a high tide in leaders, Hua said, "some bad people
socialist economic and cultural con- wormed their way" onto local con-
struction." gresses. New local representatives,
The current national congress, he said, "must be good so that the
China's fourth, was convened in masses rejoice and support them and
January 1975 under a new constitu- feel encouraged when the lists o
tion that set a five-year term for members are announced.
congress deputies. "Smash-and-grabbers and persons
To set the stage for the fifth who indulge in creating disturbances
congress, Hua said, new people's in the hope of becoming officials
congresses will be elected in the should be completely excluded," he
provinces, municipalities and auton- said.
omous regions. These, in turn, will. Four radical leaders headed by
name deputies to the new national Mao Tse-tung's widow, Chiang
legislature. See HUA, Page 9


When Judith Bardwick came to the
University nearly 20 years ago, she
was the pregnant wife of an ex-air
force officer. Today, she is the new
Associate Dean of Student Academic
Affairs in the Literary College.
"That I was first accepted as a
student when I was a pregnant wife
was unusual - I was allowed to work
in an area that did not exist yet:
psychology of women," she says.
BARDWICK, a native New Yorker
who also teaches a Psychology of
Women graduate course, considers
herself an example of the 'Univer-
sity's liberal-mindedness.
"I was never conceived of as a
token," she says. "And this is signifi-
cant of all the women in the Literary
Bardwick officially began her new
job last month, but says she's been
working at her duties since mid-July.
Her first responsibility is to enhance
the undergraduate learning exper-
ience, she says.
"MY OVERALL goal is to increase
the University's and the Literary Col-
lege's communication to undergrad-
uates," she says. "Things to look
forward to are possible freshman
§eminars for, freshmen not in the
Pilot Program or the RC - it seems
feasible within the limits of the
resources we have."
Bardwick's new role also means

she will have to decide which groups
and purposes get the biggest slice of
time and resources. Goals and
priorities, she says, have to be
continually monitored.
"It's a process of continual adjust-
ing and compromising," she admits.

me that will be of use to me?' Many
professors were forced by their
students' questions to examine their
own values."
University life can sometimes be
less worthwhile without confronta-
tion, however. "Students today seem
concerned with learning skills, and
are more accepting of what they are
told. There is an excitement for a
teacher and a student .when they
challenge each other about their
ideas," she says. "I work hard at
getting kids to do that."
BARDWICK liVed in Okinawa for
two years before coming to the
University, and she still loves to
"I'm eternally curious; I love to
see and eat things I've never seen or
eaten," she smiles. "I like not
knowing what will happen, and I like
meeting people I've never met
Her beginnings as a student here,
and her career as an educator, have
convinced Bardwick that the Univer-
sity has a real commitment to the
liberal ideals it preaches - especial-
ly where women are concerned. But
that doesn't mean all the problems
have been solved, she hastens to add.
"Have affirmative action goals
been met? No, not yet. The economy,
which dictates when we can hire, has
made us hire at a slower rate than in
the boom time of the sixties. But my
experiences indicate that gender has
not been the issue."


"Administration is a hard role;
resources are limited, as we all
know. But I'm encouraged by my ex-
periences and by the goals of this
AS A JUNIOR psychology profes-
sor, Bardwick witnessed the heated
and turbulent debates over the
proper functions of the University
during the sixties. She'd like to see
some of it today.
"Back then, the students specifically
challenged you: 'Wha can you tell


0: A 7


Slick new computer may
take A2 out of Stone Age

George Sweet has been waiting and praying for the 360-40
for almost 15 years.
For the uninitiated, Sweet is data processing manager
for the city of Ann Arbor - and the 360-40 is a new IBM com-
puter that could make municipal housekeeping a lot easier.
"YOU KNOW, Ann Arbor's a pretty progressive city,"
mused Sweet. "But when it comes to data processing, we're
still in the Stone Age."~
Its backers say the new computer would not take jobs
away from any city employe. In fact, a citizens committee
which has studied the project recommended the immediate
hiring of a new program analyst.
The group gave its presentation on the computer at a
working session of City Council last night.
CURRENTLY, THE CITY is using two different data
systems. For run-of-the-mill business like the payroll, park-

our applications and would be able to set our own priorities.
I've been asking for something like this almost every year
since 1964."
SWEET SAYS the reason it has taken him so long to
realize his dream is because the administrator and Council
are afraid of being turned into faceless numbers.
"They just don't understand the concept and they're
afraid of it," he said. "Of course you're going to have num-
bers, but a computer is a number machine. Whatever you do
in this world, you're going to get a number. You're even a
number as soon as you're born.".
Still, the average citizen who is having nightmares about
being folded, spindled or mutilated can relax. According to
Assistant City Administrator Patrick Kenney, most people
won't even know the computer's there.
"IT WILL HELP to streamline some operations herd in
City Hall and help to cut costs a little, but it won't have much





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