Page 6-=-Sunday, October 23, 1977-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Doily-Sunday; Ot FOD/sandi cooper THE DAY WAS HOT for an English May; it was to be the summer of the Big Drought. Our Vauxhall (we called her Sophie) was crowded with six, and we were all quite tired and hungry. We had spent the night in the charming harbor town of Boscastle, nestled on an inlet in the romantic nor- thwest section of Cornwall, ninety min- utes from the desolate, windswept moors of Devon where we were to see our first wild horses. That morning we had lingered a bit too long, climbing on the jagged rocks that led down from the green slopes of the town to the sea. (Is this where the Irish Sea ends and the Atlantic begins?) The day before we had been to Bath to visit the Roman baths and taste the sulfurous but sup- posedly healthy water. The brief holi- day from our home in London had sped by. Had we really spent that much time winding in and out of the limestone gorges and coves on the way to St. Ives? Somehow, though, we had missed our lunch, and in England you can drive for miles and find nowhere to stop and eat. At four o'clock even the country pubs would be closed. If we had only travel- led with a little campstove- and a tin of biscuits, so we could "brew up" on the side of the road like so many travelling English families do. Fortunately, as if by magic there ap- peared just off the road a small, neat sign outside a typical English country cottage. TEAS, it said. Having spent six months in England already, we knew exactly what that meant, and turned in. We were greeted warmly by the lady of the house and her husband, and in the most genial English manner they set about making us feel at home. As the missus boiled the water for the tea, we were engaged in conversation about Devon and our stay in London; the pro- prietors seemed genuinely delighted by our love for England. Then came bis- cuits and honey and pots of tea served up with milk - all preceded by the an- nouncement "Tea's Up!" Red damson plum jam and lemon curd were like jewels on which the sun shone through those starched, white curtains. And there were hot scones and clotted cream! Once you have eaten scones and cream, like is never quite the same paradise. One opens a warm scone, SThe Bri~tiesh Tea: Asm ash ing idear t { 3' ttY iJ .": " - T 7 .. ; *...A' * . *.**r nately, ending with the milk. Gather the dough into a ball and roll on a lightly floured board to about 1/2" thick. Cut with a 2" round cutter and place on a clean baking sheet. Brush lightly with egg and bake at 4500 for 12-15 minutes. Cool only slightly and enjoy warm with jam and cream. Makes about 11/a dozen. * * * LEMON CURD 4 large lemons 1%/z to 2 cups sugar (270 g) 8-oz. butter (220 g) 4 eggs Place the butter in the top of a double boiler along with the sugar. Grate the lemons into the mixture and add the juice. Stir constantly over simmering water until butter has melted and the mixture is quite warm. Remove the top of the double boiler from the heat. Beat the eggs and gradually add them to the lemon/butter mixture through a strain- er. Beat until mixture is smooth. Re- turn top of the double boiler to the hot water and stir constantly until the mix- ture is thick and resembles the lemon part of lemon meringue pie. Remove from heat, cover, and allow to cool. Seal in hot sterilized canning jars. Keep refrigerated. Makes four 8-oz. jars. Goes as nicely on toast or between lay- ers of cake as it does on scones. * * * CLOTTED CREAM Use unhomogenized milk at least one day old. Place the milk in a broad ear- thenware fireproof pan or a heavy enamelled one. Leave it on a very low heat all day, never allowing the milk to really heat. The top of the milk will turn thick and slightly yellowy and not at all unlike a thin layer of supple leather. Remove from the heat and allow to cool, slowly. Ah, for an English pantry with a cool stone floor! Allow to remain in the refrigerator overnight and then skim off the thick cream with a spoon. The clotted cream is somewhat sticky in consistency and absolutely delect- able. If the urge for scones and cream comes upon you suddenly and you don't have the time for clotted cream, alas, use whipped heavy cream with a pinch of sugar. Dai Hugo Blanco: Radical surv from a trouble-ridden Conti Latin American leftist leader Hugo Blanco was in Ann Arbor recently as part of a North American speaking tour By Tom O'Connell and spreads it with thick cream and then jam, although the argument waged by some is that the jam goes on first. No matter, for the combination is Lucullan and causes us to yearn for the Americanization of that most civilized affair - the four o'clock tea. Unwilling to forgo the charms of the English tea now that we are home, here are some recipes I use. TEA SCONES 1 cups all purpose flour (240 g) 2 tsp baking powder (14 g) 2-oz. butter, unsalted (60 g) 1 Tb beaten egg (15 g), the rest to be used for brushing the scones Pinch of salt 1 to 2 Tb sugar (26 to 52 g), depending on how sweet you like your scones 5-oz. buttermilk (142 g) Sift flour, baking powder and -salt. Cream the butter and sugar until light. Add the egg and beat mixture again. Add the milk and dry ingredients alter- ART/charlotte goldman season's work on the field? Because few would dare suggest that to cure social ills we should stop going to the movies or boycott the World Series. The fact of the matter is, certain See ART, Page 8 that "it's n social sensib Repression against the because of (Quechua) singled out : or more v: Blanco say "today the I know what n1 by which pol By the tir school he N active. He dedicated spending tir classes in Li returned to Peruvian Ar 1960s, he led movement centuries-old W HEI Wtho! uno -things suer a revolution surprising; ti depict all La grenade-bed maniacs bu ment officia like someba somewhat ri running thi possessed o manner. He sionately; I clear,logica its seriousne deprecating see," he will of a particu question coi dangerous tc is easy to u popularity ai in Peru, yel See B Tom O'Ct of the Sund in Peru and. September in Ann Arbor brought the first chilly winds of autumn, a flood of fresh student faces to cam- pus and a twist of rusted steel to the lawn of the University museum. As a work of art it is called "Dedalus. " But those who do not respect it as an inspired modern creation call it trash. While Ann Arbor still rings with that proverbial question "What is art anyway?", citizens of Hartford, Conn., are grappling with a Dedalus of their own. I N HARTFORD, Conn. last week, sculptor Carl Andre unveiled a work entitled Stone Field Sculpture. According to a press release, the sculpture, subsidized by the Hartford Institute for Public Giving and the National Endowment for the Arts, has seems the work of art they commis- sioned for downtown Hartford turned out to be a series of large rocks arranged in stepped progression along a pyramidal plot of land - hardly the stuff local re-elections are made of. I could say that the sculpture is an attempt to endow the city with the grandeur and elegance of the natural world, that the placement of the stones marks and fragments the land, thus humanizing the experience of pyramidal space. But that would sound like a lot of art historical posturing and that's exactly what it would be. Instead, I prefer to defend this piece, and others like it, in its broader context. Society. It happens every time there is news of another federally funded art project - I call it Modern Art Hysteria. -"How in the world could they pay there are people starving in this country." -"What's it supposed to be any- way?" -"My Aunt Fanny could have done the same thing!"' And why is there no outrage when Robert Redford is paid and accepts $2 million for one week's work on film, an athlete millions for a r Thru OCTOBER 30 I. ' SPaintings/Drawings/Bronzes * by ROBERT VICKERS I Igallery one I L r '!18-5 t.1l-5:.30 l II S I'nnth:Aim wV . e 1 . kxo C3' " G\ AD '~ '0c '05. ~ ~$ r J' *\~ P cg Bun. 2-5 ,. -1