Page 4-Sunday, October 23, 1977-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily-Sundc Monkey business it isn't, but ' scientists hope prmate researc yields clues to a distant kin man By George Lobsenz H IS ARM MUSCLES TENSE as he places his hand on a metal knob attached to an extension of his chair. As he turns the knob, a soft cooing noise intones from one of four loud-speakers arrayed in a semi-circle about five feet in front of him. Fidgety and seemingly im- patient a few moments ago, he now sits frozen, his eyes fixed in a daze of concentration. He strains perceptibly, listening for the cooing to pass fleetingly from the first speaker to one of the other three and back again. Abruptly, he breaks his grip on the knob, indicating that he's heard the sound switch speakers, and he immediately plunges his hand into an adjacent bowl. If his sense of hearing has served him well and he has indeed caught the subtle shift, he'll find what he's looking for in the George Lobsenz is a Daily managing editor. bowl: his hard-earned delicacy-a banana flavored pellet. For Oscar, such routines are all part of his job as a laboratory monkey at the Primate Laboratory of the University's Kresge Hearing Research Institute. A small, sandy-brown Rhesus, Oscar plays an impottant role in an experiment into how primates locate sources of sound. Yet, he is just one in a troupe of specially-trained monkeys used by the University in tests ranging from drug effectiveness to plastic surgery. Through such data collected on Oscar and his friends, researchers at the University hope to derive some theories pertinent to a distant relative of Oscar's-man. * By using the primate as a stand-in for humans, researchers here are pursuing some 20 different studies bound to shed light on the physiological laboratories via three different routes. According to Beecher, "You can get them from laboratory animal suppliers, you can get them from the various breeding colonies around the country or you get them from other laboratories, either by trading animals or buying them outright." Once at the Institute, the monkeys settle into a mundane, tedious sort of laboratory life. Usually, the monkeys are assigned to one project for a long. stretch. They typically work and eat at set hours. The Institute fare features "standard laboratory Chow," says Beecher-"Purina Monkey Chow," but they get special treats much of the time. "They get a fruit supplement, usually orange juice," says Beecher, "but I don't think it gives them anything nutritionally that they don't get from the Chow. I think the supplement is just for their entertainment-they really like it." In the bowels of the Medical Science II building, monkeys are injesting substances far different from .the innocuous laboratory foods. These monkeys are taking part in a pharmacological inquiry dating back to the 1940s. Scientists here are searching for a painkiller that is neither physically nor psychologically ad- dictive. Their probe is designed to weed out the drug compounds that, while effective as pain- killers, create dubious physical and/or psychological dependencies. Monkeys, therefore, are each given six injec- tions of morphine to produce a state of physical drug dependency. After the sixth injection, the monkeys are left to lapse into withdrawal. They are then given a dose of the drug compound in question. The effect of this -second drug is monitored to see if it reverses the withdrawal symptoms brought on by the morphine. If the drug succeeds in pacifying the monkey in the pangs of withdrawal, researchers await the new with-, drawal symptoms from the replacement drug. If this does occur, that drug has failed the test, another drug is administered, monitored, and the cycle begins anew. However, researchers are waiting for the drug that will arrest withdrawal without inciting another, and according to Dr. James Wood, a pharmacologist involved in the study, when such a novel drug is found,-it will be scrutinized for its chemical properties. N A COMPLEMENTARY STUDY, 24 monkeys are used to test the "attractiveness" of certain drugs. The experiment's objective, Woods ex- plains, is to determine what compounds monkeys formed promptly enough, the monkey gets a shot of the experimental drug through a tube that en- ters a vein located in his back. Several factors reflect how well the monkey likes any particular drug. The number of times the monkey pushes the lever is one indicator. The monkey will presumably push the lever more times for a drug he prefers than for one to which he is indifferent. Also significant is the reaction time. Persistence of response over the course of several trials also indicates preference. All of this data is recorded on a computer to facilitate comparisons between particular drug compounds. Woods says he believes the data from these tests and other related research will make it possible, four or five years from now, to identify painkillers that act without addictive or harmful side effects. One line of primate study pursued vigorously at the University lies in the area of primate com- munication and the role played by hearing. The "sound localization" experiment involving Oscar is one of several experiments being performed under the general direction of Drs. William Steb- bins and David Moody at the Kresge Institute. T HIS EXPERIMENT IS designed to deter- mine how accurately primates can locate sound sources. In the lab set-up, Oscar can and, to some extent, psychological processes of man. Among them, dental researchers are examining the effects of aging on the bones and muscles of the head and face, while also experimenting with tooth transplantation. Endocrinologists are studying-the sequence of events which lead to the onset of puberty. Neurologists are exploring the various central nervous system mechanisms in- volved in pain sensation. The practical human benefits that may result- from primate research have been amply demon- strated in the past. Experiments with Rhesus monkeys led to the discovery of crucial Rh fac- tor in red blood cells, named for the species. Primates were employed to test the effects of weightlessness and extreme gravitational forces upon take-off and re-entry into the at- mosphere--investigations which paved the way for Alan Shepard's pioneer orbit of the earth. And just earlier this month, coronary specialist Dr. Christian Barnard equipped an ailing man's heart with a back-up-or piggy-back-heart from a chimpanzee. Although the recipient died several PHOTOS BY ANDY FREEBERG days after the operation, other attempts to im- plant primate organs have been more successful. One patient survived with a chimpanzee kidney for eight months. Such advances indicate primate organs can one day serve as human life-saving devices. TOSERVE SUCH RESEARCH, _laboratory> primates like Oscar usually start their careers at an early age when they can still adapt easily to the laboratory routine. "We try to get them while they'rc still young so that they're more tractable," says Mike Beecher, research associate at the Kresge Institute. "We usually get them when they're, you might say, teenagers." , These "teenagers" arrive at University prefer-a possible measure of how psychologically addictive a certain drug might be. Naturally, scientists are most interested in the compounds monkeys like least. Woods likens the role of a monkey in this study to that of a "taste-tester in a winery." The monkeys have the opportunity to sample a variety of substances and then indicate their preferences. The experimental set-up is such that the monkey administers the drug to himself at whim. In order to get a dose, the animal must follow a learned behavioral routine which centers around a box with levers. During a test session, a light on the box goes on at ten-minute intervals indicating the monkey can try for a dose. The.trial requires the monkey to press a. lever beneath the light a predetermined number of times. Ifthe task is per- show his proficiency in sound localization by correctly determining when the cooing sound shifts from one speaker--or one source-to an- other. Post-doctoral fellow Charles Brown, director of the experiment, says he has discovered monkeys are sensitive to certain acoustic features which simplify sound localization. For example, the more frequencies used in a sound, the easier the sound is for the monkey to locate. In future investigations, Brown says he hopes to determine how accurately the acoustical features correspond with selected monkey calls where the "meaning" of each particular call is known. A warning cry, for instance, will presumably con- tain acoustical features that make it highly locatable because it is adaptive for the species. From these sound location experiments, the Kresge researchers aim to discover how primate hearing systems have evolved to complement communication systems.: Kresge Institute Researcher Charl Oscar on the head in the anechoic c site of sound localization experime such research, laboratory primates l ally start their careers at an early can still adapt easily to the laborat In a related experiment, several species of monkeys are tested to see how well they can dif- ferentiate between two distinct sounds made by,_ . Japanese macaques (a monkey species). With the macaque responses to a call from one of their kind " acting as a control, researchers want to test how successfully other species can distinguish the two types of macaque sounds. The phenomenon is analogous to the human ex- perience of encountering new types of sounds while learning a second language. A familiar example is the inability of the Chinese to distinguish between the "r" and "1" sounds in English. Having no such sounds in their own language, they cannot easily differentiate the two. S, . Whatever the fruits of primate research, one might wonder what is the ,ultimate fate of monkeys permanently damaged in experiments. One researcher was blunt about it. "If some of ; their functions are severely impaired, they may be sacrificed," says Mike Beecher. And for the normal laboratory monkey? "Very few live to old I age," Beecher explains. "Most spend the rest of their lives in laboratories. After all, they don't go off to old monkey homes." THIS JAPANESE MACAQUE takes five after doing his daily shift in the sound discrimination experi- ment at the Kresge Institute. The restraining chair is commonly used in primate laboratories as a means of transporting the and from their quarters.