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October 23, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-23

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Page 10-Sunday, October 23,1977-The Michig

jan Daily

I'ce neter seen our offense look like that. That's
tde poorest offensivegamte we've evereplayed.
} -B.o Sehem bechlter

Wolverines held to

(Continued from Page ,)
26 and then committed an error that
buried them early.
QUARTERBACK Rick Leach sprin-.
ted left on the optionand pitched the
ball behind the trailing Harlan
Huckleby. Hucklebuy lost his footing
when he put on the brakes and couldn't
get to the ball. Gopher safety Keitha
Brown pounced on the ball on the 12 and
set up Minnesota's lone touchdown.
Kitzmann dove into the line for two on
first down. Carlson then rolled left

looking to pass but kept it for six big
yards to the four. Fullback Jeff Thom-
pson came up just short of the first at
the two. With fourth and inches, fresh-
man back Marion Barber smashed in
for the score.

THE HALF ENDED on a desperati
pass play that almost worked. Fres
man receiver Rodney Feaster fle
down the sidelines and past the Mi
nesota defender. Leach dropped a pe
fect strike to Feaster on the five onlyt

"Michigan is a great football team, but ... we got
the breaks today." --Gopher coach Cal Ntolll

80 yards
on Michigan. On third and seven at the final score.
h- Wolverine 45, Carlson threw a pass that hit his thir
w as intercepted by Dwight Hicks. The 16 p
n- Hicks returned the ball to the Gopher is the high
r 12, but was called for interference, refused to
nullifying the play.
never got a play that could spark us. ' First downs
Hicks' gnt eareLion would hav been Rushes att/yap
HcsinecPtoae Passing yds
that play." Instead, however, the .Passes
Wolverines were back on defense like Punts (no/avg
they were most of the afternoon. Fumbles-lost
At the end of the quter; Michigan Penalties (no/
started its only other legitimate threat Minnesota
Is. of the game. After Davis and Huckleby
vn had moved the Blue to midfield, Leach Minn-Rogind
hit Clayton for 16 yards. Minn-Barber3
nd Huckleby and .Davis combined for Minn-Rogind
an another first down to the Minnesota 24. Minn-Rogind
rs The Minnesota defense rose to the roar
at of the partisan 44,165 fans and held for
ve the next four plays. Michigan tried and Davis
pt failed to get the first and a fourth down ieach
screen pass to Huckleby.
ild A Leach interception set up a five-
'or minute Gopher"drive that led to the White

With 4:22 remaining Rogind leave our defense on the field like that.
d field goal from 32 yards. Three plays and punt, that's ridiculous.
oints allowed by the defense I never felt we had control of the game.
hest total this year, but Bo We played poorly, and they played well.
fault it, saying, "We can't The deserved to win."
Maize malaise-Blue flu

yds )

12 13
3380 61-190
122 60
29-13-2 104-0
7-44 8-37
3-3 1-0
3-12 440
0 0 0 0-0
10 3 0 3-16


Ohio State .......4 0 0
MICHIGAN......3 1 0
Michigan State.... 2 1 1
Wisconsin.......3 2 0
Iowa... ....... 2 2 0
Minnesota.......2 2 0
illinois,............ 2 2 0
Indiana.........1 2 1
Purdue......:.. 3 0
Northwestern ;....0 b5S0

All Games
6 1 0
6 1 .0
3 3 _1
3 4 0
5 2
3 4 0
2 4 1

Rogind added the extra point and the
Gophers led 10-0 with only 6:25 gone in
the game.-
FOLLOWING an exchange of punts,
the Wolverines mounted their only
threat of the first half. Michigan mar-
'ched from its 36 to the Gopher 38 on a
nine-yard plunge by Davis, a six-yard
jaunt by Huckleby and a'10-yard pass to
Ralph Clayton.
Hucklebuy ended the drive with a
fumble. Leach came right on the option
and pitched to his tailback, who was hit
immediately and coughed up the ball.
Seven punts later, the Gophers moun-
tedetheir next scoring drive. Utilizing
the running of Barber, Kitzmann,
Carlson and freshman fullback Gary
White, Minnesota advanced the ba to
the Michigan 20 in 11 plays. The
Wolverine defense stiffened and the
Maroon and Gold had to settle for
another Rogind field goal.

have the' ball bounce off his hand
Michigan went to the locker room dov
by 13.
Minnesota came back in the secon
half looking like it would blow Michiga
right out of the stadium. The Gophe
came out and ran a 14-play drive th
ate up half of the third period. The dri'
ended on a blocked field goal attem
on the 15.
The drive included a play that cou
have turned the game around f

FG 41
3 run, Rogind kick





14 , 36
S 8
2 I
Att. Com./Int.
29 13/2
Att. Com.fInt.
10 6/0
No. Yds.
4 42
3 30
3 22
1 11
No. Yds.
3 29
1 z3
z x





Icers slap Bowl


For more sports
see page 9

By Scott Le wis 4
Wolverine whitewash . ..
. .. no excuses
IOU CAN'T CALL this one a fluke.
Michigan didn't lose yesterday because of dropped passes, untimely
fumbles, costly interceptions or missed field goals -- the game wasn't close
enough for any of those misfortunes to play a key role in the outcome.
You can't blame it on a conservation coaching philosophy either. Bo
gave us the same game plan that had trounced Texas A&M and Wisconsin.
Yes, Michigan did more than run it through the Gopher line all game
long. Many of Michigan's 29 passes occured with plenty of time left for even
a ball-control team to come back.
When Minnesota stopped the Wolverine running game, Michigan went to
its passing attack which the Gophers also thwarted.
Then Bo tried a little bit of each - you know, a balanced attack. By the
time this strategy ran its due course, and-also failed, the score was 16-0 late
in the gaNe, too late in the game.
To many, it may suffice to say that poor field position and an early fum-
ble put the Wolverines in a 10-0 deficit, which made them play a catch-up
style of ball for the rest of the game.d
But it wasn't the early misfortunes that cost Michigan the ball game. A
top ranked power should normally have no trouble coming back from such
early deficits. Only the weak teams use this as an excuse.
Some may even dig to the bottom of the excuse-barrel and come up with
the grass field at Minneapolis Memorial Stadium. If it slowed Michigan
down substantially why did the Minnesota players seem to explode like fire
crackers off the natural terrain?
No you can't single out one lone factor like the above which attributed to
yesterday's outcome. Plan and simply Minnesota was a better football team
out there.,
This is one game where the result reduces to a universal axiom of foot-
ball - that the game is won or lost in the play of the lne..
In fact the Gopher offensive and defensive lines got off the ball quicker,
they hit harder, and they carried out their fundamental jobs with much more
precision than their Wolverine counterparts. The so-called bad breaks -c i-h
cluding five Michigan turnovers - were a result of Minnesota's domination
in the 'pits'.
"We did the basic stuff," said neophyte Gopher quarterback Mark
Carlson. "We didn't try to out-trick them or anything."
Throughout the game, the big play for Michigan didn't seem to surface.
The longest Wolverine run was for but nine years, while the longest of Rick
Leach's 13 pass completions went for only 16 yardsr.l
"We needed a play, but we never got it," said a surprisingly coordial
Schembechler after the game. "We didn't get more than 75 or 80 yards
rushing. That's unheard of."
While emotion in the Michigan locker room was non-existent, the Min-
nesota team was bathing in ecstasy. There were so many "What did I tell
you's" that one could almost be happy for the Gopher program-almost.
"It was just a bunch of guys who threw their hearts ou and they
wouldn't be dened," said a watery-eyed Minnesota coach Catou . Ironi-
cally, Stoll was the Michigan State defensive coordinator in 1967 when the
Spartans handed Michigan its last shutout. o
Besides an elated Stoll, kicker Paul Rogind and tailback Marn Ba
had special reason to be pleased with he outcom ot i t otf Gper-t
land despite the fact that they attended high chi nmtrpoitae
and were recruited by the Wolverines. y
"A lot of people second guessed my choice of coming here," said Rogind,
a Farmington hills native whose three field goals gave him 12 of 16 attempts
for the season. "I can go home, and look people in the eye and say 'we beat

In an effort to make sure that there
is at least one undefeated team on
campus this morning, the Michigan
ice hockey team came from behind in
the third period to down Bowling
Green 6-4 list night in their home
Freshman right winger John Olver
slipped the puck through a maze of
bodies midway 'in the third period,
giving Michigan a 5-4 lead, and junior
Mark Miller blasted one into the
empty Falcon net with just 31
seconds left to secure the victory.
Bowling Green totally outplayed
Michigan during the first two per-
iods, trailing 4-2 after the first stanza
and 4-3 after the second.
SLOPPY DEFENSE and penalties
plagued the icers in the early going.
The Falcons tallied three power play
goals, two of which came while Dave
Brennan was serving five minutes
for high sticking.
"That new rule is a mistake," com-
plained Michigan coach Dan Farrell.
"Coaches are 'going to go bananas
coming up with three pairs or
forwards to defend the five-minute
power play."
Michigan's first period goals were
scored by two defensemen, both on
slapshots from just inside the blue

THE SECOND period was played
largely in half-minute spurts be-
tween referee whistles. Kip Maurer
provided the only excitement when
he scored on a neat drop pass from
Dean Turner during a three-on-one
break. Maurer's fourth goal of the
season and his four assists for the
night earned him "first-star" honors
for the evening.
"We were terrible for two, per
iods," Farrell commented. ' "They
gave us all we could handle. They
just wanted the puck more than w
BUT MICHIGAN came out fired-u
for the third period, and the Wolve
ines peppered Falcon goalie Wall
Charko with shot after shot. Dar
Lerg then tapped in a Maurer sla
shot as he stood unguarded at th*
right corner of the net to tie the gam
at 4-4.,'
"That power play goal gave us a
lift," Farrell said. "We played bettEr
as a team in the third period afte
Eight minutes later Olver nettei
his goal after Michigan had con
trolled the puck in the Falcon zone
for most of the time. Michigan the'
withstood a furious Bowling Gree:
rally, and survived a scare whe
Falcon YvesPelland rolled the puc
along, but' not across, the Blue go
line. Rick Palmer was unbeatable i
the final stanza and gathered i
"third-star" honors.
Fallen Falcons
Scoring: 1. BCG-MarkelI (Shutt) 2:39; 2. M-.
ning (Wheeler. Debol) 3:16. 3. BG-Mavity (Wel
7:54; 4. BG-Hartman (Wells, Shutt) 10:13;
M-Waymann (Thayer, Maurer) 12:23; 6. BG-IIa
man (Murphy. Crowther)19:32.
Penalties: i. M-Turner (elbowing) 1:24;
BG-IHartman (elbowing) 1:24; 3. M-Brennan (5:
major, high sticking) 6:17; 4. M-Mc(ahill <elbo
ing) 1:34; S. BG-Mavity (interference) 12:04:
BG-Newton(tripping) 16l:0i6.
Scoring: M-Maurer (Turner. Olver) 10:SO.
Penalties: 1. BG-Shutt (Delay of game) 0:44;
BU-Wells (cross checking) 4:57; 3. M-Than
(Slashing) 5:05; 4. M-Turner (slashing) 16:17;
BU-Cotter (hooking) 28:35.
Scoring:.1. M-Lerg (Maurer. Debol) 0:32;
M-Olver (Maurer. McCahill) 8:13; 3. M--Mill
t Lerg) 19:'29.
Penalties: '. B(-Alexander (slashing) 9:59;
BG;-Markel( (holding) 16:55: l. M-olver (elbo
ing 16:55.

enf, 6-4

Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
Michigan's Dan Hoene (21) is in the midst of taking a shot on goal in yesterday's
action against Bowling Green in Yost Ice Arena. Michigan won the gamne 6-4.

Running Pistons clout Nuggets

special to The Daily
DETROIT - The Detroit basketball
team, with all their pistons' running,
easily swept by the Denver Nuggets
last night, 126-106, at Cobo Arena.
Guard Eric Money was the paceset-
ter for Detroit with 21 first-half points
as the Pistons took charge early, estab-
lishing a 15-point advantage; 71-56, at
"The victory belongs to them," said
Piston's coach Herb Brown of his
players. "They're the ones who have
played four games in five days."
Playing run and gun from the outset,
Detroit shot 65 per cent in the first stan-
za, while forcing poor shot selection and
turnovers from the Nuggets.
Bob Lanier and M.L. Carr teamed
with Money to provide a balanced
three-hyphened scoring machine that
dominated Denver in the early going.
Denver never got back into the game
in the second half as Kevin Porter and
Marvin "News" Barnes teamed up fora
some fancy footwork. Barnes collected
13 points while playing his way back in-
to shape.
Money led all scorers with 26 points,
while Piston captain Bob Lanier added
19. Barnes, Carr, Leon Douglass and
Howard Porter all scored in double
figures. Brian Taylor had 2() for Den-
Brown credited a "great scouting
report" for the relatively easy win.
Brother Larry, coach of the Nuggets,
added, "We got blown out."

liipp is cates f f:
By The Associated Press
Running back IM. Hipp scored key
touchdowns'in the second and fourth
quarters yesterday to lead 18th-
ranked Nebraska to a 33-15 Big Eight
Conference football victory over
seventh-ranked Colorado.
Hipp's second TD, from four yards
out and a' one-yard scoring plunge by
Dodie Donnell spelled defeat for the
previously unbeaten Buffaloes before
Nebraska's enthusiastic homecom-
ing crowd.
Hipp picked up 172 yards on 31
carries for his fifth straight 100-yard
plus game.
Elsewhere, quarterback Jeff Rut-
ledge hit Ozzie Newsome on two scor-
ing passes, one for 67 yards, as third-
ranked Alabama toyed with Louis-
ville 55-6 for the Crimson Tide's 40th
consecutive football victory in Tusca-
Fullback Kenny King returned to
action and led sixth-rated Oklahoma
to a 35-16 victory over Iowa State as
the Sooners took over sole possession
of the lead in the Big Eight Confer-
e ne.
Derrick Ramsey fired three touch-
down passes, Joe Bryant boomed two
51-yard field goals and Art Still led a
vicious defense that carried eighth-
ranked Kentucky to a 33-0 Southeast-
ern Conference football victory over

Soon ers top Cyclones
NORMAN, Okla. (AP) - Fullback
Kenny King returned to action yester-
day and led Oklahoma to a 35-16 victory
over Iowa State as the Sooners took
over sole possession of the lead in the
Big Eight Conference.
King sat out last week's gamne
against Missouri with a bruised shoul-
der but was healthy Saturday, and his
presence made the difference in the
Oklahoma Wishbone attack. He rushed
for 141 yards on 22 carries and continu-
ally got the Sooners out of deep holes
with his slashing runs.
The Sooners elected to kick off to
open the game, figuring they could stop
the Cyclones and get good field position.

Charko c BG> ...... ....:
E'almer <1).................. gt
Attendance: 4 .3t0.



Ott ery 1kely for
For the first time in Michigan basketball history, student demand for
tickets has exceeded the supply. Thus,. a lottery will be held in the near
future to determine which student/fans will actually be able to see the Wol-
verines in action.
Although no official word regarding the impending lottery has been
released by the Athletic Department, approximately 5300-5400 students ap-
plied for basketball tickets over the last two days of the sale. The student
ticket allotment was set at 5100 before the sale, leaving around 200-300 appli-
cants out in the cold this winter.
As the doors were being closed at 4:00 yesterday afternoon ending the
sale, ticket sellers were already over the 5100 limit. In addition, approxi-

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